This commit is contained in:
rhiannon morris 2024-01-13 15:32:12 +01:00
parent 582666a254
commit c5e157a169
23 changed files with 977 additions and 403 deletions

exe/CompileMonad.idr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
module CompileMonad
import Quox.Syntax as Q
import Quox.Definition as Q
import Quox.Untyped.Syntax as U
import Quox.Parser
import Quox.Untyped.Erase
import Quox.Untyped.Scheme
import Quox.Pretty
import Quox.Log
import Options
import Output
import Error
import System.File
import Data.IORef
import Control.Eff
%default total
%hide Doc.(>>=)
%hide Core.(>>=)
%hide FromParser.Error
%hide Erase.Error
%hide Lexer.Error
%hide Parser.Error
public export
record State where
constructor MkState
seen : IORef SeenSet
defs : IORef Q.Definitions
ns : IORef Mods
suf : IORef NameSuf
%name CompileMonad.State state
newState : HasIO io => io State
newState = pure $ MkState {
seen = !(newIORef empty),
defs = !(newIORef empty),
ns = !(newIORef [<]),
suf = !(newIORef 0)
public export
data CompileTag = OPTS | STATE
public export
Compile : List (Type -> Type)
Compile =
[Except Error,
ReaderL STATE State, ReaderL OPTS Options, Log,
LoadFile, IO]
handleLog : IORef LevelStack -> OpenFile -> LogL x a -> IOErr Error a
handleLog lvls f l = case f of
OConsole ch => handleLogIO (const $ pure ()) lvls (consoleHandle ch) l
OFile _ h => handleLogIO (const $ pure ()) lvls h l
ONone => handleLogDiscard l
withLogFile : Options ->
(IORef LevelStack -> OpenFile -> IO (Either Error a)) ->
IO (Either Error a)
withLogFile opts act = do
withOutFile CErr opts.logFile fromError $ act !(newIORef initStack)
fromError : String -> FileError -> IO (Either Error a)
fromError file err = pure $ Left $ WriteError file err
export covering
runCompile : Options -> State -> Eff Compile a -> IO (Either Error a)
runCompile opts state act = do
withLogFile opts $ \lvls, logFile =>
fromIOErr $ runEff act $ with Union.(::)
[handleExcept (\e => ioLeft e),
handleReaderConst state,
handleReaderConst opts,
handleLog lvls logFile,
handleLoadFileIOE loadError ParseError state.seen opts.include,
rethrowFileC : String -> Either FileError a -> Eff Compile a
rethrowFileC f = rethrow . mapFst (WriteError f)
outputStr : OpenFile -> Lazy String -> Eff Compile ()
outputStr ONone _ = pure ()
outputStr (OConsole COut) str = putStr str
outputStr (OConsole CErr) str = fPutStr stderr str >>= rethrowFileC "<stderr>"
outputStr (OFile f h) str = fPutStr h str >>= rethrowFileC f
outputDocs : OpenFile ->
({opts : LayoutOpts} -> Eff Pretty (List (Doc opts))) ->
Eff Compile ()
outputDocs file docs = do
opts <- askAt OPTS
for_ (runPretty opts (toOutFile file) docs) $ \x =>
outputStr file $ render (Opts opts.width) x
outputDoc : OpenFile ->
({opts : LayoutOpts} -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)) -> Eff Compile ()
outputDoc file doc = outputDocs file $ singleton <$> doc
public export
data StopTag = STOP
public export
CompileStop : List (Type -> Type)
CompileStop = FailL STOP :: Compile
withEarlyStop : Eff CompileStop () -> Eff Compile ()
withEarlyStop = ignore . runFailAt STOP
stopHere : Has (FailL STOP) fs => Eff fs ()
stopHere = failAt STOP
liftFromParser : Eff FromParserIO a -> Eff Compile a
liftFromParser act =
runEff act $ with Union.(::)
[handleExcept $ \err => throw $ FromParserError err,
handleStateIORef !(asksAt STATE defs),
handleStateIORef !(asksAt STATE ns),
handleStateIORef !(asksAt STATE suf),
\g => send g,
\g => send g]
liftErase : Q.Definitions -> Eff Erase a -> Eff Compile a
liftErase defs act =
runEff act
[handleExcept $ \err => throw $ EraseError err,
handleStateIORef !(asksAt STATE suf),
\g => send g]
liftScheme : Eff Scheme a -> Eff Compile (a, List Id)
liftScheme act = do
runEff [|MkPair act (getAt MAIN)|]
[handleStateIORef !(newIORef empty),
handleStateIORef !(newIORef [])]

exe/Error.idr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
module Error
import Quox.Pretty
import Quox.Parser
import Quox.Untyped.Erase
import Quox.Untyped.Scheme
import Options
import Output
import System.File
public export
data Error =
ParseError String Parser.Error
| FromParserError FromParser.Error
| EraseError Erase.Error
| WriteError FilePath FileError
| NoMain
| MultipleMains (List Scheme.Id)
%hide FromParser.Error
%hide Erase.Error
%hide Lexer.Error
%hide Parser.Error
loadError : Loc -> FilePath -> FileError -> Error
loadError loc file err = FromParserError $ LoadError loc file err
prettyError : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Error -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
prettyError (ParseError file e) = prettyParseError file e
prettyError (FromParserError e) = FromParser.prettyError True e
prettyError (EraseError e) = Erase.prettyError True e
prettyError NoMain = pure "no #[main] function given"
prettyError (MultipleMains xs) =
pure $ sep ["multiple #[main] functions given:",
separateLoose "," !(traverse prettyId xs)]
prettyError (WriteError file e) = pure $
hangSingle 2 (text "couldn't write file \{file}:") (pshow e)
dieError : Options -> Error -> IO a
dieError opts e =
die (Opts opts.width) $
runPretty ({outFile := Console} opts) Console $
prettyError e

View File

@ -7,7 +7,11 @@ import Quox.Parser
import Quox.Untyped.Erase import Quox.Untyped.Erase
import Quox.Untyped.Scheme import Quox.Untyped.Scheme
import Quox.Pretty import Quox.Pretty
import Quox.Log
import Options import Options
import Output
import Error
import CompileMonad
import System import System
import System.File import System.File
@ -19,227 +23,27 @@ import Control.Eff
%hide Doc.(>>=) %hide Doc.(>>=)
%hide Core.(>>=) %hide Core.(>>=)
die : HasIO io => (opts : LayoutOpts) -> Doc opts -> io a
die opts err = do
ignore $ fPutStr stderr $ render opts err
hlFor : HLType -> OutFile -> HL -> Highlight
hlFor Guess Console = highlightSGR
hlFor Guess _ = noHighlight
hlFor NoHL _ = noHighlight
hlFor Term _ = highlightSGR
hlFor Html _ = highlightHtml
runPretty : Options -> OutFile -> Eff Pretty a -> a
runPretty opts file act =
runPrettyWith Outer opts.flavor (hlFor opts.hlType file) 2 act
record State where
constructor MkState
seen : IORef SeenSet
defs : IORef Q.Definitions
ns : IORef Mods
suf : IORef NameSuf
%name Main.State state
newState : HasIO io => io State
newState = pure $ MkState {
seen = !(newIORef empty),
defs = !(newIORef empty),
ns = !(newIORef [<]),
suf = !(newIORef 0)
data Error =
ParseError String Parser.Error
| FromParserError FromParser.Error
| EraseError Erase.Error
| WriteError FilePath FileError
| NoMain
| MultipleMains (List Id)
%hide FromParser.Error %hide FromParser.Error
%hide Erase.Error %hide Erase.Error
%hide Lexer.Error %hide Lexer.Error
%hide Parser.Error %hide Parser.Error
loadError : Loc -> FilePath -> FileError -> Error
loadError loc file err = FromParserError $ LoadError loc file err
prettyError : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Error -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
prettyError (ParseError file e) = prettyParseError file e
prettyError (FromParserError e) = FromParser.prettyError True e
prettyError (EraseError e) = Erase.prettyError True e
prettyError NoMain = pure "no #[main] function given"
prettyError (MultipleMains xs) =
pure $ sep ["multiple #[main] functions given:",
separateLoose "," !(traverse prettyId xs)]
prettyError (WriteError file e) = pure $
hangSingle 2 (text "couldn't write file \{file}:") (pshow e)
dieError : Options -> Error -> IO a
dieError opts e =
die (Opts opts.width) $
runPretty ({outFile := Console} opts) Console $
prettyError e
data CompileTag = OPTS | STATE
Compile : List (Type -> Type)
Compile =
[Except Error,
ReaderL STATE State, ReaderL OPTS Options,
LoadFile, IO]
private covering
runCompile : Options -> State -> Eff Compile a -> IO (Either Error a)
runCompile opts state act =
fromIOErr $ runEff act $ with Union.(::)
[handleExcept (\e => ioLeft e),
handleReaderConst state,
handleReaderConst opts,
handleLoadFileIOE loadError ParseError state.seen opts.include,
data StopTag = STOP
CompileStop : List (Type -> Type)
CompileStop = FailL STOP :: Compile
withEarlyStop : Has (FailL STOP) fs => Eff fs () -> Eff (fs - FailL STOP) ()
withEarlyStop = ignore . runFailAt STOP
stopHere : Has (FailL STOP) fs => Eff fs ()
stopHere = failAt STOP
data ConsoleChannel = COut | CErr
data OpenFile = OConsole ConsoleChannel | OFile String File | ONone
rethrowFile : String -> Either FileError a -> Eff Compile a
rethrowFile f = rethrow . mapFst (WriteError f)
toOutFile : OpenFile -> OutFile
toOutFile (OConsole _) = Console
toOutFile (OFile f _) = File f
toOutFile ONone = NoOut
withFileC : String -> (OpenFile -> Eff Compile a) -> Eff Compile a
withFileC f act =
withFile f WriteTruncate pure ( Right . act . OFile f) >>=
rethrowFile f
withOutFile : ConsoleChannel -> OutFile ->
(OpenFile -> Eff Compile a) -> Eff Compile a
withOutFile _ (File f) act = withFileC f act
withOutFile ch Console act = act $ OConsole ch
withOutFile _ NoOut act = act ONone
outputStr : OpenFile -> Lazy String -> Eff Compile ()
outputStr ONone _ = pure ()
outputStr (OConsole COut) str = putStr str
outputStr (OConsole CErr) str = fPutStr stderr str >>= rethrowFile "<stderr>"
outputStr (OFile f h) str = fPutStr h str >>= rethrowFile f
outputDocs : OpenFile ->
({opts : LayoutOpts} -> Eff Pretty (List (Doc opts))) ->
Eff Compile ()
outputDocs file docs = do
opts <- askAt OPTS
for_ (runPretty opts (toOutFile file) docs) $ \x =>
outputStr file $ render (Opts opts.width) x
outputDoc : OpenFile ->
({opts : LayoutOpts} -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)) -> Eff Compile ()
outputDoc file doc = outputDocs file $ singleton <$> doc
liftFromParser : Eff FromParserIO a -> Eff Compile a
liftFromParser act =
runEff act $ with Union.(::)
[handleExcept $ \err => throw $ FromParserError err,
handleStateIORef !(asksAt STATE defs),
handleStateIORef !(asksAt STATE ns),
handleStateIORef !(asksAt STATE suf),
\g => send g]
liftErase : Q.Definitions -> Eff Erase a -> Eff Compile a
liftErase defs act =
runEff act
[handleExcept $ \err => throw $ EraseError err,
handleStateIORef !(asksAt STATE suf)]
liftScheme : Eff Scheme a -> Eff Compile (a, List Id)
liftScheme act = do
runEff [|MkPair act (getAt MAIN)|]
[handleStateIORef !(newIORef empty),
handleStateIORef !(newIORef [])]
private private
Step : Type -> Type -> Type Step : Type -> Type -> Type
Step i o = OpenFile -> i -> Eff Compile o Step a b = OpenFile -> a -> Eff Compile b
-- private
-- processFile : String -> Eff Compile ()
-- processFile file = withEarlyStop $ do
-- Just ast <- loadFile noLoc file
-- | Nothing => pure ()
-- -- putErrLn "checking \{file}"
-- when (!(asksAt OPTS until) == Just Parse) $ do
-- lift $ outputStr $ show ast
-- stopHere
-- defList <- liftFromParser $ concat <$> traverse fromPTopLevel ast
-- outputDocStopIf Check $
-- traverse (uncurry Q.prettyDef) defList
-- let defs = SortedMap.fromList defList
-- erased <- liftErase defs $
-- traverse (\(x, d) => (x,) <$> eraseDef defs x d) defList
-- outputDocStopIf Erase $
-- traverse (uncurry U.prettyDef) erased
-- (scheme, mains) <- liftScheme $ map catMaybes $
-- traverse (uncurry defToScheme) erased
-- outputDocStopIf Scheme $
-- intersperse empty <$> traverse prettySexp scheme
private private
step : {default CErr console : ConsoleChannel} -> step : {default CErr console : ConsoleChannel} ->
Phase -> OutFile -> Step i o -> i -> Eff CompileStop o Phase -> OutFile -> Step a b -> a -> Eff CompileStop b
step phase file act x = do step phase file act x = do
opts <- askAt OPTS opts <- askAt OPTS
res <- lift $ withOutFile console file $ \h => act h x res <- withOutFile console file fromError $ \h => lift $ act h x
when (opts.until == Just phase) stopHere when (opts.until == Just phase) stopHere
pure res pure res
fromError : String -> FileError -> Eff CompileStop c
fromError file err = throw $ WriteError file err
private covering private covering
@ -268,25 +72,23 @@ erase h defList =
where defs = SortedMap.fromList defList where defs = SortedMap.fromList defList
private covering private covering
scheme : Step (List U.NDefinition) (List Sexp, Id) scheme : Step (List U.NDefinition) (List Sexp, List Id)
scheme h defs = do scheme h defs = do
sexps' <- for defs $ \(x, d) => do sexps' <- for defs $ \(x, d) => do
(msexp, mains) <- liftScheme $ defToScheme x d (msexp, mains) <- liftScheme $ defToScheme x d
outputDoc h $ maybe (sayErased x) prettySexp msexp outputDoc h $ case msexp of
Just s => prettySexp s
Nothing => pure $ hsep [";;", prettyName x, "erased"]
pure (msexp, mains) pure (msexp, mains)
bitraverse (pure . catMaybes) (oneMain . concat) $ unzip sexps' pure $ bimap catMaybes concat $ unzip sexps'
sayErased : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Name -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
sayErased x = pure $ hsep [";;", prettyName x, "erased"]
oneMain : List Id -> Eff Compile Id
oneMain [m] = pure m
oneMain [] = throw NoMain
oneMain ms = throw $ MultipleMains ms
private covering private covering
output : Step (List Sexp, Id) () output : Step (List Sexp, List Id) ()
output h (sexps, main) = output h (sexps, mains) = do
main <- case mains of
[m] => pure m
[] => throw NoMain
_ => throw $ MultipleMains mains
lift $ outputDocs h $ do lift $ outputDocs h $ do
res <- traverse prettySexp sexps res <- traverse prettySexp sexps
runner <- makeRunMain main runner <- makeRunMain main

View File

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
module Options module Options
import Quox.Pretty import Quox.Pretty
import Quox.Log
import Data.DPair
import Data.SortedMap
import System import System
import System.Console.GetOpt import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.File import System.File
@ -42,13 +45,15 @@ record Dump where
public export public export
record Options where record Options where
constructor MkOpts constructor MkOpts
hlType : HLType include : List String
dump : Dump dump : Dump
outFile : OutFile outFile : OutFile
until : Maybe Phase until : Maybe Phase
hlType : HLType
flavor : Pretty.Flavor flavor : Pretty.Flavor
width : Nat width : Nat
include : List String logLevels : LogLevels
logFile : OutFile
%name Options opts %name Options opts
%runElab derive "Options" [Show] %runElab derive "Options" [Show]
@ -61,13 +66,15 @@ defaultWidth = do
export export
defaultOpts : IO Options defaultOpts : IO Options
defaultOpts = pure $ MkOpts { defaultOpts = pure $ MkOpts {
hlType = Guess, include = ["."],
dump = MkDump NoOut NoOut NoOut NoOut, dump = MkDump NoOut NoOut NoOut NoOut,
outFile = Console, outFile = Console,
until = Nothing, until = Nothing,
hlType = Guess,
flavor = Unicode, flavor = Unicode,
width = !defaultWidth, width = !defaultWidth,
include = ["."] logLevels = defaultLogLevels,
logFile = Console
} }
private private
@ -118,11 +125,52 @@ toHLType str = case toLower str of
"html" => Ok {hlType := Html} "html" => Ok {hlType := Html}
_ => Err "unknown highlighting type \{show str}\ntypes: term, html, none" _ => Err "unknown highlighting type \{show str}\ntypes: term, html, none"
||| like ghc, -i '' clears the search path; -i a:b:c adds a,b,c to the end ||| like ghc, `-i ""` clears the search path;
||| `-i a:b:c` adds `a`, `b`, `c` to the end
private private
dirListFlag : String -> List String -> List String dirListFlag : String -> List String -> List String
dirListFlag arg val = dirListFlag "" val = []
if null arg then [] else val ++ toList (split (== ':') arg) dirListFlag dirs val = val ++ toList (split (== ':') dirs)
splitLogFlag : String -> Either String (List (Maybe LogCategory, LogLevel))
splitLogFlag = traverse flag1 . toList . split (== ':') where
parseLogCategory : String -> Either String LogCategory
parseLogCategory cat = do
let Just cat = toLogCategory cat
| _ => let catList = joinBy ", " logCategories in
Left "unknown log category. categories are:\n\{catList}"
pure cat
parseLogLevel : String -> Either String LogLevel
parseLogLevel lvl = do
let Just lvl = parsePositive lvl
| _ => Left "log level \{lvl} not a number"
let Just lvl = toLogLevel lvl
| _ => Left "log level \{show lvl} out of range 0\{show maxLogLevel}"
pure lvl
flag1 : String -> Either String (Maybe LogCategory, LogLevel)
flag1 str = do
let (first, second) = break (== '=') str
case strM second of
StrCons '=' lvl => do
cat <- parseLogCategory first
lvl <- parseLogLevel second
pure (Just cat, lvl)
StrNil => (Nothing,) <$> parseLogLevel first
_ => Left "invalid log flag \{str}"
setLogFlag : LogLevels -> (Maybe LogCategory, LogLevel) -> LogLevels
setLogFlag lvls (Nothing, lvl) = {defLevel := lvl} lvls
setLogFlag lvls (Just name, lvl) = {levels $= ((name, lvl) ::)} lvls
logFlag : String -> OptAction
logFlag str = case splitLogFlag str of
Left err => Err err
Right flags => Ok $ \o => {logLevels := foldl setLogFlag o.logLevels flags} o
private private
commonOptDescrs' : List (OptDescr OptAction) commonOptDescrs' : List (OptDescr OptAction)
@ -133,7 +181,11 @@ commonOptDescrs' = [
MkOpt ['o'] ["output"] (ReqArg (\s => Ok {outFile := toOutFile s}) "<file>") MkOpt ['o'] ["output"] (ReqArg (\s => Ok {outFile := toOutFile s}) "<file>")
"output file (\"-\" for stdout, \"\" for no output)", "output file (\"-\" for stdout, \"\" for no output)",
MkOpt ['P'] ["phase"] (ReqArg toPhase "<phase>") MkOpt ['P'] ["phase"] (ReqArg toPhase "<phase>")
"stop after the given phase" "stop after the given phase",
MkOpt ['l'] ["log"] (ReqArg logFlag "[<cat>=]<n>:...")
"set log level",
MkOpt ['L'] ["log-file"] (ReqArg (\s => Ok {logFile := toOutFile s}) "<file>")
"set log output file"
] ]
private private
@ -148,13 +200,17 @@ extraOptDescrs = [
MkOpt [] ["color", "colour"] (ReqArg toHLType "<type>") MkOpt [] ["color", "colour"] (ReqArg toHLType "<type>")
"select highlighting type", "select highlighting type",
MkOpt [] ["dparse"] (ReqArg (\s => Ok {dump.parse := toOutFile s}) "<file>") MkOpt [] ["dump-parse"]
(ReqArg (\s => Ok {dump.parse := toOutFile s}) "<file>")
"dump AST", "dump AST",
MkOpt [] ["dcheck"] (ReqArg (\s => Ok {dump.check := toOutFile s}) "<file>") MkOpt [] ["dump-check"]
(ReqArg (\s => Ok {dump.check := toOutFile s}) "<file>")
"dump typechecker output", "dump typechecker output",
MkOpt [] ["derase"] (ReqArg (\s => Ok {dump.erase := toOutFile s}) "<file>") MkOpt [] ["dump-erase"]
(ReqArg (\s => Ok {dump.erase := toOutFile s}) "<file>")
"dump erasure output", "dump erasure output",
MkOpt [] ["dscheme"] (ReqArg (\s => Ok {dump.scheme := toOutFile s}) "<file>") MkOpt [] ["dump-scheme"]
(ReqArg (\s => Ok {dump.scheme := toOutFile s}) "<file>")
"dump scheme output (without prelude)" "dump scheme output (without prelude)"
] ]

exe/Output.idr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
module Output
import Quox.Pretty
import Options
import System.File
import System
public export
data ConsoleChannel = COut | CErr
consoleHandle : ConsoleChannel -> File
consoleHandle COut = stdout
consoleHandle CErr = stderr
public export
data OpenFile = OConsole ConsoleChannel | OFile String File | ONone
toOutFile : OpenFile -> OutFile
toOutFile (OConsole _) = Console
toOutFile (OFile f _) = File f
toOutFile ONone = NoOut
withFile : HasIO m => String -> (String -> FileError -> m a) ->
(OpenFile -> m a) -> m a
withFile f catch act =
res <- withFile f WriteTruncate pure ( Right . act . OFile f)
either (catch f) pure res
withOutFile : HasIO m => ConsoleChannel -> OutFile ->
(String -> FileError -> m a) -> (OpenFile -> m a) -> m a
withOutFile _ (File f) catch act = withFile f catch act
withOutFile ch Console catch act = act $ OConsole ch
withOutFile _ NoOut catch act = act ONone
hlFor : HLType -> OutFile -> HL -> Highlight
hlFor Guess Console = highlightSGR
hlFor Guess _ = noHighlight
hlFor NoHL _ = noHighlight
hlFor Term _ = highlightSGR
hlFor Html _ = highlightHtml
runPretty : Options -> OutFile -> Eff Pretty a -> a
runPretty opts file act =
runPrettyWith Outer opts.flavor (hlFor opts.hlType file) 2 act
die : HasIO io => (opts : LayoutOpts) -> Doc opts -> io a
die opts err = do
ignore $ fPutStr stderr $ render opts err

View File

@ -97,6 +97,10 @@ export
handleReaderConst : Applicative m => r -> ReaderL lbl r a -> m a handleReaderConst : Applicative m => r -> ReaderL lbl r a -> m a
handleReaderConst x Ask = pure x handleReaderConst x Ask = pure x
handleWriterST : HasST m => STRef s (SnocList w) -> WriterL lbl w a -> m s a
handleWriterST ref (Tell w) = liftST $ modifySTRef ref (:< w)
public export public export
record IOErr e a where record IOErr e a where

View File

@ -2,9 +2,12 @@ module Quox.Equal
import Quox.BoolExtra import Quox.BoolExtra
import public Quox.Typing import public Quox.Typing
import Data.Maybe
import Quox.EffExtra
import Quox.FreeVars import Quox.FreeVars
import Quox.Pretty
import Quox.EffExtra
import Data.List1
import Data.Maybe
%default total %default total
@ -15,11 +18,11 @@ EqModeState = State EqMode
public export public export
Equal : List (Type -> Type) Equal : List (Type -> Type)
Equal = [ErrorEff, DefsReader, NameGen] Equal = [ErrorEff, DefsReader, NameGen, Log]
public export public export
EqualInner : List (Type -> Type) EqualInner : List (Type -> Type)
EqualInner = [ErrorEff, NameGen, EqModeState] EqualInner = [ErrorEff, NameGen, EqModeState, Log]
export %inline export %inline
@ -74,9 +77,24 @@ sameTyCon (E {}) _ = False
||| * `[π.A]` is empty if `A` is. ||| * `[π.A]` is empty if `A` is.
||| * that's it. ||| * that's it.
public export covering public export covering
isEmpty : Definitions -> EqContext n -> SQty -> Term 0 n -> isEmpty :
Eff EqualInner Bool {default 30 logLevel : Nat} -> (0 _ : So (isLogLevel logLevel)) =>
isEmpty defs ctx sg ty0 = do Definitions -> EqContext n -> SQty -> Term 0 n -> Eff EqualInner Bool
private covering
isEmptyNoLog :
Definitions -> EqContext n -> SQty -> Term 0 n -> Eff EqualInner Bool
isEmpty defs ctx sg ty = do
say "equal" logLevel "isEmpty"
say "equal" 95 $ hsep ["ctx =", runPretty $ prettyEqContext ctx]
say "equal" 95 $ hsep ["sg =", runPretty $ prettyQty sg.qty]
say "equal" logLevel $ hsep ["ty =", runPretty $ prettyTerm [<] ctx.tnames ty]
res <- isEmptyNoLog defs ctx sg ty
say "equal" logLevel $ hsep ["isEmpty ⇝", pshow res]
pure res
isEmptyNoLog defs ctx sg ty0 = do
Element ty0 nc <- whnf defs ctx sg ty0.loc ty0 Element ty0 nc <- whnf defs ctx sg ty0.loc ty0
let Left y = choose $ isTyConE ty0 let Left y = choose $ isTyConE ty0
| Right n => pure False | Right n => pure False
@ -85,16 +103,17 @@ isEmpty defs ctx sg ty0 = do
IOState {} => pure False IOState {} => pure False
Pi {arg, res, _} => pure False Pi {arg, res, _} => pure False
Sig {fst, snd, _} => Sig {fst, snd, _} =>
isEmpty defs ctx sg fst `orM` isEmpty defs ctx sg fst {logLevel = 90} `orM`
isEmpty defs (extendTy0 fst ctx) sg snd.term isEmpty defs (extendTy0 fst ctx) sg snd.term {logLevel = 90}
Enum {cases, _} => Enum {cases, _} =>
pure $ null cases pure $ null cases
Eq {} => pure False Eq {} => pure False
NAT {} => pure False NAT {} => pure False
STRING {} => pure False STRING {} => pure False
BOX {ty, _} => isEmpty defs ctx sg ty BOX {ty, _} => isEmpty defs ctx sg ty {logLevel = 90}
E _ => pure False E _ => pure False
||| true if a type is known to be a subsingleton purely by its form. ||| true if a type is known to be a subsingleton purely by its form.
||| a subsingleton is a type with only zero or one possible values. ||| a subsingleton is a type with only zero or one possible values.
||| equality/subtyping accepts immediately on values of subsingleton types. ||| equality/subtyping accepts immediately on values of subsingleton types.
@ -106,27 +125,41 @@ isEmpty defs ctx sg ty0 = do
||| * an enum type is a subsingleton if it has zero or one tags. ||| * an enum type is a subsingleton if it has zero or one tags.
||| * a box type is a subsingleton if its content is ||| * a box type is a subsingleton if its content is
public export covering public export covering
isSubSing : Definitions -> EqContext n -> SQty -> Term 0 n -> isSubSing :
Eff EqualInner Bool {default 30 logLevel : Nat} -> (0 _ : So (isLogLevel logLevel)) =>
isSubSing defs ctx sg ty0 = do Definitions -> EqContext n -> SQty -> Term 0 n -> Eff EqualInner Bool
private covering
isSubSingNoLog :
Definitions -> EqContext n -> SQty -> Term 0 n -> Eff EqualInner Bool
isSubSing defs ctx sg ty = do
say "equal" logLevel "isSubSing"
say "equal" 95 $ hsep ["ctx =", runPretty $ prettyEqContext ctx]
say "equal" 95 $ hsep ["sg =", runPretty $ prettyQty sg.qty]
say "equal" logLevel $ hsep ["ty =", runPretty $ prettyTerm [<] ctx.tnames ty]
res <- isSubSingNoLog defs ctx sg ty
say "equal" logLevel $ hsep ["isSubsing ⇝", pshow res]
pure res
isSubSingNoLog defs ctx sg ty0 = do
Element ty0 nc <- whnf defs ctx sg ty0.loc ty0 Element ty0 nc <- whnf defs ctx sg ty0.loc ty0
let Left y = choose $ isTyConE ty0 let Left y = choose $ isTyConE ty0 | _ => pure False
| Right n => pure False
case ty0 of case ty0 of
TYPE {} => pure False TYPE {} => pure False
IOState {} => pure False IOState {} => pure False
Pi {arg, res, _} => Pi {arg, res, _} =>
isEmpty defs ctx sg arg `orM` isEmpty defs ctx sg arg {logLevel = 90} `orM`
isSubSing defs (extendTy0 arg ctx) sg res.term isSubSing defs (extendTy0 arg ctx) sg res.term {logLevel = 90}
Sig {fst, snd, _} => Sig {fst, snd, _} =>
isSubSing defs ctx sg fst `andM` isSubSing defs ctx sg fst {logLevel = 90} `andM`
isSubSing defs (extendTy0 fst ctx) sg snd.term isSubSing defs (extendTy0 fst ctx) sg snd.term {logLevel = 90}
Enum {cases, _} => Enum {cases, _} =>
pure $ length (SortedSet.toList cases) <= 1 pure $ length (SortedSet.toList cases) <= 1
Eq {} => pure True Eq {} => pure True
NAT {} => pure False NAT {} => pure False
STRING {} => pure False STRING {} => pure False
BOX {ty, _} => isSubSing defs ctx sg ty BOX {ty, _} => isSubSing defs ctx sg ty {logLevel = 90}
E _ => pure False E _ => pure False
@ -137,12 +170,20 @@ bigger l r = gets $ \case Super => l; _ => r
export export
ensureTyCon : Has ErrorEff fs => ensureTyCon, ensureTyConNoLog :
(Has Log fs, Has ErrorEff fs) =>
(loc : Loc) -> (ctx : EqContext n) -> (t : Term 0 n) -> (loc : Loc) -> (ctx : EqContext n) -> (t : Term 0 n) ->
Eff fs (So (isTyConE t)) Eff fs (So (isTyConE t))
ensureTyCon loc ctx t = case nchoose $ isTyConE t of ensureTyConNoLog loc ctx ty = do
case nchoose $ isTyConE ty of
Left y => pure y Left y => pure y
Right n => throw $ NotType loc (toTyContext ctx) (t // shift0 ctx.dimLen) Right n => throw $ NotType loc (toTyContext ctx) (ty // shift0 ctx.dimLen)
ensureTyCon loc ctx ty = do
say "equal" 60 "ensureTyCon"
say "equal" 95 $ hsep ["ctx =", runPretty $ prettyEqContext ctx]
say "equal" 60 $ hsep ["ty =", runPretty $ prettyTerm [<] ctx.tnames ty]
ensureTyConNoLog loc ctx ty
namespace Term namespace Term
@ -750,7 +791,11 @@ namespace Elim
namespace Term namespace Term
compare0 defs ctx sg ty s t = export covering %inline
compare0NoLog :
Definitions -> EqContext n -> SQty -> (ty, s, t : Term 0 n) ->
Eff EqualInner ()
compare0NoLog defs ctx sg ty s t =
wrapErr (WhileComparingT ctx !mode sg ty s t) $ do wrapErr (WhileComparingT ctx !mode sg ty s t) $ do
Element ty' _ <- whnf defs ctx SZero ty.loc ty Element ty' _ <- whnf defs ctx SZero ty.loc ty
Element s' _ <- whnf defs ctx sg s.loc s Element s' _ <- whnf defs ctx sg s.loc s
@ -758,20 +803,68 @@ namespace Term
tty <- ensureTyCon ty.loc ctx ty' tty <- ensureTyCon ty.loc ctx ty'
compare0' defs ctx sg ty' s' t' compare0' defs ctx sg ty' s' t'
compare0 defs ctx sg ty s t = do
say "equal" 30 "Term.compare0"
say "equal" 30 $ hsep ["mode =", pshow !mode]
say "equal" 95 $ hsep ["ctx =", runPretty $ prettyEqContext ctx]
say "equal" 95 $ hsep ["sg =", runPretty $ prettyQty sg.qty]
say "equal" 31 $ hsep ["ty =", runPretty $ prettyTerm [<] ctx.tnames ty]
say "equal" 30 $ hsep ["s =", runPretty $ prettyTerm [<] ctx.tnames s]
say "equal" 30 $ hsep ["t =", runPretty $ prettyTerm [<] ctx.tnames t]
compare0NoLog defs ctx sg ty s t
namespace Elim namespace Elim
compare0 defs ctx sg e f = do export covering %inline
compare0NoLog :
Definitions -> EqContext n -> SQty -> (e, f : Elim 0 n) ->
Eff EqualInner (Term 0 n)
compare0NoLog defs ctx sg e f = do
(ty, err) <- runStateAt InnerErr Nothing $ compare0Inner defs ctx sg e f (ty, err) <- runStateAt InnerErr Nothing $ compare0Inner defs ctx sg e f
maybe (pure ty) throw err maybe (pure ty) throw err
compareType defs ctx s t = do compare0 defs ctx sg e f = do
say "equal" 30 "Elim.compare0"
say "equal" 30 $ hsep ["mode =", pshow !mode]
say "equal" 95 $ hsep ["ctx =", runPretty $ prettyEqContext ctx]
say "equal" 95 $ hsep ["sg =", runPretty $ prettyQty sg.qty]
say "equal" 30 $ hsep ["e =", runPretty $ prettyElim [<] ctx.tnames e]
say "equal" 30 $ hsep ["f =", runPretty $ prettyElim [<] ctx.tnames f]
ty <- compare0NoLog defs ctx sg e f
say "equal" 31 $ hsep ["ty ⇝", runPretty $ prettyTerm [<] ctx.tnames ty]
pure ty
export covering %inline
compareTypeNoLog :
Definitions -> EqContext n -> (s, t : Term 0 n) -> Eff EqualInner ()
compareTypeNoLog defs ctx s t = do
Element s' _ <- whnf defs ctx SZero s.loc s Element s' _ <- whnf defs ctx SZero s.loc s
Element t' _ <- whnf defs ctx SZero t.loc t Element t' _ <- whnf defs ctx SZero t.loc t
ts <- ensureTyCon s.loc ctx s' ts <- ensureTyCon s.loc ctx s'
tt <- ensureTyCon t.loc ctx t' tt <- ensureTyCon t.loc ctx t'
st <- either pure (const $ clashTy s.loc ctx s' t') $ let Left _ = choose $ sameTyCon s' t' | _ => clashTy s.loc ctx s' t'
nchoose $ sameTyCon s' t'
compareType' defs ctx s' t' compareType' defs ctx s' t'
compareType defs ctx s t = do
say "equal" 30 "compareType"
say "equal" 30 $ hsep ["mode =", pshow !mode]
say "equal" 95 $ hsep ["ctx =", runPretty $ prettyEqContext ctx]
say "equal" 30 $ hsep ["s =", runPretty $ prettyTerm [<] ctx.tnames s]
say "equal" 30 $ hsep ["t =", runPretty $ prettyTerm [<] ctx.tnames t]
compareTypeNoLog defs ctx s t
getVars : TyContext d _ -> FreeVars d -> List BindName
getVars ctx (FV fvs) = case ctx.dctx of
ZeroIsOne => []
C eqs => toList $ getVars' ctx.dnames eqs fvs
getVars' : BContext d' -> DimEq' d' -> FreeVars' d' -> SnocList BindName
getVars' (names :< name) (eqs :< eq) (fvs :< fv) =
let rest = getVars' names eqs fvs in
case eq of Nothing => rest :< name
Just _ => rest
getVars' [<] [<] [<] = [<]
parameters (loc : Loc) (ctx : TyContext d n) parameters (loc : Loc) (ctx : TyContext d n)
parameters (mode : EqMode) parameters (mode : EqMode)
@ -780,9 +873,11 @@ parameters (loc : Loc) (ctx : TyContext d n)
fromInner = lift . map fst . runState mode fromInner = lift . map fst . runState mode
private private
eachFace : Applicative f => FreeVars d -> eachCorner : Has Log fs => FreeVars d ->
(EqContext n -> DSubst d 0 -> f ()) -> f () (EqContext n -> DSubst d 0 -> Eff fs ()) -> Eff fs ()
eachFace fvs act = eachCorner fvs act = do
say "equal" 50 $
hsep $ "eachCorner: split on" :: map prettyBind' (getVars ctx fvs)
for_ (splits loc ctx.dctx fvs) $ \th => for_ (splits loc ctx.dctx fvs) $ \th =>
act (makeEqContext ctx th) th act (makeEqContext ctx th) th
@ -793,11 +888,16 @@ parameters (loc : Loc) (ctx : TyContext d n)
private private
runCompare : FreeVars d -> CompareAction d n -> Eff Equal () runCompare : FreeVars d -> CompareAction d n -> Eff Equal ()
runCompare fvs act = fromInner $ eachFace fvs $ act !(askAt DEFS) runCompare fvs act = fromInner $ eachCorner fvs $ act !(askAt DEFS)
private private
fdvAll : HasFreeDVars t => List (t d n) -> FreeVars d foldMap1 : Semigroup b => (a -> b) -> List1 a -> b
fdvAll = let Val d = ctx.dimLen in foldMap (fdvWith [|d|] ctx.termLen) foldMap1 f = foldl1By (\x, y => x <+> f y) f
fdvAll : HasFreeDVars t => (xs : List (t d n)) -> (0 _ : NonEmpty xs) =>
FreeVars d
fdvAll (x :: xs) = foldMap1 (fdvWith ctx.dimLen ctx.termLen) (x ::: xs)
namespace Term namespace Term
export covering export covering

lib/Quox/Log.idr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
module Quox.Log
import Data.So
import Data.DPair
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List1
import Quox.Pretty
import Control.Eff
import Control.Monad.ST.Extra
import Data.IORef
import System.File
import Derive.Prelude
%default total
%language ElabReflection
public export
maxLogLevel : Nat
maxLogLevel = 100
public export
logCategories : List String
logCategories = ["whnf", "equal", "check"]
public export %inline
isLogLevel : Nat -> Bool
isLogLevel l = l <= maxLogLevel
public export %inline
isLogCategory : String -> Bool
isLogCategory cat = cat `elem` logCategories
public export
LogLevel : Type
LogLevel = Subset Nat (So . isLogLevel)
public export
LogCategory : Type
LogCategory = Subset String (So . isLogCategory)
public export %inline
toLogLevel : Nat -> Maybe LogLevel
toLogLevel l =
case choose $ isLogLevel l of
Left y => Just $ Element l y
Right _ => Nothing
public export %inline
toLogCategory : String -> Maybe LogCategory
toLogCategory c =
case choose $ isLogCategory c of
Left y => Just $ Element c y
Right _ => Nothing
public export
LevelMap : Type
LevelMap = List (LogCategory, LogLevel)
-- i tried SortedMap first, but it is too much overhead for LevelMaps
public export
record LogLevels where
constructor MkLogLevels
defLevel : LogLevel
levels : LevelMap
%name LogLevels lvls
%runElab derive "LogLevels" [Eq, Show]
public export
LevelStack : Type
LevelStack = List1 LogLevels
export %inline
defaultLogLevels : LogLevels
defaultLogLevels = MkLogLevels (Element 0 Oh) []
export %inline
initStack : LevelStack
initStack = singleton defaultLogLevels
makeLogLevels : Nat -> List (String, Nat) -> Either String LogLevels
makeLogLevels d ls = do
d <- toLevel d
ls <- traverse (bitraverse toCat toLevel) ls
pure $ MkLogLevels d ls
toCat : String -> Either String LogCategory
toCat str = do
let Left p = choose $ isLogCategory str
| _ => Left "not a log category: \{str}"
Right $ Element str p
toLevel : Nat -> Either String LogLevel
toLevel l = do
let Left p = choose $ isLogLevel l
| _ => Left "log level not in range: \{show l}"
Right $ Element l p
||| right biased for the default and for overlapping elements
public export %inline
mergeLevels : LogLevels -> LogLevels -> LogLevels
mergeLevels (MkLogLevels _ map1) (MkLogLevels def map2) =
MkLogLevels def $ map1 ++ map2
export %inline
getLevel : LogCategory -> LogLevels -> LogLevel
getLevel cat lvls = fromMaybe lvls.defLevel $ lookup cat lvls.levels
public export
LogDoc : Type
LogDoc = Doc (Opts {lineLength = 80})
public export
data PushArg = SetDefault LogLevel | SetCats LevelMap
%name PushArg push
export %inline
mergePush : LogLevels -> PushArg -> LogLevels
mergePush lvls (SetDefault def) = {defLevel := def} lvls
mergePush lvls (SetCats map) = {levels $= (map ++)} lvls
public export
data LogL : tag -> Type -> Type where
Say : (cat : LogCategory) -> (lvl : LogLevel) -> (msg : Lazy LogDoc) ->
LogL tag ()
Push : (push : PushArg) -> LogL tag ()
Pop : LogL tag ()
CurLevels : LogL tag LogLevels
public export
Log : Type -> Type
Log = LogL ()
parameters (0 tag : a) {auto _ : Has (LogL tag) fs}
public export %inline
sayAt : (cat : String) -> (0 _ : So $ isLogCategory cat) =>
(lvl : Nat) -> (0 _ : So $ isLogLevel lvl) =>
Lazy LogDoc -> Eff fs ()
sayAt cat lvl msg =
send $ Say {tag} (Element cat %search) (Element lvl %search) msg
public export %inline
pushAt : PushArg -> Eff fs ()
pushAt lvls = send $ Push {tag} lvls
public export %inline
popAt : Eff fs ()
popAt = send $ Pop {tag}
public export %inline
curLevelsAt : Eff fs LogLevels
curLevelsAt = send $ CurLevels {tag}
parameters {auto _ : Has Log fs}
public export %inline
say : (cat : String) -> (0 _ : So $ isLogCategory cat) =>
(lvl : Nat) -> (0 _ : So $ isLogLevel lvl) =>
Lazy LogDoc -> Eff fs ()
say = sayAt ()
public export %inline
push : PushArg -> Eff fs ()
push = pushAt ()
public export %inline
pop : Eff fs ()
pop = popAt ()
public export %inline
curLevels : Eff fs LogLevels
curLevels = curLevelsAt ()
export %inline
doPush : PushArg -> LevelStack -> LevelStack
doPush push list = mergePush (head list) push `cons` list
export %inline
doPop : List1 a -> List1 a
doPop list = fromMaybe list $ fromList list.tail
export %inline
doSay : Applicative m =>
LevelStack -> (LogDoc -> m ()) ->
LogCategory -> LogLevel -> LogDoc -> m ()
doSay list act cat lvl msg =
when (lvl <= getLevel cat (head list)) $
act $ hcat [text cat.fst, ":", pshow lvl.fst, ":"] <++> msg
export %inline
handleLogIO : HasIO m => (FileError -> m ()) ->
IORef LevelStack -> File -> LogL tag a -> m a
handleLogIO th lvls h = \case
Push push => modifyIORef lvls $ doPush push
Pop => modifyIORef lvls doPop
Say cat lvl msg => doSay !(readIORef lvls) printMsg cat lvl msg
CurLevels => head <$> readIORef lvls
where printMsg : LogDoc -> m ()
printMsg msg = fPutStrLn h (render _ msg) >>= either th pure
export %inline
handleLogST : (HasST m, Monad (m s)) =>
STRef s (SnocList LogDoc) ->
STRef s LevelStack ->
LogL tag a -> m s a
handleLogST docs lvls = \case
Push push => liftST $ modifySTRef lvls $ doPush push
Pop => liftST $ modifySTRef lvls doPop
Say cat lvl msg => doSay !(liftST $ readSTRef lvls) printMsg cat lvl msg
CurLevels => head <$> liftST (readSTRef lvls)
where printMsg : LogDoc -> m s ()
printMsg msg = liftST $ modifySTRef docs (:< msg)
export %inline
handleLogDiscard : Applicative m => LogL tag a -> m a
handleLogDiscard = \case
Say {} => pure ()
Push {} => pure ()
Pop => pure ()
CurLevels => pure defaultLogLevels

View File

@ -32,41 +32,44 @@ data StateTag = NS | SEEN
public export public export
FromParserPure : List (Type -> Type) FromParserPure : List (Type -> Type)
FromParserPure = [Except Error, DefsState, StateL NS Mods, NameGen] FromParserPure = [Except Error, DefsState, StateL NS Mods, NameGen, Log]
public export public export
FromParserIO : List (Type -> Type) FromParserIO : List (Type -> Type)
FromParserIO = FromParserPure ++ [LoadFile] FromParserIO = FromParserPure ++ [LoadFile]
public export
record PureParserResult a where
constructor MkPureParserResult
val : a
suf : NameSuf
defs : Definitions
log : SnocList LogDoc
logLevels : LevelStack
export export
fromParserPure : {default [<] ns : Mods} -> fromParserPure : {default [<] ns : Mods} ->
NameSuf -> Definitions -> NameSuf -> Definitions -> LevelStack ->
Eff FromParserPure a -> Eff FromParserPure a -> Either Error (PureParserResult a)
Either Error (a, NameSuf, Definitions) fromParserPure suf defs lvls act = runSTErr $ do
fromParserPure suf defs act = runSTErr $ do
suf <- liftST $ newSTRef suf suf <- liftST $ newSTRef suf
defs <- liftST $ newSTRef defs defs <- liftST $ newSTRef defs
log <- liftST $ newSTRef [<]
lvls <- liftST $ newSTRef lvls
res <- runEff act $ with Union.(::) res <- runEff act $ with Union.(::)
[handleExcept (\e => stLeft e), [handleExcept (\e => stLeft e),
handleStateSTRef defs, handleStateSTRef defs,
handleStateSTRef !(liftST $ newSTRef ns), handleStateSTRef !(liftST $ newSTRef ns),
handleStateSTRef suf] handleStateSTRef suf,
pure (res, !(liftST $ readSTRef suf), !(liftST $ readSTRef defs)) handleLogST log lvls]
pure $ MkPureParserResult {
val = res,
export covering suf = !(liftST $ readSTRef suf),
fromParserIO : (MonadRec io, HasIO io) => defs = !(liftST $ readSTRef defs),
IncludePath -> IORef SeenSet -> log = !(liftST $ readSTRef log),
IORef NameSuf -> IORef Definitions -> logLevels = !(liftST $ readSTRef lvls)
Eff FromParserIO a -> io (Either Error a) }
fromParserIO inc seen suf defs act =
liftIO $ fromIOErr $ runEff act $ with Union.(::)
[handleExcept (\e => ioLeft e),
handleStateIORef defs,
handleStateIORef !(newIORef [<]),
handleStateIORef suf,
handleLoadFileIOE LoadError WrapParseError seen inc]
parameters {auto _ : Functor m} (b : Var n -> m a) (f : PName -> m a) parameters {auto _ : Functor m} (b : Var n -> m a) (f : PName -> m a)
@ -328,6 +331,7 @@ liftTC : Eff TC a -> Eff FromParserPure a
liftTC tc = runEff tc $ with Union.(::) liftTC tc = runEff tc $ with Union.(::)
[handleExcept $ \e => throw $ WrapTypeError e, [handleExcept $ \e => throw $ WrapTypeError e,
handleReaderConst !(getAt DEFS), handleReaderConst !(getAt DEFS),
\g => send g,
\g => send g] \g => send g]
private private
@ -370,8 +374,9 @@ data HasFail = NoFail | AnyFail | FailWith String
export covering export covering
expectFail : Loc -> Eff FromParserPure a -> Eff FromParserPure Error expectFail : Loc -> Eff FromParserPure a -> Eff FromParserPure Error
expectFail loc act = expectFail loc act = do
case fromParserPure !(getAt GEN) !(getAt DEFS) {ns = !(getAt NS)} act of gen <- getAt GEN; defs <- getAt DEFS; ns <- getAt NS; lvl <- curLevels
case fromParserPure {ns} gen defs (singleton lvl) act of
Left err => pure err Left err => pure err
Right _ => throw $ ExpectedFail loc Right _ => throw $ ExpectedFail loc

View File

@ -59,10 +59,15 @@ Traversable (IfConsistent eqs) where
traverse f Nothing = pure Nothing traverse f Nothing = pure Nothing
traverse f (Just x) = Just <$> f x traverse f (Just x) = Just <$> f x
public export
ifConsistentElse : Applicative f => (eqs : DimEq d) ->
f a -> f () -> f (IfConsistent eqs a)
ifConsistentElse ZeroIsOne yes no = Nothing <$ no
ifConsistentElse (C _) yes no = Just <$> yes
public export public export
ifConsistent : Applicative f => (eqs : DimEq d) -> f a -> f (IfConsistent eqs a) ifConsistent : Applicative f => (eqs : DimEq d) -> f a -> f (IfConsistent eqs a)
ifConsistent ZeroIsOne act = pure Nothing ifConsistent eqs act = ifConsistentElse eqs act (pure ())
ifConsistent (C _) act = Just <$> act
public export public export
toMaybe : IfConsistent eqs a -> Maybe a toMaybe : IfConsistent eqs a -> Maybe a

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module Quox.Typechecker
import public Quox.Typing import public Quox.Typing
import public Quox.Equal import public Quox.Equal
import Quox.Displace import Quox.Displace
import Quox.Pretty
import Data.List import Data.List
import Data.SnocVect import Data.SnocVect
@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ import Quox.EffExtra
public export public export
0 TC : List (Type -> Type) 0 TC : List (Type -> Type)
TC = [ErrorEff, DefsReader, NameGen] TC = [ErrorEff, DefsReader, NameGen, Log]
parameters (loc : Loc) parameters (loc : Loc)
@ -41,6 +42,24 @@ lubs ctx [] = zeroFor ctx
lubs ctx (x :: xs) = lubs1 $ x ::: xs lubs ctx (x :: xs) = lubs1 $ x ::: xs
prettyTermTC : {opts : LayoutOpts} ->
TyContext d n -> Term d n -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
prettyTermTC ctx s = prettyTerm ctx.dnames ctx.tnames s
checkLogs : String -> TyContext d n -> SQty ->
Term d n -> Maybe (Term d n) -> Eff TC ()
checkLogs fun ctx sg subj ty = do
say "check" 10 $ text fun
say "check" 95 $ hsep ["ctx =", runPretty $ prettyTyContext ctx]
say "check" 95 $ hsep ["sg =", runPretty $ prettyQty sg.qty]
say "check" 10 $ hsep ["subj =", runPretty $ prettyTermTC ctx subj]
case ty of
Just ty => say "check" 10 $ hsep ["ty =", runPretty $ prettyTermTC ctx ty]
_ => pure ()
mutual mutual
||| "Ψ | Γ ⊢ σ · s ⇐ A ⊳ Σ" ||| "Ψ | Γ ⊢ σ · s ⇐ A ⊳ Σ"
||| |||
@ -53,7 +72,11 @@ mutual
export covering %inline export covering %inline
check : (ctx : TyContext d n) -> SQty -> Term d n -> Term d n -> check : (ctx : TyContext d n) -> SQty -> Term d n -> Term d n ->
Eff TC (CheckResult ctx.dctx n) Eff TC (CheckResult ctx.dctx n)
check ctx sg subj ty = ifConsistent ctx.dctx $ checkC ctx sg subj ty check ctx sg subj ty = do
checkLogs "check" ctx sg subj (Just ty)
ifConsistentElse ctx.dctx
(checkC ctx sg subj ty)
(say "check" 20 "check: 0=1")
||| "Ψ | Γ ⊢₀ s ⇐ A" ||| "Ψ | Γ ⊢₀ s ⇐ A"
||| |||
@ -84,7 +107,12 @@ mutual
||| universe doesn't matter, only that a term is _a_ type, so it is optional. ||| universe doesn't matter, only that a term is _a_ type, so it is optional.
export covering %inline export covering %inline
checkType : TyContext d n -> Term d n -> Maybe Universe -> Eff TC () checkType : TyContext d n -> Term d n -> Maybe Universe -> Eff TC ()
checkType ctx subj l = ignore $ ifConsistent ctx.dctx $ checkTypeC ctx subj l checkType ctx subj l = do
let univ = TYPE <$> l <*> pure noLoc
checkLogs "checkType" ctx SZero subj univ
ignore $ ifConsistentElse ctx.dctx
(checkTypeC ctx subj l)
(say "check" 20 "checkType: 0=1")
export covering %inline export covering %inline
checkTypeC : TyContext d n -> Term d n -> Maybe Universe -> Eff TC () checkTypeC : TyContext d n -> Term d n -> Maybe Universe -> Eff TC ()
@ -107,7 +135,11 @@ mutual
export covering %inline export covering %inline
infer : (ctx : TyContext d n) -> SQty -> Elim d n -> infer : (ctx : TyContext d n) -> SQty -> Elim d n ->
Eff TC (InferResult ctx.dctx d n) Eff TC (InferResult ctx.dctx d n)
infer ctx sg subj = ifConsistent ctx.dctx $ inferC ctx sg subj infer ctx sg subj = do
checkLogs "infer" ctx sg (E subj) Nothing
ifConsistentElse ctx.dctx
(inferC ctx sg subj)
(say "check" 20 "infer: 0=1")
||| `infer`, assuming the dimension context is consistent ||| `infer`, assuming the dimension context is consistent
export covering %inline export covering %inline

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import public Quox.Typing.Error as Typing
import public Quox.Syntax import public Quox.Syntax
import public Quox.Definition import public Quox.Definition
import public Quox.Whnf import public Quox.Whnf
import public Quox.Pretty
import Language.Reflection import Language.Reflection
import Control.Eff import Control.Eff
@ -47,15 +48,14 @@ public export
substCasePairRet : BContext 2 -> Term d n -> ScopeTerm d n -> Term d (2 + n) substCasePairRet : BContext 2 -> Term d n -> ScopeTerm d n -> Term d (2 + n)
substCasePairRet [< x, y] dty retty = substCasePairRet [< x, y] dty retty =
let tm = Pair (BVT 1 x.loc) (BVT 0 y.loc) $ x.loc `extendL` y.loc let tm = Pair (BVT 1 x.loc) (BVT 0 y.loc) $ x.loc `extendL` y.loc
arg = Ann tm (dty // fromNat 2) tm.loc arg = Ann tm (dty // fromNat 2) tm.loc in
retty.term // (arg ::: shift 2) retty.term // (arg ::: shift 2)
public export public export
substCaseSuccRet : BContext 2 -> ScopeTerm d n -> Term d (2 + n) substCaseSuccRet : BContext 2 -> ScopeTerm d n -> Term d (2 + n)
substCaseSuccRet [< p, ih] retty = substCaseSuccRet [< p, ih] retty =
let arg = Ann (Succ (BVT 1 p.loc) p.loc) (NAT p.loc) $ p.loc `extendL` ih.loc let loc = p.loc `extendL` ih.loc
in arg = Ann (Succ (BVT 1 p.loc) p.loc) (NAT p.loc) loc in
retty.term // (arg ::: shift 2) retty.term // (arg ::: shift 2)
public export public export
@ -65,103 +65,121 @@ substCaseBoxRet x dty retty =
retty.term // (arg ::: shift 1) retty.term // (arg ::: shift 1)
parameters (defs : Definitions) {auto _ : (Has ErrorEff fs, Has NameGen fs)} private
0 ExpectErrorConstructor : Type
ExpectErrorConstructor =
forall d, n. Loc -> NameContexts d n -> Term d n -> Error
parameters (defs : Definitions)
{auto _ : (Has ErrorEff fs, Has NameGen fs, Has Log fs)}
namespace TyContext namespace TyContext
parameters (ctx : TyContext d n) (sg : SQty) (loc : Loc) parameters (ctx : TyContext d n) (sg : SQty) (loc : Loc)
export covering export covering
whnf : {0 isRedex : RedexTest tm} -> CanWhnf tm isRedex => whnf : {0 isRedex : RedexTest tm} -> CanWhnf tm isRedex =>
tm d n -> Eff fs (NonRedex tm d n defs ? sg) tm d n -> Eff fs (NonRedex tm d n defs (toWhnfContext ctx) sg)
whnf tm = do whnf tm = do
let Val n = ctx.termLen; Val d = ctx.dimLen let Val n = ctx.termLen; Val d = ctx.dimLen
res <- lift $ runExcept $ whnf defs (toWhnfContext ctx) sg tm res <- lift $ runExcept $ whnf defs (toWhnfContext ctx) sg tm
rethrow res rethrow res
private covering %macro private covering %macro
expect : (forall d, n. Loc -> NameContexts d n -> Term d n -> Error) -> expect : String -> ExpectErrorConstructor ->
TTImp -> TTImp -> Elab (Term d n -> Eff fs a) TTImp -> TTImp -> Elab (Term d n -> Eff fs a)
expect k l r = do expect what err pat rhs =
f <- check `(\case ~(l) => Just ~(r); _ => Nothing) match <- check `(\case ~(pat) => Just ~(rhs); _ => Nothing)
pure $ \t => maybe (throw $ k loc ctx.names t) pure . f . fst =<< whnf t pure $ \term => do
say "check" 30 $ hsep ["expecting:", text what]
res <- whnf term
maybe (throw $ err loc ctx.names term) pure $ match $ fst res
export covering %inline export covering %inline
expectTYPE : Term d n -> Eff fs Universe expectTYPE : Term d n -> Eff fs Universe
expectTYPE = expect ExpectedTYPE `(TYPE {l, _}) `(l) expectTYPE = expect "universe" ExpectedTYPE `(TYPE {l, _}) `(l)
export covering %inline export covering %inline
expectPi : Term d n -> Eff fs (Qty, Term d n, ScopeTerm d n) expectPi : Term d n -> Eff fs (Qty, Term d n, ScopeTerm d n)
expectPi = expect ExpectedPi `(Pi {qty, arg, res, _}) `((qty, arg, res)) expectPi = expect "function type" ExpectedPi
`(Pi {qty, arg, res, _}) `((qty, arg, res))
export covering %inline export covering %inline
expectSig : Term d n -> Eff fs (Term d n, ScopeTerm d n) expectSig : Term d n -> Eff fs (Term d n, ScopeTerm d n)
expectSig = expect ExpectedSig `(Sig {fst, snd, _}) `((fst, snd)) expectSig = expect "pair type" ExpectedSig
`(Sig {fst, snd, _}) `((fst, snd))
export covering %inline export covering %inline
expectEnum : Term d n -> Eff fs (SortedSet TagVal) expectEnum : Term d n -> Eff fs (SortedSet TagVal)
expectEnum = expect ExpectedEnum `(Enum {cases, _}) `(cases) expectEnum = expect "enum type" ExpectedEnum
`(Enum {cases, _}) `(cases)
export covering %inline export covering %inline
expectEq : Term d n -> Eff fs (DScopeTerm d n, Term d n, Term d n) expectEq : Term d n -> Eff fs (DScopeTerm d n, Term d n, Term d n)
expectEq = expect ExpectedEq `(Eq {ty, l, r, _}) `((ty, l, r)) expectEq = expect "equality type" ExpectedEq
`(Eq {ty, l, r, _}) `((ty, l, r))
export covering %inline export covering %inline
expectNAT : Term d n -> Eff fs () expectNAT : Term d n -> Eff fs ()
expectNAT = expect ExpectedNAT `(NAT {}) `(()) expectNAT = expect "Nat" ExpectedNAT `(NAT {}) `(())
export covering %inline export covering %inline
expectSTRING : Term d n -> Eff fs () expectSTRING : Term d n -> Eff fs ()
expectSTRING = expect ExpectedSTRING `(STRING {}) `(()) expectSTRING = expect "String" ExpectedSTRING `(STRING {}) `(())
export covering %inline export covering %inline
expectBOX : Term d n -> Eff fs (Qty, Term d n) expectBOX : Term d n -> Eff fs (Qty, Term d n)
expectBOX = expect ExpectedBOX `(BOX {qty, ty, _}) `((qty, ty)) expectBOX = expect "box type" ExpectedBOX `(BOX {qty, ty, _}) `((qty, ty))
namespace EqContext namespace EqContext
parameters (ctx : EqContext n) (sg : SQty) (loc : Loc) parameters (ctx : EqContext n) (sg : SQty) (loc : Loc)
export covering export covering
whnf : {0 isRedex : RedexTest tm} -> CanWhnf tm isRedex => whnf : {0 isRedex : RedexTest tm} -> CanWhnf tm isRedex =>
tm 0 n -> Eff fs (NonRedex tm 0 n defs ? sg) tm 0 n -> Eff fs (NonRedex tm 0 n defs (toWhnfContext ctx) sg)
whnf tm = do whnf tm = do
res <- lift $ runExcept $ whnf defs (toWhnfContext ctx) sg tm res <- lift $ runExcept $ whnf defs (toWhnfContext ctx) sg tm
rethrow res rethrow res
private covering %macro private covering %macro
expect : (forall d, n. Loc -> NameContexts d n -> Term d n -> Error) -> expect : String -> ExpectErrorConstructor ->
TTImp -> TTImp -> Elab (Term 0 n -> Eff fs a) TTImp -> TTImp -> Elab (Term 0 n -> Eff fs a)
expect k l r = do expect what err pat rhs = do
f <- check `(\case ~(l) => Just ~(r); _ => Nothing) match <- check `(\case ~(pat) => Just ~(rhs); _ => Nothing)
pure $ \t => pure $ \term => do
let err = throw $ k loc ctx.names (t // shift0 ctx.dimLen) in say "equal" 30 $ hsep ["expecting:", text what]
maybe err pure . f . fst =<< whnf t res <- whnf term
let t0 = delay $ term // shift0 ctx.dimLen
maybe (throw $ err loc ctx.names t0) pure $ match $ fst res
export covering %inline export covering %inline
expectTYPE : Term 0 n -> Eff fs Universe expectTYPE : Term 0 n -> Eff fs Universe
expectTYPE = expect ExpectedTYPE `(TYPE {l, _}) `(l) expectTYPE = expect "universe" ExpectedTYPE `(TYPE {l, _}) `(l)
export covering %inline export covering %inline
expectPi : Term 0 n -> Eff fs (Qty, Term 0 n, ScopeTerm 0 n) expectPi : Term 0 n -> Eff fs (Qty, Term 0 n, ScopeTerm 0 n)
expectPi = expect ExpectedPi `(Pi {qty, arg, res, _}) `((qty, arg, res)) expectPi = expect "function type" ExpectedPi
`(Pi {qty, arg, res, _}) `((qty, arg, res))
export covering %inline export covering %inline
expectSig : Term 0 n -> Eff fs (Term 0 n, ScopeTerm 0 n) expectSig : Term 0 n -> Eff fs (Term 0 n, ScopeTerm 0 n)
expectSig = expect ExpectedSig `(Sig {fst, snd, _}) `((fst, snd)) expectSig = expect "pair type" ExpectedSig
`(Sig {fst, snd, _}) `((fst, snd))
export covering %inline export covering %inline
expectEnum : Term 0 n -> Eff fs (SortedSet TagVal) expectEnum : Term 0 n -> Eff fs (SortedSet TagVal)
expectEnum = expect ExpectedEnum `(Enum {cases, _}) `(cases) expectEnum = expect "enum type" ExpectedEnum `(Enum {cases, _}) `(cases)
export covering %inline export covering %inline
expectEq : Term 0 n -> Eff fs (DScopeTerm 0 n, Term 0 n, Term 0 n) expectEq : Term 0 n -> Eff fs (DScopeTerm 0 n, Term 0 n, Term 0 n)
expectEq = expect ExpectedEq `(Eq {ty, l, r, _}) `((ty, l, r)) expectEq = expect "equality type" ExpectedEq
`(Eq {ty, l, r, _}) `((ty, l, r))
export covering %inline export covering %inline
expectNAT : Term 0 n -> Eff fs () expectNAT : Term 0 n -> Eff fs ()
expectNAT = expect ExpectedNAT `(NAT {}) `(()) expectNAT = expect "Nat" ExpectedNAT `(NAT {}) `(())
export covering %inline export covering %inline
expectSTRING : Term 0 n -> Eff fs () expectSTRING : Term 0 n -> Eff fs ()
expectSTRING = expect ExpectedSTRING `(STRING {}) `(()) expectSTRING = expect "String" ExpectedSTRING `(STRING {}) `(())
export covering %inline export covering %inline
expectBOX : Term 0 n -> Eff fs (Qty, Term 0 n) expectBOX : Term 0 n -> Eff fs (Qty, Term 0 n)
expectBOX = expect ExpectedBOX `(BOX {qty, ty, _}) `((qty, ty)) expectBOX = expect "box type" ExpectedBOX `(BOX {qty, ty, _}) `((qty, ty))

View File

@ -339,9 +339,10 @@ namespace WhnfContext
private private
prettyTContextElt : {opts : _} -> prettyTContextElt : {opts : _} ->
BContext d -> BContext n -> BContext d -> BContext n ->
Qty -> BindName -> LocalVar d n -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts) Doc opts -> BindName -> LocalVar d n ->
Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
prettyTContextElt dnames tnames q x s = do prettyTContextElt dnames tnames q x s = do
q <- prettyQty q; dot <- dotD dot <- dotD
x <- prettyTBind x; colon <- colonD x <- prettyTBind x; colon <- colonD
ty <- withPrec Outer $ prettyTerm dnames tnames s.type; eq <- cstD ty <- withPrec Outer $ prettyTerm dnames tnames s.type; eq <- cstD
tm <- traverse (withPrec Outer . prettyTerm dnames tnames) s.term tm <- traverse (withPrec Outer . prettyTerm dnames tnames) s.term
@ -356,7 +357,7 @@ prettyTContextElt dnames tnames q x s = do
private private
prettyTContext' : {opts : _} -> prettyTContext' : {opts : _} ->
BContext d -> QContext n -> BContext n -> BContext d -> Context' (Doc opts) n -> BContext n ->
TContext d n -> Eff Pretty (SnocList (Doc opts)) TContext d n -> Eff Pretty (SnocList (Doc opts))
prettyTContext' _ [<] [<] [<] = pure [<] prettyTContext' _ [<] [<] [<] = pure [<]
prettyTContext' dnames (qtys :< q) (tnames :< x) (tys :< t) = prettyTContext' dnames (qtys :< q) (tnames :< x) (tys :< t) =
@ -369,6 +370,7 @@ prettyTContext : {opts : _} ->
TContext d n -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts) TContext d n -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
prettyTContext dnames qtys tnames tys = do prettyTContext dnames qtys tnames tys = do
comma <- commaD comma <- commaD
qtys <- traverse prettyQty qtys
sepSingle . exceptLast (<+> comma) . toList <$> sepSingle . exceptLast (<+> comma) . toList <$>
prettyTContext' dnames qtys tnames tys prettyTContext' dnames qtys tnames tys
@ -384,3 +386,10 @@ prettyTyContext (MkTyContext dctx dnames tctx tnames qtys) =
export export
prettyEqContext : {opts : _} -> EqContext n -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts) prettyEqContext : {opts : _} -> EqContext n -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
prettyEqContext ctx = prettyTyContext $ toTyContext ctx prettyEqContext ctx = prettyTyContext $ toTyContext ctx
prettyWhnfContext : {opts : _} -> WhnfContext d n -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
prettyWhnfContext ctx =
let Val n = ctx.termLen in
separateTight !commaD <$>
prettyTContext' ctx.dnames (replicate n "_") ctx.tnames ctx.tctx

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@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ parameters {opts : LayoutOpts} (showContext : Bool)
public export public export
Erase : List (Type -> Type) Erase : List (Type -> Type)
Erase = [Except Error, NameGen] Erase = [Except Error, NameGen, Log]
export export
liftWhnf : Eff Whnf a -> Eff Erase a liftWhnf : Eff Whnf a -> Eff Erase a

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@ -141,6 +141,9 @@ weakIsSpec p i = toNatInj $ trans (weakCorrect p i) (sym $ weakSpecCorrect p i)
public export public export
interface FromVar f where %inline fromVarLoc : Var n -> Loc -> f n interface FromVar f where %inline fromVarLoc : Var n -> Loc -> f n
-- public export %inline
-- fromVar : FromVar f => Var n -> {default noLoc loc : Loc} -> f n
-- fromVar x = fromVarLoc x loc
public export FromVar Var where fromVarLoc x _ = x public export FromVar Var where fromVarLoc x _ = x

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module Quox.Whnf.ComputeElimType
import Quox.Whnf.Interface import Quox.Whnf.Interface
import Quox.Displace import Quox.Displace
import Quox.Pretty
%default total %default total
@ -18,7 +19,6 @@ computeElimType :
(e : Elim d n) -> (0 ne : No (isRedexE defs ctx sg e)) => (e : Elim d n) -> (0 ne : No (isRedexE defs ctx sg e)) =>
Eff Whnf (Term d n) Eff Whnf (Term d n)
||| computes a type and then reduces it to whnf ||| computes a type and then reduces it to whnf
export covering export covering
computeWhnfElimType0 : computeWhnfElimType0 :
@ -28,7 +28,16 @@ computeWhnfElimType0 :
(e : Elim d n) -> (0 ne : No (isRedexE defs ctx sg e)) => (e : Elim d n) -> (0 ne : No (isRedexE defs ctx sg e)) =>
Eff Whnf (Term d n) Eff Whnf (Term d n)
computeElimType defs ctx sg e =
private covering
computeElimTypeNoLog, computeWhnfElimType0NoLog :
CanWhnf Term Interface.isRedexT =>
CanWhnf Elim Interface.isRedexE =>
(defs : Definitions) -> WhnfContext d n -> (0 sg : SQty) ->
(e : Elim d n) -> (0 ne : No (isRedexE defs ctx sg e)) =>
Eff Whnf (Term d n)
computeElimTypeNoLog defs ctx sg e =
case e of case e of
F x u loc => do F x u loc => do
let Just def = lookup x defs let Just def = lookup x defs
@ -39,7 +48,7 @@ computeElimType defs ctx sg e =
pure (ctx.tctx !! i).type pure (ctx.tctx !! i).type
App f s loc => App f s loc =>
case !(computeWhnfElimType0 defs ctx sg f {ne = noOr1 ne}) of case !(computeWhnfElimType0NoLog defs ctx sg f {ne = noOr1 ne}) of
Pi {arg, res, _} => pure $ sub1 res $ Ann s arg loc Pi {arg, res, _} => pure $ sub1 res $ Ann s arg loc
ty => throw $ ExpectedPi loc ctx.names ty ty => throw $ ExpectedPi loc ctx.names ty
@ -47,12 +56,12 @@ computeElimType defs ctx sg e =
pure $ sub1 ret pair pure $ sub1 ret pair
Fst pair loc => Fst pair loc =>
case !(computeWhnfElimType0 defs ctx sg pair {ne = noOr1 ne}) of case !(computeWhnfElimType0NoLog defs ctx sg pair {ne = noOr1 ne}) of
Sig {fst, _} => pure fst Sig {fst, _} => pure fst
ty => throw $ ExpectedSig loc ctx.names ty ty => throw $ ExpectedSig loc ctx.names ty
Snd pair loc => Snd pair loc =>
case !(computeWhnfElimType0 defs ctx sg pair {ne = noOr1 ne}) of case !(computeWhnfElimType0NoLog defs ctx sg pair {ne = noOr1 ne}) of
Sig {snd, _} => pure $ sub1 snd $ Fst pair loc Sig {snd, _} => pure $ sub1 snd $ Fst pair loc
ty => throw $ ExpectedSig loc ctx.names ty ty => throw $ ExpectedSig loc ctx.names ty
@ -66,7 +75,7 @@ computeElimType defs ctx sg e =
pure $ sub1 ret box pure $ sub1 ret box
DApp {fun = f, arg = p, loc} => DApp {fun = f, arg = p, loc} =>
case !(computeWhnfElimType0 defs ctx sg f {ne = noOr1 ne}) of case !(computeWhnfElimType0NoLog defs ctx sg f {ne = noOr1 ne}) of
Eq {ty, _} => pure $ dsub1 ty p Eq {ty, _} => pure $ dsub1 ty p
t => throw $ ExpectedEq loc ctx.names t t => throw $ ExpectedEq loc ctx.names t
@ -82,5 +91,17 @@ computeElimType defs ctx sg e =
TypeCase {ret, _} => TypeCase {ret, _} =>
pure ret pure ret
computeElimType defs ctx sg e {ne} = do
let Val n = ctx.termLen
say "whnf" 90 "computeElimType"
say "whnf" 95 $ hsep ["ctx =", runPretty $ prettyWhnfContext ctx]
say "whnf" 90 $ hsep ["e =", runPretty $ prettyElim ctx.dnames ctx.tnames e]
res <- computeElimTypeNoLog defs ctx sg e {ne}
say "whnf" 91 $ hsep ["", runPretty $ prettyTerm ctx.dnames ctx.tnames res]
pure res
computeWhnfElimType0 defs ctx sg e = computeWhnfElimType0 defs ctx sg e =
computeElimType defs ctx sg e >>= whnf0 defs ctx SZero computeElimType defs ctx sg e >>= whnf0 defs ctx SZero
computeWhnfElimType0NoLog defs ctx sg e {ne} =
computeElimTypeNoLog defs ctx sg e {ne} >>= whnf0 defs ctx SZero

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module Quox.Whnf.Interface module Quox.Whnf.Interface
import public Quox.No import public Quox.No
import public Quox.Log
import public Quox.Syntax import public Quox.Syntax
import public Quox.Definition import public Quox.Definition
import public Quox.Typing.Context import public Quox.Typing.Context
@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ import public Control.Eff
public export public export
Whnf : List (Type -> Type) Whnf : List (Type -> Type)
Whnf = [Except Error, NameGen] Whnf = [Except Error, NameGen, Log]
public export public export
@ -24,7 +25,8 @@ RedexTest tm =
public export public export
interface CanWhnf (0 tm : TermLike) (0 isRedex : RedexTest tm) | tm interface CanWhnf (0 tm : TermLike) (0 isRedex : RedexTest tm) | tm
where where
whnf : (defs : Definitions) -> (ctx : WhnfContext d n) -> (q : SQty) -> whnf, whnfNoLog :
(defs : Definitions) -> (ctx : WhnfContext d n) -> (q : SQty) ->
tm d n -> Eff Whnf (Subset (tm d n) (No . isRedex defs ctx q)) tm d n -> Eff Whnf (Subset (tm d n) (No . isRedex defs ctx q))
-- having isRedex be part of the class header, and needing to be explicitly -- having isRedex be part of the class header, and needing to be explicitly
-- quantified on every use since idris can't infer its type, is a little ugly. -- quantified on every use since idris can't infer its type, is a little ugly.
@ -32,9 +34,11 @@ where
-- cases idris can't tell that `isRedex` and `isRedexT` are the same thing -- cases idris can't tell that `isRedex` and `isRedexT` are the same thing
public export %inline public export %inline
whnf0 : {0 isRedex : RedexTest tm} -> CanWhnf tm isRedex => whnf0, whnfNoLog0 :
{0 isRedex : RedexTest tm} -> CanWhnf tm isRedex =>
Definitions -> WhnfContext d n -> SQty -> tm d n -> Eff Whnf (tm d n) Definitions -> WhnfContext d n -> SQty -> tm d n -> Eff Whnf (tm d n)
whnf0 defs ctx q t = fst <$> whnf defs ctx q t whnf0 defs ctx q t = fst <$> whnf defs ctx q t
whnfNoLog0 defs ctx q t = fst <$> whnfNoLog defs ctx q t
public export public export
0 IsRedex, NotRedex : {isRedex : RedexTest tm} -> CanWhnf tm isRedex => 0 IsRedex, NotRedex : {isRedex : RedexTest tm} -> CanWhnf tm isRedex =>

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import Quox.Whnf.Interface
import Quox.Whnf.ComputeElimType import Quox.Whnf.ComputeElimType
import Quox.Whnf.TypeCase import Quox.Whnf.TypeCase
import Quox.Whnf.Coercion import Quox.Whnf.Coercion
import Quox.Pretty
import Quox.Displace import Quox.Displace
import Data.SnocVect import Data.SnocVect
@ -14,19 +15,36 @@ export covering CanWhnf Term Interface.isRedexT
export covering CanWhnf Elim Interface.isRedexE export covering CanWhnf Elim Interface.isRedexE
private %inline
whnfDefault :
{0 isRedex : RedexTest tm} -> CanWhnf tm isRedex =>
String -> (forall d, n. WhnfContext d n -> tm d n -> Eff Pretty LogDoc) ->
(defs : Definitions) -> (ctx : WhnfContext d n) -> (q : SQty) ->
tm d n -> Eff Whnf (Subset (tm d n) (No . isRedex defs ctx q))
whnfDefault name ppr defs ctx sg s = do
say "whnf" 10 "whnf"
say "whnf" 95 $ hsep ["ctx =", runPretty $ prettyWhnfContext ctx]
say "whnf" 95 $ hsep ["sg =", runPretty $ prettyQty sg.qty]
say "whnf" 10 $ hsep [text name, "=", runPretty $ ppr ctx s]
res <- whnfNoLog defs ctx sg s
say "whnf" 11 $ hsep ["whnf ⇝", runPretty $ ppr ctx res.fst]
pure res
covering covering
CanWhnf Elim Interface.isRedexE where CanWhnf Elim Interface.isRedexE where
whnf defs ctx sg (F x u loc) with (lookupElim0 x u defs) proof eq whnf = whnfDefault "s" $ \ctx, e => prettyElim ctx.dnames ctx.tnames e
whnfNoLog defs ctx sg (F x u loc) with (lookupElim0 x u defs) proof eq
_ | Just y = whnf defs ctx sg $ setLoc loc $ injElim ctx y _ | Just y = whnf defs ctx sg $ setLoc loc $ injElim ctx y
_ | Nothing = pure $ Element (F x u loc) $ rewrite eq in Ah _ | Nothing = pure $ Element (F x u loc) $ rewrite eq in Ah
whnf defs ctx sg (B i loc) with (ctx.tctx !! i) proof eq1 whnfNoLog defs ctx sg (B i loc) with (ctx.tctx !! i) proof eq1
_ | l with (l.term) proof eq2 _ | l with (l.term) proof eq2
_ | Just y = whnf defs ctx sg $ Ann y l.type loc _ | Just y = whnf defs ctx sg $ Ann y l.type loc
_ | Nothing = pure $ Element (B i loc) $ rewrite eq1 in rewrite eq2 in Ah _ | Nothing = pure $ Element (B i loc) $ rewrite eq1 in rewrite eq2 in Ah
-- ((λ x ⇒ t) ∷ (π.x : A) → B) s ⇝ t[s∷A/x] ∷ B[s∷A/x] -- ((λ x ⇒ t) ∷ (π.x : A) → B) s ⇝ t[s∷A/x] ∷ B[s∷A/x]
whnf defs ctx sg (App f s appLoc) = do whnfNoLog defs ctx sg (App f s appLoc) = do
Element f fnf <- whnf defs ctx sg f Element f fnf <- whnf defs ctx sg f
case nchoose $ isLamHead f of case nchoose $ isLamHead f of
Left _ => case f of Left _ => case f of
@ -41,7 +59,7 @@ CanWhnf Elim Interface.isRedexE where
-- --
-- 0 · case e return p ⇒ C of { (a, b) ⇒ u } ⇝ -- 0 · case e return p ⇒ C of { (a, b) ⇒ u } ⇝
-- u[fst e/a, snd e/b] ∷ C[e/p] -- u[fst e/a, snd e/b] ∷ C[e/p]
whnf defs ctx sg (CasePair pi pair ret body caseLoc) = do whnfNoLog defs ctx sg (CasePair pi pair ret body caseLoc) = do
Element pair pairnf <- whnf defs ctx sg pair Element pair pairnf <- whnf defs ctx sg pair
case nchoose $ isPairHead pair of case nchoose $ isPairHead pair of
Left _ => case pair of Left _ => case pair of
@ -64,7 +82,7 @@ CanWhnf Elim Interface.isRedexE where
(pairnf `orNo` np `orNo` notYesNo n0) (pairnf `orNo` np `orNo` notYesNo n0)
-- fst ((s, t) ∷ (x : A) × B) ⇝ s ∷ A -- fst ((s, t) ∷ (x : A) × B) ⇝ s ∷ A
whnf defs ctx sg (Fst pair fstLoc) = do whnfNoLog defs ctx sg (Fst pair fstLoc) = do
Element pair pairnf <- whnf defs ctx sg pair Element pair pairnf <- whnf defs ctx sg pair
case nchoose $ isPairHead pair of case nchoose $ isPairHead pair of
Left _ => case pair of Left _ => case pair of
@ -76,7 +94,7 @@ CanWhnf Elim Interface.isRedexE where
pure $ Element (Fst pair fstLoc) (pairnf `orNo` np) pure $ Element (Fst pair fstLoc) (pairnf `orNo` np)
-- snd ((s, t) ∷ (x : A) × B) ⇝ t ∷ B[(s ∷ A)/x] -- snd ((s, t) ∷ (x : A) × B) ⇝ t ∷ B[(s ∷ A)/x]
whnf defs ctx sg (Snd pair sndLoc) = do whnfNoLog defs ctx sg (Snd pair sndLoc) = do
Element pair pairnf <- whnf defs ctx sg pair Element pair pairnf <- whnf defs ctx sg pair
case nchoose $ isPairHead pair of case nchoose $ isPairHead pair of
Left _ => case pair of Left _ => case pair of
@ -89,7 +107,7 @@ CanWhnf Elim Interface.isRedexE where
-- case 'a ∷ {a,…} return p ⇒ C of { 'a ⇒ u } ⇝ -- case 'a ∷ {a,…} return p ⇒ C of { 'a ⇒ u } ⇝
-- u ∷ C['a∷{a,…}/p] -- u ∷ C['a∷{a,…}/p]
whnf defs ctx sg (CaseEnum pi tag ret arms caseLoc) = do whnfNoLog defs ctx sg (CaseEnum pi tag ret arms caseLoc) = do
Element tag tagnf <- whnf defs ctx sg tag Element tag tagnf <- whnf defs ctx sg tag
case nchoose $ isTagHead tag of case nchoose $ isTagHead tag of
Left _ => case tag of Left _ => case tag of
@ -110,7 +128,7 @@ CanWhnf Elim Interface.isRedexE where
-- --
-- case succ n ∷ return p ⇒ C of { succ n', π.ih ⇒ u; … } ⇝ -- case succ n ∷ return p ⇒ C of { succ n', π.ih ⇒ u; … } ⇝
-- u[n∷/n', (case n ∷ ⋯)/ih] ∷ C[succ n ∷ /p] -- u[n∷/n', (case n ∷ ⋯)/ih] ∷ C[succ n ∷ /p]
whnf defs ctx sg (CaseNat pi piIH nat ret zer suc caseLoc) = do whnfNoLog defs ctx sg (CaseNat pi piIH nat ret zer suc caseLoc) = do
Element nat natnf <- whnf defs ctx sg nat Element nat natnf <- whnf defs ctx sg nat
case nchoose $ isNatHead nat of case nchoose $ isNatHead nat of
Left _ => Left _ =>
@ -137,7 +155,7 @@ CanWhnf Elim Interface.isRedexE where
-- case [t] ∷ [π.A] return p ⇒ C of { [x] ⇒ u } ⇝ -- case [t] ∷ [π.A] return p ⇒ C of { [x] ⇒ u } ⇝
-- u[t∷A/x] ∷ C[[t] ∷ [π.A]/p] -- u[t∷A/x] ∷ C[[t] ∷ [π.A]/p]
whnf defs ctx sg (CaseBox pi box ret body caseLoc) = do whnfNoLog defs ctx sg (CaseBox pi box ret body caseLoc) = do
Element box boxnf <- whnf defs ctx sg box Element box boxnf <- whnf defs ctx sg box
case nchoose $ isBoxHead box of case nchoose $ isBoxHead box of
Left _ => case box of Left _ => case box of
@ -153,7 +171,7 @@ CanWhnf Elim Interface.isRedexE where
-- e : Eq (𝑗 ⇒ A) t u ⊢ e @1 ⇝ u ∷ A1/𝑗 -- e : Eq (𝑗 ⇒ A) t u ⊢ e @1 ⇝ u ∷ A1/𝑗
-- --
-- ((δ 𝑖 ⇒ s) ∷ Eq (𝑗 ⇒ A) t u) @𝑘 ⇝ s𝑘/𝑖 ∷ A𝑘/𝑗 -- ((δ 𝑖 ⇒ s) ∷ Eq (𝑗 ⇒ A) t u) @𝑘 ⇝ s𝑘/𝑖 ∷ A𝑘/𝑗
whnf defs ctx sg (DApp f p appLoc) = do whnfNoLog defs ctx sg (DApp f p appLoc) = do
Element f fnf <- whnf defs ctx sg f Element f fnf <- whnf defs ctx sg f
case nchoose $ isDLamHead f of case nchoose $ isDLamHead f of
Left _ => case f of Left _ => case f of
@ -173,7 +191,7 @@ CanWhnf Elim Interface.isRedexE where
B {} => pure $ Element (DApp f p appLoc) (fnf `orNo` ndlh `orNo` Ah) B {} => pure $ Element (DApp f p appLoc) (fnf `orNo` ndlh `orNo` Ah)
-- e ∷ A ⇝ e -- e ∷ A ⇝ e
whnf defs ctx sg (Ann s a annLoc) = do whnfNoLog defs ctx sg (Ann s a annLoc) = do
Element s snf <- whnf defs ctx sg s Element s snf <- whnf defs ctx sg s
case nchoose $ isE s of case nchoose $ isE s of
Left _ => let E e = s in pure $ Element e $ noOr2 snf Left _ => let E e = s in pure $ Element e $ noOr2 snf
@ -181,7 +199,7 @@ CanWhnf Elim Interface.isRedexE where
Element a anf <- whnf defs ctx SZero a Element a anf <- whnf defs ctx SZero a
pure $ Element (Ann s a annLoc) (ne `orNo` snf `orNo` anf) pure $ Element (Ann s a annLoc) (ne `orNo` snf `orNo` anf)
whnf defs ctx sg (Coe sty p q val coeLoc) = whnfNoLog defs ctx sg (Coe sty p q val coeLoc) =
-- 𝑖 ∉ fv(A) -- 𝑖 ∉ fv(A)
-- ------------------------------- -- -------------------------------
-- coe (𝑖 ⇒ A) @p @q s ⇝ s ∷ A -- coe (𝑖 ⇒ A) @p @q s ⇝ s ∷ A
@ -201,7 +219,7 @@ CanWhnf Elim Interface.isRedexE where
(_, Right ty) => (_, Right ty) =>
whnf defs ctx sg $ Ann val ty coeLoc whnf defs ctx sg $ Ann val ty coeLoc
whnf defs ctx sg (Comp ty p q val r zero one compLoc) = whnfNoLog defs ctx sg (Comp ty p q val r zero one compLoc) =
case p `decEqv` q of case p `decEqv` q of
-- comp [A] @p @p s @r { ⋯ } ⇝ s ∷ A -- comp [A] @p @p s @r { ⋯ } ⇝ s ∷ A
Yes y => whnf defs ctx sg $ Ann val ty compLoc Yes y => whnf defs ctx sg $ Ann val ty compLoc
@ -213,7 +231,7 @@ CanWhnf Elim Interface.isRedexE where
B {} => pure $ Element (Comp ty p q val r zero one compLoc) B {} => pure $ Element (Comp ty p q val r zero one compLoc)
(notYesNo npq `orNo` Ah) (notYesNo npq `orNo` Ah)
whnf defs ctx sg (TypeCase ty ret arms def tcLoc) = whnfNoLog defs ctx sg (TypeCase ty ret arms def tcLoc) =
case sg `decEq` SZero of case sg `decEq` SZero of
Yes Refl => do Yes Refl => do
Element ty tynf <- whnf defs ctx SZero ty Element ty tynf <- whnf defs ctx SZero ty
@ -226,48 +244,50 @@ CanWhnf Elim Interface.isRedexE where
No _ => No _ =>
throw $ ClashQ tcLoc sg.qty Zero throw $ ClashQ tcLoc sg.qty Zero
whnf defs ctx sg (CloE (Sub el th)) = whnfNoLog defs ctx sg (CloE (Sub el th)) =
whnf defs ctx sg $ pushSubstsWith' id th el whnfNoLog defs ctx sg $ pushSubstsWith' id th el
whnf defs ctx sg (DCloE (Sub el th)) = whnfNoLog defs ctx sg (DCloE (Sub el th)) =
whnf defs ctx sg $ pushSubstsWith' th id el whnfNoLog defs ctx sg $ pushSubstsWith' th id el
covering covering
CanWhnf Term Interface.isRedexT where CanWhnf Term Interface.isRedexT where
whnf _ _ _ t@(TYPE {}) = pure $ nred t whnf = whnfDefault "e" $ \ctx, s => prettyTerm ctx.dnames ctx.tnames s
whnf _ _ _ t@(IOState {}) = pure $ nred t
whnf _ _ _ t@(Pi {}) = pure $ nred t
whnf _ _ _ t@(Lam {}) = pure $ nred t
whnf _ _ _ t@(Sig {}) = pure $ nred t
whnf _ _ _ t@(Pair {}) = pure $ nred t
whnf _ _ _ t@(Enum {}) = pure $ nred t
whnf _ _ _ t@(Tag {}) = pure $ nred t
whnf _ _ _ t@(Eq {}) = pure $ nred t
whnf _ _ _ t@(DLam {}) = pure $ nred t
whnf _ _ _ t@(NAT {}) = pure $ nred t
whnf _ _ _ t@(Nat {}) = pure $ nred t
whnf _ _ _ t@(STRING {}) = pure $ nred t
whnf _ _ _ t@(Str {}) = pure $ nred t
whnf _ _ _ t@(BOX {}) = pure $ nred t
whnf _ _ _ t@(Box {}) = pure $ nred t
whnf _ _ _ (Succ p loc) = whnfNoLog _ _ _ t@(TYPE {}) = pure $ nred t
whnfNoLog _ _ _ t@(IOState {}) = pure $ nred t
whnfNoLog _ _ _ t@(Pi {}) = pure $ nred t
whnfNoLog _ _ _ t@(Lam {}) = pure $ nred t
whnfNoLog _ _ _ t@(Sig {}) = pure $ nred t
whnfNoLog _ _ _ t@(Pair {}) = pure $ nred t
whnfNoLog _ _ _ t@(Enum {}) = pure $ nred t
whnfNoLog _ _ _ t@(Tag {}) = pure $ nred t
whnfNoLog _ _ _ t@(Eq {}) = pure $ nred t
whnfNoLog _ _ _ t@(DLam {}) = pure $ nred t
whnfNoLog _ _ _ t@(NAT {}) = pure $ nred t
whnfNoLog _ _ _ t@(Nat {}) = pure $ nred t
whnfNoLog _ _ _ t@(STRING {}) = pure $ nred t
whnfNoLog _ _ _ t@(Str {}) = pure $ nred t
whnfNoLog _ _ _ t@(BOX {}) = pure $ nred t
whnfNoLog _ _ _ t@(Box {}) = pure $ nred t
whnfNoLog _ _ _ (Succ p loc) =
case nchoose $ isNatConst p of case nchoose $ isNatConst p of
Left _ => case p of Left _ => case p of
Nat p _ => pure $ nred $ Nat (S p) loc Nat p _ => pure $ nred $ Nat (S p) loc
E (Ann (Nat p _) _ _) => pure $ nred $ Nat (S p) loc E (Ann (Nat p _) _ _) => pure $ nred $ Nat (S p) loc
Right nc => pure $ nred $ Succ p loc Right nc => pure $ nred $ Succ p loc
whnf defs ctx sg (Let _ rhs body _) = whnfNoLog defs ctx sg (Let _ rhs body _) =
whnf defs ctx sg $ sub1 body rhs whnf defs ctx sg $ sub1 body rhs
-- s ∷ A ⇝ s (in term context) -- s ∷ A ⇝ s (in term context)
whnf defs ctx sg (E e) = do whnfNoLog defs ctx sg (E e) = do
Element e enf <- whnf defs ctx sg e Element e enf <- whnf defs ctx sg e
case nchoose $ isAnn e of case nchoose $ isAnn e of
Left _ => let Ann {tm, _} = e in pure $ Element tm $ noOr1 $ noOr2 enf Left _ => let Ann {tm, _} = e in pure $ Element tm $ noOr1 $ noOr2 enf
Right na => pure $ Element (E e) $ na `orNo` enf Right na => pure $ Element (E e) $ na `orNo` enf
whnf defs ctx sg (CloT (Sub tm th)) = whnfNoLog defs ctx sg (CloT (Sub tm th)) =
whnf defs ctx sg $ pushSubstsWith' id th tm whnfNoLog defs ctx sg $ pushSubstsWith' id th tm
whnf defs ctx sg (DCloT (Sub tm th)) = whnfNoLog defs ctx sg (DCloT (Sub tm th)) =
whnf defs ctx sg $ pushSubstsWith' th id tm whnfNoLog defs ctx sg $ pushSubstsWith' th id tm

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@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ modules =
Quox.PrettyValExtra, Quox.PrettyValExtra,
Quox.Decidable, Quox.Decidable,
Quox.No, Quox.No,
Quox.Loc, Quox.Loc,
Quox.Var, Quox.Var,
Quox.Scoped, Quox.Scoped,

View File

@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ tests = "dimension constraints" :- [
testPrettyD iijj ZeroIsOne "𝑖, 𝑗, 0 = 1", testPrettyD iijj ZeroIsOne "𝑖, 𝑗, 0 = 1",
testPrettyD [<] new "" {label = "[empty output from empty context]"}, testPrettyD [<] new "" {label = "[empty output from empty context]"},
testPrettyD ii new "𝑖", testPrettyD ii new "𝑖",
testPrettyD iijj (fromGround [< "𝑖", "𝑗"] [< Zero, One]) testPrettyD iijj (fromGround iijj [< Zero, One])
"𝑖, 𝑗, 𝑖 = 0, 𝑗 = 1", "𝑖, 𝑗, 𝑖 = 0, 𝑗 = 1",
testPrettyD iijj (C [< Just (^K Zero), Nothing]) testPrettyD iijj (C [< Just (^K Zero), Nothing])
"𝑖, 𝑗, 𝑖 = 0", "𝑖, 𝑗, 𝑖 = 0",

View File

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ parameters {c : Bool} {auto _ : Show b}
runFromParser : {default empty defs : Definitions} -> runFromParser : {default empty defs : Definitions} ->
Eff FromParserPure a -> Either FromParser.Error a Eff FromParserPure a -> Either FromParser.Error a
runFromParser = map fst . fromParserPure 0 defs runFromParser = map val . fromParserPure 0 defs initStack
export export
tests : Test tests : Test

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@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ import Control.Eff
runWhnf : Eff Whnf a -> Either Error a runWhnf : Eff Whnf a -> Either Error a
runWhnf act = runSTErr $ do runWhnf act = runSTErr $ do
runEff act [handleExcept (\e => stLeft e), runEff act [handleExcept (\e => stLeft e),
handleStateSTRef !(liftST $ newSTRef 0)] handleStateSTRef !(liftST $ newSTRef 0),
parameters {0 isRedex : RedexTest tm} {auto _ : CanWhnf tm isRedex} {d, n : Nat} parameters {0 isRedex : RedexTest tm} {auto _ : CanWhnf tm isRedex} {d, n : Nat}
{auto _ : (Eq (tm d n), Show (tm d n))} {auto _ : (Eq (tm d n), Show (tm d n))}

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@ -22,10 +22,11 @@ ToInfo Error where
export export
runEqual : Definitions -> Eff Equal a -> Either Error a runEqual : Definitions -> Eff Equal a -> Either Error a
runEqual defs act = runSTErr $ do runEqual defs act = runSTErr $ do
runEff act runEff act $ with Union.(::)
[handleExcept (\e => stLeft e), [handleExcept (\e => stLeft e),
handleReaderConst defs, handleReaderConst defs,
handleStateSTRef !(liftST $ newSTRef 0)] handleStateSTRef !(liftST $ newSTRef 0),
export export
runTC : Definitions -> Eff TC a -> Either Error a runTC : Definitions -> Eff TC a -> Either Error a