WIP: co-de bruijn #12
2 changed files with 70 additions and 0 deletions
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
load "misc.quox"
load "bool.quox"
load "either.quox"
load "maybe.quox"
load "nat.quox"
load "pair.quox"
load "list.quox"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
load "misc.quox"
load "either.quox"
namespace maybe {
def0 Tag : ★ = {nothing, just}
def0 Payload : ω.Tag → ω.★ → ★ =
λ tag A ⇒ caseω tag return ★ of { 'nothing ⇒ True; 'just ⇒ A }
def0 Maybe : ω.★ → ★ =
λ A ⇒ (t : Tag) × Payload t A
def tag : 0.(A : ★) → ω.(Maybe A) → Tag =
λ _ x ⇒ caseω x return Tag of { (tag, _) ⇒ tag }
def Nothing : 0.(A : ★) → Maybe A =
λ _ ⇒ ('nothing, 'true)
def Just : 0.(A : ★) → 1.A → Maybe A =
λ _ x ⇒ ('just, x)
def0 IsJustTag : ω.Tag → ★ =
λ t ⇒ caseω t return ★ of { 'just ⇒ True; 'nothing ⇒ False }
def0 IsJust : 0.(A : ★) → ω.(Maybe A) → ★ =
λ A x ⇒ IsJustTag (tag A x)
def is-just? : 0.(A : ★) → ω.(x : Maybe A) → Dec (IsJust A x) =
λ A x ⇒
caseω tag A x return t ⇒ Dec (IsJustTag t) of {
'just ⇒ Yes True 'true;
'nothing ⇒ No False (λ x ⇒ x)
def0 nothing-unique :
0.(A : ★) → ω.(x : True) → ('nothing, x) ≡ Nothing A : Maybe A =
λ A x ⇒
caseω x return x' ⇒ ('nothing, x') ≡ Nothing A : Maybe A of {
'true ⇒ δ _ ⇒ ('nothing, 'true)
def elim :
0.(A : ★) →
0.(P : 0.(Maybe A) → ★) →
ω.(P (Nothing A)) →
ω.(ω.(x : A) → P (Just A x)) →
1.(x : Maybe A) → P x =
λ A P n j x ⇒
caseω x return x' ⇒ P x' of {
(tag, payload) ⇒
(caseω tag
return t ⇒
0.(eq : tag ≡ t : Tag) → P (t, coe (i ⇒ Payload (eq @i) A) payload)
of {
'nothing ⇒
λ eq ⇒
caseω coe (i ⇒ Payload (eq @i) A) payload
return p ⇒ P ('nothing, p)
of { 'true ⇒ n };
'just ⇒ λ eq ⇒ j (coe (i ⇒ Payload (eq @i) A) payload)
}) (δ _ ⇒ tag)
def0 Maybe = maybe.Maybe
def0 Just = maybe.Just
def0 Nothing = maybe.Nothing
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