module Quox.Typechecker import public Quox.Syntax import public Quox.Typing import public Quox.Equal import public Control.Monad.Either %default total private covering %inline expectTYPE : MonadError Error m => Term d n -> m Universe expectTYPE s = case (whnfT s).fst of TYPE l => pure l _ => throwError $ ExpectedTYPE s private covering %inline expectPi : MonadError Error m => Term d n -> m (Qty, Term d n, ScopeTerm d n) expectPi ty = case (whnfT ty).fst of Pi qty _ arg res => pure (qty, arg, res) _ => throwError $ ExpectedPi ty private %inline expectEqualQ : MonadError Error m => (expect, actual : Qty) -> m () expectEqualQ pi rh = unless (pi == rh) $ throwError $ ClashQ pi rh private %inline popQ : MonadError Error m => Qty -> QOutput (S n) -> m (QOutput n) popQ pi (qctx :< rh) = expectEqualQ pi rh $> qctx private %inline tail : TyContext d (S n) -> TyContext d n tail = {tctx $= tail, qctx $= tail} private %inline weakI : InferResult d n -> InferResult d (S n) weakI = {type $= weakT, qout $= (:< zero)} private lookupBound : {n : Nat} -> Qty -> Var n -> TyContext d n -> InferResult d n lookupBound pi VZ (MkTyContext {tctx = _ :< ty, _}) = InfRes {type = weakT ty, qout = zero :< pi} lookupBound pi (VS i) ctx = weakI $ lookupBound pi i (tail ctx) private %inline subjMult : Qty -> Qty -> Subset Qty IsSubj subjMult sg qty = if sg == Zero || qty == Zero then Element Zero %search else Element One %search public export CanTC : (Type -> Type) -> Type CanTC m = (MonadError Error m, MonadReader Definitions m) parameters {auto _ : CanTC m} mutual -- [todo] it seems like the options here for dealing with substitutions are -- to either push them or parametrise the whole typechecker over ambient -- substitutions. both of them seem like the same amount of work for the -- computer but pushing is less work for the me export covering %inline check : {d, n : Nat} -> (ctx : TyContext d n) -> (sg : Qty) -> (0 _ : IsSubj sg) => (subj : Term d n) -> (ty : Term d n) -> m (CheckResult n) check ctx sg subj ty = check' ctx sg (pushSubstsT subj) ty export covering %inline infer : {d, n : Nat} -> (ctx : TyContext d n) -> (sg : Qty) -> (0 _ : IsSubj sg) => (subj : Elim d n) -> m (InferResult d n) infer ctx sg subj = infer' ctx sg (pushSubstsE subj) export covering check' : {d, n : Nat} -> (ctx : TyContext d n) -> (sg : Qty) -> (0 _ : IsSubj sg) => (subj : NotCloTerm d n) -> (ty : Term d n) -> m (CheckResult n) check' ctx sg (Element (TYPE l) _) ty = do l' <- expectTYPE ty expectEqualQ zero sg unless (l < l') $ throwError $ BadUniverse l l' pure zero check' ctx sg (Element (Pi qty x arg res) _) ty = do l <- expectTYPE ty expectEqualQ zero sg ignore $ check ctx zero arg (TYPE l) case res of TUsed res => ignore $ check (extendTy arg zero ctx) zero res (TYPE l) TUnused res => ignore $ check ctx zero res (TYPE l) pure zero check' ctx sg (Element (Lam x body) _) ty = do (qty, arg, res) <- expectPi ty -- [todo] do this properly? let body = fromScopeTerm body; res = fromScopeTerm res qout <- check (extendTy arg (sg * qty) ctx) sg body res popQ qty qout check' ctx sg (Element (E e) _) ty = do infres <- infer ctx sg e ignore $ check ctx zero ty (TYPE UAny) subT infres.type ty pure infres.qout export covering infer' : {d, n : Nat} -> (ctx : TyContext d n) -> (sg : Qty) -> (0 _ : IsSubj sg) => (subj : NotCloElim d n) -> m (InferResult d n) infer' ctx sg (Element (F x) _) = do Just g <- asks $ lookup x | Nothing => throwError $ NotInScope x when (isZero g) $ expectEqualQ sg Zero pure $ InfRes {type = g.type.get, qout = zero} infer' ctx sg (Element (B i) _) = pure $ lookupBound sg i ctx infer' ctx sg (Element (fun :@ arg) _) = do funres <- infer ctx sg fun (qty, argty, res) <- expectPi funres.type let Element sg' _ = subjMult sg qty argout <- check ctx sg' arg argty pure $ InfRes {type = fromScopeTerm res //. ((arg :# argty) ::: id), qout = funres.qout + argout} infer' ctx sg (Element (tm :# ty) _) = do ignore $ check ctx zero ty (TYPE UAny) qout <- check ctx sg tm ty pure $ InfRes {type = ty, qout}