misc parse/print tests
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 54 additions and 3 deletions
@ -283,6 +283,21 @@ tests = "parser" :- [
[PD $ PDef $ MkPDef Zero "A" (Just $ TYPE 0) (Enum []),
PD $ PDef $ MkPDef Zero "B" (Just $ TYPE 1) (V "A")],
parsesAs input "" [] {label = "[empty input]"},
parsesAs input ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;" []
parsesAs input ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;" [],
parsesAs input "namespace a {}" [PD $ PNs $ MkPNamespace [< "a"] []],
parsesAs input "namespace a.b.c {}"
[PD $ PNs $ MkPNamespace [< "a", "b", "c"] []],
parsesAs input "namespace a {namespace b {}}"
[PD $ PNs $ MkPNamespace [< "a"] [PNs $ MkPNamespace [< "b"] []]],
parsesAs input "namespace a {def x = 't ∷ {t}}"
[PD $ PNs $ MkPNamespace [< "a"]
[PDef $ MkPDef Any "x" Nothing (Tag "t" :# Enum ["t"])]],
parsesAs input "namespace a {def x = 't ∷ {t}} def y = a.x"
[PD $ PNs $ MkPNamespace [< "a"]
[PDef $ MkPDef Any "x" Nothing (Tag "t" :# Enum ["t"])],
PD $ PDef $ MkPDef Any "y" Nothing (V $ MakePName [< "a"] "x")],
parsesAs input #" load "a.quox"; def b = a.b "#
[PLoad "a.quox",
PD $ PDef $ MkPDef Any "b" Nothing (V $ MakePName [< "a"] "b")]
@ -150,6 +150,42 @@ tests = "pretty printing terms" :- [
todo "equality types",
todo "case",
todo "annotations"
"case" :- [
note "todo: print using case1 and caseω???",
testPrettyE [<] [<]
(CasePair One (F "a") (SN $ TYPE 1) (SN $ TYPE 0))
"case 1.a return _ ⇒ ★₁ of { (_, _) ⇒ ★₀ }"
"case 1.a return _ => Type1 of { (_, _) => Type0 }",
testPrettyT [<] [<]
([< "u"] :\\
E (CaseEnum One (F "u")
(SY [< "x"] $ Eq0 (enum ["tt"]) (BVT 0) (Tag "tt"))
(fromList [("tt", [< Unused] :\\% Tag "tt")])))
"λ u ⇒ case 1.u return x ⇒ x ≡ 'tt : {tt} of { 'tt ⇒ δ _ ⇒ 'tt }"
fun u =>
case 1.u return x => x == 'tt : {tt} of { 'tt => dfun _ => 'tt }
"annotations" :- [
testPrettyE [<] [<] (FT "a" :# FT "A") "a ∷ A" "a :: A",
testPrettyE [<] [<]
(FT "a" :# E (FT "A" :# FT "𝐀"))
"a ∷ A ∷ 𝐀"
"a :: A :: 𝐀",
testPrettyE [<] [<]
(E (FT "α" :# FT "a") :# FT "A")
"(α ∷ a) ∷ A"
"(α :: a) :: A",
testPrettyE [<] [<]
(([< "x"] :\\ BVT 0) :# Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A"))
"(λ x ⇒ x) ∷ (1._ : A) → A"
"(fun x => x) :: (1._ : A) -> A",
testPrettyE [<] [<]
(Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A") :# TYPE 7)
"((1._ : A) → A) ∷ ★₇"
"((1._ : A) -> A) :: Type7"
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