module Quox.Pretty import Quox.Loc import Quox.Name import Control.Monad.ST.Extra import public Text.PrettyPrint.Bernardy import public Text.PrettyPrint.Bernardy.Core.Decorate import public Quox.EffExtra import public Data.String import Control.ANSI.SGR import Data.DPair import Data.SnocList import Derive.Prelude %default total %language ElabReflection %hide TT.Name public export data PPrec = Outer | Times -- "_ × _" | InTimes -- arguments of × | AnnL -- left of "∷" | Eq -- "_ ≡ _ : _" | InEq -- arguments of ≡ -- ... | App -- term/dimension application | Arg -- argument to nonfix function %runElab derive "PPrec" [Eq, Ord, Show] public export data HL = Delim | Free | TVar | TVarErr | Dim | DVar | DVarErr | Qty | Universe | Syntax | Constant %runElab derive "HL" [Eq, Ord, Show] public export data Flavor = Unicode | Ascii %runElab derive "Flavor" [Eq, Ord, Show] export %inline noHighlight : HL -> Highlight noHighlight _ = MkHighlight "" "" public export data EffTag = PREC | FLAVOR | HIGHLIGHT | INDENT public export Pretty : List (Type -> Type) Pretty = [StateL PREC PPrec, ReaderL FLAVOR Flavor, ReaderL HIGHLIGHT (HL -> Highlight), ReaderL INDENT Nat] export %inline runPrettyWith : PPrec -> Flavor -> (HL -> Highlight) -> Nat -> Eff Pretty a -> a runPrettyWith prec flavor highlight indent act = runST $ do runEff act $ with Union.(::) [handleStateSTRef !(newSTRef prec), handleReaderConst flavor, handleReaderConst highlight, handleReaderConst indent] export %inline toSGR : HL -> List SGR toSGR Delim = [] toSGR Free = [SetForeground BrightBlue] toSGR TVar = [SetForeground BrightYellow] toSGR TVarErr = [SetForeground BrightYellow, SetStyle SingleUnderline] toSGR Dim = [SetForeground BrightGreen] toSGR DVar = [SetForeground BrightGreen] toSGR DVarErr = [SetForeground BrightGreen, SetStyle SingleUnderline] toSGR Qty = [SetForeground BrightMagenta] toSGR Universe = [SetForeground BrightRed] toSGR Syntax = [SetForeground BrightCyan] toSGR Constant = [SetForeground BrightRed] export %inline highlightSGR : HL -> Highlight highlightSGR h = MkHighlight (escapeSGR $ toSGR h) (escapeSGR [Reset]) export %inline toClass : HL -> String toClass Delim = "dl" toClass Free = "fr" toClass TVar = "tv" toClass TVarErr = "tv err" toClass Dim = "dc" toClass DVar = "dv" toClass DVarErr = "dv err" toClass Qty = "qt" toClass Universe = "un" toClass Syntax = "sy" toClass Constant = "co" export %inline highlightHtml : HL -> Highlight highlightHtml h = MkHighlight #""# "" export %inline runPrettyHL : (HL -> Highlight) -> Eff Pretty a -> a runPrettyHL f = runPrettyWith Outer Unicode f 2 export %inline runPretty : Eff Pretty a -> a runPretty = runPrettyHL noHighlight export %inline hl : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> HL -> Doc opts -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts) hl h doc = asksAt HIGHLIGHT $ \f => decorate (f h) doc export %inline indentD : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Doc opts -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts) indentD doc = pure $ indent !(askAt INDENT) doc export %inline hangD : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Doc opts -> Doc opts -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts) hangD d1 d2 = pure $ hangSep !(askAt INDENT) d1 d2 export %inline hangSingle : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Nat -> Doc opts -> Doc opts -> Doc opts hangSingle n d1 d2 = ifMultiline (d1 <++> d2) (vappend d1 (indent n d2)) export %inline hangDSingle : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Doc opts -> Doc opts -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts) hangDSingle d1 d2 = pure $ hangSingle !(askAt INDENT) d1 d2 export tightDelims : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> (l, r : String) -> (inner : Doc opts) -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts) tightDelims l r inner = do l <- hl Delim $ text l r <- hl Delim $ text r pure $ hcat [l, inner, r] export looseDelims : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> (l, r : String) -> (inner : Doc opts) -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts) looseDelims l r inner = do l <- hl Delim $ text l r <- hl Delim $ text r let short = hsep [l, inner, r] long = vsep [l, !(indentD inner), r] pure $ ifMultiline short long export %inline parens : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Doc opts -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts) parens = tightDelims "(" ")" export %inline bracks : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Doc opts -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts) bracks = tightDelims "[" "]" export %inline braces : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Doc opts -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts) braces = looseDelims "{" "}" export %inline tightBraces : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Doc opts -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts) tightBraces = tightDelims "{" "}" export %inline parensIf : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Bool -> Doc opts -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts) parensIf True = parens parensIf False = pure ||| uses hsep only if the whole list fits on one line export sepSingle : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> List (Doc opts) -> Doc opts sepSingle xs = ifMultiline (hsep xs) (vsep xs) export fillSep : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> List (Doc opts) -> Doc opts fillSep [] = empty fillSep (x :: xs) = foldl (\x, y => sep [x, y]) x xs export exceptLast : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> (Doc opts -> Doc opts) -> List (Doc opts) -> List (Doc opts) exceptLast f [] = [] exceptLast f [x] = [x] exceptLast f (x :: xs) = f x :: exceptLast f xs parameters {opts : LayoutOpts} {auto _ : Foldable t} export separateLoose : Doc opts -> t (Doc opts) -> Doc opts separateLoose d = sep . exceptLast (<++> d) . toList export separateTight : Doc opts -> t (Doc opts) -> Doc opts separateTight d = sep . exceptLast (<+> d) . toList export hseparateTight : Doc opts -> t (Doc opts) -> Doc opts hseparateTight d = hsep . exceptLast (<+> d) . toList export vseparateTight : Doc opts -> t (Doc opts) -> Doc opts vseparateTight d = vsep . exceptLast (<+> d) . toList export fillSeparateTight : Doc opts -> t (Doc opts) -> Doc opts fillSeparateTight d = fillSep . exceptLast (<+> d) . toList export %inline pshow : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Show a => a -> Doc opts pshow = text . show export %inline ifUnicode : (uni, asc : Lazy a) -> Eff Pretty a ifUnicode uni asc = asksAt FLAVOR $ \case Unicode => uni Ascii => asc export %inline parensIfM : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> PPrec -> Doc opts -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts) parensIfM d doc = parensIf (!(getAt PREC) > d) doc export %inline withPrec : PPrec -> Eff Pretty a -> Eff Pretty a withPrec = localAt_ PREC export prettyName : Name -> Doc opts prettyName = text . toDots export prettyFree : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Name -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts) prettyFree = hl Free . prettyName export prettyBind' : BindName -> Doc opts prettyBind' = text . baseStr . val export prettyTBind : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> BindName -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts) prettyTBind = hl TVar . prettyBind' export prettyDBind : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> BindName -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts) prettyDBind = hl DVar . prettyBind' export %inline typeD, ioStateD, arrowD, darrowD, timesD, lamD, eqndD, dlamD, annD, natD, stringD, eqD, colonD, commaD, semiD, atD, caseD, typecaseD, returnD, ofD, dotD, zeroD, succD, coeD, compD, undD, cstD, pipeD, fstD, sndD : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts) typeD = hl Syntax . text =<< ifUnicode "★" "Type" ioStateD = hl Syntax $ text "IOState" arrowD = hl Syntax . text =<< ifUnicode "→" "->" darrowD = hl Syntax . text =<< ifUnicode "⇒" "=>" timesD = hl Syntax . text =<< ifUnicode "×" "**" lamD = hl Syntax . text =<< ifUnicode "λ" "fun" eqndD = hl Syntax . text =<< ifUnicode "≡" "==" dlamD = hl Syntax . text =<< ifUnicode "δ" "dfun" annD = hl Syntax . text =<< ifUnicode "∷" "::" natD = hl Syntax . text =<< ifUnicode "ℕ" "Nat" stringD = hl Syntax $ text "String" eqD = hl Syntax $ text "Eq" colonD = hl Syntax $ text ":" commaD = hl Syntax $ text "," semiD = hl Delim $ text ";" atD = hl Delim $ text "@" caseD = hl Syntax $ text "case" typecaseD = hl Syntax $ text "type-case" ofD = hl Syntax $ text "of" returnD = hl Syntax $ text "return" dotD = hl Delim $ text "." zeroD = hl Constant $ text "zero" succD = hl Constant $ text "succ" coeD = hl Syntax $ text "coe" compD = hl Syntax $ text "comp" undD = hl Syntax $ text "_" cstD = hl Syntax $ text "=" pipeD = hl Delim $ text "|" fstD = hl Syntax $ text "fst" sndD = hl Syntax $ text "snd" export prettyApp : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Nat -> Doc opts -> List (Doc opts) -> Doc opts prettyApp ind f args = hsep (f :: args) <|> hsep [f, vsep args] <|> vsep (f :: map (indent ind) args) export prettyAppD : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Doc opts -> List (Doc opts) -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts) prettyAppD f args = pure $ prettyApp !(askAt INDENT) f args export escapeString : String -> String escapeString = concatMap esc1 . unpack where esc1 : Char -> String esc1 '"' = #"\""# esc1 '\\' = #"\\"# esc1 '\n' = #"\n"# esc1 c = singleton c export quoteTag : String -> String quoteTag tag = if isName tag then tag else "\"" ++ escapeString tag ++ "\"" export prettyBounds : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Bounds -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts) prettyBounds (MkBounds l1 c1 l2 c2) = hcat <$> sequence [hl TVar $ text $ show l1, colonD, hl DVar $ text $ show c1, hl Delim "-", hl TVar $ text $ show l2, colonD, hl DVar $ text $ show c2, colonD] export prettyLoc : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Loc -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts) prettyLoc (L NoLoc) = hcat <$> sequence [hl TVarErr "no location", colonD] prettyLoc (L (YesLoc file b)) = hcat <$> sequence [hl Free $ text file, colonD, prettyBounds b] export prettyTag : {opts : _} -> String -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts) prettyTag tag = hl Constant $ text $ "'" ++ quoteTag tag export prettyStrLit : {opts : _} -> String -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts) prettyStrLit s = let s = concatMap esc1 $ unpack s in hl Constant $ hcat ["\"", text s, "\""] where esc1 : Char -> String esc1 '"' = "\""; esc1 '\\' = "\\" esc1 c = singleton c