module Quox.Syntax.Shift import public Quox.Syntax.Var import Quox.Pretty import Data.Nat import Data.So %default total ||| represents the difference between a smaller scope and a larger one. public export data Shift : (0 from, to : Nat) -> Type where SZ : Shift from from SS : Shift from to -> Shift from (S to) %name Shift by, bz %builtin Natural Shift public export (.nat) : Shift from to -> Nat (SZ).nat = Z (SS by).nat = S by.nat %transform "Shift.(.nat)" Shift.(.nat) = believe_me public export Cast (Shift from to) Nat where cast = (.nat) export Eq (Shift from to) where (==) = (==) `on` (.nat) export Ord (Shift from to) where compare = compare `on` (.nat) ||| shift equivalence, ignoring indices public export data Eqv : Shift from1 to1 -> Shift from2 to2 -> Type where EqSZ : SZ `Eqv` SZ EqSS : by `Eqv` bz -> SS by `Eqv` SS bz %name Eqv e ||| two equivalent shifts are equal if they have the same indices. export 0 fromEqv : by `Eqv` bz -> by = bz fromEqv EqSZ = Refl fromEqv (EqSS e) = cong SS $ fromEqv e ||| two equal shifts are equivalent. export 0 toEqv : by = bz -> by `Eqv` bz toEqv Refl {by = SZ} = EqSZ toEqv Refl {by = (SS by)} = EqSS $ toEqv Refl {by} export 0 shiftDiff : (by : Shift from to) -> to = by.nat + from shiftDiff SZ = Refl shiftDiff (SS by) = cong S $ shiftDiff by export 0 shiftVarLT : (by : Shift from to) -> (i : Var from) -> by.nat + i.nat `LT` to shiftVarLT by i = rewrite plusSuccRightSucc by.nat i.nat in transitive {rel=LTE} (plusLteMonotoneLeft by.nat (S i.nat) from (toNatLT i)) (replace {p=(\n => LTE n to)} (shiftDiff by) $ reflexive {rel=LTE}) public export fromNat : (by : Nat) -> Shift from (by + from) fromNat Z = SZ fromNat (S by) = SS $ fromNat by %transform "Shift.fromNat" Shift.fromNat x = believe_me x export 0 fromToNat : (by : Shift from to) -> by `Eqv` fromNat by.nat {from} fromToNat SZ = EqSZ fromToNat (SS by) = EqSS $ fromToNat by export 0 toFromNat : (from, by : Nat) -> by = (fromNat by {from}).nat toFromNat from 0 = Refl toFromNat from (S k) = cong S $ toFromNat from k export 0 toNatInj' : (by : Shift from1 to1) -> (bz : Shift from2 to2) -> by.nat = bz.nat -> by `Eqv` bz toNatInj' SZ SZ prf = EqSZ toNatInj' (SS by) (SS bz) prf = EqSS $ toNatInj' by bz $ succInjective _ _ prf toNatInj' (SS by) SZ Refl impossible export 0 toNatInj : (by, bz : Shift from to) -> by.nat = bz.nat -> by = bz toNatInj by bz e = fromEqv $ toNatInj' by bz e public export shift : Shift from to -> Var from -> Var to shift SZ i = i shift (SS by) i = VS $ shift by i private shiftViaNat' : (by : Shift from to) -> (i : Var from) -> (0 p : by.nat + i.nat `LT` to) -> Var to shiftViaNat' by i p = V $ by.nat + i.nat private shiftViaNat : Shift from to -> Var from -> Var to shiftViaNat by i = shiftViaNat' by i $ shiftVarLT by i private 0 shiftViaNatCorrect : (by : Shift from to) -> (i : Var from) -> (0 p : by.nat + i.nat `LT` to) -> shiftViaNat' by i p = shift by i shiftViaNatCorrect SZ i (LTESucc p) = fromToNat i _ shiftViaNatCorrect (SS by) i (LTESucc p) = cong VS $ shiftViaNatCorrect by i p %transform "Shift.shift" shift = shiftViaNat infixl 9 . public export (.) : Shift from mid -> Shift mid to -> Shift from to by . SZ = by by . SS bz = SS $ by . bz private 0 compNatProof : (by : Shift from mid) -> (bz : Shift mid to) -> to = by.nat + bz.nat + from compNatProof by bz = shiftDiff bz >>> cong (bz.nat +) (shiftDiff by) >>> plusAssociative bz.nat by.nat from >>> cong (+ from) (plusCommutative bz.nat by.nat) where infixr 0 >>> 0 (>>>) : a = b -> b = c -> a = c x >>> y = trans x y private compViaNat' : (by : Shift from mid) -> (bz : Shift mid to) -> Shift from (by.nat + bz.nat + from) compViaNat' by bz = fromNat $ by.nat + bz.nat private compViaNat : (by : Shift from mid) -> (bz : Shift mid to) -> Shift from to compViaNat by bz = rewrite compNatProof by bz in compViaNat' by bz private 0 compViaNatCorrect : (by : Shift from mid) -> (bz : Shift mid to) -> by . bz `Eqv` compViaNat' by bz compViaNatCorrect by SZ = rewrite plusZeroRightNeutral by.nat in fromToNat by compViaNatCorrect by (SS bz) = rewrite sym $ plusSuccRightSucc by.nat bz.nat in EqSS $ compViaNatCorrect by bz %transform "Shift.(.)" Shift.(.) = compViaNat ||| `prettyShift bnd unicode prec by` pretty-prints the shift `by`, with the ||| following arguments: ||| ||| * `by : Shift from to` ||| * `bnd : HL` is the highlight used for bound variables of this kind ||| * `unicode : Bool` is whether to use unicode characters in the output ||| * `prec : PPrec` is the surrounding precedence level export prettyShift : Pretty.HasEnv m => (bnd : HL) -> Shift from to -> m (Doc HL) prettyShift bnd by = parensIfM Outer $ hsep $ [hl bnd !(ifUnicode "𝑖" "i"), hl Delim !(ifUnicode "≔" ":="), hl bnd $ !(ifUnicode "𝑖+" "i+") <+> pretty by.nat] ||| prints using the `TVar` highlight for variables export PrettyHL (Shift from to) where prettyM = prettyShift TVar infixl 8 // public export interface CanShift f where (//) : f from -> Shift from to -> f to export CanShift Var where i // by = shift by i