module Tests.Typechecker import Quox.Syntax import Quox.Syntax.Qty.Three import Quox.Typechecker as Lib import public TypingImpls import TAP 0 M : Type -> Type M = ReaderT (Definitions Three) $ Either (Error Three) reflTy : IsQty q => Term q d n reflTy = Pi zero "A" (TYPE 0) $ TUsed $ Pi one "x" (BVT 0) $ TUsed $ Eq0 (BVT 1) (BVT 0) (BVT 0) reflDef : IsQty q => Term q d n reflDef = ["A","x"] :\\ ["i"] :\\% BVT 0 defGlobals : Definitions Three defGlobals = fromList [("A", mkAbstract Zero $ TYPE 0), ("B", mkAbstract Zero $ TYPE 0), ("C", mkAbstract Zero $ TYPE 1), ("D", mkAbstract Zero $ TYPE 1), ("P", mkAbstract Zero $ Arr Any (FT "A") (TYPE 0)), ("a", mkAbstract Any $ FT "A"), ("b", mkAbstract Any $ FT "B"), ("f", mkAbstract Any $ Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A")), ("g", mkAbstract Any $ Arr One (FT "A") (FT "B")), ("p", mkAbstract Any $ Pi One "x" (FT "A") $ TUsed $ E $ F "P" :@ BVT 0), ("q", mkAbstract Any $ Pi One "x" (FT "A") $ TUsed $ E $ F "P" :@ BVT 0), ("refl", mkDef Any reflTy reflDef)] parameters (label : String) (act : Lazy (M ())) {default defGlobals globals : Definitions Three} testTC : Test testTC = test label $ runReaderT globals act testTCFail : Test testTCFail = testThrows label (const True) $ runReaderT globals act ctxWith : DContext d -> Context (\i => (Term Three d i, Three)) n -> TyContext Three d n ctxWith dctx tqctx = let (tctx, qctx) = unzip tqctx in MkTyContext {dctx, tctx, qctx} ctx : Context (\i => (Term Three 0 i, Three)) n -> TyContext Three 0 n ctx = ctxWith DNil inferAs : TyContext Three d n -> (sg : SQty Three) -> Elim Three d n -> Term Three d n -> M () inferAs ctx sg e ty = do ty' <- infer ctx sg e catchError (equalType (makeDimEq ctx.dctx) ctx.tctx ty ty'.type) (\_ : Error Three => throwError $ ClashT Equal (TYPE UAny) ty ty'.type) infer_ : TyContext Three d n -> (sg : SQty Three) -> Elim Three d n -> M () infer_ ctx sg e = ignore $ infer ctx sg e check_ : TyContext Three d n -> SQty Three -> Term Three d n -> Term Three d n -> M () check_ ctx sg s ty = ignore $ check ctx sg s ty export tests : Test tests = "typechecker" :- [ "universes" :- [ testTC "0 · ★₀ ⇐ ★₁" $ check_ (ctx [<]) szero (TYPE 0) (TYPE 1), testTC "0 · ★₀ ⇐ ★₂" $ check_ (ctx [<]) szero (TYPE 0) (TYPE 2), testTC "0 · ★₀ ⇐ ★_" $ check_ (ctx [<]) szero (TYPE 0) (TYPE UAny), testTCFail "0 · ★₁ ⇍ ★₀" $ check_ (ctx [<]) szero (TYPE 1) (TYPE 0), testTCFail "0 · ★₀ ⇍ ★₀" $ check_ (ctx [<]) szero (TYPE 0) (TYPE 0), testTCFail "0 · ★_ ⇍ ★_" $ check_ (ctx [<]) szero (TYPE UAny) (TYPE UAny), testTCFail "1 · ★₀ ⇍ ★₁" $ check_ (ctx [<]) sone (TYPE 0) (TYPE 1) ], "function types" :- [ note "A, B : ★₀; C, D : ★₁", testTC "0 · A ⊸ B ⇐ ★₀" $ check_ (ctx [<]) szero (Arr One (FT "A") (FT "B")) (TYPE 0), note "subtyping", testTC "0 · A ⊸ B ⇐ ★₁" $ check_ (ctx [<]) szero (Arr One (FT "A") (FT "B")) (TYPE 1), testTC "0 · C ⊸ D ⇐ ★₁" $ check_ (ctx [<]) szero (Arr One (FT "C") (FT "D")) (TYPE 1), testTCFail "0 · C ⊸ D ⇍ ★₀" $ check_ (ctx [<]) szero (Arr One (FT "C") (FT "D")) (TYPE 0) ], "free vars" :- [ note "A : ★₀", testTC "0 · A ⇒ ★₀" $ inferAs (ctx [<]) szero (F "A") (TYPE 0), note "check", testTC "0 · A ⇐ ★₀" $ check_ (ctx [<]) szero (FT "A") (TYPE 0), note "subtyping", testTC "0 · A ⇐ ★₁" $ check_ (ctx [<]) szero (FT "A") (TYPE 1), note "(fail) runtime-relevant type", testTCFail "1 · A ⇏ ★₀" $ infer_ (ctx [<]) sone (F "A"), note "refl : (0·A : ★₀) → (1·x : A) → (x ≡ x : A) ≔ (λ A x ⇒ λᴰ _ ⇒ x)", testTC "1 · refl ⇒ ⋯" $ inferAs (ctx [<]) sone (F "refl") reflTy, testTC "1 · refl ⇐ ⋯" $ check_ (ctx [<]) sone (FT "refl") reflTy ], "lambda" :- [ note "linear & unrestricted identity", testTC "1 · (λ x ⇒ x) ⇐ A ⊸ A" $ check_ (ctx [<]) sone (["x"] :\\ BVT 0) (Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A")), testTC "1 · (λ x ⇒ x) ⇐ A → A" $ check_ (ctx [<]) sone (["x"] :\\ BVT 0) (Arr Any (FT "A") (FT "A")), note "(fail) zero binding used relevantly", testTCFail "1 · (λ x ⇒ x) ⇍ A ⇾ A" $ check_ (ctx [<]) sone (["x"] :\\ BVT 0) (Arr Zero (FT "A") (FT "A")), note "(but ok in overall erased context)", testTC "0 · (λ x ⇒ x) ⇐ A ⇾ A" $ check_ (ctx [<]) szero (["x"] :\\ BVT 0) (Arr Zero (FT "A") (FT "A")), testTC "1 · (λ A x ⇒ refl A x) ⇐ ⋯ # (type of refl)" $ check_ (ctx [<]) sone (["A", "x"] :\\ E (F "refl" :@@ [BVT 1, BVT 0])) reflTy, testTC "1 · (λ A x ⇒ λᴰ i ⇒ x) ⇐ ⋯ # (def. and type of refl)" $ check_ (ctx [<]) sone reflDef reflTy ], "misc" :- [ note "0·A : Type, 0·P : A → Type, ω·p : (1·x : A) → P x", note "⊢", note "1 · λ x y xy ⇒ λᴰ i ⇒ p (xy i)", note " ⇐ (0·x, y : A) → (1·xy : x ≡ y) → Eq [i ⇒ P (xy i)] (p x) (p y)", testTC "cong" $ check_ (ctx [<]) sone (["x", "y", "xy"] :\\ ["i"] :\\% E (F "p" :@ E (BV 0 :% BV 0))) (Pi Zero "x" (FT "A") $ TUsed $ Pi Zero "y" (FT "A") $ TUsed $ Pi One "xy" (Eq0 (FT "A") (BVT 1) (BVT 0)) $ TUsed $ Eq "i" (DUsed $ E $ F "P" :@ E (BV 0 :% BV 0)) (E $ F "p" :@ BVT 2) (E $ F "p" :@ BVT 1)), note "0·A : Type, 0·P : ω·A → Type,", note "ω·p, q : (1·x : A) → P x", note "⊢", note "1 · λ eq ⇒ λᴰ i ⇒ λ x ⇒ eq x i", note " ⇐ (1·eq : (1·x : A) → p x ≡ q x) → p ≡ q", testTC "funext" $ check_ (ctx [<]) sone (["eq"] :\\ ["i"] :\\% ["x"] :\\ E (BV 1 :@ BVT 0 :% BV 0)) (Pi One "eq" (Pi One "x" (FT "A") $ TUsed $ Eq0 (E $ F "P" :@ BVT 0) (E $ F "p" :@ BVT 0) (E $ F "q" :@ BVT 0)) $ TUsed $ Eq0 (Pi Any "x" (FT "A") $ TUsed $ E $ F "P" :@ BVT 0) (FT "p") (FT "q")) ] ]