%default total

This commit is contained in:
rhiannon morris 2023-10-20 05:28:42 +02:00
parent 5f6eab248d
commit 61060e69c8
2 changed files with 161 additions and 154 deletions

View File

@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ import System.File
import Quox.Pretty
%default total
%hide Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter.Doc.infixr.(<++>)

View File

@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ import Derive.Prelude
%language ElabReflection
%hide TT.Name
%default total
public export
record NameContexts d n where
@ -246,162 +248,165 @@ where
hangDSingle "with quantities" $
separateTight !commaD $ toSnocList' !(traverse prettyQty qs)]
prettyErrorNoLoc : {opts : _} -> (showContext : Bool) -> Error ->
Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
prettyErrorNoLoc showContext = \case
ExpectedTYPE _ ctx s =>
hangDSingle "expected a type universe, but got"
!(prettyTerm ctx.dnames ctx.tnames s)
ExpectedPi _ ctx s =>
hangDSingle "expected a function type, but got"
!(prettyTerm ctx.dnames ctx.tnames s)
ExpectedSig _ ctx s =>
hangDSingle "expected a pair type, but got"
!(prettyTerm ctx.dnames ctx.tnames s)
ExpectedEnum _ ctx s =>
hangDSingle "expected an enumeration type, but got"
!(prettyTerm ctx.dnames ctx.tnames s)
ExpectedEq _ ctx s =>
hangDSingle "expected an enumeration type, but got"
!(prettyTerm ctx.dnames ctx.tnames s)
ExpectedNat _ ctx s =>
("expected the type" <++>
!(prettyTerm [<] [<] $ Nat noLoc) <+> ", but got")
!(prettyTerm ctx.dnames ctx.tnames s)
ExpectedBOX _ ctx s =>
hangDSingle "expected a box type, but got"
!(prettyTerm ctx.dnames ctx.tnames s)
BadUniverse _ k l => pure $
sep ["the universe level" <++> !(prettyUniverse k),
"is not strictly less than" <++> !(prettyUniverse l)]
TagNotIn _ tag set =>
hangDSingle (hsep ["the tag", !(prettyTag tag), "is not contained in"])
!(prettyTerm [<] [<] $ Enum set noLoc)
BadCaseEnum _ head body => sep <$> sequence
[hangDSingle "case expression has head of type"
!(prettyTerm [<] [<] $ Enum head noLoc),
hangDSingle "but cases for"
!(prettyTerm [<] [<] $ Enum body noLoc)]
BadQtys _ what ctx arms =>
hangDSingle (text "inconsistent variable usage in \{what}") $
sep !(printCaseQtys ctx ctx.tnames arms)
ClashT _ ctx mode ty s t =>
inEContext ctx . sep =<< sequence
[hangDSingle "the term" !(prettyTerm [<] ctx.tnames s),
hangDSingle (text "is not \{prettyMode mode}")
!(prettyTerm [<] ctx.tnames t),
hangDSingle "at type" !(prettyTerm [<] ctx.tnames ty)]
ClashTy _ ctx mode a b =>
inEContext ctx . sep =<< sequence
[hangDSingle "the type" !(prettyTerm [<] ctx.tnames a),
hangDSingle (text "is not \{prettyMode mode}")
!(prettyTerm [<] ctx.tnames b)]
ClashE _ ctx mode e f =>
inEContext ctx . sep =<< sequence
[hangDSingle "the term" !(prettyElim [<] ctx.tnames e),
hangDSingle (text "is not \{prettyMode mode}")
!(prettyElim [<] ctx.tnames f)]
ClashU _ mode k l => pure $
sep ["the universe level" <++> !(prettyUniverse k),
text "is not \{prettyModeU mode}" <++> !(prettyUniverse l)]
ClashQ _ pi rh => pure $
sep ["the quantity" <++> !(prettyQty pi),
"is not equal to" <++> !(prettyQty rh)]
NotInScope _ x => pure $
hsep [!(prettyFree x), "is not in scope"]
NotType _ ctx s =>
inTContext ctx . sep =<< sequence
[hangDSingle "the term" !(prettyTerm ctx.dnames ctx.tnames s),
pure "is not a type"]
WrongType _ ctx ty s =>
inEContext ctx . sep =<< sequence
[hangDSingle "the term" !(prettyTerm [<] ctx.tnames s),
hangDSingle "cannot have type" !(prettyTerm [<] ctx.tnames ty)]
MissingEnumArm _ tag tags => pure $
sep [hsep ["the tag", !(prettyTag tag), "is not contained in"],
!(prettyTerm [<] [<] $ Enum (fromList tags) noLoc)]
WhileChecking ctx sg s a err =>
(inTContext ctx . sep =<< sequence
[hangDSingle "while checking" !(prettyTerm ctx.dnames ctx.tnames s),
hangDSingle "has type" !(prettyTerm ctx.dnames ctx.tnames a),
hangDSingle "with quantity" !(prettyQty sg.qty)])
(prettyErrorNoLoc showContext err)|]
WhileCheckingTy ctx a k err =>
(inTContext ctx . sep =<< sequence
[hangDSingle "while checking" !(prettyTerm ctx.dnames ctx.tnames a),
pure $ text $ isTypeInUniverse k])
(prettyErrorNoLoc showContext err)|]
WhileInferring ctx sg e err =>
(inTContext ctx . sep =<< sequence
[hangDSingle "while inferring the type of"
!(prettyElim ctx.dnames ctx.tnames e),
hangDSingle "with quantity" !(prettyQty sg.qty)])
(prettyErrorNoLoc showContext err)|]
WhileComparingT ctx mode sg a s t err =>
(inEContext ctx . sep =<< sequence
[hangDSingle "while checking that" !(prettyTerm [<] ctx.tnames s),
hangDSingle (text "is \{prettyMode mode}")
!(prettyTerm [<] ctx.tnames t),
hangDSingle "at type" !(prettyTerm [<] ctx.tnames a),
hangDSingle "with quantity" !(prettyQty sg.qty)])
(prettyErrorNoLoc showContext err)|]
WhileComparingE ctx mode sg e f err =>
(inEContext ctx . sep =<< sequence
[hangDSingle "while checking that" !(prettyElim [<] ctx.tnames e),
hangDSingle (text "is \{prettyMode mode}")
!(prettyElim [<] ctx.tnames f),
hangDSingle "with quantity" !(prettyQty sg.qty)])
(prettyErrorNoLoc showContext err)|]
vappendBlank : Doc opts -> Doc opts -> Doc opts
vappendBlank a b = flush a `vappend` b
parameters {opts : LayoutOpts} (showContext : Bool)
inContext' : Bool -> a -> (a -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)) ->
Doc opts -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
inContext' null ctx f doc =
if showContext && not null then
pure $ vappend doc (sep ["in context", !(f ctx)])
else pure doc
export %inline
inTContext : TyContext d n -> Doc opts -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
inTContext ctx doc =
if showContext && not (null ctx) then
pure $ vappend doc (sep ["in context", !(prettyTyContext ctx)])
else pure doc
inTContext ctx = inContext' (null ctx) ctx prettyTyContext
export %inline
inEContext : EqContext n -> Doc opts -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
inEContext ctx doc =
if showContext && not (null ctx) then
pure $ vappend doc (sep ["in context", !(prettyEqContext ctx)])
else pure doc
inEContext ctx = inContext' (null ctx) ctx prettyEqContext
prettyError : {opts : _} -> (showContext : Bool) ->
Error -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
prettyError showContext err = sep <$> sequence
[prettyLoc err.loc, indentD =<< prettyErrorNoLoc showContext err]
prettyErrorNoLoc : Error -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
prettyErrorNoLoc err0 = case err0 of
ExpectedTYPE _ ctx s =>
hangDSingle "expected a type universe, but got"
!(prettyTerm ctx.dnames ctx.tnames s)
ExpectedPi _ ctx s =>
hangDSingle "expected a function type, but got"
!(prettyTerm ctx.dnames ctx.tnames s)
ExpectedSig _ ctx s =>
hangDSingle "expected a pair type, but got"
!(prettyTerm ctx.dnames ctx.tnames s)
ExpectedEnum _ ctx s =>
hangDSingle "expected an enumeration type, but got"
!(prettyTerm ctx.dnames ctx.tnames s)
ExpectedEq _ ctx s =>
hangDSingle "expected an enumeration type, but got"
!(prettyTerm ctx.dnames ctx.tnames s)
ExpectedNat _ ctx s =>
("expected the type" <++>
!(prettyTerm [<] [<] $ Nat noLoc) <+> ", but got")
!(prettyTerm ctx.dnames ctx.tnames s)
ExpectedBOX _ ctx s =>
hangDSingle "expected a box type, but got"
!(prettyTerm ctx.dnames ctx.tnames s)
BadUniverse _ k l => pure $
sep ["the universe level" <++> !(prettyUniverse k),
"is not strictly less than" <++> !(prettyUniverse l)]
TagNotIn _ tag set =>
hangDSingle (hsep ["the tag", !(prettyTag tag), "is not contained in"])
!(prettyTerm [<] [<] $ Enum set noLoc)
BadCaseEnum _ head body => sep <$> sequence
[hangDSingle "case expression has head of type"
!(prettyTerm [<] [<] $ Enum head noLoc),
hangDSingle "but cases for"
!(prettyTerm [<] [<] $ Enum body noLoc)]
BadQtys _ what ctx arms =>
hangDSingle (text "inconsistent variable usage in \{what}") $
sep !(printCaseQtys ctx ctx.tnames arms)
ClashT _ ctx mode ty s t =>
inEContext ctx . sep =<< sequence
[hangDSingle "the term" !(prettyTerm [<] ctx.tnames s),
hangDSingle (text "is not \{prettyMode mode}")
!(prettyTerm [<] ctx.tnames t),
hangDSingle "at type" !(prettyTerm [<] ctx.tnames ty)]
ClashTy _ ctx mode a b =>
inEContext ctx . sep =<< sequence
[hangDSingle "the type" !(prettyTerm [<] ctx.tnames a),
hangDSingle (text "is not \{prettyMode mode}")
!(prettyTerm [<] ctx.tnames b)]
ClashE _ ctx mode e f =>
inEContext ctx . sep =<< sequence
[hangDSingle "the term" !(prettyElim [<] ctx.tnames e),
hangDSingle (text "is not \{prettyMode mode}")
!(prettyElim [<] ctx.tnames f)]
ClashU _ mode k l => pure $
sep ["the universe level" <++> !(prettyUniverse k),
text "is not \{prettyModeU mode}" <++> !(prettyUniverse l)]
ClashQ _ pi rh => pure $
sep ["the quantity" <++> !(prettyQty pi),
"is not equal to" <++> !(prettyQty rh)]
NotInScope _ x => pure $
hsep [!(prettyFree x), "is not in scope"]
NotType _ ctx s =>
inTContext ctx . sep =<< sequence
[hangDSingle "the term" !(prettyTerm ctx.dnames ctx.tnames s),
pure "is not a type"]
WrongType _ ctx ty s =>
inEContext ctx . sep =<< sequence
[hangDSingle "the term" !(prettyTerm [<] ctx.tnames s),
hangDSingle "cannot have type" !(prettyTerm [<] ctx.tnames ty)]
MissingEnumArm _ tag tags => pure $
sep [hsep ["the tag", !(prettyTag tag), "is not contained in"],
!(prettyTerm [<] [<] $ Enum (fromList tags) noLoc)]
WhileChecking ctx sg s a err =>
(inTContext ctx . sep =<< sequence
[hangDSingle "while checking" !(prettyTerm ctx.dnames ctx.tnames s),
hangDSingle "has type" !(prettyTerm ctx.dnames ctx.tnames a),
hangDSingle "with quantity" !(prettyQty sg.qty)])
(prettyErrorNoLoc err)|]
WhileCheckingTy ctx a k err =>
(inTContext ctx . sep =<< sequence
[hangDSingle "while checking" !(prettyTerm ctx.dnames ctx.tnames a),
pure $ text $ isTypeInUniverse k])
(prettyErrorNoLoc err)|]
WhileInferring ctx sg e err =>
(inTContext ctx . sep =<< sequence
[hangDSingle "while inferring the type of"
!(prettyElim ctx.dnames ctx.tnames e),
hangDSingle "with quantity" !(prettyQty sg.qty)])
(prettyErrorNoLoc err)|]
WhileComparingT ctx mode sg a s t err =>
(inEContext ctx . sep =<< sequence
[hangDSingle "while checking that" !(prettyTerm [<] ctx.tnames s),
hangDSingle (text "is \{prettyMode mode}")
!(prettyTerm [<] ctx.tnames t),
hangDSingle "at type" !(prettyTerm [<] ctx.tnames a),
hangDSingle "with quantity" !(prettyQty sg.qty)])
(prettyErrorNoLoc err)|]
WhileComparingE ctx mode sg e f err =>
(inEContext ctx . sep =<< sequence
[hangDSingle "while checking that" !(prettyElim [<] ctx.tnames e),
hangDSingle (text "is \{prettyMode mode}")
!(prettyElim [<] ctx.tnames f),
hangDSingle "with quantity" !(prettyQty sg.qty)])
(prettyErrorNoLoc err)|]
vappendBlank : Doc opts -> Doc opts -> Doc opts
vappendBlank a b = flush a `vappend` b
prettyError : Error -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
prettyError err = sep <$> sequence
[prettyLoc err.loc, indentD =<< prettyErrorNoLoc err]