module Control.Monad.ST.Extra import public Control.Monad.ST import Data.IORef import Control.MonadRec %default total export %inline MonadRec (ST s) where tailRecM seed (Access rec) st f = MkST $ do let MkST io = f seed st case !io of Done res => pure res Cont seed2 prf vst => let MkST io = tailRecM seed2 (rec seed2 prf) vst f in io public export interface HasST (0 m : Type -> Type -> Type) where liftST : ST s a -> m s a export %inline HasST ST where liftST = id public export record STErr e s a where constructor STE fromSTErr : ST s (Either e a) export Functor (STErr e s) where map f (STE e) = STE $ map f <$> e export Applicative (STErr e s) where pure x = STE $ pure $ pure x STE f <*> STE x = STE [|f <*> x|] export Monad (STErr e s) where STE m >>= k = STE $ do case !m of Left err => pure $ Left err Right x => fromSTErr $ k x export MonadRec (STErr e s) where tailRecM s (Access r) x k = STE $ do let STE m = k s x case !m of Left err => pure $ Left err Right (Cont s' p y) => fromSTErr $ tailRecM s' (r s' p) y k Right (Done y) => pure $ Right y export runSTErr : (forall s. STErr e s a) -> Either e a runSTErr ste = runST $ fromSTErr ste export %inline HasST (STErr e) where liftST = STE . map Right export stLeft : e -> STErr e s a stLeft e = STE $ pure $ Left e