input = {top level}. top level = load | decl. decl = namespace | def. (* top level semicolons are optional because all decls start with a special word. like in ocaml *) load = "load", STRING, [";"]. namespace = "namespace", "{", {decl}, "}", [";"]. def = def intro, NAME, [":", term], "=", term, [";"]. def intro = "def0" | "defω" | "def", [qty, "."]. (* "def" with no qty defaults to ω *) qty = "0" | "1" | "ω". dim = dim const | name. dim const = "0" | "1". dim arg = "@", dim. pat var = NAME | "_". term = lambda | case | pi | sigma. lambda = ("λ" | "δ"), {pat var}+, "⇒", term. case = case intro, term, "return", case return, "of", case body. case intro = "case0" | "case1" | "caseω" | "case", qty, ".". case return = [pat var, "⇒"], term. case body = "{", {pattern, "⇒", term / ";"}, [";"], "}". pattern = "zero" | "0" | "succ", pat var, [",", qty, ".", pat var] | TAG | "[", pat var, "]" | "(", pat var, ",", pat var, ")". pi = qty, ".", (binder | term arg), "→", term. binder = "(", {NAME}+, ":", term, ")". sigma = (binder | ann), "×", (sigma | ann). ann = infix eq, ["∷", term]. infix eq = app term, ["≡", term, ":", app term]. (* dependent is below *) app term = coe | comp | split universe | dep eq | succ | normal app. split universe = "★", NAT. dep eq = "Eq", type line, term arg, term arg. succ = "succ", term arg. normal app = term arg, {term arg | dim arg}. coe = "coe", type line, dim arg, dim arg, term arg. type line = "[", [pat var, "⇒"], term, "]". comp = "comp", type line, dim arg, dim arg, term arg, dim arg, comp body. comp body = "{", comp branch, ";", comp branch, [";"], "}". comp branch = dim const, name, "⇒", term. term arg = "{", {BARE TAG}, "}" | TAG | "(", {term / ","}+, ")" | "[", [qty, "."], term, "]" | UNIVERSE | "ℕ" | "zero" | NAT | QNAME.