module Tests.Equal import Quox.Equal import Quox.Syntax.Qty.Three import public TypingImpls import TAP 0 M : Type -> Type M = ReaderT (Definitions Three) (Either (Error Three)) defGlobals : Definitions Three defGlobals = fromList [("A", mkAbstract Zero $ TYPE 0), ("B", mkAbstract Zero $ TYPE 0), ("a", mkAbstract Any $ FT "A"), ("a'", mkAbstract Any $ FT "A"), ("b", mkAbstract Any $ FT "B"), ("f", mkAbstract Any $ Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A")), ("id", mkDef Any (Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A")) (["x"] :\\ BVT 0)), ("eq-AB", mkAbstract Zero $ Eq0 (TYPE 0) (FT "A") (FT "B"))] parameters (label : String) (act : Lazy (M ())) {default defGlobals globals : Definitions Three} testEq : Test testEq = test label $ runReaderT globals act testNeq : Test testNeq = testThrows label (const True) $ runReaderT globals act parameters (0 d : Nat) (ctx : TyContext Three d n) subTD, equalTD : Term Three d n -> Term Three d n -> Term Three d n -> M () subTD ty s t = Term.sub ctx ty s t equalTD ty s t = Term.equal ctx ty s t subED, equalED : Elim Three d n -> Elim Three d n -> M () subED e f = Elim.sub ctx e f equalED e f = Elim.equal ctx e f parameters (ctx : TyContext Three 0 n) subT, equalT : Term Three 0 n -> Term Three 0 n -> Term Three 0 n -> M () subT = subTD 0 ctx equalT = equalTD 0 ctx subE, equalE : Elim Three 0 n -> Elim Three 0 n -> M () subE = subED 0 ctx equalE = equalED 0 ctx export tests : Test tests = "equality & subtyping" :- [ note #""s{t,…}" for term substs; "s‹p,…›" for dim substs"#, note #""0=1 ⊢ 𝒥" means that 𝒥 holds in an inconsistent dim context"#, "universes" :- [ testEq "★₀ = ★₀" $ equalT empty (TYPE 1) (TYPE 0) (TYPE 0), testNeq "★₀ ≠ ★₁" $ equalT empty (TYPE 2) (TYPE 0) (TYPE 1), testNeq "★₁ ≠ ★₀" $ equalT empty (TYPE 2) (TYPE 1) (TYPE 0), testEq "★₀ <: ★₀" $ subT empty (TYPE 1) (TYPE 0) (TYPE 0), testEq "★₀ <: ★₁" $ subT empty (TYPE 2) (TYPE 0) (TYPE 1), testNeq "★₁ ≮: ★₀" $ subT empty (TYPE 2) (TYPE 1) (TYPE 0) ], "pi" :- [ note #""𝐴 ⊸ 𝐵" for (1·𝐴) → 𝐵"#, note #""𝐴 ⇾ 𝐵" for (0·𝐴) → 𝐵"#, testEq "★₀ ⇾ ★₀ = ★₀ ⇾ ★₀" $ let tm = Arr Zero (TYPE 0) (TYPE 0) in equalT empty (TYPE 1) tm tm, testEq "★₀ ⇾ ★₀ <: ★₀ ⇾ ★₀" $ let tm = Arr Zero (TYPE 0) (TYPE 0) in subT empty (TYPE 1) tm tm, testNeq "★₁ ⊸ ★₀ ≠ ★₀ ⇾ ★₀" $ let tm1 = Arr Zero (TYPE 1) (TYPE 0) tm2 = Arr Zero (TYPE 0) (TYPE 0) in equalT empty (TYPE 2) tm1 tm2, testEq "★₁ ⊸ ★₀ <: ★₀ ⊸ ★₀" $ let tm1 = Arr One (TYPE 1) (TYPE 0) tm2 = Arr One (TYPE 0) (TYPE 0) in subT empty (TYPE 2) tm1 tm2, testEq "★₀ ⊸ ★₀ <: ★₀ ⊸ ★₁" $ let tm1 = Arr One (TYPE 0) (TYPE 0) tm2 = Arr One (TYPE 0) (TYPE 1) in subT empty (TYPE 2) tm1 tm2, testEq "★₀ ⊸ ★₀ <: ★₀ ⊸ ★₁" $ let tm1 = Arr One (TYPE 0) (TYPE 0) tm2 = Arr One (TYPE 0) (TYPE 1) in subT empty (TYPE 2) tm1 tm2, testEq "A ⊸ B = A ⊸ B" $ let tm = Arr One (FT "A") (FT "B") in equalT empty (TYPE 0) tm tm, testEq "A ⊸ B <: A ⊸ B" $ let tm = Arr One (FT "A") (FT "B") in subT empty (TYPE 0) tm tm, note "incompatible quantities", testNeq "★₀ ⊸ ★₀ ≠ ★₀ ⇾ ★₁" $ let tm1 = Arr Zero (TYPE 0) (TYPE 0) tm2 = Arr Zero (TYPE 0) (TYPE 1) in equalT empty (TYPE 2) tm1 tm2, testNeq "A ⇾ B ≠ A ⊸ B" $ let tm1 = Arr Zero (FT "A") (FT "B") tm2 = Arr One (FT "A") (FT "B") in equalT empty (TYPE 0) tm1 tm2, testNeq "A ⇾ B ≮: A ⊸ B" $ let tm1 = Arr Zero (FT "A") (FT "B") tm2 = Arr One (FT "A") (FT "B") in subT empty (TYPE 0) tm1 tm2, testEq "0=1 ⊢ A ⇾ B = A ⊸ B" $ let tm1 = Arr Zero (FT "A") (FT "B") tm2 = Arr One (FT "A") (FT "B") in equalT (MkTyContext ZeroIsOne [<]) (TYPE 0) tm1 tm2, todo "dependent function types", note "[todo] should π ≤ ρ ⊢ (ρ·A) → B <: (π·A) → B?" ], "lambda" :- [ testEq "λ x ⇒ [x] = λ x ⇒ [x]" $ equalT empty (Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A")) (["x"] :\\ BVT 0) (["x"] :\\ BVT 0), testEq "λ x ⇒ [x] <: λ x ⇒ [x]" $ subT empty (Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A")) (["x"] :\\ BVT 0) (["x"] :\\ BVT 0), testEq "λ x ⇒ [x] = λ y ⇒ [y]" $ equalT empty (Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A")) (["x"] :\\ BVT 0) (["y"] :\\ BVT 0), testEq "λ x ⇒ [x] <: λ y ⇒ [y]" $ equalT empty (Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A")) (["x"] :\\ BVT 0) (["y"] :\\ BVT 0), testNeq "λ x y ⇒ [x] ≠ λ x y ⇒ [y]" $ equalT empty (Arr One (FT "A") $ Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A")) (["x", "y"] :\\ BVT 1) (["x", "y"] :\\ BVT 0), testEq "λ x ⇒ [a] = λ x ⇒ [a] (Y vs N)" $ equalT empty (Arr Zero (FT "B") (FT "A")) (Lam $ SY ["x"] $ FT "a") (Lam $ SN $ FT "a"), testEq "λ x ⇒ [f [x]] = [f] (η)" $ equalT empty (Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A")) (["x"] :\\ E (F "f" :@ BVT 0)) (FT "f") ], "eq type" :- [ testEq "(★₀ ≡ ★₀ : ★₁) = (★₀ ≡ ★₀ : ★₁)" $ let tm = Eq0 (TYPE 1) (TYPE 0) (TYPE 0) in equalT empty (TYPE 2) tm tm, testEq "A ≔ ★₁ ⊢ (★₀ ≡ ★₀ : ★₁) = (★₀ ≡ ★₀ : A)" {globals = fromList [("A", mkDef zero (TYPE 2) (TYPE 1))]} $ equalT empty (TYPE 2) (Eq0 (TYPE 1) (TYPE 0) (TYPE 0)) (Eq0 (FT "A") (TYPE 0) (TYPE 0)), todo "dependent equality types" ], "equalities and uip" :- let refl : Term q d n -> Term q d n -> Elim q d n refl a x = (DLam $ S ["_"] $ N x) :# (Eq0 a x x) in [ note #""refl [A] x" is an abbreviation for "(δ i ⇒ x) ∷ (x ≡ x : A)""#, note "binds before ∥ are globals, after it are BVs", testEq "refl [A] a = refl [A] a" $ equalE empty (refl (FT "A") (FT "a")) (refl (FT "A") (FT "a")), testEq "p : (a ≡ a' : A), q : (a ≡ a' : A) ∥ ⊢ p = q (free)" {globals = let def = mkAbstract Zero $ Eq0 (FT "A") (FT "a") (FT "a'") in defGlobals `mergeLeft` fromList [("p", def), ("q", def)]} $ equalE empty (F "p") (F "q"), testEq "∥ x : (a ≡ a' : A), y : (a ≡ a' : A) ⊢ x = y (bound)" $ let ty : forall n. Term Three 0 n := Eq0 (FT "A") (FT "a") (FT "a'") in equalE (MkTyContext new [< ty, ty]) (BV 0) (BV 1), testEq "∥ x : [(a ≡ a' : A) ∷ Type 0], y : [ditto] ⊢ x = y" $ let ty : forall n. Term Three 0 n := E (Eq0 (FT "A") (FT "a") (FT "a'") :# TYPE 0) in equalE (MkTyContext new [< ty, ty]) (BV 0) (BV 1), testEq "E ≔ a ≡ a' : A, EE ≔ E ∥ x : EE, y : EE ⊢ x = y" {globals = defGlobals `mergeLeft` fromList [("E", mkDef zero (TYPE 0) (Eq0 (FT "A") (FT "a") (FT "a'"))), ("EE", mkDef zero (TYPE 0) (FT "E"))]} $ equalE (MkTyContext new [< FT "EE", FT "EE"]) (BV 0) (BV 1), testEq "E ≔ a ≡ a' : A, EE ≔ E ∥ x : EE, y : E ⊢ x = y" {globals = defGlobals `mergeLeft` fromList [("E", mkDef zero (TYPE 0) (Eq0 (FT "A") (FT "a") (FT "a'"))), ("EE", mkDef zero (TYPE 0) (FT "E"))]} $ equalE (MkTyContext new [< FT "EE", FT "E"]) (BV 0) (BV 1), testEq "E ≔ a ≡ a' : A ∥ x : E, y : E ⊢ x = y" {globals = defGlobals `mergeLeft` fromList [("E", mkDef zero (TYPE 0) (Eq0 (FT "A") (FT "a") (FT "a'")))]} $ equalE (MkTyContext new [< FT "E", FT "E"]) (BV 0) (BV 1), testEq "E ≔ a ≡ a' : A ∥ x : (E×E), y : (E×E) ⊢ x = y" {globals = defGlobals `mergeLeft` fromList [("E", mkDef zero (TYPE 0) (Eq0 (FT "A") (FT "a") (FT "a'")))]} $ let ty : forall n. Term Three 0 n := Sig (FT "E") $ S ["_"] $ N $ FT "E" in equalE (MkTyContext new [< ty, ty]) (BV 0) (BV 1), testEq "E ≔ a ≡ a' : A, F ≔ E × E ∥ x : F, y : F ⊢ x = y" {globals = defGlobals `mergeLeft` fromList [("E", mkDef zero (TYPE 0) (Eq0 (FT "A") (FT "a") (FT "a'"))), ("W", mkDef zero (TYPE 0) (FT "E" `And` FT "E"))]} $ equalE (MkTyContext new [< FT "W", FT "W"]) (BV 0) (BV 1) ], "term closure" :- [ testEq "[#0]{} = [#0] : A" $ equalT (MkTyContext new [< FT "A"]) (FT "A") (CloT (BVT 0) id) (BVT 0), testEq "[#0]{a} = [a] : A" $ equalT empty (FT "A") (CloT (BVT 0) (F "a" ::: id)) (FT "a"), testEq "[#0]{a,b} = [a] : A" $ equalT empty (FT "A") (CloT (BVT 0) (F "a" ::: F "b" ::: id)) (FT "a"), testEq "[#1]{a,b} = [b] : A" $ equalT empty (FT "A") (CloT (BVT 1) (F "a" ::: F "b" ::: id)) (FT "b"), testEq "(λy ⇒ [#1]){a} = λy ⇒ [a] : B ⇾ A (N)" $ equalT empty (Arr Zero (FT "B") (FT "A")) (CloT (Lam $ S ["y"] $ N $ BVT 0) (F "a" ::: id)) (Lam $ S ["y"] $ N $ FT "a"), testEq "(λy ⇒ [#1]){a} = λy ⇒ [a] : B ⇾ A (Y)" $ equalT empty (Arr Zero (FT "B") (FT "A")) (CloT (["y"] :\\ BVT 1) (F "a" ::: id)) (["y"] :\\ FT "a") ], "term d-closure" :- [ testEq "★₀‹𝟎› = ★₀ : ★₁" $ equalTD 1 empty (TYPE 1) (DCloT (TYPE 0) (K Zero ::: id)) (TYPE 0), testEq "(δ i ⇒ a)‹𝟎› = (δ i ⇒ a) : (a ≡ a : A)" $ equalTD 1 empty (Eq0 (FT "A") (FT "a") (FT "a")) (DCloT (["i"] :\\% FT "a") (K Zero ::: id)) (["i"] :\\% FT "a"), note "it is hard to think of well-typed terms with big dctxs" ], "free var" :- let au_bu = fromList [("A", mkDef Any (TYPE (U 1)) (TYPE (U 0))), ("B", mkDef Any (TYPE (U 1)) (TYPE (U 0)))] au_ba = fromList [("A", mkDef Any (TYPE (U 1)) (TYPE (U 0))), ("B", mkDef Any (TYPE (U 1)) (FT "A"))] in [ testEq "A = A" $ equalE empty (F "A") (F "A"), testNeq "A ≠ B" $ equalE empty (F "A") (F "B"), testEq "0=1 ⊢ A = B" $ equalE (MkTyContext ZeroIsOne [<]) (F "A") (F "B"), testEq "A : ★₁ ≔ ★₀ ⊢ A = (★₀ ∷ ★₁)" {globals = au_bu} $ equalE empty (F "A") (TYPE 0 :# TYPE 1), testEq "A : ★₁ ≔ ★₀ ⊢ [A] = ★₀" {globals = au_bu} $ equalT empty (TYPE 1) (FT "A") (TYPE 0), testEq "A ≔ ★₀, B ≔ ★₀ ⊢ A = B" {globals = au_bu} $ equalE empty (F "A") (F "B"), testEq "A ≔ ★₀, B ≔ A ⊢ A = B" {globals = au_ba} $ equalE empty (F "A") (F "B"), testEq "A <: A" $ subE empty (F "A") (F "A"), testNeq "A ≮: B" $ subE empty (F "A") (F "B"), testEq "A : ★₃ ≔ ★₀, B : ★₃ ≔ ★₂ ⊢ A <: B" {globals = fromList [("A", mkDef Any (TYPE 3) (TYPE 0)), ("B", mkDef Any (TYPE 3) (TYPE 2))]} $ subE empty (F "A") (F "B"), note "(A and B in different universes)", testEq "A : ★₁ ≔ ★₀, B : ★₃ ≔ ★₂ ⊢ A <: B" {globals = fromList [("A", mkDef Any (TYPE 1) (TYPE 0)), ("B", mkDef Any (TYPE 3) (TYPE 2))]} $ subE empty (F "A") (F "B"), testEq "0=1 ⊢ A <: B" $ subE (MkTyContext ZeroIsOne [<]) (F "A") (F "B") ], "bound var" :- [ testEq "#0 = #0" $ equalE (MkTyContext new [< TYPE 0]) (BV 0) (BV 0), testEq "#0 <: #0" $ subE (MkTyContext new [< TYPE 0]) (BV 0) (BV 0), testNeq "#0 ≠ #1" $ equalE (MkTyContext new [< TYPE 0, TYPE 0]) (BV 0) (BV 1), testNeq "#0 ≮: #1" $ subE (MkTyContext new [< TYPE 0, TYPE 0]) (BV 0) (BV 1), testEq "0=1 ⊢ #0 = #1" $ equalE (MkTyContext ZeroIsOne [< TYPE 0, TYPE 0]) (BV 0) (BV 1) ], "application" :- [ testEq "f [a] = f [a]" $ equalE empty (F "f" :@ FT "a") (F "f" :@ FT "a"), testEq "f [a] <: f [a]" $ subE empty (F "f" :@ FT "a") (F "f" :@ FT "a"), testEq "(λ x ⇒ [x] ∷ A ⊸ A) a = ([a ∷ A] ∷ A) (β)" $ equalE empty (((["x"] :\\ BVT 0) :# Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A")) :@ FT "a") (E (FT "a" :# FT "A") :# FT "A"), testEq "(λ x ⇒ [x] ∷ A ⊸ A) a = a (βυ)" $ equalE empty (((["x"] :\\ BVT 0) :# Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A")) :@ FT "a") (F "a"), testEq "(λ g ⇒ [g [a]] ∷ ⋯)) [f] = (λ y ⇒ [f [y]] ∷ ⋯) [a] (β↘↙)" $ let a = FT "A"; a2a = (Arr One a a) in equalE empty (((["g"] :\\ E (BV 0 :@ FT "a")) :# Arr One a2a a) :@ FT "f") (((["y"] :\\ E (F "f" :@ BVT 0)) :# a2a) :@ FT "a"), testEq "(λ x ⇒ [x] ∷ A ⊸ A) a <: a" $ subE empty (((["x"] :\\ BVT 0) :# (Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A"))) :@ FT "a") (F "a"), note "id : A ⊸ A ≔ λ x ⇒ [x]", testEq "id [a] = a" $ equalE empty (F "id" :@ FT "a") (F "a"), testEq "id [a] <: a" $ subE empty (F "id" :@ FT "a") (F "a") ], "dim application" :- [ testEq "eq-AB @0 = eq-AB @0" $ equalE empty (F "eq-AB" :% K Zero) (F "eq-AB" :% K Zero), testNeq "eq-AB @0 ≠ eq-AB @1" $ equalE empty (F "eq-AB" :% K Zero) (F "eq-AB" :% K One), testEq "𝑖 | ⊢ eq-AB @𝑖 = eq-AB @𝑖" $ equalED 1 empty (F "eq-AB" :% BV 0) (F "eq-AB" :% BV 0), testNeq "𝑖 | ⊢ eq-AB @𝑖 ≠ eq-AB @0" $ equalED 1 empty (F "eq-AB" :% BV 0) (F "eq-AB" :% K Zero), testEq "𝑖, 𝑖=0 | ⊢ eq-AB @𝑖 = eq-AB @0" $ let ctx = MkTyContext (set (BV 0) (K Zero) new) [<] in equalED 1 ctx (F "eq-AB" :% BV 0) (F "eq-AB" :% K Zero), testNeq "𝑖, 𝑖=1 | ⊢ eq-AB @𝑖 ≠ eq-AB @0" $ let ctx = MkTyContext (set (BV 0) (K One) new) [<] in equalED 1 ctx (F "eq-AB" :% BV 0) (F "eq-AB" :% K Zero), testNeq "𝑖, 𝑗 | ⊢ eq-AB @𝑖 ≠ eq-AB @𝑗" $ equalED 2 empty (F "eq-AB" :% BV 1) (F "eq-AB" :% BV 0), testEq "𝑖, 𝑗, 𝑖=𝑗 | ⊢ eq-AB @𝑖 = eq-AB @𝑗" $ let ctx = MkTyContext (set (BV 0) (BV 1) new) [<] in equalED 2 ctx (F "eq-AB" :% BV 1) (F "eq-AB" :% BV 0), testNeq "𝑖, 𝑗, 𝑖=0, 𝑗=0 | ⊢ eq-AB @𝑖 ≠ eq-AB @𝑗" $ let ctx : TyContext Three 2 0 := MkTyContext (C [< Just $ K Zero, Just $ K Zero]) [<] in equalED 2 empty (F "eq-AB" :% BV 1) (F "eq-AB" :% BV 0), testEq "0=1 | ⊢ eq-AB @𝑖 = eq-AB @𝑗" $ equalED 2 (MkTyContext ZeroIsOne [<]) (F "eq-AB" :% BV 1) (F "eq-AB" :% BV 0), testEq "eq-AB @0 = A" $ equalE empty (F "eq-AB" :% K Zero) (F "A"), testEq "eq-AB @1 = B" $ equalE empty (F "eq-AB" :% K One) (F "B"), testEq "((δ i ⇒ a) ∷ a ≡ a) @0 = a" $ equalE empty (((DLam $ SN $ FT "a") :# Eq0 (FT "A") (FT "a") (FT "a")) :% K Zero) (F "a"), testEq "((δ i ⇒ a) ∷ a ≡ a) @0 = ((δ i ⇒ a) ∷ a ≡ a) @1" $ equalE empty (((DLam $ SN $ FT "a") :# Eq0 (FT "A") (FT "a") (FT "a")) :% K Zero) (((DLam $ SN $ FT "a") :# Eq0 (FT "A") (FT "a") (FT "a")) :% K One) ], "annotation" :- [ testEq "(λ x ⇒ f [x]) ∷ A ⊸ A = [f] ∷ A ⊸ A" $ equalE empty ((["x"] :\\ E (F "f" :@ BVT 0)) :# Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A")) (FT "f" :# Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A")), testEq "[f] ∷ A ⊸ A = f" $ equalE empty (FT "f" :# Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A")) (F "f"), testEq "(λ x ⇒ f [x]) ∷ A ⊸ A = f" $ equalE empty ((["x"] :\\ E (F "f" :@ BVT 0)) :# Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A")) (F "f") ], "elim closure" :- [ testEq "#0{a} = a" $ equalE empty (CloE (BV 0) (F "a" ::: id)) (F "a"), testEq "#1{a} = #0" $ equalE (MkTyContext new [< FT "A"]) (CloE (BV 1) (F "a" ::: id)) (BV 0) ], "elim d-closure" :- [ note "0·eq-AB : (A ≡ B : ★₀)", testEq "(eq-AB #0)‹𝟎› = eq-AB 𝟎" $ equalED 1 empty (DCloE (F "eq-AB" :% BV 0) (K Zero ::: id)) (F "eq-AB" :% K Zero), testEq "(eq-AB #0)‹𝟎› = A" $ equalED 1 empty (DCloE (F "eq-AB" :% BV 0) (K Zero ::: id)) (F "A"), testEq "(eq-AB #0)‹𝟏› = B" $ equalED 1 empty (DCloE (F "eq-AB" :% BV 0) (K One ::: id)) (F "B"), testNeq "(eq-AB #0)‹𝟏› ≠ A" $ equalED 1 empty (DCloE (F "eq-AB" :% BV 0) (K One ::: id)) (F "A"), testEq "(eq-AB #0)‹#0,𝟎› = (eq-AB #0)" $ equalED 2 empty (DCloE (F "eq-AB" :% BV 0) (BV 0 ::: K Zero ::: id)) (F "eq-AB" :% BV 0), testNeq "(eq-AB #0)‹𝟎› ≠ (eq-AB 𝟎)" $ equalED 2 empty (DCloE (F "eq-AB" :% BV 0) (BV 0 ::: K Zero ::: id)) (F "eq-AB" :% K Zero), testEq "#0‹𝟎› = #0 # term and dim vars distinct" $ equalED 1 (MkTyContext new [< FT "A"]) (DCloE (BV 0) (K Zero ::: id)) (BV 0), testEq "a‹𝟎› = a" $ equalED 1 empty (DCloE (F "a") (K Zero ::: id)) (F "a"), testEq "(f [a])‹𝟎› = f‹𝟎› [a]‹𝟎›" $ let th = K Zero ::: id in equalED 1 empty (DCloE (F "f" :@ FT "a") th) (DCloE (F "f") th :@ DCloT (FT "a") th) ], "clashes" :- [ testNeq "★₀ ≠ ★₀ ⇾ ★₀" $ equalT empty (TYPE 1) (TYPE 0) (Arr Zero (TYPE 0) (TYPE 0)), testEq "0=1 ⊢ ★₀ = ★₀ ⇾ ★₀" $ equalT (MkTyContext ZeroIsOne [<]) (TYPE 1) (TYPE 0) (Arr Zero (TYPE 0) (TYPE 0)), todo "others" ] ]