use ST from base

This commit is contained in:
rhiannon morris 2023-09-19 00:41:47 +02:00
parent ebde478adc
commit 80b1b3581a
8 changed files with 80 additions and 121 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
module Control.Monad.ST.Extra
import public Control.Monad.ST
import Data.IORef
import Control.MonadRec
%default total
export %inline
MonadRec (ST s) where
tailRecM seed (Access rec) st f = MkST $ do
let MkST io = f seed st
case !io of
Done res => pure res
Cont seed2 prf vst =>
let MkST io = tailRecM seed2 (rec seed2 prf) vst f in io
public export
interface HasST (0 m : Type -> Type -> Type) where
liftST : ST s a -> m s a
export %inline HasST ST where liftST = id
public export
record STErr e s a where
constructor STE
fromSTErr : ST s (Either e a)
Functor (STErr e s) where
map f (STE e) = STE $ map f <$> e
Applicative (STErr e s) where
pure x = STE $ pure $ pure x
STE f <*> STE x = STE [|f <*> x|]
Monad (STErr e s) where
STE m >>= k = STE $ do
case !m of
Left err => pure $ Left err
Right x => fromSTErr $ k x
MonadRec (STErr e s) where
tailRecM s (Access r) x k = STE $ do
let STE m = k s x
case !m of
Left err => pure $ Left err
Right (Cont s' p y) => fromSTErr $ tailRecM s' (r s' p) y k
Right (Done y) => pure $ Right y
runSTErr : (forall s. STErr e s a) -> Either e a
runSTErr ste = runST $ fromSTErr ste
export %inline HasST (STErr e) where liftST = STE . map Right
stLeft : e -> STErr e s a
stLeft e = STE $ pure $ Left e

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module Quox.EffExtra
import public Control.Eff
import Quox.ST
import Control.Monad.ST.Extra
import Data.IORef
@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ handleStateIORef r (Put s) = writeIORef r s
handleStateSTRef : HasST m => STRef s st -> StateL lbl st a -> m s a
handleStateSTRef r Get = readRef r
handleStateSTRef r (Put s) = writeRef r s
handleStateSTRef r Get = liftST $ readSTRef r
handleStateSTRef r (Put s) = liftST $ writeSTRef r s

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.SnocVect
import Quox.EffExtra
import Quox.ST
import Control.Monad.ST.Extra
import System.File
import System.Path
@ -346,14 +346,14 @@ fromParserPure : NameSuf -> Definitions ->
Eff FromParserPure a ->
Either Error (a, NameSuf, Definitions)
fromParserPure suf defs act = runSTErr $ do
suf <- newRef suf
defs <- newRef defs
suf <- liftST $ newSTRef suf
defs <- liftST $ newSTRef defs
res <- runEff act $ with Union.(::)
[handleExcept (\e => stLeft e),
handleStateSTRef defs,
handleStateSTRef !(newRef [<]),
handleStateSTRef !(liftST $ newSTRef [<]),
handleStateSTRef suf]
pure (res, !(readRef suf), !(readRef defs))
pure (res, !(liftST $ readSTRef suf), !(liftST $ readSTRef defs))
export covering

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module Quox.Pretty
import Quox.Loc
import Quox.Name
import Quox.ST
import Control.Monad.ST.Extra
import public Text.PrettyPrint.Bernardy
import public Text.PrettyPrint.Bernardy.Core.Decorate
import public Quox.EffExtra
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ runPrettyWith : PPrec -> Flavor -> (HL -> Highlight) -> Nat ->
runPrettyWith prec flavor highlight indent act =
runST $ do
runEff act $ with Union.(::)
[handleStateSTRef !(newRef prec),
[handleStateSTRef !(newSTRef prec),
handleReaderConst flavor,
handleReaderConst highlight,
handleReaderConst indent]

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@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
module Quox.ST
import Data.IORef
import Control.MonadRec
Tag : Type
Tag = () -- shhh don't tell anyone
record ST (s : Tag) a where
constructor MkST
action : IO a
%name ST st
runST : (forall s. ST s a) -> a
runST st = unsafePerformIO (st {s = ()}).action
export %inline Functor (ST s) where map f st = MkST $ map f st.action
export %inline
Applicative (ST s) where
pure = MkST . pure
f <*> x = MkST $ f.action <*> x.action
export %inline Monad (ST s) where m >>= k = MkST $ m.action >>= action . k
export %inline
MonadRec (ST s) where
tailRecM s (Access r) x k = MkST $ do
let MkST yy = k s x
case !yy of
Done y => pure y
Cont s2 p y => let MkST z = tailRecM s2 (r s2 p) y k in z
public export
interface HasST (0 m : Tag -> Type -> Type) where
liftST : ST s a -> m s a
export %inline HasST ST where liftST = id
record STRef (s : Tag) a where
constructor MkSTRef
ref : IORef a
%name STRef r
export %inline
newRef : HasST m => a -> m s (STRef s a)
newRef x = liftST $ MkST $ MkSTRef <$> newIORef x
export %inline
readRef : HasST m => STRef s a -> m s a
readRef r = liftST $ MkST $ readIORef r.ref
export %inline
writeRef : HasST m => STRef s a -> a -> m s ()
writeRef r x = liftST $ MkST $ writeIORef r.ref x
export %inline
modifyRef : HasST m => STRef s a -> (a -> a) -> m s ()
modifyRef r f = liftST $ MkST $ modifyIORef r.ref f
public export
record STErr e (s : Tag) a where
constructor STE
fromSTErr : ST s (Either e a)
Functor (STErr e s) where
map f (STE e) = STE $ map f <$> e
Applicative (STErr e s) where
pure x = STE $ pure $ pure x
STE f <*> STE x = STE [|f <*> x|]
Monad (STErr e s) where
STE m >>= k = STE $ do
case !m of
Left err => pure $ Left err
Right x => fromSTErr $ k x
MonadRec (STErr e s) where
tailRecM s (Access r) x k = STE $ do
let STE m = k s x
case !m of
Left err => pure $ Left err
Right (Cont s' p y) => fromSTErr $ tailRecM s' (r s' p) y k
Right (Done y) => pure $ Right y
runSTErr : (forall s. STErr e s a) -> Either e a
runSTErr ste = runST $ fromSTErr ste
export %inline HasST (STErr e) where liftST = STE . map Right
stLeft : e -> STErr e s a
stLeft e = STE $ pure $ Left e

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@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ depends = base, contrib, elab-util, sop, snocvect, eff, prettier
modules =

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module Tests.Reduce
import Quox.Syntax as Lib
import Quox.Equal
import Quox.ST
import Control.Monad.ST.Extra
import TypingImpls
import AstExtra
import TAP
@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ import Control.Eff
runWhnf : Eff Whnf a -> Either Error a
runWhnf act = runSTErr $ do
runEff act [handleStateSTRef !(newRef 0), handleExcept (\e => stLeft e)]
runEff act [handleStateSTRef !(liftST $ newSTRef 0),
handleExcept (\e => stLeft e)]
parameters {0 isRedex : RedexTest tm} {auto _ : CanWhnf tm isRedex} {d, n : Nat}
{auto _ : (Eq (tm d n), Show (tm d n))}

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import public Quox.Typing
import public Quox.Pretty
import Quox.Equal
import Quox.Typechecker
import Quox.ST
import Control.Monad.ST.Extra
import PrettyExtra
import Derive.Prelude
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ runEqual defs act = runSTErr $ do
runEff act
[handleExcept (\e => stLeft e),
handleReaderConst defs,
handleStateSTRef !(newRef 0)]
handleStateSTRef !(liftST $ newSTRef 0)]
runTC : Definitions -> Eff TC a -> Either Error a