add Injective instances, etc
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 82 additions and 8 deletions
@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ import Quox.Syntax.Var
import Quox.Syntax.Subst
import Quox.Pretty
import Decidable.Equality
import Control.Function
%default total
@ -70,3 +73,31 @@ export
CanSubst Dim Dim where
K e // _ = K e
B i // th = th !! i
export Uninhabited (Zero = One) where uninhabited _ impossible
export Uninhabited (One = Zero) where uninhabited _ impossible
export Uninhabited (B i = K e) where uninhabited _ impossible
export Uninhabited (K e = B i) where uninhabited _ impossible
public export %inline Injective B where injective Refl = Refl
public export %inline Injective K where injective Refl = Refl
public export
DecEq DimConst where
decEq Zero Zero = Yes Refl
decEq Zero One = No absurd
decEq One Zero = No absurd
decEq One One = Yes Refl
public export
DecEq (Dim d) where
decEq (K e) (K f) with (decEq e f)
_ | Yes prf = Yes $ cong K prf
_ | No contra = No $ contra . injective
decEq (K e) (B j) = No absurd
decEq (B i) (K f) = No absurd
decEq (B i) (B j) with (decEq i j)
_ | Yes prf = Yes $ cong B prf
_ | No contra = No $ contra . injective
@ -89,8 +89,11 @@ toNatInj' (SS by) (SS bz) prf = EqSS $ toNatInj' by bz $ injective prf
toNatInj' (SS by) SZ Refl impossible
0 toNatInj : (by, bz : Shift from to) -> by.nat = bz.nat -> by = bz
toNatInj by bz e = fromEqv $ toNatInj' by bz e
0 toNatInj : {by, bz : Shift from to} -> by.nat = bz.nat -> by = bz
toNatInj {by, bz} e = fromEqv $ toNatInj' by bz e
export %inline
Injective Shift.(.nat) where injective eq = irrelevantEq $ toNatInj eq
public export
@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
module Quox.Syntax.Var
import Quox.Name
import Quox.Pretty
import Quox.OPE
import Data.Nat
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Quox.Pretty
import Decidable.Equality
import Data.Bool.Decidable
%default total
@ -30,6 +32,8 @@ export %inline Eq (Var n) where i == j = i.nat == j.nat
export %inline Ord (Var n) where compare i j = compare i.nat j.nat
export %inline Show (Var n) where showPrec d i = showCon d "V" $ showArg i.nat
public export %inline Injective VS where injective Refl = Refl
parameters {auto _ : Pretty.HasEnv m}
@ -81,13 +85,14 @@ export
toNatLT VZ = LTESucc LTEZero
toNatLT (VS i) = LTESucc $ toNatLT i
0 toNatInj : {i, j : Var n} -> i.nat = j.nat -> i = j
public export
toNatInj : {i, j : Var n} -> i.nat = j.nat -> i = j
toNatInj {i = VZ} {j = VZ} Refl = Refl
toNatInj {i = VZ} {j = (VS i)} Refl impossible
toNatInj {i = (VS i)} {j = VZ} Refl impossible
toNatInj {i = (VS i)} {j = (VS j)} prf =
cong VS $ toNatInj $ succInjective _ _ prf
toNatInj {i = (VS i)} {j = (VS j)} prf = cong VS $ toNatInj $ injective prf
public export %inline Injective (.nat) where injective = toNatInj
0 fromToNat : (i : Var n) -> (p : i.nat `LT` n) -> fromNatWith i.nat p = i
@ -223,3 +228,38 @@ splitLTE {j = VS _} LTEZ = Right LTZ
splitLTE (LTES p) with (splitLTE p)
_ | (Left eq) = Left $ cong VS eq
_ | (Right lt) = Right $ LTS lt
export Uninhabited (VZ = VS i) where uninhabited _ impossible
export Uninhabited (VS i = VZ) where uninhabited _ impossible
public export
eqReflect : (i, j : Var n) -> (i = j) `Reflects` (i == j)
eqReflect VZ VZ = RTrue Refl
eqReflect VZ (VS i) = RFalse absurd
eqReflect (VS i) VZ = RFalse absurd
eqReflect (VS i) (VS j) with (eqReflect i j)
eqReflect (VS i) (VS j) | r with (i == j)
eqReflect (VS i) (VS j) | RTrue yes | True = RTrue $ cong VS yes
eqReflect (VS i) (VS j) | RFalse no | False = RFalse $ no . injective
public export
reflectToDec : p `Reflects` b -> Dec p
reflectToDec (RTrue y) = Yes y
reflectToDec (RFalse n) = No n
public export %inline
varDecEq : (i, j : Var n) -> Dec (i = j)
varDecEq i j = reflectToDec $ eqReflect i j
-- justified by eqReflect [citation needed]
private %inline
decEqFromBool : (i, j : Var n) -> Dec (i = j)
decEqFromBool i j =
if i == j then Yes $ believe_me $ Refl {x = 0}
else No $ id . believe_me
%transform "Var.decEq" varDecEq = decEqFromBool
public export %inline DecEq (Var n) where decEq = varDecEq
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