approximate log stack in handleLogDiscard
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 33 additions and 12 deletions
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import Error
import System.File
import Data.IORef
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Eff
%default total
@ -57,12 +58,18 @@ Compile =
ReaderL STATE State, ReaderL OPTS Options, Log,
LoadFile, IO]
export %inline
handleLog : IORef LevelStack -> OpenFile -> LogL x a -> IOErr Error a
handleLog lvls f l = case f of
OConsole ch => handleLogIO (const $ pure ()) lvls (consoleHandle ch) l
OFile _ h => handleLogIO (const $ pure ()) lvls h l
ONone => handleLogDiscardIO !(newIORef (length !(readIORef lvls))) l
handleLog ref f l = case f of
OConsole ch => handleLogIO (const $ pure ()) ref (consoleHandle ch) l
OFile _ h => handleLogIO (const $ pure ()) ref h l
ONone => do
lvls <- readIORef ref
lenRef <- newIORef (length lvls)
res <- handleLogDiscardIO lenRef l
writeIORef ref $ fixupDiscardedLog !(readIORef lenRef) lvls
pure res
private %inline
withLogFile : Options ->
@ -289,3 +289,16 @@ handleLogDiscardIO : HasIO m => MonadRec m => IORef Nat ->
LogL tag a -> m a
handleLogDiscardIO ref act =
runEff (handleLogDiscard_ act) [handleStateIORef ref]
||| approximate the push/pop effects in a discarded log by trimming a stack or
||| repeating its most recent element
export %inline
fixupDiscardedLog : Nat -> LevelStack -> LevelStack
fixupDiscardedLog want lvls =
let len = length lvls in
case compare len want of
EQ => lvls
GT => drop (len `minus` want) lvls
LT => let new = fromMaybe defaultLogLevels $ head' lvls in
replicate (want `minus` len) new ++ lvls
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ parameters (label : String) (act : Eff Equal ())
testEq = test label $ runEqual globals act
testNeq : Test
testNeq = testThrows label (const True) $ runTC globals act $> "()"
testNeq = testThrows label (const True) $ runTC globals act $> "ok"
parameters (ctx : TyContext d n)
@ -14,9 +14,10 @@ import Control.Eff
runWhnf : Eff Whnf a -> Either Error a
runWhnf act = runSTErr $ do
runEff act [handleExcept (\e => stLeft e),
handleStateSTRef !(liftST $ newSTRef 0),
runEff act $ with Union.(::)
[handleExcept (\e => stLeft e),
handleStateSTRef !(newSTRef' 0),
handleLogDiscardST !(newSTRef' 0)]
parameters {0 isRedex : RedexTest tm} {auto _ : CanWhnf tm isRedex} {d, n : Nat}
{auto _ : (Eq (tm d n), Show (tm d n))}
@ -114,11 +114,11 @@ parameters (label : String) (act : Lazy (Eff Test ()))
{default defGlobals globals : Definitions}
testTC : Test
testTC = test label {e = Error', a = ()} $
extract $ runExcept $ runReaderAt DEFS globals act
runEff act [handleExcept (\e => Left e), handleReaderConst globals]
testTCFail : Test
testTCFail = testThrows label (const True) $
(extract $ runExcept $ runReaderAt DEFS globals act) $> "()"
runEff act [handleExcept (\e => Left e), handleReaderConst globals] $> "ok"
inferredTypeEq : TyContext d n -> (exp, got : Term d n) -> Eff Test ()
@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ runEqual defs act = runSTErr $ do
runEff act $ with Union.(::)
[handleExcept (\e => stLeft e),
handleReaderConst defs,
handleStateSTRef !(liftST $ newSTRef 0),
handleStateSTRef !(newSTRef' 0),
handleLogDiscardST !(newSTRef' 0)]
runTC : Definitions -> Eff TC a -> Either Error a
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