@ -6,36 +6,166 @@ import public Quox.Thin.View
import public Quox.Thin.List
import public Quox.Thin.Cover
import Data.DPair
import Data.Nat
import Control.Function
%default total
namespace Coprod
public export
record Coprod2 (ope1 : OPE m1 n mask1) (ope2 : OPE m2 n mask2) where
constructor MkCoprod2
{sizeMask : Nat}
{leftMask : Nat}
{rightMask : Nat}
{0 sub : OPE size n sizeMask}
{0 left : OPE m1 size leftMask}
{0 right : OPE m2 size rightMask}
0 leftComp : Comp sub left ope1
0 rightComp : Comp sub right ope2
{auto 0 isCover : Cover [left, right]}
%name Coprod2 cop
data Comps : OPE scope n scopeMask ->
OPEList scope -> OPEList n -> Type where
Nil : Comps sub [] []
(::) : Comp sub inner full ->
Comps sub inners fulls ->
Comps sub (inner :: inners) (full :: fulls)
%name Comps comps
public export
record Coprod (fulls : OPEList n) where
constructor MkCoprod
{scopeMask : Nat}
{0 sub : OPE scope n scopeMask}
inners : OPEList scope
0 comps : Comps sub inners fulls
0 cov : Cover inners
%name Coprod cop
coprod2 : {n, mask1, mask2 : Nat} ->
(0 ope1 : OPE m1 n mask1) -> (0 ope2 : OPE m2 n mask2) ->
Coprod2 ope1 ope2
coprod2 ope1 ope2 with (view ope1) | (view ope2)
coprod2 Stop Stop | StopV | StopV = MkCoprod2 StopZ StopZ
coprod2 (Drop ope1 Refl) (Drop ope2 Refl) | DropV _ ope1 | DropV _ ope2 =
let MkCoprod2 l r = coprod2 ope1 ope2 in MkCoprod2 (DropZ l) (DropZ r)
coprod2 (Drop ope1 Refl) (Keep ope2 Refl) | DropV _ ope1 | KeepV _ ope2 =
let MkCoprod2 l r = coprod2 ope1 ope2 in MkCoprod2 (KDZ l) (KeepZ r)
coprod2 (Keep ope1 Refl) (Drop ope2 Refl) | KeepV _ ope1 | DropV _ ope2 =
let MkCoprod2 l r = coprod2 ope1 ope2 in MkCoprod2 (KeepZ l) (KDZ r)
coprod2 (Keep ope1 Refl) (Keep ope2 Refl) | KeepV _ ope1 | KeepV _ ope2 =
let MkCoprod2 l r = coprod2 ope1 ope2 in MkCoprod2 (KeepZ l) (KeepZ r)
0 compsLength : Comps s ts us -> length ts = length us
compsLength [] = Refl
compsLength (_ :: comps) = cong S $ compsLength comps
-- [todo] n-ary coprod
coprodNil : Coprod []
coprodNil = MkCoprod [] [] [] {sub = zero}
coprodHead : {n : Nat} -> (opes : OPEList (S n)) ->
Either (Cover1 opes) (All IsDrop opes)
coprodHead [] = Right []
coprodHead (ope :: opes) = case view ope of
DropV {} => case coprodHead opes of
Left cov1 => Left $ There cov1
Right drops => Right $ ItIsDrop :: drops
KeepV {} => Left Here
0 compsConsDrop : (opes : OPEList (S n)) ->
All IsDrop opes ->
All2 IsTail opes tails ->
Comps sub inners tails -> Comps (drop sub) inners opes
compsConsDrop [] [] [] [] = []
compsConsDrop (Drop ope Refl :: opes) (ItIsDrop :: ds) (DropT :: ts) (c :: cs) =
DropZ c :: compsConsDrop opes ds ts cs
compsConsDrop (_ :: _) [] _ _ impossible
coprodConsDrop : (0 opes : OPEList (S n)) ->
(0 ds : All IsDrop opes) ->
(0 ts : All2 IsTail opes tails) ->
Coprod tails -> Coprod opes
coprodConsDrop opes ds ts (MkCoprod inners comps cov) =
MkCoprod inners (compsConsDrop opes ds ts comps) cov
copyHeads : {m : Nat} ->
(src : OPEList (S m)) -> (tgt : OPEList n) ->
(0 eq : length src = length tgt) => OPEList (S n)
copyHeads [] [] = []
copyHeads (s :: ss) (t :: ts) =
case view s of
DropV mask ope => drop t :: copyHeads ss ts @{inj S eq}
KeepV mask ope => keep t :: copyHeads ss ts @{inj S eq}
0 copyHeadsComps : (eq : length outers = length inners) ->
All2 IsTail outers tails ->
Comps sub inners tails ->
Comps (keep sub) (copyHeads outers inners) outers
copyHeadsComps _ [] [] = []
copyHeadsComps eq (DropT {eq = eq2} :: ps) ((c :: cs) {full}) =
let (Refl) = eq2 in -- coverage checker weirdness
rewrite viewDrop full Refl in
KDZ c :: copyHeadsComps (inj S eq) ps cs
copyHeadsComps eq (KeepT {eq = eq2} :: ps) ((c :: cs) {full}) =
let (Refl) = eq2 in
rewrite viewKeep full Refl in
KeepZ c :: copyHeadsComps (inj S eq) ps cs
-- should be erased (coverage checker weirdness)
-- it is possibly https://github.com/idris-lang/Idris2/issues/1417 that keeps
-- happening. not 100% sure
cover1CopyHeads : {m : Nat} ->
(ss : OPEList (S m)) -> (ts : OPEList n) ->
(eq : length ss = length ts) ->
(cov1 : Cover1 ss) -> Cover1 (copyHeads ss ts)
cover1CopyHeads (Keep s Refl :: ss) (t :: ts) eq Here =
rewrite viewKeep s Refl in Here
cover1CopyHeads (s :: ss) (t :: ts) eq (There c) with (view s)
cover1CopyHeads (Drop {} :: ss) (t :: ts) eq (There c) | DropV {} =
There $ cover1CopyHeads ss ts (inj S eq) c
cover1CopyHeads (Keep {} :: ss) (t :: ts) eq (There c) | KeepV {} =
copyHeadsTails : {m : Nat} ->
(ss : OPEList (S m)) -> (ts : OPEList n) ->
(eq : length ss = length ts) ->
All2 IsTail (copyHeads ss ts) ts
copyHeadsTails [] [] eq = []
copyHeadsTails (s :: ss) (t :: ts) eq with (view s)
copyHeadsTails (Drop ope Refl :: ss) (t :: ts) eq | DropV mask ope =
DropT :: copyHeadsTails ss ts (inj S eq)
copyHeadsTails (Keep ope Refl :: ss) (t :: ts) eq | KeepV mask ope =
KeepT :: copyHeadsTails ss ts (inj S eq)
coprodConsKeep : {n : Nat} ->
(opes : OPEList (S n)) ->
{0 tails : OPEList n} ->
(cov1 : Cover1 opes) ->
(0 ts : All2 IsTail opes tails) ->
Coprod tails -> Coprod opes
coprodConsKeep opes cov1 ts (MkCoprod inners comps cov) =
(copyHeads opes inners @{all2Length ts `trans` sym (compsLength comps)})
(copyHeadsComps _ ts comps)
((cover1CopyHeads {cov1, _} :: cov) @{copyHeadsTails {}})
coprod : {n : Nat} -> (opes : OPEList n) -> Coprod opes
coprod0 : (opes : OPEList 0) -> Coprod opes
coprodS : {n : Nat} -> (opes : OPEList (S n)) -> Coprod opes
coprod {n = 0} opes = coprod0 opes
coprod {n = S n} opes = coprodS opes
coprod0 [] = coprodNil
coprod0 (ope :: opes) with %syntactic 0 (zeroIsStop ope) | (coprod opes)
coprod0 (Stop :: opes)
| ItIsStop | MkCoprod {sub} inners comps cov
with %syntactic 0 (zeroIsStop sub)
coprod0 (Stop :: opes)
| ItIsStop | MkCoprod {sub = Stop} inners comps cov | ItIsStop
= MkCoprod (Stop :: inners) (StopZ :: comps) []
coprodS [] = coprodNil
coprodS opes =
let hs = heads opes
Element ts tprf = tails_ opes
tcop = coprod $ assert_smaller opes ts
case coprodHead opes of
Left cov1 => coprodConsKeep opes cov1 tprf tcop
Right drops => coprodConsDrop opes drops tprf tcop