module Quox.Typing.Context import Quox.Syntax import Quox.Context import Quox.Pretty import public Data.Singleton import Derive.Prelude %default total %language ElabReflection public export QContext : Nat -> Type QContext = Context' Qty public export record LocalVar d n where constructor MkLocal type : Term d n term : Maybe (Term d n) -- if from a `let` %runElab deriveIndexed "LocalVar" [Show] export CanShift (LocalVar d) where l // by = {type $= (// by), term $= map (// by)} l namespace LocalVar subD : DSubst d1 d2 -> LocalVar d1 n -> LocalVar d2 n subD th = {type $= (// th), term $= map (// th)} weakD : LocalVar d n -> LocalVar (S d) n weakD = subD $ shift 1 public export TContext : TermLike TContext d = Context (\n => LocalVar d n) public export QOutput : Nat -> Type QOutput = Context' Qty public export DimAssign : Nat -> Type DimAssign = Context' DimConst public export record TyContext d n where constructor MkTyContext {auto dimLen : Singleton d} {auto termLen : Singleton n} dctx : DimEq d dnames : BContext d tctx : TContext d n tnames : BContext n -- only used for printing qtys : QContext n -- only used for printing %name TyContext ctx %runElab deriveIndexed "TyContext" [Show] public export record EqContext n where constructor MkEqContext {dimLen : Nat} {auto termLen : Singleton n} dassign : DimAssign dimLen -- only used for printing dnames : BContext dimLen -- only used for printing tctx : TContext 0 n tnames : BContext n -- only used for printing qtys : QContext n -- only used for printing %name EqContext ctx %runElab deriveIndexed "EqContext" [Show] public export record WhnfContext d n where constructor MkWhnfContext {auto dimLen : Singleton d} {auto termLen : Singleton n} dnames : BContext d tnames : BContext n tctx : TContext d n %name WhnfContext ctx %runElab deriveIndexed "WhnfContext" [Show] namespace TContext export %inline zeroFor : Context tm n -> QOutput n zeroFor ctx = Zero <$ ctx public export extendLen : Telescope a n1 n2 -> Singleton n1 -> Singleton n2 extendLen [<] x = x extendLen (tel :< _) x = [|S $ extendLen tel x|] public export CtxExtension : Nat -> Nat -> Nat -> Type CtxExtension d = Telescope ((Qty, BindName,) . Term d) public export CtxExtension0 : Nat -> Nat -> Nat -> Type CtxExtension0 d = Telescope ((BindName,) . Term d) public export CtxExtensionLet : Nat -> Nat -> Nat -> Type CtxExtensionLet d = Telescope ((Qty, BindName,) . LocalVar d) public export CtxExtensionLet0 : Nat -> Nat -> Nat -> Type CtxExtensionLet0 d = Telescope ((BindName,) . LocalVar d) namespace TyContext public export %inline empty : TyContext 0 0 empty = MkTyContext {dctx = new, dnames = [<], tctx = [<], tnames = [<], qtys = [<]} public export %inline null : TyContext d n -> Bool null ctx = null ctx.dnames && null ctx.tnames export %inline extendTyLetN : CtxExtensionLet d n1 n2 -> TyContext d n1 -> TyContext d n2 extendTyLetN xss (MkTyContext {termLen, dctx, dnames, tctx, tnames, qtys}) = let (qs, xs, ls) = unzip3 xss in MkTyContext { dctx, dnames, termLen = extendLen xss termLen, tctx = tctx . ls, tnames = tnames . xs, qtys = qtys . qs } export %inline extendTyN : CtxExtension d n1 n2 -> TyContext d n1 -> TyContext d n2 extendTyN = extendTyLetN . map (\(q, x, s) => (q, x, MkLocal s Nothing)) export %inline extendTyLetN0 : CtxExtensionLet0 d n1 n2 -> TyContext d n1 -> TyContext d n2 extendTyLetN0 xss = extendTyLetN (map (Zero,) xss) export %inline extendTyN0 : CtxExtension0 d n1 n2 -> TyContext d n1 -> TyContext d n2 extendTyN0 xss = extendTyN (map (Zero,) xss) export %inline extendTyLet : Qty -> BindName -> Term d n -> Term d n -> TyContext d n -> TyContext d (S n) extendTyLet q x s e = extendTyLetN [< (q, x, MkLocal s (Just e))] export %inline extendTy : Qty -> BindName -> Term d n -> TyContext d n -> TyContext d (S n) extendTy q x s = extendTyN [< (q, x, s)] export %inline extendTy0 : BindName -> Term d n -> TyContext d n -> TyContext d (S n) extendTy0 = extendTy Zero export %inline extendDim : BindName -> TyContext d n -> TyContext (S d) n extendDim x (MkTyContext {dimLen, dctx, dnames, tctx, tnames, qtys}) = MkTyContext { dctx = dctx : Dim d -> TyContext d n -> TyContext d n eqDim p q = {dctx $= set p q, dimLen $= id, termLen $= id} export toWhnfContext : TyContext d n -> WhnfContext d n toWhnfContext (MkTyContext {dnames, tnames, tctx, _}) = MkWhnfContext {dnames, tnames, tctx} namespace QOutput export %inline (+) : QOutput n -> QOutput n -> QOutput n (+) = zipWith (+) export %inline (*) : Qty -> QOutput n -> QOutput n (*) pi = map (pi *) export %inline zeroFor : TyContext _ n -> QOutput n zeroFor ctx = zeroFor ctx.tctx export makeDAssign : DSubst d 0 -> DimAssign d makeDAssign (Shift SZ) = [<] makeDAssign (K e _ ::: th) = makeDAssign th :< e export makeEqContext' : {d : Nat} -> TyContext d n -> DSubst d 0 -> EqContext n makeEqContext' ctx th = MkEqContext { termLen = ctx.termLen, dassign = makeDAssign th, dnames = ctx.dnames, tctx = map (subD th) ctx.tctx, tnames = ctx.tnames, qtys = ctx.qtys } export makeEqContext : TyContext d n -> DSubst d 0 -> EqContext n makeEqContext ctx@(MkTyContext {dnames, _}) th = let Val d = lengthPrf0 dnames in makeEqContext' ctx th namespace EqContext public export %inline empty : EqContext 0 empty = MkEqContext { dassign = [<], dnames = [<], tctx = [<], tnames = [<], qtys = [<] } public export %inline null : EqContext n -> Bool null ctx = null ctx.dnames && null ctx.tnames export %inline extendTyLetN : CtxExtensionLet 0 n1 n2 -> EqContext n1 -> EqContext n2 extendTyLetN xss (MkEqContext {termLen, dassign, dnames, tctx, tnames, qtys}) = let (qs, xs, ls) = unzip3 xss in MkEqContext { termLen = extendLen xss termLen, tctx = tctx . ls, tnames = tnames . xs, qtys = qtys . qs, dassign, dnames } export %inline extendTyN : CtxExtension 0 n1 n2 -> EqContext n1 -> EqContext n2 extendTyN = extendTyLetN . map (\(q, x, s) => (q, x, MkLocal s Nothing)) export %inline extendTyLetN0 : CtxExtensionLet0 0 n1 n2 -> EqContext n1 -> EqContext n2 extendTyLetN0 xss = extendTyLetN (map (Zero,) xss) export %inline extendTyN0 : CtxExtension0 0 n1 n2 -> EqContext n1 -> EqContext n2 extendTyN0 xss = extendTyN (map (Zero,) xss) export %inline extendTyLet : Qty -> BindName -> Term 0 n -> Term 0 n -> EqContext n -> EqContext (S n) extendTyLet q x s e = extendTyLetN [< (q, x, MkLocal s (Just e))] export %inline extendTy : Qty -> BindName -> Term 0 n -> EqContext n -> EqContext (S n) extendTy q x s = extendTyN [< (q, x, s)] export %inline extendTy0 : BindName -> Term 0 n -> EqContext n -> EqContext (S n) extendTy0 = extendTy Zero export %inline extendDim : BindName -> DimConst -> EqContext n -> EqContext n extendDim x e (MkEqContext {dassign, dnames, tctx, tnames, qtys}) = MkEqContext {dassign = dassign :< e, dnames = dnames :< x, tctx, tnames, qtys} export toTyContext : (e : EqContext n) -> TyContext e.dimLen n toTyContext (MkEqContext {dimLen, dassign, dnames, tctx, tnames, qtys}) = MkTyContext { dctx = fromGround dassign, tctx = map (subD $ shift0 dimLen) tctx, dnames, tnames, qtys } export toWhnfContext : (ectx : EqContext n) -> WhnfContext 0 n toWhnfContext (MkEqContext {tnames, tctx, _}) = MkWhnfContext {dnames = [<], tnames, tctx} export injElim : WhnfContext d n -> Elim 0 0 -> Elim d n injElim ctx e = let Val d = ctx.dimLen; Val n = ctx.termLen in e // shift0 d // shift0 n namespace WhnfContext public export %inline empty : WhnfContext 0 0 empty = MkWhnfContext [<] [<] [<] export extendDimN : {s : Nat} -> BContext s -> WhnfContext d n -> WhnfContext (s + d) n extendDimN ns (MkWhnfContext {dnames, tnames, tctx, dimLen}) = MkWhnfContext { dimLen = [|Val s + dimLen|], dnames = dnames ++ toSnocVect' ns, tctx = map (subD $ shift s) tctx, tnames } export extendDim : BindName -> WhnfContext d n -> WhnfContext (S d) n extendDim i = extendDimN [< i] private prettyTContextElt : {opts : _} -> BContext d -> BContext n -> Qty -> BindName -> LocalVar d n -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts) prettyTContextElt dnames tnames q x s = do q <- prettyQty q; dot <- dotD x <- prettyTBind x; colon <- colonD ty <- withPrec Outer $ prettyTerm dnames tnames s.type; eq <- cstD tm <- traverse (withPrec Outer . prettyTerm dnames tnames) s.term d <- askAt INDENT let qx = hcat [q, dot, x] pure $ case tm of Nothing => ifMultiline (hsep [qx, colon, ty]) (vsep [qx, indent d $ colon <++> ty]) Just tm => ifMultiline (hsep [qx, colon, ty, eq, tm]) (vsep [qx, indent d $ colon <++> ty, indent d $ eq <++> tm]) private prettyTContext' : {opts : _} -> BContext d -> QContext n -> BContext n -> TContext d n -> Eff Pretty (SnocList (Doc opts)) prettyTContext' _ [<] [<] [<] = pure [<] prettyTContext' dnames (qtys :< q) (tnames :< x) (tys :< t) = [|prettyTContext' dnames qtys tnames tys :< prettyTContextElt dnames tnames q x t|] export prettyTContext : {opts : _} -> BContext d -> QContext n -> BContext n -> TContext d n -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts) prettyTContext dnames qtys tnames tys = separateTight !commaD <$> prettyTContext' dnames qtys tnames tys export prettyTyContext : {opts : _} -> TyContext d n -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts) prettyTyContext (MkTyContext dctx dnames tctx tnames qtys) = case dctx of C [<] => prettyTContext dnames qtys tnames tctx _ => pure $ sep [!(prettyDimEq dnames dctx) <++> !pipeD, !(prettyTContext dnames qtys tnames tctx)] export prettyEqContext : {opts : _} -> EqContext n -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts) prettyEqContext ctx = prettyTyContext $ toTyContext ctx