formatting etc
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 47 additions and 44 deletions
@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ telescopeLTE [<] = reflexive {rel=Nat.LTE}
telescopeLTE (tel :< _) = lteSuccRight $ telescopeLTE tel
(from `GT` to) => Uninhabited (Telescope _ from to) where
uninhabited tel = void $ LTEImpliesNotGT (telescopeLTE tel) %search
(gt : from `GT` to) => Uninhabited (Telescope _ from to) where
uninhabited tel = void $ LTEImpliesNotGT (telescopeLTE tel) gt
export %hint
0 succGT : S n `GT` n
@ -135,18 +135,16 @@ parameters {auto _ : Applicative f}
sequence : Telescope (f . tm) from to -> f (Telescope tm from to)
sequence = traverse id
export %inline
map : (forall n. tm1 n -> tm2 n) ->
Telescope tm1 from to -> Telescope tm2 from to
map f = runIdentity . traverse (pure . f)
parameters {0 tm1, tm2 : Nat -> Type}
(f : forall n. tm1 n -> tm2 n)
export %inline
map : Telescope tm1 from to -> Telescope tm2 from to
map = runIdentity . traverse (pure . f)
infixr 4 <$>
export %inline
(<$>) : (forall n. tm1 n -> tm2 n) ->
Telescope tm1 from to -> Telescope tm2 from to
(<$>) = map
export %inline
(<$>) : Telescope tm1 from to -> Telescope tm2 from to
(<$>) = map
infixl 3 <*>
export %inline
(<*>) : Telescope (\n => tm1 n -> tm2 n) from to ->
Telescope tm1 from to -> Telescope tm2 from to
@ -52,37 +52,42 @@ export
ZeroIsOne :<? d = ZeroIsOne
C eqs :<? d = C $ eqs :< d
private %inline
ifVar : Var d -> Dim d -> Maybe (Dim d) -> Maybe (Dim d)
ifVar i p = map $ \q => if isYes $ q `decEq` B i then p else q
private %inline
checkConst : (e, f : DimConst) -> (eqs : Lazy (DimEq' d)) -> DimEq d
checkConst Zero Zero eqs = C eqs
checkConst One One eqs = C eqs
checkConst _ _ _ = ZeroIsOne
setConst : Var d -> DimConst -> DimEq' d -> DimEq d
setConst VZ e (eqs :< Nothing) = C $ eqs :< Just (K e)
setConst VZ e (eqs :< Just (K f)) = checkConst e f $ eqs :< Just (K f)
setConst VZ e (eqs :< Just (B i)) = setConst i e eqs :<? Just (K e)
setConst (VS i) e (eqs :< x) =
setConst i e eqs :<? (if x == Just (B i) then Just (K e) else x)
setConst (VS i) e (eqs :< p) = setConst i e eqs :<? ifVar i (K e) p
setVar' : (i, j : Var d) -> i `LT` j -> DimEq' d -> DimEq d
setVar' VZ (VS i) LTZ (eqs :< Nothing) = C $ eqs :< Just (B i)
setVar' VZ (VS i) LTZ (eqs :< Just (K e)) = setConst i e eqs :<? Just (K e)
setVar' VZ (VS i) LTZ (eqs :< Just (B j)) = setVar i j eqs :<? Just (B (max i j))
setVar' VZ (VS i) LTZ (eqs :< Nothing) =
C $ eqs :< Just (B i)
setVar' VZ (VS i) LTZ (eqs :< Just (K e)) =
setConst i e eqs :<? Just (K e)
setVar' VZ (VS i) LTZ (eqs :< Just (B j)) =
setVar i j eqs :<? Just (B (max i j))
setVar' (VS i) (VS j) (LTS lt) (eqs :< p) =
setVar' i j lt eqs :<? map (\k => if k == B i then B j else k) p
setVar' i j lt eqs :<? ifVar i (B j) p
setVar : (i, j : Var d) -> DimEq' d -> DimEq d
setVar i j eqs =
case compareP i j of
IsLT lt => setVar' i j lt eqs
IsEQ => C eqs
IsGT gt => setVar' j i gt eqs
setVar i j eqs with (compareP i j)
_ | IsLT lt = setVar' i j lt eqs
setVar i i eqs | IsEQ = C eqs
_ | IsGT gt = setVar' j i gt eqs
@ -123,13 +128,10 @@ split eqs = toList (split1 Zero eqs) <+> toList (split1 One eqs)
splits' : DimEq' d -> List (DSubst d 0)
splits' [<] = [id]
splits' eqs@(_ :< _) = do
(eqs, th) <- split eqs
ph <- splits' eqs
pure $ th . ph
splits' [<] = [id]
splits' eqs@(_ :< _) = [th . ph | (eqs', th) <- split eqs, ph <- splits' eqs']
splits : DimEq d -> List (DSubst d 0)
splits ZeroIsOne = []
splits (C eqs) = splits' eqs
splits (C eqs) = splits' eqs
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ mutual
public export
data Elim : (d, n : Nat) -> Type where
||| free variable
F : (x : Name) -> Elim d n
F : (x : Name) -> Elim d n
||| bound variable
B : (i : Var n) -> Elim d n
@ -78,12 +78,12 @@ FT = E . F
||| abbreviation for a bound variable like `BV 4` instead of
||| `B (VS (VS (VS (VS VZ))))`
public export %inline
BV : (i : Nat) -> {auto 0 p : LT i n} -> Elim d n
BV : (i : Nat) -> (0 _ : LT i n) => Elim d n
BV i = B $ V i
||| same as `BV` but as a term
public export %inline
BVT : (i : Nat) -> {auto 0 p : LT i n} -> Term d n
BVT : (i : Nat) -> (0 _ : LT i n) => Term d n
BVT i = E $ BV i
@ -213,8 +213,8 @@ CanSubst (Elim d) (Term d) where
export CanSubst Var (Term d) where s // th = s // map (B {d}) th
export CanSubst Var (Elim d) where e // th = e // map (B {d}) th
export CanShift (Term d) where i // by = i // Shift by {env=(Elim d)}
export CanShift (Elim d) where i // by = i // Shift by {env=(Elim d)}
export CanShift (Term d) where i // by = i // Shift by {env = Elim d}
export CanShift (Elim d) where i // by = i // Shift by {env = Elim d}
infixl 8 ///
@ -294,11 +294,11 @@ NotCloElim d n = Subset (Elim d n) IsNotCloE
public export %inline
ncloT : (t : Term d n) -> (0 _ : IsNotCloT t) => NotCloTerm d n
ncloT t = Element t %search
ncloT t @{p} = Element t p
public export %inline
ncloE : (t : Elim d n) -> (0 _ : IsNotCloE t) => NotCloElim d n
ncloE e = Element e %search
ncloE e @{p} = Element e p
@ -393,13 +393,16 @@ parameters {0 t : ty1 -> ty2 -> Type}
some2 t = some $ some t
||| A term of some unknown scope sizes.
public export SomeTerm : Type
public export
SomeTerm : Type
SomeTerm = Exists2 Term
||| An elimination of some unknown scope sizes.
public export SomeElim : Type
public export
SomeElim : Type
SomeElim = Exists2 Elim
||| A dimension of some unknown scope size.
public export SomeDim : Type
public export
SomeDim : Type
SomeDim = Exists Dim
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ weakSpecCorrect (LTESucc x) (VS i) = cong S $ weakSpecCorrect x i
0 weakCorrect : (p : m `LTE` n) -> (i : Var m) -> (weak p i).nat = i.nat
weakCorrect LTEZero _ impossible
weakCorrect LTEZero _ impossible
weakCorrect (LTESucc p) VZ = Refl
weakCorrect (LTESucc p) (VS i) = cong S $ weakCorrect p i
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ i `GT` j = j `LT` i
Transitive (Var n) LT where
transitive LTZ (LTS _) = LTZ
transitive (LTS p) (LTS q) = LTS $ transitive p q {rel=Var.LT}
transitive (LTS p) (LTS q) = LTS $ transitive p q {rel = Var.LT}
export Uninhabited (i `Var.LT` i) where uninhabited (LTS p) = uninhabited p
export Uninhabited (VS i `LT` VZ) where uninhabited _ impossible
@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import Data.SortedMap
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
%default total
public export
data DContext : Nat -> Type where
DNil : DContext 0
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