module Quox.Syntax.Term.Pretty import Quox.Syntax.Term.Base import Quox.Syntax.Term.Split import Quox.Syntax.Term.Subst import Quox.Context import Quox.Pretty import Data.Vect %default total export %inline typeD, arrowD, darrowD, timesD, lamD, eqndD, dlamD, annD, natD : Pretty.HasEnv m => m (Doc HL) typeD = hlF Syntax $ ifUnicode "★" "Type" arrowD = hlF Syntax $ ifUnicode "→" "->" darrowD = hlF Syntax $ ifUnicode "⇒" "=>" timesD = hlF Syntax $ ifUnicode "×" "**" lamD = hlF Syntax $ ifUnicode "λ" "fun" eqndD = hlF Syntax $ ifUnicode "≡" "==" dlamD = hlF Syntax $ ifUnicode "δ" "dfun" annD = hlF Syntax $ ifUnicode "∷" "::" natD = hlF Syntax $ ifUnicode "ℕ" "Nat" export %inline eqD, colonD, commaD, semiD, caseD, typecaseD, returnD, ofD, dotD, zeroD, succD : Doc HL eqD = hl Syntax "Eq" colonD = hl Syntax ":" commaD = hl Syntax "," semiD = hl Syntax ";" caseD = hl Syntax "case" typecaseD = hl Syntax "type-case" ofD = hl Syntax "of" returnD = hl Syntax "return" dotD = hl Delim "." zeroD = hl Syntax "zero" succD = hl Syntax "succ" export prettyUnivSuffix : Pretty.HasEnv m => Universe -> m (Doc HL) prettyUnivSuffix l = ifUnicode (pretty $ pack $ map sub $ unpack $ show l) (pretty l) where sub : Char -> Char sub c = case c of '0' => '₀'; '1' => '₁'; '2' => '₂'; '3' => '₃'; '4' => '₄' '5' => '₅'; '6' => '₆'; '7' => '₇'; '8' => '₈'; '9' => '₉'; _ => c export prettyUniverse : Universe -> Doc HL prettyUniverse = hl Syntax . pretty public export data WithQty a = MkWithQty Qty a export PrettyHL a => PrettyHL (WithQty a) where prettyM (MkWithQty q x) = do q <- pretty0M q x <- withPrec Arg $ prettyM x pure $ hcat [q, dotD, x] public export data Binder a = MkBinder BaseName a export PrettyHL a => PrettyHL (Binder a) where prettyM (MkBinder x ty) = do x <- pretty0M $ TV x ty <- align <$> pretty0M ty pure $ parens $ sep [hsep [x, colonD], ty] export prettyBindType : PrettyHL a => PrettyHL b => Pretty.HasEnv m => Maybe Qty -> BaseName -> a -> Doc HL -> b -> m (Doc HL) prettyBindType q x s arr t = do bind <- case q of Nothing => pretty0M $ MkBinder x s Just q => pretty0M $ MkWithQty q $ MkBinder x s t <- withPrec AnnR $ under T x $ prettyM t parensIfM AnnR $ hang 2 $ bind <++> arr <%%> t export prettyArm : PrettyHL a => Pretty.HasEnv m => BinderSort -> SnocList BaseName -> Doc HL -> a -> m (Doc HL) prettyArm sort xs pat body = do body <- withPrec Outer $ unders sort xs $ prettyM body pure $ hang 2 $ sep [pat <++> !darrowD, body] export prettyLams : PrettyHL a => Pretty.HasEnv m => Maybe (Doc HL) -> BinderSort -> SnocList BaseName -> a -> m (Doc HL) prettyLams lam sort names body = do let var = case sort of T => TVar; D => DVar header <- sequence $ [hlF var $ prettyM x | x <- toList names] let header = sep $ maybe header (:: header) lam parensIfM Outer =<< prettyArm sort names header body public export data TypeLine a = MkTypeLine BaseName a export PrettyHL a => PrettyHL (TypeLine a) where prettyM (MkTypeLine i ty) = map bracks $ withPrec Outer $ prettyLams Nothing D [< i] ty export prettyApps' : PrettyHL f => PrettyHL a => Pretty.HasEnv m => f -> List (Maybe (Doc HL), a) -> m (Doc HL) prettyApps' fun args = do fun <- withPrec App $ prettyM fun args <- traverse prettyArg args parensIfM App $ hang 2 $ sep $ fun :: args where prettyArg : (Maybe (Doc HL), a) -> m (Doc HL) prettyArg (Nothing, arg) = withPrec Arg (prettyM arg) prettyArg (Just pfx, arg) = (hl Delim pfx <+>) <$> withPrec Arg (prettyM arg) export prettyApps : PrettyHL f => PrettyHL a => Pretty.HasEnv m => Maybe (Doc HL) -> f -> List a -> m (Doc HL) prettyApps pfx f args = prettyApps' f (map (pfx,) args) export prettyTuple : PrettyHL a => Pretty.HasEnv m => List a -> m (Doc HL) prettyTuple = map (parens . align . separate commaD) . traverse prettyM export prettyArms : PrettyHL a => Pretty.HasEnv m => List (SnocList BaseName, Doc HL, a) -> m (Doc HL) prettyArms = map (braces . aseparate semiD) . traverse (\(xs, l, r) => prettyArm T xs l r) export prettyCase' : (PrettyHL a, PrettyHL b, PrettyHL c, Pretty.HasEnv m) => Doc HL -> a -> BaseName -> b -> List (SnocList BaseName, Doc HL, c) -> m (Doc HL) prettyCase' intro elim r ret arms = do elim <- pretty0M elim ret <- case r of Unused => pretty0M ret _ => prettyLams Nothing T [< r] ret arms <- prettyArms arms pure $ asep [intro <++> elim, returnD <++> ret, ofD <++> arms] export prettyCase : (PrettyHL a, PrettyHL b, PrettyHL c, Pretty.HasEnv m) => Qty -> a -> BaseName -> b -> List (SnocList BaseName, Doc HL, c) -> m (Doc HL) prettyCase pi elim r ret arms = do caseq <- (caseD <+>) <$> prettySuffix pi prettyCase' caseq elim r ret arms export escapeString : String -> String escapeString = concatMap esc1 . unpack where esc1 : Char -> String esc1 '"' = #"\""# esc1 '\\' = #"\\"# esc1 '\n' = #"\n"# esc1 c = singleton c export quoteTag : TagVal -> Doc HL quoteTag tag = if isName tag then fromString tag else hcat ["\"", fromString $ escapeString tag, "\""] export prettyTag : TagVal -> Doc HL prettyTag t = hl Tag $ "'" <+> quoteTag t export prettyTagBare : TagVal -> Doc HL prettyTagBare t = hl Tag $ quoteTag t export prettyBoxVal : PrettyHL a => Pretty.HasEnv m => a -> m (Doc HL) prettyBoxVal val = bracks <$> pretty0M val export toNatLit : Term d n -> Maybe Nat toNatLit Zero = Just 0 toNatLit (Succ n) = [|S $ toNatLit n|] toNatLit _ = Nothing private eterm : Term d n -> Exists (Term d) eterm = Evidence n parameters (showSubsts : Bool) mutual export covering [TermSubst] PrettyHL (Term d n) using ElimSubst where prettyM (TYPE l) = parensIfM App $ !typeD <+> hl Syntax !(prettyUnivSuffix l) prettyM (Pi qty s (S _ (N t))) = do dom <- pretty0M $ MkWithQty qty s cod <- withPrec AnnR $ prettyM t parensIfM AnnR $ asep [dom <++> !arrowD, cod] prettyM (Pi qty s (S [< x] (Y t))) = prettyBindType (Just qty) x s !arrowD t prettyM (Lam (S x t)) = let GotLams {names, body, _} = getLams' x t.term Refl in prettyLams (Just !lamD) T (toSnocList' names) body prettyM (Sig s (S _ (N t))) = do s <- withPrec InTimes $ prettyM s t <- withPrec Times $ prettyM t parensIfM Times $ asep [s <++> !timesD, t] prettyM (Sig s (S [< x] (Y t))) = prettyBindType Nothing x s !timesD t prettyM (Pair s t) = let GotPairs {init, last, _} = getPairs' [< s] t in prettyTuple $ toList $ init :< last prettyM (Enum tags) = pure $ delims "{" "}" . aseparate comma $ map prettyTagBare $ Prelude.toList tags prettyM (Tag t) = pure $ prettyTag t prettyM (Eq (S _ (N ty)) l r) = do l <- withPrec InEq $ prettyM l r <- withPrec InEq $ prettyM r ty <- withPrec InEq $ prettyM ty parensIfM Eq $ asep [l <++> !eqndD, r <++> colonD, ty] prettyM (Eq (S [< i] (Y ty)) l r) = do prettyApps Nothing (L eqD) [epretty $ MkTypeLine i ty, epretty l, epretty r] prettyM (DLam (S i t)) = let GotDLams {names, body, _} = getDLams' i t.term Refl in prettyLams (Just !dlamD) D (toSnocList' names) body prettyM Nat = natD prettyM Zero = pure $ hl Syntax "0" prettyM (Succ n) = case toNatLit n of Just n => pure $ hl Syntax $ pretty $ S n Nothing => prettyApps Nothing (L succD) [n] prettyM (BOX pi ty) = do pi <- pretty0M pi ty <- pretty0M ty pure $ bracks $ hcat [pi, dotD, align ty] prettyM (Box val) = prettyBoxVal val prettyM (E e) = prettyM e prettyM (CloT s th) = if showSubsts then parensIfM SApp . hang 2 =<< [|withPrec SApp (prettyM s) <%> prettyTSubst th|] else prettyM $ pushSubstsWith' id th s prettyM (DCloT s th) = if showSubsts then parensIfM SApp . hang 2 =<< [|withPrec SApp (prettyM s) <%> prettyDSubst th|] else prettyM $ pushSubstsWith' th id s export covering [ElimSubst] PrettyHL (Elim d n) using TermSubst where prettyM (F x) = hl' Free <$> prettyM x prettyM (B i) = prettyVar TVar TVarErr (!ask).tnames i prettyM (e :@ s) = let GotArgs {fun, args, _} = getArgs' e [s] in prettyApps Nothing fun args prettyM (CasePair pi p (S [< r] ret) (S [< x, y] body)) = do pat <- parens . separate commaD <$> traverse (hlF TVar . prettyM) [x, y] prettyCase pi p r ret.term [([< x, y], pat, body.term)] prettyM (CaseEnum pi t (S [< r] ret) arms) = prettyCase pi t r ret.term [([<], prettyTag t, b) | (t, b) <- SortedMap.toList arms] prettyM (CaseNat pi pi' nat (S [< r] ret) zer (S [< s, ih] suc)) = prettyCase pi nat r ret.term [([<], zeroD, eterm zer), ([< s, ih], !succPat, eterm suc.term)] where succPat : m (Doc HL) succPat = case (ih, pi') of (Unused, Zero) => pure $ succD <++> !(pretty0M s) _ => pure $ asep [succD <++> !(pretty0M s) <+> comma, !(pretty0M $ MkWithQty pi' ih)] prettyM (CaseBox pi box (S [< r] ret) (S [< u] body)) = prettyCase pi box r ret.term [([< u], !(prettyBoxVal $ TV u), body.term)] prettyM (e :% d) = let GotDArgs {fun, args, _} = getDArgs' e [d] in prettyApps (Just "@") fun args prettyM (s :# a) = do s <- withPrec AnnL $ prettyM s a <- withPrec AnnR $ prettyM a parensIfM AnnR $ hang 2 $ s <++> !annD <%%> a prettyM (TypeCase ty ret univ (S [< piA, piB] pi) (S [< sigA, sigB] sig) enum (S [< eqA0, eqA1, eqA, eqL, eqR] eq) nat (S [< boxA] box)) = do let v : BaseName -> Doc HL := pretty0 True . TV pipat <- pure $ parens $ hsep [v piA, !arrowD, v piB] sigpat <- pure $ parens $ hsep [v sigA, !timesD, v sigB] eqpat <- prettyApps Nothing (L eqD) [TV eqA0, TV eqA1, TV eqA, TV eqL, TV eqR] boxpat <- pure $ bracks $ v boxA prettyCase' typecaseD ty Unused ret [([<], !typeD, eterm univ), ([< piA, piB], pipat, eterm pi.term), ([< sigA, sigB], sigpat, eterm sig.term), ([<], hl Syntax "{}", eterm enum), ([< eqA0, eqA1, eqA, eqL, eqR], eqpat, eterm eq.term), ([<], !natD, eterm nat), ([< boxA], boxpat, eterm box.term)] prettyM (CloE e th) = if showSubsts then parensIfM SApp . hang 2 =<< [|withPrec SApp (prettyM e) <%> prettyTSubst th|] else prettyM $ pushSubstsWith' id th e prettyM (DCloE e th) = if showSubsts then parensIfM SApp . hang 2 =<< [|withPrec SApp (prettyM e) <%> prettyDSubst th|] else prettyM $ pushSubstsWith' th id e export covering prettyTSubst : Pretty.HasEnv m => TSubst d from to -> m (Doc HL) prettyTSubst s = prettySubstM (prettyM @{ElimSubst}) (!ask).tnames TVar "[" "]" s export covering %inline PrettyHL (Term d n) where prettyM = prettyM @{TermSubst False} export covering %inline PrettyHL (Elim d n) where prettyM = prettyM @{ElimSubst False} export covering prettyTerm : (unicode : Bool) -> (dnames : NContext d) -> (tnames : NContext n) -> Term d n -> Doc HL prettyTerm unicode dnames tnames term = pretty0With unicode (toSnocList' dnames) (toSnocList' tnames) term