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21 changed files with 334 additions and 140 deletions

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@ -21,4 +21,6 @@ postulate print : String → IO Unit
load "nat.quox"
def main = seq (print- ( 60 9)) (print "(nice)")
def main : IO Unit =
let1 sixty-nine = 60 9 in
seq (print- sixty-nine) (print "(nice)")

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@ -149,6 +149,8 @@ def0 times-zero : (m : ) → 0 ≡ timesω m 0 : =
succ m', ih ⇒ ih
-- unfinished
def0 times-succ : (m n : ) → plus m (timesω m n) ≡ timesω m (succ n) : =
λ m n ⇒
case m
@ -158,5 +160,6 @@ def0 times-succ : (m n : ) → plus m (timesω m n) ≡ timesω m (succ n) :
succ m', ih ⇒
δ 𝑖 ⇒ plus (succ n) (ih @𝑖)

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@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ parameters (k : Universe)
doDisplace (Str s loc) = Str s loc
doDisplace (BOX qty ty loc) = BOX qty (doDisplace ty) loc
doDisplace (Box val loc) = Box (doDisplace val) loc
doDisplace (Let qty rhs body loc) =
Let qty (doDisplace rhs) (doDisplaceS body) loc
doDisplace (E e) = E (doDisplace e)
doDisplace (CloT (Sub t th)) =
CloT (Sub (doDisplace t) (assert_total $ map doDisplace th))

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@ -180,26 +180,27 @@ export HasFreeVars (Elim d)
HasFreeVars (Term d) where
fv (TYPE {}) = none
fv (IOState {}) = none
fv (Pi {arg, res, _}) = fv arg <+> fv res
fv (Lam {body, _}) = fv body
fv (Sig {fst, snd, _}) = fv fst <+> fv snd
fv (Pair {fst, snd, _}) = fv fst <+> fv snd
fv (Enum {}) = none
fv (Tag {}) = none
fv (Eq {ty, l, r, _}) = fvD ty <+> fv l <+> fv r
fv (DLam {body, _}) = fvD body
fv (NAT {}) = none
fv (Nat {}) = none
fv (Succ {p, _}) = fv p
fv (STRING {}) = none
fv (Str {}) = none
fv (BOX {ty, _}) = fv ty
fv (Box {val, _}) = fv val
fv (E e) = fv e
fv (CloT s) = fv s
fv (DCloT s) = fv s.term
fv (TYPE {}) = none
fv (IOState {}) = none
fv (Pi {arg, res, _}) = fv arg <+> fv res
fv (Lam {body, _}) = fv body
fv (Sig {fst, snd, _}) = fv fst <+> fv snd
fv (Pair {fst, snd, _}) = fv fst <+> fv snd
fv (Enum {}) = none
fv (Tag {}) = none
fv (Eq {ty, l, r, _}) = fvD ty <+> fv l <+> fv r
fv (DLam {body, _}) = fvD body
fv (NAT {}) = none
fv (Nat {}) = none
fv (Succ {p, _}) = fv p
fv (STRING {}) = none
fv (Str {}) = none
fv (BOX {ty, _}) = fv ty
fv (Box {val, _}) = fv val
fv (Let {rhs, body, _}) = fv rhs <+> fv body
fv (E e) = fv e
fv (CloT s) = fv s
fv (DCloT s) = fv s.term
HasFreeVars (Elim d) where
@ -258,26 +259,27 @@ export HasFreeDVars Elim
HasFreeDVars Term where
fdv (TYPE {}) = none
fdv (IOState {}) = none
fdv (Pi {arg, res, _}) = fdv arg <+> fdvT res
fdv (Lam {body, _}) = fdvT body
fdv (Sig {fst, snd, _}) = fdv fst <+> fdvT snd
fdv (Pair {fst, snd, _}) = fdv fst <+> fdv snd
fdv (Enum {}) = none
fdv (Tag {}) = none
fdv (Eq {ty, l, r, _}) = fdv @{DScope} ty <+> fdv l <+> fdv r
fdv (DLam {body, _}) = fdv @{DScope} body
fdv (NAT {}) = none
fdv (Nat {}) = none
fdv (Succ {p, _}) = fdv p
fdv (STRING {}) = none
fdv (Str {}) = none
fdv (BOX {ty, _}) = fdv ty
fdv (Box {val, _}) = fdv val
fdv (E e) = fdv e
fdv (CloT s) = fdv s @{WithSubst}
fdv (DCloT s) = fdvSubst s
fdv (TYPE {}) = none
fdv (IOState {}) = none
fdv (Pi {arg, res, _}) = fdv arg <+> fdvT res
fdv (Lam {body, _}) = fdvT body
fdv (Sig {fst, snd, _}) = fdv fst <+> fdvT snd
fdv (Pair {fst, snd, _}) = fdv fst <+> fdv snd
fdv (Enum {}) = none
fdv (Tag {}) = none
fdv (Eq {ty, l, r, _}) = fdv @{DScope} ty <+> fdv l <+> fdv r
fdv (DLam {body, _}) = fdv @{DScope} body
fdv (NAT {}) = none
fdv (Nat {}) = none
fdv (Succ {p, _}) = fdv p
fdv (STRING {}) = none
fdv (Str {}) = none
fdv (BOX {ty, _}) = fdv ty
fdv (Box {val, _}) = fdv val
fdv (Let {rhs, body, _}) = fdv rhs <+> fdvT body
fdv (E e) = fdv e
fdv (CloT s) = fdv s @{WithSubst}
fdv (DCloT s) = fdvSubst s
HasFreeDVars Elim where

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@ -264,6 +264,12 @@ mutual
<*> fromPTermDScope ds ns [< j1] val1
<*> pure loc
Let (qty, x, rhs) body loc =>
Let (fromPQty qty)
<$> fromPTermElim ds ns rhs
<*> fromPTermTScope ds ns [< x] body
<*> pure loc
fromPTermEnumArms : Loc -> Context' PatVar d -> Context' PatVar n ->
List (PTagVal, PTerm) ->

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@ -261,6 +261,9 @@ reserved =
Word "caseω" `Or` Word "case#",
Word1 "return",
Word1 "of",
Word1 "let", Word1 "in",
Word1 "let0", Word1 "let1",
Word "letω" `Or` Word "let#",
Word1 "fst", Word1 "snd",
Word1 "_",
Word1 "Eq",

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@ -585,13 +585,38 @@ where
foldr (\(q, x, s), t => Pi q x s t loc) cod $ toDoms (toQty q) doms
letIntro : FileName -> Grammar True (Maybe PQty)
letIntro fname =
withLoc fname (Just . PQ Zero <$ res "let0")
<|> withLoc fname (Just . PQ One <$ res "let1")
<|> withLoc fname (Just . PQ Any <$ res "letω")
<|> Nothing <$ resC "let"
letBinder : FileName -> Maybe PQty -> Grammar True (PQty, PatVar, PTerm)
letBinder fname mq = do
qty <- the (Grammar False PQty) $ case mq of
Just q => pure q
Nothing => qty fname <* mustWork (resC ".") <|> defLoc fname (PQ One)
x <- patVar fname; mustWork (resC "=")
rhs <- term fname
pure $ (qty, x, rhs)
letTerm : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
letTerm fname = withLoc fname $ do
qty <- letIntro fname
binds <- sepEndBy1 (res ";") $ assert_total letBinder fname qty
mustWork $ resC "in"
body <- assert_total term fname
pure $ \loc => foldr (\b, s => Let b s loc) body binds
-- term : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
term fname = lamTerm fname
<|> piTerm fname
<|> sigmaTerm fname
<|> letTerm fname

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@ -100,6 +100,8 @@ namespace PTerm
| Coe (PatVar, PTerm) PDim PDim PTerm Loc
| Comp (PatVar, PTerm) PDim PDim PTerm PDim
(PatVar, PTerm) (PatVar, PTerm) Loc
| Let (PQty, PatVar, PTerm) PTerm Loc
%name PTerm s, t
public export
@ -144,6 +146,7 @@ Located PTerm where
(Ann _ _ loc).loc = loc
(Coe _ _ _ _ loc).loc = loc
(Comp _ _ _ _ _ _ _ loc).loc = loc
(Let _ _ loc).loc = loc
Located PCaseBody where

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@ -267,8 +267,8 @@ prettyDBind = hl DVar . prettyBind'
export %inline
typeD, ioStateD, arrowD, darrowD, timesD, lamD, eqndD, dlamD, annD, natD,
stringD, eqD, colonD, commaD, semiD, atD, caseD, typecaseD, returnD,
ofD, dotD, zeroD, succD, coeD, compD, undD, cstD, pipeD, fstD, sndD :
stringD, eqD, colonD, commaD, semiD, atD, caseD, typecaseD, returnD, ofD, dotD,
zeroD, succD, coeD, compD, undD, cstD, pipeD, fstD, sndD, letD, inD :
{opts : LayoutOpts} -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
typeD = hl Syntax . text =<< ifUnicode "" "Type"
ioStateD = hl Syntax $ text "IOState"
@ -300,6 +300,8 @@ cstD = hl Syntax $ text "="
pipeD = hl Delim $ text "|"
fstD = hl Syntax $ text "fst"
sndD = hl Syntax $ text "snd"
letD = hl Syntax $ text "let"
inD = hl Syntax $ text "in"

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@ -99,6 +99,9 @@ mutual
BOX : (qty : Qty) -> (ty : Term d n) -> (loc : Loc) -> Term d n
Box : (val : Term d n) -> (loc : Loc) -> Term d n
Let : (qty : Qty) -> (rhs : Elim d n) ->
(body : ScopeTerm d n) -> (loc : Loc) -> Term d n
||| elimination
E : (e : Elim d n) -> Term d n
@ -383,6 +386,7 @@ Located (Term d n) where
(Succ _ loc).loc = loc
(BOX _ _ loc).loc = loc
(Box _ loc).loc = loc
(Let _ _ _ loc).loc = loc
(E e).loc = e.loc
(CloT (Sub t _)).loc = t.loc
(DCloT (Sub t _)).loc = t.loc
@ -446,6 +450,7 @@ Relocatable (Term d n) where
setLoc loc (Str s _) = Str s loc
setLoc loc (BOX qty ty _) = BOX qty ty loc
setLoc loc (Box val _) = Box val loc
setLoc loc (Let qty rhs body _) = Let qty rhs body loc
setLoc loc (E e) = E $ setLoc loc e
setLoc loc (CloT (Sub term subst)) = CloT $ Sub (setLoc loc term) subst
setLoc loc (DCloT (Sub term subst)) = DCloT $ Sub (setLoc loc term) subst

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@ -317,6 +317,44 @@ prettyCase dnames tnames qty head ret body =
prettyCase_ dnames tnames ![|caseD <+> prettyQty qty|] head ret body
LetBinder : Nat -> Nat -> Type
LetBinder d n = (Qty, BindName, Elim d n)
LetExpr : Nat -> Nat -> Nat -> Type
LetExpr d n n' = (Telescope (LetBinder d) n n', Term d n')
PrettyLetResult : LayoutOpts -> Nat -> Type
PrettyLetResult opts d =
Exists $ \n => (BContext n, Term d n, SnocList (Doc opts))
-- [todo] factor out this and the untyped version somehow
splitLet : Telescope (LetBinder d) n n' -> Term d n' -> Exists (LetExpr d n)
splitLet ys t@(Let qty rhs body _) =
splitLet (ys :< (qty,, rhs)) (assert_smaller t body.term)
splitLet ys t =
Evidence _ (ys, t)
private covering
prettyLets : {opts : LayoutOpts} ->
BContext d -> BContext a -> Telescope (LetBinder d) a b ->
Eff Pretty (SnocList (Doc opts))
prettyLets dnames xs lets = sequence $ snd $ go lets where
go : forall b. Telescope (LetBinder d) a b ->
(BContext b, SnocList (Eff Pretty (Doc opts)))
go [<] = (xs, [<])
go (lets :< (qty, x, rhs)) =
let (ys, docs) = go lets
doc = do
x <- prettyTBind x
rhs <- withPrec Outer $ assert_total prettyElim dnames ys rhs
hangDSingle (hsep [!letD, x, !cstD]) (hsep [rhs, !inD]) in
(ys :< x, docs :< doc)
isDefaultDir : Dim d -> Dim d -> Bool
isDefaultDir (K Zero _) (K One _) = True
@ -457,6 +495,14 @@ prettyTerm dnames tnames (BOX qty ty _) =
prettyTerm dnames tnames (Box val _) =
bracks =<< withPrec Outer (prettyTerm dnames tnames val)
prettyTerm dnames tnames (Let qty rhs body _) = do
let Evidence _ (lets, body) = splitLet [< (qty,, rhs)] body.term
heads <- prettyLets dnames tnames lets
let tnames = tnames . map (\(_, x, _) => x) lets
body <- withPrec Outer $ assert_total prettyTerm dnames tnames body
let lines = toList $ heads :< body
pure $ ifMultiline (hsep lines) (vsep lines)
prettyTerm dnames tnames (E e) = prettyElim dnames tnames e
prettyTerm dnames tnames t0@(CloT (Sub t ph)) =

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@ -249,89 +249,90 @@ mutual
isCloE (DCloE {}) = True
isCloE _ = False
PushSubsts Term Subst.isCloT where
pushSubstsWith th ph (TYPE l loc) =
nclo $ TYPE l loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (IOState loc) =
nclo $ IOState loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (Pi qty a body loc) =
nclo $ Pi qty (a // th // ph) (body // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (Lam body loc) =
nclo $ Lam (body // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (Sig a b loc) =
nclo $ Sig (a // th // ph) (b // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (Pair s t loc) =
nclo $ Pair (s // th // ph) (t // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (Enum tags loc) =
nclo $ Enum tags loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (Tag tag loc) =
nclo $ Tag tag loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (Eq ty l r loc) =
nclo $ Eq (ty // th // ph) (l // th // ph) (r // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (DLam body loc) =
nclo $ DLam (body // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith _ _ (NAT loc) =
nclo $ NAT loc
pushSubstsWith _ _ (Nat n loc) =
nclo $ Nat n loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (Succ n loc) =
nclo $ Succ (n // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith _ _ (STRING loc) =
nclo $ STRING loc
pushSubstsWith _ _ (Str s loc) =
nclo $ Str s loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (BOX pi ty loc) =
nclo $ BOX pi (ty // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (Box val loc) =
nclo $ Box (val // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (E e) =
let Element e nc = pushSubstsWith th ph e in nclo $ E e
pushSubstsWith th ph (CloT (Sub s ps)) =
pushSubstsWith th (comp th ps ph) s
pushSubstsWith th ph (DCloT (Sub s ps)) =
pushSubstsWith (ps . th) ph s
PushSubsts Elim Subst.isCloE where
pushSubstsWith th ph (F x u loc) =
nclo $ F x u loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (B i loc) =
let res = getLoc ph i loc in
case nchoose $ isCloE res of
Left yes => assert_total pushSubsts res
Right no => Element res no
pushSubstsWith th ph (App f s loc) =
nclo $ App (f // th // ph) (s // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (CasePair pi p r b loc) =
nclo $ CasePair pi (p // th // ph) (r // th // ph) (b // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (Fst pair loc) =
nclo $ Fst (pair // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (Snd pair loc) =
nclo $ Snd (pair // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (CaseEnum pi t r arms loc) =
nclo $ CaseEnum pi (t // th // ph) (r // th // ph)
(map (\b => b // th // ph) arms) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (CaseNat pi pi' n r z s loc) =
nclo $ CaseNat pi pi' (n // th // ph) (r // th // ph)
(z // th // ph) (s // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (CaseBox pi x r b loc) =
nclo $ CaseBox pi (x // th // ph) (r // th // ph) (b // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (DApp f d loc) =
nclo $ DApp (f // th // ph) (d // th) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (Ann s a loc) =
nclo $ Ann (s // th // ph) (a // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (Coe ty p q val loc) =
nclo $ Coe (ty // th // ph) (p // th) (q // th) (val // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (Comp ty p q val r zero one loc) =
nclo $ Comp (ty // th // ph) (p // th) (q // th)
(val // th // ph) (r // th)
(zero // th // ph) (one // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (TypeCase ty ret arms def loc) =
nclo $ TypeCase (ty // th // ph) (ret // th // ph)
(map (\t => t // th // ph) arms) (def // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (CloE (Sub e ps)) =
pushSubstsWith th (comp th ps ph) e
pushSubstsWith th ph (DCloE (Sub e ps)) =
pushSubstsWith (ps . th) ph e
PushSubsts Elim Subst.isCloE where
pushSubstsWith th ph (F x u loc) =
nclo $ F x u loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (B i loc) =
let res = getLoc ph i loc in
case nchoose $ isCloE res of
Left yes => assert_total pushSubsts res
Right no => Element res no
pushSubstsWith th ph (App f s loc) =
nclo $ App (f // th // ph) (s // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (CasePair pi p r b loc) =
nclo $ CasePair pi (p // th // ph) (r // th // ph) (b // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (Fst pair loc) =
nclo $ Fst (pair // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (Snd pair loc) =
nclo $ Snd (pair // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (CaseEnum pi t r arms loc) =
nclo $ CaseEnum pi (t // th // ph) (r // th // ph)
(map (\b => b // th // ph) arms) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (CaseNat pi pi' n r z s loc) =
nclo $ CaseNat pi pi' (n // th // ph) (r // th // ph)
(z // th // ph) (s // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (CaseBox pi x r b loc) =
nclo $ CaseBox pi (x // th // ph) (r // th // ph) (b // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (DApp f d loc) =
nclo $ DApp (f // th // ph) (d // th) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (Ann s a loc) =
nclo $ Ann (s // th // ph) (a // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (Coe ty p q val loc) =
nclo $ Coe (ty // th // ph) (p // th) (q // th) (val // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (Comp ty p q val r zero one loc) =
nclo $ Comp (ty // th // ph) (p // th) (q // th)
(val // th // ph) (r // th)
(zero // th // ph) (one // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (TypeCase ty ret arms def loc) =
nclo $ TypeCase (ty // th // ph) (ret // th // ph)
(map (\t => t // th // ph) arms) (def // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (CloE (Sub e ps)) =
pushSubstsWith th (comp th ps ph) e
pushSubstsWith th ph (DCloE (Sub e ps)) =
pushSubstsWith (ps . th) ph e
PushSubsts Term Subst.isCloT where
pushSubstsWith th ph (TYPE l loc) =
nclo $ TYPE l loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (IOState loc) =
nclo $ IOState loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (Pi qty a body loc) =
nclo $ Pi qty (a // th // ph) (body // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (Lam body loc) =
nclo $ Lam (body // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (Sig a b loc) =
nclo $ Sig (a // th // ph) (b // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (Pair s t loc) =
nclo $ Pair (s // th // ph) (t // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (Enum tags loc) =
nclo $ Enum tags loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (Tag tag loc) =
nclo $ Tag tag loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (Eq ty l r loc) =
nclo $ Eq (ty // th // ph) (l // th // ph) (r // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (DLam body loc) =
nclo $ DLam (body // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith _ _ (NAT loc) =
nclo $ NAT loc
pushSubstsWith _ _ (Nat n loc) =
nclo $ Nat n loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (Succ n loc) =
nclo $ Succ (n // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith _ _ (STRING loc) =
nclo $ STRING loc
pushSubstsWith _ _ (Str s loc) =
nclo $ Str s loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (BOX pi ty loc) =
nclo $ BOX pi (ty // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (Box val loc) =
nclo $ Box (val // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (E e) =
let Element e nc = pushSubstsWith th ph e in nclo $ E e
pushSubstsWith th ph (Let qty rhs body loc) =
nclo $ Let qty (rhs // th // ph) (body // th // ph) loc
pushSubstsWith th ph (CloT (Sub s ps)) =
pushSubstsWith th (comp th ps ph) s
pushSubstsWith th ph (DCloT (Sub s ps)) =
pushSubstsWith (ps . th) ph s

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@ -75,8 +75,10 @@ mutual
BOX qty <$> tightenT p ty <*> pure loc
tightenT' p (Box val loc) =
Box <$> tightenT p val <*> pure loc
tightenT' p (Let qty rhs body loc) =
Let qty <$> assert_total tightenE p rhs <*> tightenS p body <*> pure loc
tightenT' p (E e) =
assert_total $ E <$> tightenE p e
E <$> assert_total tightenE p e
tightenE' : OPE n1 n2 -> (e : Elim d n2) -> (0 ne : NotClo e) =>
@ -200,8 +202,10 @@ mutual
BOX qty <$> dtightenT p ty <*> pure loc
dtightenT' p (Box val loc) =
Box <$> dtightenT p val <*> pure loc
dtightenT' p (Let qty rhs body loc) =
Let qty <$> assert_total dtightenE p rhs <*> dtightenS p body <*> pure loc
dtightenT' p (E e) =
assert_total $ E <$> dtightenE p e
E <$> assert_total dtightenE p e
dtightenE' : OPE d1 d2 -> (e : Elim d2 n) -> (0 ne : NotClo e) =>

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@ -213,6 +213,13 @@ mutual
-- then Ψ | Γ ⊢ σ · [s] ⇐ [π.A] ⊳ πΣ
pure $ q * valout
check' ctx sg (Let qty rhs body loc) ty = do
eres <- inferC ctx (subjMult sg qty) rhs
qout <- checkC (extendTy (qty * sg.qty) eres.type ctx) sg
body.term (weakT 1 ty)
>>= popQ loc qty
pure $ qty * eres.qout + qout
check' ctx sg (E e) ty = do
-- if Ψ | Γ ⊢ σ · e ⇒ A' ⊳ Σ
infres <- inferC ctx sg e
@ -286,6 +293,11 @@ mutual
checkType' ctx (BOX q ty _) u = checkType ctx ty u
checkType' ctx t@(Box {}) u = throw $ NotType t.loc ctx t
checkType' ctx (Let qty rhs body loc) u = do
expectEqualQ loc qty Zero
ety <- inferC ctx SZero rhs
checkType (extendTy Zero ety.type ctx) body.term u
checkType' ctx (E e) u = do
-- if Ψ | Γ ⊢₀ E ⇒ Type
infres <- inferC ctx SZero e

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@ -222,6 +222,25 @@ eraseTerm ctx ty (Box val loc) = do
Erased => pure $ Erased loc
Kept => eraseTerm ctx a val
-- s ⤋ s' ⇐ A
-- ---------------------------------
-- let0 x = e in s ⤋ s'[⌷/x] ⇐ A
-- e ⤋ e' s ⤋ s' ⇐ A π ≠ 0
-- -------------------------------------
-- letπ x = e in s ⤋ let x = e' in s'
eraseTerm ctx ty (Let pi e s loc) = do
let x =
case isErased pi of
Erased => do
ety <- computeElimType ctx SZero e
s' <- eraseTerm (extendTy pi x ety ctx) (weakT 1 ty) s.term
pure $ sub1 (Erased e.loc) s'
Kept => do
EraRes ety e' <- eraseElim ctx e
s' <- eraseTerm (extendTy pi x ety ctx) (weakT 1 ty) s.term
pure $ Let x e' s' loc
-- e ⤋ e' ⇒ B
-- ------------
-- e ⤋ e' ⇐ A

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@ -96,11 +96,6 @@ public export
Definitions = SortedMap Name Definition
letD, inD : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
letD = hl Syntax "let"
inD = hl Syntax "in"
export covering
prettyTerm : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> BContext n ->
Term n -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)

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@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ isTyCon (STRING {}) = True
isTyCon (Str {}) = False
isTyCon (BOX {}) = True
isTyCon (Box {}) = False
isTyCon (Let {}) = False
isTyCon (E {}) = False
isTyCon (CloT {}) = False
isTyCon (DCloT {}) = False
@ -182,6 +183,7 @@ canPushCoe sg (STRING {}) _ = True
canPushCoe sg (Str {}) _ = False
canPushCoe sg (BOX {}) _ = True
canPushCoe sg (Box {}) _ = False
canPushCoe sg (Let {}) _ = False
canPushCoe sg (E {}) _ = False
canPushCoe sg (CloT {}) _ = False
canPushCoe sg (DCloT {}) _ = False
@ -243,10 +245,12 @@ mutual
||| (the annotation is redundant in a checkable context)
||| 3. a closure
||| 4. `succ` applied to a natural constant
||| 5. a `let` expression
public export
isRedexT : RedexTest Term
isRedexT _ _ (CloT {}) = True
isRedexT _ _ (DCloT {}) = True
isRedexT _ _ (Let {}) = True
isRedexT defs sg (E {e, _}) = isAnn e || isRedexE defs sg e
isRedexT _ _ (Succ p {}) = isNatConst p
isRedexT _ _ _ = False

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@ -252,7 +252,10 @@ CanWhnf Term Interface.isRedexT where
Left _ => case p of
Nat p _ => pure $ nred $ Nat (S p) loc
E (Ann (Nat p _) _ _) => pure $ nred $ Nat (S p) loc
Right nc => pure $ Element (Succ p loc) $ ?cc
Right nc => pure $ Element (Succ p loc) nc
whnf defs ctx sg (Let _ rhs body _) =
whnf defs ctx sg $ sub1 body rhs
-- s ∷ A ⇝ s (in term context)
whnf defs ctx sg (E e) = do

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@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ dim arg = "@", dim.
pat var = NAME | "_".
term = lambda | case | pi | sigma | ann.
term = lambda | pi | sigma | ann | let.
lambda = ("λ" | "δ"), {pat var}+, "⇒", term.
@ -49,12 +49,18 @@ sigma = (binder | ann), "×", (sigma | ann).
ann = infix eq, ["∷", term].
bare let binder = pat var, "=", term.
qty let binder = [qty, "."], bare let binder.
let = ("let0" | "let1" | "letω"), {bare let binder / ";"}+, "in", term
| "let", {qty let binder / ";"}+, "in", term.
infix eq = app term, ["≡", term, ":", app term]. (* dependent is below *)
app term = coe | comp | split universe | dep eq | succ | normal app.
app term = coe | comp | split universe | dep eq | special app | normal app.
split universe = "★", NAT.
dep eq = "Eq", type line, term arg, term arg.
succ = "succ", term arg.
special app = ("fst" | "snd" | "succ"), {term arg}+.
normal app = term arg, {term arg | dim arg}.
(* direction defaults to @0 @1 *)
@ -76,4 +82,5 @@ term arg = UNIVERSE | "★", SUPER
| "zero"
| QNAME, displacement
| "(", {term / ","}+, [","], ")".
| "(", {term / ","}+, [","], ")"
| case.

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@ -108,6 +108,13 @@ tests = "lexer" :- [
lexes "case0" [Reserved "case0"],
lexes "case##" [Name "case##"],
lexes "let" [Reserved "let"],
lexes "letω" [Reserved "letω"],
lexes "let#" [Reserved "letω"],
lexes "let1" [Reserved "let1"],
lexes "let0" [Reserved "let0"],
lexes "let##" [Name "let##"],
lexes "_" [Reserved "_"],
lexes "_a" [Name "_a"],
lexes "a_" [Name "a_"],

View File

@ -411,6 +411,49 @@ tests = "parser" :- [
(V "x" {}) _)
"let" :- [
parseMatch term "let x = y in z"
`(Let (PQ One _, PV "x" {}, V "y" {}) (V "z" {}) _),
parseMatch term "let x = y; in z"
`(Let (PQ One _, PV "x" {}, V "y" {}) (V "z" {}) _),
parseMatch term "let0 x = y in z"
`(Let (PQ Zero _, PV "x" {}, V "y" {}) (V "z" {}) _),
parseMatch term "let1 x = y in z"
`(Let (PQ One _, PV "x" {}, V "y" {}) (V "z" {}) _),
parseMatch term "letω x = y in z"
`(Let (PQ Any _, PV "x" {}, V "y" {}) (V "z" {}) _),
parseMatch term "let ω.x = y in z"
`(Let (PQ Any _, PV "x" {}, V "y" {}) (V "z" {}) _),
parseMatch term "let x = y1 y2 in z1 z2"
`(Let (PQ One _, PV "x" {},
(App (V "y1" {}) (V "y2" {}) _))
(App (V "z1" {}) (V "z2" {}) _) _),
parseMatch term "let x = a in let y = b in z"
`(Let (PQ One _, PV "x" {}, V "a" {})
(Let (PQ One _, PV "y" {}, V "b" {}) (V "z" {}) _) _),
parseMatch term "let x = a; y = b in z"
`(Let (PQ One _, PV "x" {}, V "a" {})
(Let (PQ One _, PV "y" {}, V "b" {}) (V "z" {}) _) _),
parseMatch term "letω x = a; y = b in z"
`(Let (PQ Any _, PV "x" {}, V "a" {})
(Let (PQ Any _, PV "y" {}, V "b" {}) (V "z" {}) _) _),
parseMatch term "letω x = a; y = b; in z"
`(Let (PQ Any _, PV "x" {}, V "a" {})
(Let (PQ Any _, PV "y" {}, V "b" {}) (V "z" {}) _) _),
parseMatch term "let ω.x = a; 1.y = b in z"
`(Let (PQ Any _, PV "x" {}, V "a" {})
(Let (PQ One _, PV "y" {}, V "b" {}) (V "z" {}) _) _),
parseMatch term "let x = y in z ∷ Z"
`(Let (PQ One _, PV "x" {}, V "y" {})
(Ann (V "z" {}) (V "Z" {}) _) _),
parseMatch term "let x = y in z₁ ≡ z₂ : Z"
`(Let (PQ One _, PV "x" {}, V "y" {})
(Eq (Unused _, V "Z" {}) (V "z₁" {}) (V "z₂" {}) _) _),
parseFails term "let1 1.x = y in z",
parseFails term "let x = y",
parseFails term "let x in z"
"definitions" :-
let definition = flip definition [] in [
parseMatch definition "defω x : {a} × {b} = ('a, 'b);"