||| take freshly-parsed input, translate it to core, and check it module Quox.Parser.FromParser import Quox.Parser.Syntax import Quox.Parser.Parser import Quox.Typechecker import Data.List import Data.SnocVect import public Control.Monad.Either import public Control.Monad.State import public Control.Monad.Reader import System.File import System.Path %hide Context.(<$>) %hide Context.(<*>) public export 0 Defs : Type Defs = Definitions Three public export data FromParserError = AnnotationNeeded PTerm | DuplicatesInEnum (List TagVal) | DimNotInScope PBaseName | QtyNotGlobal PQty | DimNameInTerm PBaseName | TypeError (Typing.Error Three) | LoadError String FileError | ParseError Parser.Error public export 0 CanError : (Type -> Type) -> Type CanError = MonadError FromParserError public export 0 HasDefsRW : (Type -> Type) -> Type HasDefsRW = MonadState Defs public export 0 HasNamespace : (Type -> Type) -> Type HasNamespace = MonadReader Mods public export 0 LoadFile : (Type -> Type) -> Type LoadFile m = (HasIO m, MonadReader (List String) m, MonadState (SortedSet String) m) -- reader for include paths, state for seen files public export 0 FromParser : (Type -> Type) -> Type FromParser m = (CanError m, HasDefsRW m, HasNamespace m, LoadFile m) parameters {auto _ : Functor m} (b : Var n -> m a) (f : PName -> m a) (xs : Context' BName n) private fromBaseName : PBaseName -> m a fromBaseName x = maybe (f $ MakePName [<] x) b $ Context.find (== Just x) xs private fromName : PName -> m a fromName x = if null x.mods then fromBaseName x.base else f x export fromPDimWith : CanError m => Context' BName d -> PDim -> m (Dim d) fromPDimWith ds (K e) = pure $ K e fromPDimWith ds (V i) = fromBaseName (pure . B) (const $ throwError $ DimNotInScope i) ds i private avoidDim : CanError m => Context' BName d -> PName -> m (Term q d n) avoidDim ds x = fromName (const $ throwError $ DimNameInTerm x.base) (pure . FT . fromPName) ds x mutual export fromPTermWith : CanError m => Context' BName d -> Context' BName n -> PTerm -> m (Term Three d n) fromPTermWith ds ns t0 = case t0 of TYPE k => pure $ TYPE $ k Pi pi x s t => Pi pi <$> fromPTermWith ds ns s <*> fromPTermTScope ds ns [< x] t Lam x s => Lam <$> fromPTermTScope ds ns [< x] s s :@ t => map E $ (:@) <$> fromPTermElim ds ns s <*> fromPTermWith ds ns t Sig x s t => Sig <$> fromPTermWith ds ns s <*> fromPTermTScope ds ns [< x] t Pair s t => Pair <$> fromPTermWith ds ns s <*> fromPTermWith ds ns t Case pi pair (r, ret) (CasePair (x, y) body) => map E $ Base.CasePair pi <$> fromPTermElim ds ns pair <*> fromPTermTScope ds ns [< r] ret <*> fromPTermTScope ds ns [< x, y] body Case pi tag (r, ret) (CaseEnum arms) => map E $ Base.CaseEnum pi <$> fromPTermElim ds ns tag <*> fromPTermTScope ds ns [< r] ret <*> assert_total fromPTermEnumArms ds ns arms Nat => pure Nat Zero => pure Zero Succ n => [|Succ $ fromPTermWith ds ns n|] Case pi nat (r, ret) (CaseNat zer (s, pi', ih, suc)) => Prelude.map E $ Base.CaseNat pi pi' <$> fromPTermElim ds ns nat <*> fromPTermTScope ds ns [< r] ret <*> fromPTermWith ds ns zer <*> fromPTermTScope ds ns [< s, ih] suc Enum strs => let set = SortedSet.fromList strs in if length strs == length (SortedSet.toList set) then pure $ Enum set else throwError $ DuplicatesInEnum strs Tag str => pure $ Tag str Eq (i, ty) s t => Eq <$> fromPTermDScope ds ns [< i] ty <*> fromPTermWith ds ns s <*> fromPTermWith ds ns t DLam i s => DLam <$> fromPTermDScope ds ns [< i] s BOX q ty => BOX q <$> fromPTermWith ds ns ty Box val => Box <$> fromPTermWith ds ns val Case pi box (r, ret) (CaseBox b body) => Prelude.map E $ CaseBox pi <$> fromPTermElim ds ns box <*> fromPTermTScope ds ns [< r] ret <*> fromPTermTScope ds ns [< b] body s :% p => map E $ (:%) <$> fromPTermElim ds ns s <*> fromPDimWith ds p V x => fromName (pure . E . B) (avoidDim ds) ns x s :# a => map E $ (:#) <$> fromPTermWith ds ns s <*> fromPTermWith ds ns a private fromPTermEnumArms : CanError m => Context' BName d -> Context' BName n -> List (TagVal, PTerm) -> m (CaseEnumArms Three d n) fromPTermEnumArms ds ns = map SortedMap.fromList . traverse (traverse $ fromPTermWith ds ns) private fromPTermElim : CanError m => Context' BName d -> Context' BName n -> PTerm -> m (Elim Three d n) fromPTermElim ds ns e = case !(fromPTermWith ds ns e) of E e => pure e _ => throwError $ AnnotationNeeded e -- [todo] use SN if the var is named but still unused private fromPTermTScope : {s : Nat} -> CanError m => Context' BName d -> Context' BName n -> SnocVect s BName -> PTerm -> m (ScopeTermN s Three d n) fromPTermTScope ds ns xs t = if all isNothing xs then SN <$> fromPTermWith ds ns t else SY (fromSnocVect $ map (maybe Unused UN) xs) <$> fromPTermWith ds (ns ++ xs) t private fromPTermDScope : {s : Nat} -> CanError m => Context' BName d -> Context' BName n -> SnocVect s BName -> PTerm -> m (DScopeTermN s Three d n) fromPTermDScope ds ns xs t = if all isNothing xs then SN <$> fromPTermWith ds ns t else SY (fromSnocVect $ map (maybe Unused UN) xs) <$> fromPTermWith (ds ++ xs) ns t export %inline fromPTerm : CanError m => PTerm -> m (Term Three 0 0) fromPTerm = fromPTermWith [<] [<] export globalPQty : CanError m => (q : PQty) -> m (IsGlobal q) globalPQty pi = case isGlobal pi of Yes y => pure y No n => throwError $ QtyNotGlobal pi export fromPNameNS : HasNamespace m => PName -> m Name fromPNameNS name = asks $ \ns => addMods ns $ fromPName name private injTC : (CanError m, HasDefsRW m) => (forall m'. CanTC Three m' => m' a) -> m a injTC act = either (throwError . TypeError) pure $ runReaderT {m = Either _} !get act export fromPDef : (CanError m, HasDefsRW m, HasNamespace m) => PDefinition -> m () fromPDef (MkPDef qty pname ptype pterm) = do name <- fromPNameNS pname qtyGlobal <- globalPQty qty let sqty = globalToSubj $ Element qty qtyGlobal type <- traverse fromPTerm ptype term <- fromPTerm pterm case type of Just type => do injTC $ checkTypeC empty type Nothing injTC $ ignore $ checkC empty sqty term type modify $ insert name $ mkDef qty type term Nothing => do let E elim = term | _ => throwError $ AnnotationNeeded pterm res <- injTC $ inferC empty sqty elim modify $ insert name $ mkDef qty res.type term export fromPDecl : FromParser m => PDecl -> m () fromPDecl (PDef def) = fromPDef def fromPDecl (PNs ns) = local (<+> ns.name) $ concat <$> traverse fromPDecl ns.decls export loadFile : (LoadFile m, CanError m) => String -> m (Maybe String) loadFile file = if contains file !get then pure Nothing else do Just file <- firstExists (map ( file) !ask) | Nothing => throwError $ LoadError file FileNotFound case !(readFile file) of Right res => pure $ Just res Left err => throwError $ LoadError file err ||| populates the `defs` field of the state export fromPTopLevel : FromParser m => PTopLevel -> m () fromPTopLevel (PD decl) = fromPDecl decl fromPTopLevel (PLoad file) = case !(loadFile file) of Just inp => do tl <- either (throwError . ParseError) pure $ lexParseInput inp traverse_ fromPTopLevel tl Nothing => pure ()