add coercion regularity to the equality checker (not to whnf)
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 54 additions and 32 deletions
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import Quox.EffExtra
import Data.List1
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Either
%default total
@ -527,7 +528,7 @@ namespace Elim
EqualElim : List (Type -> Type)
EqualElim = InnerErrEff :: EqualInner
private covering
private covering %inline
computeElimTypeE : (defs : Definitions) -> (ctx : EqContext n) ->
(sg : SQty) ->
(e : Elim 0 n) -> (0 ne : NotRedexEq defs ctx sg e) =>
@ -535,14 +536,18 @@ namespace Elim
computeElimTypeE defs ectx sg e = lift $
computeElimType defs (toWhnfContext ectx) sg e
private %inline
putError : Has InnerErrEff fs => Error -> Eff fs ()
putError err = modifyAt InnerErr (<|> Just err)
private %inline
try : Eff EqualInner () -> Eff EqualElim ()
try act = lift $ catch putError $ lift act {fs' = EqualElim}
private %inline
nested : Eff EqualInner a -> Eff EqualElim (Either Error a)
nested act = lift $ runExcept act
private covering %inline
clashE : (defs : Definitions) -> (ctx : EqContext n) -> (sg : SQty) ->
(e, f : Elim 0 n) -> (0 nf : NotRedexEq defs ctx sg f) =>
@ -580,6 +585,52 @@ namespace Elim
(0 nf : NotRedexEq defs ctx sg f) ->
Eff EqualElim (Term 0 n)
-- (no neutral dim apps or comps in a closed dctx)
compare0Inner' _ _ _ (DApp _ (K {}) _) _ ne _ =
void $ absurd $ noOr2 $ noOr2 ne
compare0Inner' _ _ _ _ (DApp _ (K {}) _) _ nf =
void $ absurd $ noOr2 $ noOr2 nf
compare0Inner' _ _ _ (Comp {r = K {}, _}) _ ne _ = void $ absurd $ noOr2 ne
compare0Inner' _ _ _ (Comp {r = B i _, _}) _ _ _ = absurd i
compare0Inner' _ _ _ _ (Comp {r = K {}, _}) _ nf = void $ absurd $ noOr2 nf
-- Ψ | Γ ⊢ A‹p₁/𝑖› <: B‹p₂/𝑖›
-- Ψ | Γ ⊢ A‹q₁/𝑖› <: B‹q₂/𝑖›
-- Ψ | Γ ⊢ s <: t ⇐ B‹p₂/𝑖›
-- -----------------------------------------------------------
-- Ψ | Γ ⊢ coe [𝑖 ⇒ A] @p₁ @q₁ s
-- <: coe [𝑖 ⇒ B] @p₂ @q₂ t ⇒ B‹q₂/𝑖›
compare0Inner' defs ctx sg (Coe ty1 p1 q1 val1 _)
(Coe ty2 p2 q2 val2 _) ne nf = do
let ty1p = dsub1 ty1 p1; ty2p = dsub1 ty2 p2
ty1q = dsub1 ty1 q1; ty2q = dsub1 ty2 q2
(ty_p, ty_q) <- bigger (ty1p, ty1q) (ty2p, ty2q)
try $ do
compareType defs ctx ty1p ty2p
compareType defs ctx ty1q ty2q
Term.compare0 defs ctx sg ty_p val1 val2
pure $ ty_q
-- an adaptation of the rule
-- Ψ | Γ ⊢ A‹0/𝑖› = A‹1/𝑖› ⇐ ★
-- -----------------------------------------------------
-- Ψ | Γ ⊢ coe (𝑖 ⇒ A) @p @q s ⇝ (s ∷ A‹1/𝑖›) ⇒ A‹1/𝑖›
-- it's here so that whnf doesn't have to depend on the equality checker
compare0Inner' defs ctx sg (Coe ty p q val loc) f _ _ = do
tyEq <- nested $ local_ Equal $ compareType defs ctx
if isRight tyEq
then compare0Inner defs ctx sg (Ann val (dsub1 ty q) loc) f
else clashE defs ctx sg (Coe ty p q val loc) f
-- symmetric version of the above
compare0Inner' defs ctx sg e (Coe ty p q val loc) _ _ = do
tyEq <- nested $ local_ Equal $ compareType defs ctx
if isRight tyEq
then compare0Inner defs ctx sg e (Ann val (dsub1 ty q) loc)
else clashE defs ctx sg e (Coe ty p q val loc)
compare0Inner' defs ctx sg e@(F {}) f _ _ = do
if e == f then computeElimTypeE defs ctx sg f
else clashE defs ctx sg e f
@ -711,12 +762,6 @@ namespace Elim
pure $ sub1 eret e
compare0Inner' defs ctx sg e@(CaseBox {}) f _ _ = clashE defs ctx sg e f
-- (no neutral dim apps in a closed dctx)
compare0Inner' _ _ _ (DApp _ (K {}) _) _ ne _ =
void $ absurd $ noOr2 $ noOr2 ne
compare0Inner' _ _ _ _ (DApp _ (K {}) _) _ nf =
void $ absurd $ noOr2 $ noOr2 nf
-- Ψ | Γ ⊢ s <: t : B
-- --------------------------------
-- Ψ | Γ ⊢ (s ∷ A) <: (t ∷ B) ⇒ B
@ -727,29 +772,6 @@ namespace Elim
try $ Term.compare0 defs ctx sg ty s t
pure ty
-- Ψ | Γ ⊢ A‹p₁/𝑖› <: B‹p₂/𝑖›
-- Ψ | Γ ⊢ A‹q₁/𝑖› <: B‹q₂/𝑖›
-- Ψ | Γ ⊢ s <: t ⇐ B‹p₂/𝑖›
-- -----------------------------------------------------------
-- Ψ | Γ ⊢ coe [𝑖 ⇒ A] @p₁ @q₁ s
-- <: coe [𝑖 ⇒ B] @p₂ @q₂ t ⇒ B‹q₂/𝑖›
compare0Inner' defs ctx sg (Coe ty1 p1 q1 val1 _)
(Coe ty2 p2 q2 val2 _) ne nf = do
let ty1p = dsub1 ty1 p1; ty2p = dsub1 ty2 p2
ty1q = dsub1 ty1 q1; ty2q = dsub1 ty2 q2
(ty_p, ty_q) <- bigger (ty1p, ty1q) (ty2p, ty2q)
try $ do
compareType defs ctx ty1p ty2p
compareType defs ctx ty1q ty2q
Term.compare0 defs ctx sg ty_p val1 val2
pure $ ty_q
compare0Inner' defs ctx sg e@(Coe {}) f _ _ = clashE defs ctx sg e f
-- (no neutral compositions in a closed dctx)
compare0Inner' _ _ _ (Comp {r = K {}, _}) _ ne _ = void $ absurd $ noOr2 ne
compare0Inner' _ _ _ (Comp {r = B i _, _}) _ _ _ = absurd i
compare0Inner' _ _ _ _ (Comp {r = K {}, _}) _ nf = void $ absurd $ noOr2 nf
-- (type case equality purely structural)
compare0Inner' defs ctx sg (TypeCase ty1 ret1 arms1 def1 eloc)
(TypeCase ty2 ret2 arms2 def2 floc) ne _ =
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