never inline let bindings from the original source
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 22 additions and 22 deletions
@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ eraseTerm' defs ctx ty (Let pi e s loc) = do
Kept => do
EraRes ety e' <- eraseElim defs ctx e
s' <- eraseTerm defs (extendTyLet pi x ety (E e) ctx) (weakT 1 ty) s.term
pure $ Let x e' s' loc
pure $ Let True x e' s' loc
-- e ⤋ e' ⇒ B
-- ------------
@ -321,9 +321,9 @@ eraseElim defs ctx (CasePair qty pair ret body loc) = do
body' <- eraseTerm defs ctx' ty body.term
p <- mnb "p" loc
pure $ EraRes (sub1 ret pair) $
Let p eterm
(Let x (Fst (B VZ loc) loc)
(Let y (Snd (B (VS VZ) loc) loc)
Let False p eterm
(Let False x (Fst (B VZ loc) loc)
(Let False y (Snd (B (VS VZ) loc) loc)
(body' // (B VZ loc ::: B (VS VZ) loc ::: shift 3))
loc) loc) loc
Erased => do
@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ eraseElim defs ctx (CaseBox qty box ret body loc) = do
Kept => do
ebox <- eraseElim defs ctx box
ebody <- eraseTerm defs ctx' bty body.term
pure $ EraRes (sub1 ret box) $ Let ebox.term ebody loc
pure $ EraRes (sub1 ret box) $ Let False ebox.term ebody loc
Erased => do
body' <- eraseTerm defs ctx' bty body.term
pure $ EraRes (sub1 ret box) $ body' // one (Erased loc)
@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ uses i (CaseNat nat zer suc _) = uses i nat + max (uses i zer) (uses' suc)
uses' (NSRec _ _ s) = uses (VS (VS i)) s
uses' (NSNonrec _ s) = uses (VS i) s
uses i (Str {}) = 0
uses i (Let x rhs body _) = uses i rhs + uses (VS i) body
uses i (Let _ x rhs body _) = uses i rhs + uses (VS i) body
uses i (Erased {}) = 0
@ -539,13 +539,15 @@ trimLets (CaseNat nat zer suc loc) =
trimLets' (NSRec x ih s) = NSRec x ih $ trimLets s
trimLets' (NSNonrec x s) = NSNonrec x $ trimLets s
trimLets (Str s loc) = Str s loc
trimLets (Let x rhs body loc) =
trimLets (Let True x rhs body loc) =
Let True x (trimLets rhs) (trimLets body) loc
trimLets (Let False x rhs body loc) =
let rhs' = trimLets rhs
body' = trimLets body
uses = uses VZ body in
if inlineable rhs' || uses == 1 || (droppable rhs' && uses == 0)
then sub1 rhs' body'
else Let x rhs' body' loc
else Let False x rhs' body' loc
trimLets (Erased loc) = Erased loc
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ toScheme xs (CaseNat nat zer (NSNonrec p suc) _) =
Lambda [p] !(toScheme (xs :< p) suc),
!(toScheme xs nat)]
toScheme xs (Let x rhs body _) =
toScheme xs (Let _ x rhs body _) =
freshInB x $ \x =>
pure $ Let x !(toScheme xs rhs) !(toScheme (xs :< x) body)
@ -41,16 +41,14 @@ data Term where
Nat : (val : Nat) -> Loc -> Term n
Succ : (nat : Term n) -> Loc -> Term n
CaseNat : (nat : Term n) ->
(zer : Term n) ->
(suc : CaseNatSuc n) ->
Loc ->
Term n
CaseNat : (nat : Term n) -> (zer : Term n) -> (suc : CaseNatSuc n) ->
Loc -> Term n
Str : (str : String) -> Loc -> Term n
Let : (x : BindName) -> (rhs : Term n) -> (body : Term (S n)) -> Loc ->
Term n
||| bool is true if the let comes from the original source code
Let : (real : Bool) -> (x : BindName) -> (rhs : Term n) ->
(body : Term (S n)) -> Loc -> Term n
Erased : Loc -> Term n
%name Term s, t, u
@ -80,7 +78,7 @@ Located (Term n) where
(Succ _ loc).loc = loc
(CaseNat _ _ _ loc).loc = loc
(Str _ loc).loc = loc
(Let _ _ _ loc).loc = loc
(Let _ _ _ _ loc).loc = loc
(Erased loc).loc = loc
@ -165,8 +163,8 @@ splitLam ys t = Evidence _ (ys, t)
splitLet : Telescope (\i => (BindName, Term i)) a b -> Term b ->
Exists $ \c => (Telescope (\i => (BindName, Term i)) a c, Term c)
splitLet ys (Let x rhs body _) = splitLet (ys :< (x, rhs)) body
splitLet ys t = Evidence _ (ys, t)
splitLet ys (Let _ x rhs body _) = splitLet (ys :< (x, rhs)) body
splitLet ys t = Evidence _ (ys, t)
private covering
prettyLets : {opts : LayoutOpts} ->
@ -219,7 +217,7 @@ prettyTerm xs (CaseNat nat zer suc _) =
prettyCase xs pure nat [MkPrettyCaseArm !zeroD [] zer, !(sucCaseArm suc)]
prettyTerm xs (Str s _) =
prettyStrLit s
prettyTerm xs (Let x rhs body _) =
prettyTerm xs (Let _ x rhs body _) =
parensIfM Outer =<< do
let Evidence n' (lets, body) = splitLet [< (x, rhs)] body
heads <- prettyLets xs lets
@ -288,8 +286,8 @@ CanSubstSelf Term where
(assert_total substSuc suc th) loc
Str s loc =>
Str s loc
Let x rhs body loc =>
Let x (rhs // th) (assert_total $ body // push th) loc
Let u x rhs body loc =>
Let u x (rhs // th) (assert_total $ body // push th) loc
Erased loc =>
Erased loc
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