add w types to parser
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 199 additions and 65 deletions
@ -109,6 +109,8 @@ or (L l1) (L l2) = L $ l1 `or_` l2
public export
public export
interface Located a where (.loc) : a -> Loc
interface Located a where (.loc) : a -> Loc
export %inline Located Loc where l.loc = l
public export
public export
0 Located1 : (a -> Type) -> Type
0 Located1 : (a -> Type) -> Type
Located1 f = forall x. Located (f x)
Located1 f = forall x. Located (f x)
@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ reserved =
Sym "×" `Or` Sym "**",
Sym "×" `Or` Sym "**",
Sym "≡" `Or` Sym "==",
Sym "≡" `Or` Sym "==",
Sym "∷" `Or` Sym "::",
Sym "∷" `Or` Sym "::",
Sym "⊲" `Or` Sym "<|",
Sym "⋄" `Or` Sym "<>",
Punc1 '.',
Punc1 '.',
Word1 "case",
Word1 "case",
Word1 "case0", Word1 "case1",
Word1 "case0", Word1 "case1",
@ -212,7 +212,8 @@ export
qtyPatVar : FileName -> Grammar True (PQty, PatVar)
qtyPatVar : FileName -> Grammar True (PQty, PatVar)
qtyPatVar fname =
qtyPatVar fname =
[|(,) (qty fname) (needRes "." *> patVar fname)|]
[|(,) (qty fname) (needRes "." *> patVar fname)|]
<|> [|(,) (defLoc fname $ PQ One) (patVar fname)|]
<|> do name <- patVar fname
pure (PQ (if isUnused name then Zero else One) name.loc, name)
@ -226,15 +227,17 @@ data PCasePat =
| PZero Loc
| PZero Loc
| PSucc PatVar PQty PatVar Loc
| PSucc PatVar PQty PatVar Loc
| PBox PatVar Loc
| PBox PatVar Loc
| PSup PatVar PatVar PQty PatVar Loc
%runElab derive "PCasePat" [Eq, Ord, Show]
%runElab derive "PCasePat" [Eq, Ord, Show]
Located PCasePat where
Located PCasePat where
(PPair _ _ loc).loc = loc
(PPair _ _ loc).loc = loc
(PTag _ loc).loc = loc
(PTag _ loc).loc = loc
(PZero loc).loc = loc
(PZero loc).loc = loc
(PSucc _ _ _ loc).loc = loc
(PSucc _ _ _ loc).loc = loc
(PBox _ loc).loc = loc
(PBox _ loc).loc = loc
(PSup _ _ _ _ loc).loc = loc
||| either `zero` or `0`
||| either `zero` or `0`
@ -251,6 +254,11 @@ casePat fname = withLoc fname $
ih <- resC "," *> qtyPatVar fname
ih <- resC "," *> qtyPatVar fname
<|> [|(,) (defLoc fname $ PQ Zero) (unused fname)|]
<|> [|(,) (defLoc fname $ PQ Zero) (unused fname)|]
pure $ PSucc p (fst ih) (snd ih)
pure $ PSucc p (fst ih) (snd ih)
<|> do x <- patVar fname
y <- resC "⋄" *> patVar fname
ih <- resC "," *> qtyPatVar fname
<|> [|(,) (defLoc fname $ PQ Zero) (unused fname)|]
pure $ PSup x y (fst ih) (snd ih)
<|> delim "[" "]" [|PBox (patVar fname)|]
<|> delim "[" "]" [|PBox (patVar fname)|]
<|> fatalError "invalid pattern"
<|> fatalError "invalid pattern"
@ -405,12 +413,19 @@ appTerm fname =
<|> succTerm fname
<|> succTerm fname
<|> normalAppTerm fname
<|> normalAppTerm fname
supTerm : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
supTerm fname = withLoc fname $ do
l <- appTerm fname; commit
r <- optional $ res "⋄" *> assert_total supTerm fname
pure $ \loc => maybe l (\r => Sup l r loc) r
infixEqTerm : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
infixEqTerm : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
infixEqTerm fname = withLoc fname $ do
infixEqTerm fname = withLoc fname $ do
l <- appTerm fname; commit
l <- supTerm fname; commit
rest <- optional $ res "≡" *>
rest <- optional $ res "≡" *>
[|(,) (assert_total term fname) (needRes ":" *> appTerm fname)|]
[|(,) (assert_total term fname) (needRes ":" *> supTerm fname)|]
let u = Unused $ onlyStart l.loc
let u = Unused $ onlyStart l.loc
pure $ \loc => maybe l (\rest => Eq (u, snd rest) l (fst rest) loc) rest
pure $ \loc => maybe l (\rest => Eq (u, snd rest) l (fst rest) loc) rest
@ -430,8 +445,38 @@ lamTerm fname = withLoc fname $ do
body <- assert_total term fname; commit
body <- assert_total term fname; commit
pure $ \loc => foldr (\x, s => k x s loc) body xs
pure $ \loc => foldr (\x, s => k x s loc) body xs
data BindType = BPi | BW | BSig
%runElab derive "BindType" [Eq, Ord]
data BindSequence' b a = BLast a | BMore a b (BindSequence' b a)
data BindTypeL = BTL BindType Loc
%runElab derive "BindTypeL" [Eq, Ord]
data BindPart = BT (Maybe PQty) (List1 PatVar) PTerm
Located BindPart where
(BT q xs t).loc = maybe (head xs).loc (.loc) q `extendL` t.loc
BindSequence : Type
BindSequence = BindSequence' BindTypeL BindPart
bindType : FileName -> Grammar True BindTypeL
bindType fname = bt BPi "→" <|> bt BW "⊲" <|> bt BSig "×"
bt : BindType -> (s : String) -> (0 _ : IsReserved s) =>
Grammar True BindTypeL
bt t str = withLoc fname $ resC str $> BTL t
-- [todo] fix the backtracking in e.g. (F x y z × B)
-- [todo] fix the backtracking in e.g. (F x y z × B)
properBinders : FileName -> Grammar True (List1 PatVar, PTerm)
properBinders : FileName -> Grammar True (List1 PatVar, PTerm)
properBinders fname = assert_total $ do
properBinders fname = assert_total $ do
-- putting assert_total directly on `term`, in this one function,
-- putting assert_total directly on `term`, in this one function,
@ -441,61 +486,85 @@ properBinders fname = assert_total $ do
t <- term fname; needRes ")"
t <- term fname; needRes ")"
pure (xs, t)
pure (xs, t)
sigmaTerm : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
bindPart : FileName -> Grammar True BindPart
sigmaTerm fname =
bindPart fname = do
(properBinders fname >>= continueDep)
qty <- optional $ qty fname <* resC "."
<|> (annTerm fname >>= continueNondep)
bnd <- properBinders fname
<|> do n <- unused fname
continueDep : (List1 PatVar, PTerm) -> Grammar True PTerm
t <- if isJust qty then termArg fname else annTerm fname
continueDep (names, fst) = withLoc fname $ do
pure (singleton n, t)
snd <- needRes "×" *> sigmaTerm fname
pure $ uncurry (BT qty) bnd
pure $ \loc => foldr (\x, snd => Sig x fst snd loc) snd names
cross : PTerm -> PTerm -> PTerm
cross l r = let loc = extend' l.loc r.loc.bounds in
bindSequence : FileName -> Grammar True BindSequence
Sig (Unused $ onlyStart l.loc) l r loc
bindSequence fname = do
x <- bindPart fname
by <- optional $ do
b <- bindType fname
y <- mustWork $ assert_total bindSequence fname
pure (b, y)
pure $ maybe (BLast x) (\by => BMore x (fst by) (snd by)) by
continueNondep : PTerm -> Grammar False PTerm
continueNondep fst = do
fromBindSequence : BindSequence -> Grammar False PTerm
rest <- optional $ resC "×" *> sepBy1 (res "×") (annTerm fname)
fromBindSequence as = go [<] as where
pure $ foldr1 cross $ fst ::: maybe [] toList rest
-- the ol’ shunty
data Elem = E BindPart BindTypeL
fatalLoc' : Located z => z -> String -> Grammar False a
fatalLoc' z = maybe fatalError fatalLoc z.loc.bounds
toTerm : BindPart -> Grammar False PTerm
toTerm (BT Nothing (Unused _ ::: []) s) = pure s
toTerm s = fatalLoc' s $
"binder with no following body\n" ++
"(maybe some missing parens)"
fromTerm : PTerm -> BindPart
fromTerm t = BT Nothing (singleton $ Unused t.loc) t
checkNoQty : String -> Maybe PQty -> Grammar False ()
checkNoQty s (Just q) = fatalLoc' q "no quantity allowed with \{s}"
checkNoQty _ _ = pure ()
apply : Elem -> PTerm -> Grammar False PTerm
apply (E s'@(BT mqty xs s) (BTL b _)) t = case b of
BPi => do
let q = fromMaybe (PQ One s.loc) mqty
loc = s'.loc `extendL` t.loc
pure $ foldr (\x, t => Pi q x s t loc) t xs
BW => do
checkNoQty "⊲" mqty
when (length xs /= 1) $ do
let loc = foldr1 extendL $ map (.loc) xs
fatalLoc' loc "only one binding allowed with ⊲"
pure $ W (head xs) s t (s.loc `extendL` t.loc)
BSig => do
checkNoQty "×" mqty
let loc = s'.loc `extendL` t.loc
pure $ foldr (\x, t => Sig x s t loc) t xs
end : SnocList Elem -> PTerm -> Grammar False PTerm
end [<] t = pure t
end (es :< e) t = end es !(apply e t)
go : SnocList Elem -> BindSequence -> Grammar False PTerm
go es (BLast a) = do
end es !(toTerm a)
go [<] (BMore a b as) =
go [< E a b] as
go (es :< e@(E a' b')) (BMore a b as) =
if b' > b then do
t <- apply e !(toTerm a)
go (es :< E (fromTerm t) b) as
go (es :< e :< E a b) as
piTerm : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
bindTerm : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
piTerm fname = withLoc fname $ do
bindTerm fname = fromBindSequence !(bindSequence fname)
q <- [|GivenQ $ qty fname <* resC "."|] <|> defLoc fname DefaultQ
dom <- [|Dep $ properBinders fname|] <|> [|Nondep $ ndDom q fname|]
cod <- optional $ do resC "→"; assert_total term fname <* commit
when (needCod q dom && isNothing cod) $ fail "missing function type result"
pure $ maybe (const $ toTerm dom) (makePi q dom) cod
data PiQty = GivenQ PQty | DefaultQ Loc
data PiDom = Dep (List1 PatVar, PTerm) | Nondep PTerm
ndDom : PiQty -> FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
ndDom (GivenQ _) = termArg -- 「1.(List A)」, not 「1.List A」
ndDom (DefaultQ _) = sigmaTerm
needCod : PiQty -> PiDom -> Bool
needCod (DefaultQ _) (Nondep _) = False
needCod _ _ = True
toTerm : PiDom -> PTerm
toTerm (Dep (_, s)) = s
toTerm (Nondep s) = s
toQty : PiQty -> PQty
toQty (GivenQ qty) = qty
toQty (DefaultQ loc) = PQ One loc
toDoms : PQty -> PiDom -> List1 (PQty, PatVar, PTerm)
toDoms qty (Dep (xs, s)) = [(qty, x, s) | x <- xs]
toDoms qty (Nondep s) = singleton (qty, Unused s.loc, s)
makePi : PiQty -> PiDom -> PTerm -> Loc -> PTerm
makePi q doms cod loc =
foldr (\(q, x, s), t => Pi q x s t loc) cod $ toDoms (toQty q) doms
public export
public export
PCaseArm : Type
PCaseArm : Type
@ -529,6 +598,9 @@ checkCaseArms loc ((PSucc p q ih _, rhs1) :: rest) = do
checkCaseArms loc ((PBox x _, rhs) :: rest) =
checkCaseArms loc ((PBox x _, rhs) :: rest) =
if null rest then pure $ CaseBox x rhs loc
if null rest then pure $ CaseBox x rhs loc
else fatalError "unexpected pattern after box"
else fatalError "unexpected pattern after box"
checkCaseArms loc ((PSup x y rh ih _, rhs) :: rest) =
if null rest then pure $ CaseW x y (rh, ih) rhs loc
else fatalError "unexpected pattern after sup"
caseBody : FileName -> Grammar True PCaseBody
caseBody : FileName -> Grammar True PCaseBody
@ -557,8 +629,7 @@ caseTerm fname = withLoc fname $ do
-- term : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
-- term : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
term fname = lamTerm fname
term fname = lamTerm fname
<|> caseTerm fname
<|> caseTerm fname
<|> piTerm fname
<|> bindTerm fname
<|> sigmaTerm fname
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ dim arg = "@", dim.
pat var = NAME | "_".
pat var = NAME | "_".
term = lambda | case | pi | sigma | ann.
term = lambda | case | pi | w | sigma | ann.
lambda = ("λ" | "δ"), {pat var}+, "⇒", term.
lambda = ("λ" | "δ"), {pat var}+, "⇒", term.
@ -39,17 +39,22 @@ pattern = "zero" | "0"
(* default qty for IH is 1 *)
(* default qty for IH is 1 *)
| "[", pat var, "]"
| "[", pat var, "]"
| "(", pat var, ",", pat var, ")".
| "(", pat var, ",", pat var, ")"
| pat var, "⋄", pat var, [",", [qty, "."], pat var].
(* default qty is 1 *)
(* default qty is 1 *)
pi = [qty, "."], (binder | term arg), "→", term.
pi = [qty, "."], (binder | term arg), "→", term.
binder = "(", {NAME}+, ":", term, ")".
binder = "(", {NAME}+, ":", term, ")".
w = binder, "⊲", ann.
sigma = (binder | ann), "×", (sigma | ann).
sigma = (binder | ann), "×", (sigma | ann).
ann = infix eq, ["∷", term].
ann = infix eq, ["∷", term].
infix eq = app term, ["≡", term, ":", app term]. (* dependent is below *)
infix eq = sup term, ["≡", term, ":", sup term]. (* dependent is below *)
sup term = app term, ["⋄", app term].
app term = coe | comp | split universe | dep eq | succ | normal app.
app term = coe | comp | split universe | dep eq | succ | normal app.
split universe = "★", NAT.
split universe = "★", NAT.
@ -168,6 +168,8 @@ tests = "parser" :- [
(App (V "B" {}) (V "x" {}) _) _) _),
(App (V "B" {}) (V "x" {}) _) _) _),
parseMatch term "(x : A) → B x"
parseMatch term "(x : A) → B x"
`(Pi (PQ One _) (PV "x" _) (V "A" {}) (App (V "B" {}) (V "x" {}) _) _),
`(Pi (PQ One _) (PV "x" _) (V "A" {}) (App (V "B" {}) (V "x" {}) _) _),
parseFails term "(x : A) → (y : B x)",
parseFails term "(x : A) → 1.(B x)",
parseMatch term "1.A → B"
parseMatch term "1.A → B"
`(Pi (PQ One _) (Unused _) (V "A" {}) (V "B" {}) _),
`(Pi (PQ One _) (Unused _) (V "A" {}) (V "B" {}) _),
parseMatch term "A → B"
parseMatch term "A → B"
@ -249,6 +251,43 @@ tests = "parser" :- [
parseFails term "(x,,y)"
parseFails term "(x,,y)"
"w" :- [
parseMatch term "(x : A) ⊲ B"
`(W (PV "x" _) (V "A" {}) (V "B" {}) _),
parseFails term "(x y : A) ⊲ B",
parseFails term "1.(x : A) ⊲ B",
parseMatch term "(x : A) ⊲ (y : B) ⊲ C"
`(W (PV "x" _) (V "A" {})
(W (PV "y" _) (V "B" {}) (V "C" {}) _) _),
parseMatch term "A ⊲ B"
`(W _ (V "A" {}) (V "B" {}) _),
parseMatch term "A <| B"
`(W _ (V "A" {}) (V "B" {}) _),
parseFails term "A ⊲ (y : B)",
parseMatch term "(x : A) ⊲ B x × C"
`(W (PV "x" _) (V "A" {})
(Sig _ (App (V "B" {}) (V "x" {}) _) (V "C" {}) _) _),
parseMatch term "A ⊲ B → C"
`(Pi _ _ (W _ (V "A" {}) (V "B" {}) _) (V "C" {}) _),
parseMatch term "A → B ⊲ C"
`(Pi _ _ (V "A" {}) (W _ (V "B" {}) (V "C" {}) _) _)
"sup" :- [
parseMatch term "s ⋄ t"
`(Sup (V "s" {}) (V "t" {}) _),
parseMatch term "s ⋄ t ⋄ u"
`(Sup (V "s" {}) (Sup (V "t" {}) (V "u" {}) _) _),
parseMatch term "s <> t"
`(Sup (V "s" {}) (V "t" {}) _),
parseMatch term "a b ⋄ c d"
`(Sup (App (V "a" {}) (V "b" {}) _) (App (V "c" {}) (V "d" {}) _) _),
parseMatch term "a ⋄ b ≡ a' ⋄ b' : (A ⊲ B)"
`(Eq (_, W _ (V "A" {}) (V "B" {}) _)
(Sup (V "a" {}) (V "b" {}) _)
(Sup (V "a'" {}) (V "b'" {}) _) _)
"equality type" :- [
"equality type" :- [
parseMatch term "Eq (i ⇒ A) s t"
parseMatch term "Eq (i ⇒ A) s t"
`(Eq (PV "i" _, V "A" {}) (V "s" {}) (V "t" {}) _),
`(Eq (PV "i" _, V "A" {}) (V "s" {}) (V "t" {}) _),
@ -396,8 +435,23 @@ tests = "parser" :- [
parseMatch term "caseω n return ℕ of { succ _, ih ⇒ ih; zero ⇒ 0; }"
parseMatch term "caseω n return ℕ of { succ _, ih ⇒ ih; zero ⇒ 0; }"
`(Case (PQ Any _) (V "n" {}) (Unused _, Nat _)
`(Case (PQ Any _) (V "n" {}) (Unused _, Nat _)
(CaseNat (Zero _) (Unused _, PQ One _, PV "ih" _, V "ih" {}) _) _),
(CaseNat (Zero _) (Unused _, PQ One _, PV "ih" _, V "ih" {}) _) _),
parseMatch term "caseω n return ℕ of { succ _, _ ⇒ ih; zero ⇒ 0; }"
`(Case (PQ Any _) (V "n" {}) (Unused _, Nat _)
(CaseNat (Zero _) (Unused _, PQ Zero _, Unused _, V "ih" {}) _) _),
parseFails term "caseω n return A of { zero ⇒ a }",
parseFails term "caseω n return A of { zero ⇒ a }",
parseFails term "caseω n return ℕ of { succ ⇒ 5 }"
parseFails term "caseω n return ℕ of { succ ⇒ 5 }",
parseMatch term "case e return z ⇒ C of { a ⋄ b, ω.ih ⇒ u }"
`(Case (PQ One _) (V "e" {}) (PV "z" _, V "C" {})
(CaseW (PV "a" _) (PV "b" _) (PQ Any _, PV "ih" _) (V "u" {}) _) _),
parseMatch term "case e return z ⇒ C of { a ⋄ b, ih ⇒ u }"
`(Case (PQ One _) (V "e" {}) (PV "z" _, V "C" {})
(CaseW (PV "a" _) (PV "b" _) (PQ One _, PV "ih" _) (V "u" {}) _) _),
parseMatch term "case e return z ⇒ C of { a ⋄ b ⇒ u }"
`(Case (PQ One _) (V "e" {}) (PV "z" _, V "C" {})
(CaseW (PV "a" _) (PV "b" _) (PQ Zero _, Unused _) (V "u" {}) _) _),
parseMatch term "case e return z ⇒ C of { a ⋄ b, _ ⇒ u }"
`(Case (PQ One _) (V "e" {}) (PV "z" _, V "C" {})
(CaseW (PV "a" _) (PV "b" _) (PQ Zero _, Unused _) (V "u" {}) _) _)
"definitions" :- [
"definitions" :- [
Reference in a new issue