pretty printing fixes
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2 changed files with 10 additions and 18 deletions
@ -229,7 +229,6 @@ prettyDTApps dnames tnames f xs = do
record CaseArm opts d n where
constructor MkCaseArm
{0 dinner, ninner : Nat}
pat : Doc opts
dbinds : BTelescope d dinner -- 🍴
tbinds : BTelescope n ninner
@ -297,7 +296,7 @@ prettyCase_ : {opts : _} ->
Doc opts -> Elim d n -> ScopeTerm d n -> List (CaseArm opts d n) ->
Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
prettyCase_ dnames tnames intro head ret body = do
head <- assert_total prettyElim dnames tnames head
head <- withPrec Outer $ assert_total prettyElim dnames tnames head
ret <- prettyCaseRet dnames tnames ret
bodys <- prettyCaseBody dnames tnames body
return <- returnD; of_ <- ofD
@ -325,11 +324,6 @@ private
LetExpr : Nat -> Nat -> Nat -> Type
LetExpr d n n' = (Telescope (LetBinder d) n n', Term d n')
PrettyLetResult : LayoutOpts -> Nat -> Type
PrettyLetResult opts d =
Exists $ \n => (BContext n, Term d n, SnocList (Doc opts))
-- [todo] factor out this and the untyped version somehow
splitLet : Telescope (LetBinder d) n n' -> Term d n' -> Exists (LetExpr d n)
@ -364,9 +358,10 @@ prettyLets dnames xs lets = snd <$> go lets where
Nothing => do
e <- withPrec Outer $ assert_total prettyElim dnames tnames e
eq <- cstD; d <- askAt INDENT
inn <- inD
pure $ ifMultiline
(hsep [hdr, eq, e])
(vsep [hdr, indent d $ hsep [eq, e]])
(hsep [hdr, eq, e, inn])
(vsep [hdr, indent d $ hsep [eq, e, inn]])
go : forall b. Telescope (LetBinder d) a b ->
Eff Pretty (BContext b, SnocList (Doc opts))
@ -437,13 +432,10 @@ prettyDisp u = map Just $ hl Universe =<<
ifUnicode (text $ superscript $ show u) (text $ "^" ++ show u)
prettyTerm dnames tnames (TYPE l _) =
case !(askAt FLAVOR) of
Unicode => do
star <- hl Syntax "★"
level <- hl Universe $ text $ superscript $ show l
pure $ hcat [star, level]
Ascii => [|hl Syntax "Type" <++> hl Universe (text $ show l)|]
prettyTerm dnames tnames (TYPE l _) = do
type <- hl Syntax . text =<< ifUnicode "★" "Type"
level <- prettyDisp l
pure $ maybe type (type <+>) level
prettyTerm dnames tnames (IOState _) =
@ -391,5 +391,5 @@ export
prettyWhnfContext : {opts : _} -> WhnfContext d n -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
prettyWhnfContext ctx =
let Val n = ctx.termLen in
separateTight !commaD <$>
prettyTContext' ctx.dnames (replicate n "_") ctx.tnames ctx.tctx
sepSingle . exceptLast (<+> comma) . toList <$>
prettyTContext' ctx.dnames (replicate n "_") ctx.tnames ctx.tctx
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