Q.S.T.Reduce ⇒ Q.Reduce and make it use Definition directly
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 43 additions and 97 deletions
@ -88,43 +88,3 @@ public export %inline
lookupElim : forall isGlobal.
Name -> Definitions' q isGlobal -> Maybe (Elim q d n)
lookupElim x defs = toElim !(lookup x defs)
parameters {0 isGlobal : _} (defs : Definitions' q isGlobal)
namespace Term
public export %inline
isRedex : Term q d n -> Bool
isRedex = isRedex $ \x => lookupElim x defs
public export
0 IsRedex, NotRedex : Pred $ Term q d n
IsRedex = So . isRedex
NotRedex = No . isRedex
namespace Elim
public export %inline
isRedex : Elim q d n -> Bool
isRedex = isRedex $ \x => lookupElim x defs
public export
0 IsRedex, NotRedex : Pred $ Elim q d n
IsRedex = So . isRedex
NotRedex = No . isRedex
public export
0 NonRedexElim, NonRedexTerm :
(q : Type) -> (d, n : Nat) -> {isGlobal : Pred q} ->
Definitions' q isGlobal -> Type
NonRedexElim q d n defs = Subset (Elim q d n) (NotRedex defs)
NonRedexTerm q d n defs = Subset (Term q d n) (NotRedex defs)
parameters {0 isGlobal : _} (defs : Definitions' q isGlobal)
namespace Term
export covering %inline
whnfD : Term q d n -> NonRedexTerm q d n defs
whnfD = whnf $ \x => lookupElim x defs
namespace Elim
export covering %inline
whnfD : Elim q d n -> NonRedexElim q d n defs
whnfD = whnf $ \x => lookupElim x defs
@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
module Quox.Equal
import public Quox.Syntax
import public Quox.Definition
import public Quox.Typing
import public Control.Monad.Either
import public Control.Monad.Reader
@ -83,7 +81,7 @@ parameters (defs : Definitions' q g)
public export
isSubSing : Term q 0 n -> Bool
isSubSing ty =
let Element ty nc = whnfD defs ty in
let Element ty nc = whnf defs ty in
case ty of
TYPE _ => False
Pi {res, _} => isSubSing res.term
@ -118,9 +116,9 @@ parameters (defs : Definitions' q _) {auto _ : (CanEqual q m, Eq q)}
compare0 : TContext q 0 n -> (ty, s, t : Term q 0 n) -> m ()
compare0 ctx ty s t =
wrapErr (WhileComparingT (MkTyContext new ctx) !mode ty s t) $ do
let Element ty nty = whnfD defs ty
Element s ns = whnfD defs s
Element t nt = whnfD defs t
let Element ty nty = whnf defs ty
Element s ns = whnf defs s
Element t nt = whnf defs t
tty <- ensureTyCon ty
compare0' ctx ty s t
@ -192,8 +190,8 @@ parameters (defs : Definitions' q _) {auto _ : (CanEqual q m, Eq q)}
export covering %inline
compareType : TContext q 0 n -> (s, t : Term q 0 n) -> m ()
compareType ctx s t = do
let Element s ns = whnfD defs s
Element t nt = whnfD defs t
let Element s ns = whnf defs s
Element t nt = whnf defs t
ts <- ensureTyCon s
tt <- ensureTyCon t
st <- either pure (const $ clashT (TYPE UAny) s t) $
@ -245,7 +243,7 @@ parameters (defs : Definitions' q _) {auto _ : (CanEqual q m, Eq q)}
compareType' ctx (E e) (E f) = do
-- no fanciness needed here cos anything other than a neutral
-- has been inlined by whnfD
-- has been inlined by whnf
Elim.compare0 ctx e f
||| performs the minimum work required to recompute the type of an elim.
@ -291,8 +289,8 @@ parameters (defs : Definitions' q _) {auto _ : (CanEqual q m, Eq q)}
compare0 : TContext q 0 n -> (e, f : Elim q 0 n) -> m ()
compare0 ctx e f =
wrapErr (WhileComparingE (MkTyContext new ctx) !mode e f) $ do
let Element e ne = whnfD defs e
Element f nf = whnfD defs f
let Element e ne = whnf defs e
Element f nf = whnf defs f
-- [fixme] there is a better way to do this "isSubSing" stuff for sure
unless (isSubSing defs !(computeElimType ctx e ne)) $
compare0' ctx e f ne nf
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
module Quox.Syntax.Term.Reduce
module Quox.Reduce
import Quox.No
import Quox.Syntax.Term.Base
import Quox.Syntax.Term.Subst
import Quox.Syntax
import Quox.Definition
import Data.Vect
import Data.Maybe
@ -125,10 +125,6 @@ parameters (th : DSubst dfrom dto) (ph : TSubst q dto from to)
pushSubstsWith' e = (pushSubstsWith th ph e).fst
public export 0
Lookup : TermLike
Lookup q d n = Name -> Maybe $ Elim q d n
public export %inline
isLamHead : Elim {} -> Bool
isLamHead (Lam {} :# Pi {}) = True
@ -154,12 +150,12 @@ isAnn : Elim {} -> Bool
isAnn (_ :# _) = True
isAnn _ = False
parameters (g : Lookup q d n)
parameters (defs : Definitions' q g)
namespace Elim
public export
isRedex : Elim q d n -> Bool
isRedex (F x) = isJust $ g x
isRedex (F x) {d, n} = isJust $ lookupElim x defs {d, n}
isRedex (B _) = False
isRedex (f :@ _) = isRedex f || isLamHead f
isRedex (CasePair {pair, _}) = isRedex pair || isPairHead pair
@ -188,18 +184,19 @@ parameters (g : Lookup q d n)
IsRedex = So . isRedex
NotRedex = No . isRedex
public export
0 NonRedexElim, NonRedexTerm : (q, d, n : _) -> Lookup q d n -> Type
NonRedexElim q d n g = Subset (Elim q d n) (NotRedex g)
NonRedexTerm q d n g = Subset (Term q d n) (NotRedex g)
parameters (q : Type) (d, n : Nat) {g : q -> Type} (defs : Definitions' q g)
public export
0 NonRedexElim, NonRedexTerm : Type
NonRedexElim = Subset (Elim q d n) (NotRedex defs)
NonRedexTerm = Subset (Term q d n) (NotRedex defs)
parameters (g : Lookup q d n)
parameters (defs : Definitions' q g)
namespace Elim
export covering
whnf : Elim q d n -> NonRedexElim q d n g
whnf (F x) with (g x) proof eq
whnf : Elim q d n -> NonRedexElim q d n defs
whnf (F x) with (lookupElim x defs) proof eq
_ | Just y = whnf y
_ | Nothing = Element (F x) $ rewrite eq in Ah
@ -251,7 +248,7 @@ parameters (g : Lookup q d n)
namespace Term
export covering
whnf : Term q d n -> NonRedexTerm q d n g
whnf : Term q d n -> NonRedexTerm q d n defs
whnf t@(TYPE {}) = Element t Ah
whnf t@(Pi {}) = Element t Ah
whnf t@(Lam {}) = Element t Ah
@ -3,5 +3,4 @@ module Quox.Syntax.Term
import public Quox.Syntax.Term.Base
import public Quox.Syntax.Term.Split
import public Quox.Syntax.Term.Subst
import public Quox.Syntax.Term.Reduce
import public Quox.Syntax.Term.Pretty
@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
module Quox.Typing
import public Quox.Syntax
import public Quox.Context
import public Quox.Definition
import public Quox.Reduce
import Data.Nat
import public Data.SortedMap
import Control.Monad.Either
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import public Control.Monad.Either
import Generics.Derive
%hide TT.Name
@ -206,27 +203,27 @@ parameters {auto _ : HasErr q m} (defs : Definitions' q _)
export covering %inline
expectTYPE : Term q d n -> m Universe
expectTYPE s =
case fst $ whnfD defs s of
case fst $ whnf defs s of
TYPE l => pure l
_ => throwError $ ExpectedTYPE s
export covering %inline
expectPi : Term q d n -> m (q, Term q d n, ScopeTerm q d n)
expectPi s =
case fst $ whnfD defs s of
case fst $ whnf defs s of
Pi {qty, arg, res, _} => pure (qty, arg, res)
_ => throwError $ ExpectedPi s
export covering %inline
expectSig : Term q d n -> m (Term q d n, ScopeTerm q d n)
expectSig s =
case fst $ whnfD defs s of
case fst $ whnf defs s of
Sig {fst, snd, _} => pure (fst, snd)
_ => throwError $ ExpectedSig s
export covering %inline
expectEq : Term q d n -> m (DScopeTerm q d n, Term q d n, Term q d n)
expectEq s =
case fst $ whnfD defs s of
case fst $ whnf defs s of
Eq {ty, l, r, _} => pure (ty, l, r)
_ => throwError $ ExpectedEq s
@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ modules =
@ -8,35 +8,30 @@ import TAP
testWhnf : Eq b => Show b => (a -> (Subset b _)) -> String -> a -> b -> Test
testWhnf whnf label from to = test "\{label} (whnf)" $
let result = fst (whnf from) in
if result == to
then Right ()
else with Prelude.(::)
Left [("expected", to), ("received", result)]
testWhnf whnf label from to = test "\{label} (whnf)" $ do
let result = fst (whnf from)
unless (result == to) $
Left [("exp", to), ("got", result)] {a = List (String, b)}
testNoStep : Eq a => Show a => (a -> (Subset a _)) -> String -> a -> Test
testNoStep whnf label e = test "\{label} (no step)" $
let result = fst (whnf e) in
if result == e
then Right ()
else with Prelude.(::)
Left [("reduced", result)]
testNoStep whnf label e = test "\{label} (no step)" $ do
let result = fst (whnf e)
unless (result == e) $ Left [("reduced", result)] {a = List (String, a)}
parameters {default empty defs : Definitions Three} {default 0 d, n : Nat}
testWhnfT : String -> Term Three d n -> Term Three d n -> Test
testWhnfT = testWhnf (whnfD defs)
testWhnfT = testWhnf (whnf defs)
testWhnfE : String -> Elim Three d n -> Elim Three d n -> Test
testWhnfE = testWhnf (whnfD defs)
testWhnfE = testWhnf (whnf defs)
testNoStepE : String -> Elim Three d n -> Test
testNoStepE = testNoStep (whnfD defs)
testNoStepE = testNoStep (whnf defs)
testNoStepT : String -> Term Three d n -> Test
testNoStepT = testNoStep (whnfD defs)
testNoStepT = testNoStep (whnf defs)
tests = "whnf" :- [
@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ PrettyHL q => ToInfo (Error q) where
("left", prettyStr True p),
("right", prettyStr True q)]
toInfo (NotType ty) =
[("type", "NotType"),
("actual", prettyStr True ty)]
[("type", "NotType"),
("got", prettyStr True ty)]
toInfo (WrongType ty s t) =
[("type", "WrongType"),
("ty", prettyStr True ty),
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