make A → B a subsingleton if A is empty #23

opened 2023-08-02 19:14:55 +02:00 by rhi · 0 comments

in the base case of a w type, you have a function with a type like 0.{} → (x:A) ⊲ B.

  • obviously it is something equivalent to λ(). there are no other options
  • agda (e.g.) needs a postulate like {f g : ⊥ → A} → f ≡ g
  • xtt can see it propositionally
  • being able to see it judgmentally would make writing base cases much less annoying though
in the base case of a w type, you have a function with a type like `0.{} → (x:A) ⊲ B`. - obviously it is something equivalent to `λ()`. there are no other options - agda (e.g.) needs a postulate like `{f g : ⊥ → A} → f ≡ g` - xtt can see it _propositionally_ - being able to see it _judgmentally_ would make writing base cases much less annoying though
rhi added the
label 2023-08-02 19:14:55 +02:00
rhi added a new dependency 2023-08-02 19:16:37 +02:00
rhi removed a dependency 2023-09-17 20:11:42 +02:00
rhi closed this issue 2023-09-17 20:11:44 +02:00
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Reference: rhi/quox#23
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