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3 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
rhiannon morris 00e79d4264 quote names in Show 2023-05-25 18:34:13 +02:00
rhiannon morris a11bedd62a update pack 2023-05-23 18:30:51 +02:00
rhiannon morris c5fa11bdec don't need this agda file any more 2023-05-23 18:30:44 +02:00
4 changed files with 6 additions and 82 deletions

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@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ baseStr (UN x) = x
baseStr (MN x i) = "\{x}#\{show i}"
baseStr Unused = "_"
export Show BaseName where show = baseStr
export Show BaseName where show = show . baseStr
export FromString BaseName where fromString = UN
@ -82,7 +82,8 @@ fromPBaseName = MakeName [<] . UN
Show PName where
show (MakePName mods base) = concat $ intersperse "." $ toList $ mods :< base
show (MakePName mods base) =
show $ concat $ intersperse "." $ toList $ mods :< base
export Show Name where show = show . toPName

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@ -89,7 +89,8 @@ terminalMatch what l r = terminalMatchN_ what [(l, r)]
||| tag without leading `'`
bareTag : Grammar True TagVal
bareTag = terminalMatchN "bare tag" [(`(Name t), `(show t)), (`(Str s), `(s))]
bareTag = terminalMatchN "bare tag"
[(`(Name t), `(toDotsP t)), (`(Str s), `(s))]
||| tag with leading quote

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
collection = "nightly-230505"
collection = "nightly-230522"
type = "git"

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@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
open import Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional
module _ (ext : ∀ {a b} → Extensionality a b) where
open import Prelude hiding (zero; suc)
open import Data.W renaming (induction to induction)
open import Data.Container
open import Data.Container.Relation.Unary.All ; open □
𝓀 : Level
A B : Set 𝓀
P Q : A → Set
C : Container 𝓀
data Tag : Set where `zero `suc : Tag
Body : Tag → Set
Body t = case t of λ {`zero → ⊥ ; `suc → }
Repr : Container lzero lzero
Repr = Tag ▷ Body
Nat : Set
Nat = W Repr
Nat : Set
Nat = ⟦ Repr ⟧ Nat
zero : Nat
zero = sup (`zero , λ ())
suc : Nat → Nat
suc n = sup (`suc , const n)
induction :
(P : W C → Set ) →
(IH : (t : ⟦ C ⟧ (W C)) → □ C P t → P (sup t)) →
(w : W C) → P w
induction P IH = induction P (λ {t} → IH t)
elim : (P : Nat → Set ) →
(Z : P zero) →
(S : ∀ n → P n → P (suc n)) →
(n : Nat) → P n
elim P Z S = induction _ λ (tag , body) →
body |>
(case tag
return (λ t → (n : Body t → Nat) →
□ Repr P (t , n) →
P (sup (t , n)))
of λ where
`zero → λ n _ → ≡.subst (λ n → P (sup (`zero , n))) (ext λ ()) Z
`suc → λ n IH → S (n tt) (IH .proof tt))
pred : Nat → Nat
pred = induction _ λ n@(tag , body) _ →
body |>
(case tag
return (λ t → (Body t → Nat) → Nat)
of λ where
`zero _ → zero
`suc n → n tt)
Subterms : (A : Set 𝓀) (P : A → Set ) → Set _
Subterms A P = Σ[ x ∈ A ] (P x → W (A ▷ P))
subterms : W (A ▷ P) → Subterms A P
subterms = induction _ λ t IH → t
natSub : Nat → List Nat
natSub n =
case subterms n of λ where
(`zero , body) → []
(`suc , body) → [ body tt ]
where open List