support notes/comments in test output

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rhiannon morris 2022-05-25 16:04:51 +02:00
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commit de3e13bad8
1 changed files with 32 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -51,7 +51,17 @@ export Show a => ToInfo (List (String, a)) where toInfo = map (map show)
data Test = One TestBase | Group String (List Test)
data Test
= One TestBase
| Group String (List Test)
| Note String
isRealTest : Test -> Bool
isRealTest (One _) = True
isRealTest (Group _ _) = True
isRealTest (Note _) = False
@ -89,6 +99,7 @@ export
skipWith : Test -> String -> Test
skipWith (One t) reason = makeSkip t.label reason
skipWith (Group l _) reason = makeSkip l reason
skipWith (Note n) _ = Note n
skip : Test -> Test
@ -113,11 +124,17 @@ bailOut = One $ MakeTest "bail out" $ do
putStrLn "Bail out!"
note : String -> Test
note = Note
header : List a -> String
header tests = "1..\{show $ length tests}"
header : List Test -> String
header tests =
let count = length $ filter isRealTest tests in
"1..\{show count}"
makePrefix : SnocList String -> String
@ -138,6 +155,7 @@ mutual
flatten1With : SnocList String -> Test -> List Test
flatten1With pfx (One t) = [withPrefix pfx t]
flatten1With pfx (Group x ts) = flattenWith (pfx :< x) ts
flatten1With pfx (Note n) = [Note n]
flatten : List Test -> List Test
@ -174,11 +192,13 @@ toBool _ = True
numbered : List a -> List (Nat, a)
numbered = go 1 where
numbered : (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List (Nat, a)
numbered p = go 1 where
go : Nat -> List a -> List (Nat, a)
go _ [] = []
go i (x :: xs) = (i, x) :: go (S i) xs
go i (x :: xs) =
if p x then (i, x) :: go (S i) xs
else (0, x) :: go i xs
@ -230,12 +250,16 @@ mutual
res <- local {indent $= plus 4} $ runList tests
putOk res index label
pure res
run' (_, Note note) = do
putIndentLines [!(col Magenta "# ") ++ note]
pure True
runList : List Test -> Runner Bool
runList tests = do
putColor Cyan $ header tests
all id <$> traverse (\t => run' (assert_smaller tests t)) (numbered tests)
let tests' = numbered isRealTest tests
all id <$> traverse (\t => run' (assert_smaller tests t)) tests'
@ -254,6 +278,7 @@ mutual
case filterMatch (Just pat) tests of
[] => Nothing
res => Just $ Group label res
filterMatch1 pat note@(Note _) = Just note