add LT/LTE for vars
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 83 additions and 4 deletions
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Triangle' a = Context $ Context (\_ => a)
0 telescopeLTE : Telescope _ from to -> from `LTE` to
telescopeLTE [<] = reflexive {rel=LTE}
telescopeLTE [<] = reflexive {rel=Nat.LTE}
telescopeLTE (tel :< _) = lteSuccRight $ telescopeLTE tel
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ export
export %hint
0 succGT : S n `GT` n
succGT = LTESucc $ reflexive {rel=LTE}
succGT = LTESucc $ reflexive {rel=Nat.LTE}
parameters {auto _ : Applicative f}
@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ export
by.nat + i.nat `LT` to
shiftVarLT by i =
rewrite plusSuccRightSucc by.nat i.nat in
transitive {rel=LTE}
transitive {rel=Nat.LTE}
(plusLteMonotoneLeft by.nat (S i.nat) from (toNatLT i))
(replace {p=(\n => LTE n to)} (shiftDiff by) $ reflexive {rel=LTE})
(replace {p=(`LTE` to)} (shiftDiff by) $ reflexive {rel=Nat.LTE})
public export
@ -133,3 +133,82 @@ public export
interface FromVar f where %inline fromVar : Var n -> f n
public export FromVar Var where fromVar = id
public export
data LT : Var n -> Var n -> Type where
LTZ : VZ `LT` VS i
LTS : i `LT` j -> VS i `LT` VS j
%builtin Natural Var.LT
%name Var.LT lt
public export %inline
GT : Var n -> Var n -> Type
i `GT` j = j `LT` i
Transitive (Var n) LT where
transitive LTZ (LTS _) = LTZ
transitive (LTS p) (LTS q) = LTS $ transitive p q {rel=Var.LT}
export Uninhabited (i `Var.LT` i) where uninhabited (LTS p) = uninhabited p
export Uninhabited (VS i `LT` VZ) where uninhabited _ impossible
isLT : (i, j : Var n) -> Dec (i `LT` j)
isLT VZ VZ = No uninhabited
isLT VZ (VS j) = Yes LTZ
isLT (VS i) VZ = No uninhabited
isLT (VS i) (VS j) with (isLT i j)
_ | Yes prf = Yes (LTS prf)
_ | No contra = No (\case LTS p => contra p)
public export
data Compare : (i, j : Var n) -> Type where
IsLT : (lt : i `LT` j) -> Compare i j
IsEQ : Compare i i
IsGT : (gt : i `GT` j) -> Compare i j
%name Compare cmp
compareS : Compare i j -> Compare (VS i) (VS j)
compareS (IsLT lt) = IsLT (LTS lt)
compareS IsEQ = IsEQ
compareS (IsGT gt) = IsGT (LTS gt)
compareP : (i, j : Var n) -> Compare i j
compareP VZ VZ = IsEQ
compareP VZ (VS j) = IsLT LTZ
compareP (VS i) VZ = IsGT LTZ
compareP (VS i) (VS j) = compareS $ compareP i j
public export
data LTE : Var n -> Var n -> Type where
LTES : i `LTE` j -> VS i `LTE` VS j
Reflexive (Var n) LTE where
reflexive {x = VZ} = LTEZ
reflexive {x = VS i} = LTES $ reflexive {x=i}
Transitive (Var n) LTE where
transitive LTEZ q = LTEZ
transitive (LTES p) (LTES q) = LTES $ transitive p q {rel=Var.LTE}
Antisymmetric (Var n) LTE where
antisymmetric LTEZ LTEZ = Refl
antisymmetric (LTES p) (LTES q) = cong VS $ antisymmetric p q {rel=Var.LTE}
splitLTE : {j : Var n} -> i `Var.LTE` j -> Either (i = j) (i `Var.LT` j)
splitLTE {j = VZ} LTEZ = Left Refl
splitLTE {j = VS _} LTEZ = Right LTZ
splitLTE (LTES p) with (splitLTE p)
_ | (Left eq) = Left $ cong VS eq
_ | (Right lt) = Right $ LTS lt
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