module Quox.Equal import public Quox.Syntax import public Quox.Definition import public Quox.Typing import public Control.Monad.Either import public Control.Monad.Reader import Data.Maybe private %inline ClashE : EqMode -> Elim d n -> Elim d n -> Error ClashE mode = ClashT mode `on` E public export record Env where constructor MakeEnv defs : Definitions mode : EqMode parameters {auto _ : MonadError Error m} {auto _ : MonadReader Env m} private %inline mode : m EqMode mode = asks mode private %inline clashT : Term d n -> Term d n -> m a clashT s t = throwError $ ClashT !mode s t private %inline clashE : Elim d n -> Elim d n -> m a clashE e f = throwError $ ClashE !mode e f private %inline defE : Name -> m (Maybe (Elim d n)) defE x = asks $ \env => do g <- lookup x env.defs pure $ (!g.term).get :# g.type.get private %inline defT : Name -> m (Maybe (Term d n)) defT x = map E <$> defE x export %inline compareU' : Universe -> Universe -> m Bool compareU' i j = pure $ case !mode of Equal => i == j; Sub => i <= j export %inline compareU : Universe -> Universe -> m () compareU k l = unless !(compareU' k l) $ throwError $ ClashU !mode k l mutual private covering compareTN' : (s, t : Term 0 n) -> (0 _ : NotRedexT s) -> (0 _ : NotRedexT t) -> m () compareTN' (E e) (E f) ps pt = compareE0 e f -- if either term is a def, try to unfold it compareTN' s@(E (F x)) t ps pt = do Just s' <- defT x | Nothing => clashT s t compareT0 s' t compareTN' s t@(E (F y)) ps pt = do Just t' <- defT y | Nothing => clashT s t compareT0 s t' compareTN' s@(E _) t _ _ = clashT s t compareTN' (TYPE k) (TYPE l) _ _ = compareU k l compareTN' s@(TYPE _) t _ _ = clashT s t compareTN' (Pi qty1 _ arg1 res1) (Pi qty2 _ arg2 res2) _ _ = do unless (qty1 == qty2) $ throwError $ ClashQ qty1 qty2 compareT0 arg2 arg1 -- reversed for contravariant domain compareTS0 res1 res2 compareTN' s@(Pi {}) t _ _ = clashT s t -- [todo] eta compareTN' (Lam _ body1) (Lam _ body2) _ _ = local {mode := Equal} $ compareTS0 body1 body2 compareTN' s@(Lam {}) t _ _ = clashT s t compareTN' (CloT {}) _ ps _ = void $ ps IsCloT compareTN' (DCloT {}) _ ps _ = void $ ps IsDCloT private covering compareEN' : (e, f : Elim 0 n) -> (0 _ : NotRedexE e) -> (0 _ : NotRedexE f) -> m () compareEN' e@(F x) f@(F y) _ _ = if x == y then pure () else case (!(defE x), !(defE y)) of (Nothing, Nothing) => clashE e f (s', t') => compareE0 (fromMaybe e s') (fromMaybe f t') compareEN' e@(F x) f _ _ = do Just e' <- defE x | Nothing => clashE e f compareE0 e' f compareEN' e f@(F y) _ _ = do Just f' <- defE y | Nothing => clashE e f compareE0 e f' compareEN' e@(B i) f@(B j) _ _ = unless (i == j) $ clashE e f compareEN' e@(B _) f _ _ = clashE e f -- [todo] tracking variance of functions? maybe??? -- probably not compareEN' (fun1 :@ arg1) (fun2 :@ arg2) _ _ = local {mode := Equal} $ do compareE0 fun1 fun2 compareT0 arg1 arg2 compareEN' e@(_ :@ _) f _ _ = clashE e f -- [todo] is always checking the types are equal correct? compareEN' (tm1 :# ty1) (tm2 :# ty2) _ _ = do compareT0 tm1 tm2 local {mode := Equal} $ compareT0 ty1 ty2 compareEN' e@(_ :# _) f _ _ = clashE e f compareEN' (CloE {}) _ pe _ = void $ pe IsCloE compareEN' (DCloE {}) _ pe _ = void $ pe IsDCloE private covering %inline compareTN : NonRedexTerm 0 n -> NonRedexTerm 0 n -> m () compareTN s t = compareTN' s.fst t.fst s.snd t.snd private covering %inline compareEN : NonRedexElim 0 n -> NonRedexElim 0 n -> m () compareEN e f = compareEN' e.fst f.fst e.snd f.snd export covering %inline compareT : DimEq d -> Term d n -> Term d n -> m () compareT eqs s t = for_ (splits eqs) $ \th => compareT0 (s /// th) (t /// th) export covering %inline compareE : DimEq d -> Elim d n -> Elim d n -> m () compareE eqs e f = for_ (splits eqs) $ \th => compareE0 (e /// th) (f /// th) export covering %inline compareT0 : Term 0 n -> Term 0 n -> m () compareT0 s t = compareTN (whnfT s) (whnfT t) export covering %inline compareE0 : Elim 0 n -> Elim 0 n -> m () compareE0 e f = compareEN (whnfE e) (whnfE f) export covering %inline compareTS0 : ScopeTerm 0 n -> ScopeTerm 0 n -> m () compareTS0 (TUnused body1) (TUnused body2) = compareT0 body1 body2 compareTS0 body1 body2 = compareT0 (fromScopeTerm body1) (fromScopeTerm body2) parameters {auto _ : MonadError Error m} {auto _ : MonadReader Definitions m} private %inline into : EqMode -> (forall n. MonadError Error n => MonadReader Env n => DimEq d -> a -> a -> n ()) -> DimEq d -> a -> a -> m () into mode f eqs a b = runReaderT {m} (MakeEnv {mode, defs = !ask}) $ f eqs a b export covering %inline equalTWith : DimEq d -> Term d n -> Term d n -> m () equalTWith = into Equal compareT export covering %inline equalEWith : DimEq d -> Elim d n -> Elim d n -> m () equalEWith = into Equal compareE export covering %inline subTWith : DimEq d -> Term d n -> Term d n -> m () subTWith = into Sub compareT export covering %inline subEWith : DimEq d -> Elim d n -> Elim d n -> m () subEWith = into Sub compareE export covering %inline equalT : {d : Nat} -> Term d n -> Term d n -> m () equalT = equalTWith export covering %inline equalE : {d : Nat} -> Elim d n -> Elim d n -> m () equalE = equalEWith export covering %inline subT : {d : Nat} -> Term d n -> Term d n -> m () subT = subTWith export covering %inline subE : {d : Nat} -> Elim d n -> Elim d n -> m () subE = subEWith