module Quox.Syntax.Term.Tighten import Quox.Syntax.Term.Base import Quox.Syntax.Term.Subst import public Quox.OPE import Quox.No %default total export Tighten Dim where tighten p (K e loc) = pure $ K e loc tighten p (B i loc) = B <$> tighten p i <*> pure loc export tightenScope : (forall m, n. OPE m n -> f n -> Maybe (f m)) -> {s : Nat} -> OPE m n -> Scoped s f n -> Maybe (Scoped s f m) tightenScope f p (S names (Y body)) = SY names <$> f (keepN s p) body tightenScope f p (S names (N body)) = S names . N <$> f p body export tightenDScope : {0 f : Nat -> Nat -> Type} -> (forall m, n, k. OPE m n -> f n k -> Maybe (f m k)) -> OPE m n -> Scoped s (f n) k -> Maybe (Scoped s (f m) k) tightenDScope f p (S names (Y body)) = SY names <$> f p body tightenDScope f p (S names (N body)) = S names . N <$> f p body mutual private tightenT : OPE n1 n2 -> Term d n2 -> Maybe (Term d n1) tightenT p s = let Element s' _ = pushSubsts s in tightenT' p $ assert_smaller s s' private tightenE : OPE n1 n2 -> Elim d n2 -> Maybe (Elim d n1) tightenE p e = let Element e' _ = pushSubsts e in tightenE' p $ assert_smaller e e' private tightenT' : OPE n1 n2 -> (t : Term d n2) -> (0 nt : NotClo t) => Maybe (Term d n1) tightenT' p (TYPE l loc) = pure $ TYPE l loc tightenT' p (Pi qty arg res loc) = Pi qty <$> tightenT p arg <*> tightenS p res <*> pure loc tightenT' p (Lam body loc) = Lam <$> tightenS p body <*> pure loc tightenT' p (Sig fst snd loc) = Sig <$> tightenT p fst <*> tightenS p snd <*> pure loc tightenT' p (Pair fst snd loc) = Pair <$> tightenT p fst <*> tightenT p snd <*> pure loc tightenT' p (Enum cases loc) = pure $ Enum cases loc tightenT' p (Tag tag loc) = pure $ Tag tag loc tightenT' p (Eq ty l r loc) = Eq <$> tightenDS p ty <*> tightenT p l <*> tightenT p r <*> pure loc tightenT' p (DLam body loc) = DLam <$> tightenDS p body <*> pure loc tightenT' p (Nat loc) = pure $ Nat loc tightenT' p (Zero loc) = pure $ Zero loc tightenT' p (Succ s loc) = Succ <$> tightenT p s <*> pure loc tightenT' p (BOX qty ty loc) = BOX qty <$> tightenT p ty <*> pure loc tightenT' p (Box val loc) = Box <$> tightenT p val <*> pure loc tightenT' p (E e) = assert_total $ E <$> tightenE p e private tightenE' : OPE n1 n2 -> (e : Elim d n2) -> (0 ne : NotClo e) => Maybe (Elim d n1) tightenE' p (F x u loc) = pure $ F x u loc tightenE' p (B i loc) = B <$> tighten p i <*> pure loc tightenE' p (App fun arg loc) = App <$> tightenE p fun <*> tightenT p arg <*> pure loc tightenE' p (CasePair qty pair ret body loc) = CasePair qty <$> tightenE p pair <*> tightenS p ret <*> tightenS p body <*> pure loc tightenE' p (CaseEnum qty tag ret arms loc) = CaseEnum qty <$> tightenE p tag <*> tightenS p ret <*> traverse (tightenT p) arms <*> pure loc tightenE' p (CaseNat qty qtyIH nat ret zero succ loc) = CaseNat qty qtyIH <$> tightenE p nat <*> tightenS p ret <*> tightenT p zero <*> tightenS p succ <*> pure loc tightenE' p (CaseBox qty box ret body loc) = CaseBox qty <$> tightenE p box <*> tightenS p ret <*> tightenS p body <*> pure loc tightenE' p (DApp fun arg loc) = DApp <$> tightenE p fun <*> pure arg <*> pure loc tightenE' p (Ann tm ty loc) = Ann <$> tightenT p tm <*> tightenT p ty <*> pure loc tightenE' p (Coe ty q0 q1 val loc) = Coe <$> tightenDS p ty <*> pure q0 <*> pure q1 <*> tightenT p val <*> pure loc tightenE' p (Comp ty q0 q1 val r zero one loc) = Comp <$> tightenT p ty <*> pure q0 <*> pure q1 <*> tightenT p val <*> pure r <*> tightenDS p zero <*> tightenDS p one <*> pure loc tightenE' p (TypeCase ty ret arms def loc) = TypeCase <$> tightenE p ty <*> tightenT p ret <*> traverse (tightenS p) arms <*> tightenT p def <*> pure loc export tightenS : {s : Nat} -> OPE m n -> ScopeTermN s f n -> Maybe (ScopeTermN s f m) tightenS = assert_total $ tightenScope tightenT export tightenDS : OPE m n -> DScopeTermN s f n -> Maybe (DScopeTermN s f m) tightenDS = assert_total $ tightenDScope tightenT {f = \n, d => Term d n} export Tighten (Elim d) where tighten p e = tightenE p e export Tighten (Term d) where tighten p t = tightenT p t mutual export dtightenT : OPE d1 d2 -> Term d2 n -> Maybe (Term d1 n) dtightenT p s = let Element s' _ = pushSubsts s in dtightenT' p $ assert_smaller s s' export dtightenE : OPE d1 d2 -> Elim d2 n -> Maybe (Elim d1 n) dtightenE p e = let Element e' _ = pushSubsts e in dtightenE' p $ assert_smaller e e' private dtightenT' : OPE d1 d2 -> (t : Term d2 n) -> (0 nt : NotClo t) => Maybe (Term d1 n) dtightenT' p (TYPE l loc) = pure $ TYPE l loc dtightenT' p (Pi qty arg res loc) = Pi qty <$> dtightenT p arg <*> dtightenS p res <*> pure loc dtightenT' p (Lam body loc) = Lam <$> dtightenS p body <*> pure loc dtightenT' p (Sig fst snd loc) = Sig <$> dtightenT p fst <*> dtightenS p snd <*> pure loc dtightenT' p (Pair fst snd loc) = Pair <$> dtightenT p fst <*> dtightenT p snd <*> pure loc dtightenT' p (Enum cases loc) = pure $ Enum cases loc dtightenT' p (Tag tag loc) = pure $ Tag tag loc dtightenT' p (Eq ty l r loc) = Eq <$> dtightenDS p ty <*> dtightenT p l <*> dtightenT p r <*> pure loc dtightenT' p (DLam body loc) = DLam <$> dtightenDS p body <*> pure loc dtightenT' p (Nat loc) = pure $ Nat loc dtightenT' p (Zero loc) = pure $ Zero loc dtightenT' p (Succ s loc) = Succ <$> dtightenT p s <*> pure loc dtightenT' p (BOX qty ty loc) = BOX qty <$> dtightenT p ty <*> pure loc dtightenT' p (Box val loc) = Box <$> dtightenT p val <*> pure loc dtightenT' p (E e) = assert_total $ E <$> dtightenE p e export dtightenE' : OPE d1 d2 -> (e : Elim d2 n) -> (0 ne : NotClo e) => Maybe (Elim d1 n) dtightenE' p (F x u loc) = pure $ F x u loc dtightenE' p (B i loc) = pure $ B i loc dtightenE' p (App fun arg loc) = App <$> dtightenE p fun <*> dtightenT p arg <*> pure loc dtightenE' p (CasePair qty pair ret body loc) = CasePair qty <$> dtightenE p pair <*> dtightenS p ret <*> dtightenS p body <*> pure loc dtightenE' p (CaseEnum qty tag ret arms loc) = CaseEnum qty <$> dtightenE p tag <*> dtightenS p ret <*> traverse (dtightenT p) arms <*> pure loc dtightenE' p (CaseNat qty qtyIH nat ret zero succ loc) = CaseNat qty qtyIH <$> dtightenE p nat <*> dtightenS p ret <*> dtightenT p zero <*> dtightenS p succ <*> pure loc dtightenE' p (CaseBox qty box ret body loc) = CaseBox qty <$> dtightenE p box <*> dtightenS p ret <*> dtightenS p body <*> pure loc dtightenE' p (DApp fun arg loc) = DApp <$> dtightenE p fun <*> tighten p arg <*> pure loc dtightenE' p (Ann tm ty loc) = Ann <$> dtightenT p tm <*> dtightenT p ty <*> pure loc dtightenE' p (Coe ty q0 q1 val loc) = [|Coe (dtightenDS p ty) (tighten p q0) (tighten p q1) (dtightenT p val) (pure loc)|] dtightenE' p (Comp ty q0 q1 val r zero one loc) = [|Comp (dtightenT p ty) (tighten p q0) (tighten p q1) (dtightenT p val) (tighten p r) (dtightenDS p zero) (dtightenDS p one) (pure loc)|] dtightenE' p (TypeCase ty ret arms def loc) = [|TypeCase (dtightenE p ty) (dtightenT p ret) (traverse (dtightenS p) arms) (dtightenT p def) (pure loc)|] export dtightenS : OPE d1 d2 -> ScopeTermN s d2 n -> Maybe (ScopeTermN s d1 n) dtightenS = assert_total $ tightenDScope dtightenT {f = Term} export dtightenDS : {s : Nat} -> OPE d1 d2 -> DScopeTermN s d2 n -> Maybe (DScopeTermN s d1 n) dtightenDS = assert_total $ tightenScope dtightenT export Tighten (\d => Term d n) where tighten p t = dtightenT p t export Tighten (\d => Elim d n) where tighten p e = dtightenE p e parameters {auto _ : Tighten f} {s : Nat} export squeeze : Scoped s f n -> (BContext s, Either (f (s + n)) (f n)) squeeze (S ns (N t)) = (ns, Right t) squeeze (S ns (Y t)) = (ns, maybe (Left t) Right $ tightenN s t) export squeeze' : Scoped s f n -> Scoped s f n squeeze' t = let (ns, res) = squeeze t in S ns $ either Y N res parameters {0 f : Nat -> Nat -> Type} {auto tt : Tighten (\d => f d n)} {s : Nat} export dsqueeze : Scoped s (\d => f d n) d -> (BContext s, Either (f (s + d) n) (f d n)) dsqueeze = squeeze export dsqueeze' : Scoped s (\d => f d n) d -> Scoped s (\d => f d n) d dsqueeze' = squeeze' -- versions of SY, etc, that try to tighten and use SN automatically public export %inline ST : Tighten f => {s : Nat} -> BContext s -> f (s + n) -> Scoped s f n ST names body = squeeze' $ SY names body public export %inline DST : {s : Nat} -> BContext s -> Term (s + d) n -> DScopeTermN s d n DST names body = dsqueeze' {f = Term} $ SY names body public export %inline PiT : (qty : Qty) -> (x : BindName) -> (arg : Term d n) -> (res : Term d (S n)) -> (loc : Loc) -> Term d n PiT {qty, x, arg, res, loc} = Pi {qty, arg, res = ST [< x] res, loc} public export %inline LamT : (x : BindName) -> (body : Term d (S n)) -> (loc : Loc) -> Term d n LamT {x, body, loc} = Lam {body = ST [< x] body, loc} public export %inline SigT : (x : BindName) -> (fst : Term d n) -> (snd : Term d (S n)) -> (loc : Loc) -> Term d n SigT {x, fst, snd, loc} = Sig {fst, snd = ST [< x] snd, loc} public export %inline EqT : (i : BindName) -> (ty : Term (S d) n) -> (l, r : Term d n) -> (loc : Loc) -> Term d n EqT {i, ty, l, r, loc} = Eq {ty = DST [< i] ty, l, r, loc} public export %inline DLamT : (i : BindName) -> (body : Term (S d) n) -> (loc : Loc) -> Term d n DLamT {i, body, loc} = DLam {body = DST [< i] body, loc} public export %inline CoeT : (i : BindName) -> (ty : Term (S d) n) -> (p, q : Dim d) -> (val : Term d n) -> (loc : Loc) -> Elim d n CoeT {i, ty, p, q, val, loc} = Coe {ty = DST [< i] ty, p, q, val, loc} public export %inline typeCase1T : Elim d n -> Term d n -> (k : TyConKind) -> BContext (arity k) -> Term d (arity k + n) -> (loc : Loc) -> {default (Nat loc) def : Term d n} -> Elim d n typeCase1T ty ret k ns body loc {def} = typeCase ty ret [(k ** ST ns body)] def loc public export %inline CompH' : (ty : DScopeTerm d n) -> (p, q : Dim d) -> (val : Term d n) -> (r : Dim d) -> (zero, one : DScopeTerm d n) -> (loc : Loc) -> Elim d n CompH' {ty, p, q, val, r, zero, one, loc} = let ty' = DST ty.names $ ty.term // (B VZ ::: shift 2) in Comp { ty = dsub1 ty q, p, q, val = E $ Coe ty p q val val.loc, r, zero = DST zero.names $ E $ Coe ty' (B VZ zero.loc) (weakD 1 q) zero.term zero.loc, one = DST one.names $ E $ Coe ty' (B VZ one.loc) (weakD 1 q) one.term one.loc, loc } ||| heterogeneous composition, using Comp and Coe (and subst) ||| ||| comp [i ⇒ A] @p @q s @r { 0 j ⇒ t₀; 1 j ⇒ t₁ } ||| ≔ ||| comp [A‹q/i›] @p @q (coe [i ⇒ A] @p @q s) @r { ||| 0 j ⇒ coe [i ⇒ A] @j @q t₀; ||| 1 j ⇒ coe [i ⇒ A] @j @q t₁ ||| } public export %inline CompH : (i : BindName) -> (ty : Term (S d) n) -> (p, q : Dim d) -> (val : Term d n) -> (r : Dim d) -> (j0 : BindName) -> (zero : Term (S d) n) -> (j1 : BindName) -> (one : Term (S d) n) -> (loc : Loc) -> Elim d n CompH {i, ty, p, q, val, r, j0, zero, j1, one, loc} = CompH' {ty = DST [< i] ty, p, q, val, r, zero = DST [< j0] zero, one = DST [< j1] one, loc}