refactor #[attribute] stuff
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 237 additions and 160 deletions
@ -311,8 +311,8 @@ fromPTerm = fromPTermWith [<] [<]
globalPQty : Has (Except Error) fs => (q : Qty) -> Loc -> Eff fs GQty
globalPQty pi loc = case toGlobal pi of
globalPQty : Has (Except Error) fs => PQty -> Eff fs GQty
globalPQty (PQ pi loc) = case toGlobal pi of
Just g => pure g
Nothing => throw $ QtyNotGlobal loc pi
@ -336,15 +336,14 @@ addDef name def = do
export covering
fromPDef : PDefinition -> Maybe String -> Bool ->
Eff FromParserPure NDefinition
fromPDef (MkPDef qty pname pbody defLoc) scheme isMain = do
name <- fromPBaseNameNS pname
fromPDef : PDefinition -> Eff FromParserPure NDefinition
fromPDef def = do
name <- fromPBaseNameNS
when !(getsAt DEFS $ isJust . lookup name) $ do
throw $ AlreadyExists defLoc name
gqty <- globalPQty qty.val qty.loc
throw $ AlreadyExists def.loc name
gqty <- globalPQty def.qty
let sqty = globalToSubj gqty
case pbody of
case def.body of
PConcrete ptype pterm => do
type <- traverse fromPTerm ptype
term <- fromPTerm pterm
@ -353,72 +352,47 @@ fromPDef (MkPDef qty pname pbody defLoc) scheme isMain = do
ignore $ liftTC $ do
checkTypeC empty type Nothing
checkC empty sqty term type
addDef name $ mkDef gqty type term scheme isMain defLoc
addDef name $ mkDef gqty type term def.scheme def.main def.loc
Nothing => do
let E elim = term
| _ => throw $ AnnotationNeeded term.loc empty term
res <- liftTC $ inferC empty sqty elim
addDef name $ mkDef gqty res.type term scheme isMain defLoc
addDef name $ mkDef gqty res.type term def.scheme def.main def.loc
PPostulate ptype => do
type <- fromPTerm ptype
addDef name $ mkPostulate gqty type scheme isMain defLoc
addDef name $ mkPostulate gqty type def.scheme def.main def.loc
public export
data HasFail = NoFail | AnyFail | FailWith String
hasFail : List PDeclMod -> HasFail
hasFail [] = NoFail
hasFail (PFail str :: _) = maybe AnyFail FailWith str
hasFail (_ :: rest) = hasFail rest
export covering
expectFail : Loc -> Eff FromParserPure a -> Eff FromParserPure Error
expectFail loc act =
case fromParserPure !(getAt GEN) !(getAt DEFS) act of
Left err => pure err
Right _ => throw $ ExpectedFail loc
getScheme : List PDeclMod -> Maybe String
getScheme [] = Nothing
getScheme (PCompileScheme str :: _) = Just str
getScheme (_ :: rest) = getScheme rest
isMain : List PDeclMod -> Bool
isMain [] = False
isMain (PMain :: _) = True
isMain (_ :: rest) = isMain rest
export covering
maybeFail : Monoid a =>
PFail -> Loc -> Eff FromParserPure a -> Eff FromParserPure a
maybeFail PSucceed _ act = act
maybeFail PFailAny loc act = expectFail loc act $> neutral
maybeFail (PFailMatch str) loc act = do
err <- expectFail loc act
let msg = runPretty $ prettyError False err {opts = Opts 10_000} -- w/e
if str `isInfixOf` renderInfinite msg
then pure neutral
else throw $ WrongFail str err loc
export covering
fromPDecl : PDecl -> Eff FromParserPure (List NDefinition)
export covering
fromPDeclBody : PDeclBody -> Maybe String -> Bool -> Loc ->
Eff FromParserPure (List NDefinition)
fromPDeclBody (PDef def) scheme isMain loc =
singleton <$> fromPDef def scheme isMain
fromPDeclBody (PNs ns) scheme isMain loc = do
when (isJust scheme) $ throw $ SchemeOnNamespace loc
when isMain $ throw $ MainOnNamespace loc
fromPDecl (PDef def) =
maybeFail def.loc $ singleton <$> fromPDef def
fromPDecl (PNs ns) =
maybeFail ns.loc $
localAt NS (<+> $ concat <$> traverse fromPDecl ns.decls
export covering
expectFail : PDeclBody -> Loc -> Eff FromParserPure Error
expectFail body loc =
let res = fromParserPure !(getAt GEN) !(getAt DEFS) $
fromPDeclBody body Nothing False loc in
case res of
Left err => pure err
Right _ => throw $ ExpectedFail body.loc
fromPDecl (MkPDecl mods decl loc) = case hasFail mods of
NoFail => fromPDeclBody decl (getScheme mods) (isMain mods) loc
AnyFail => expectFail decl loc $> []
FailWith str => do
err <- expectFail decl loc
let msg = runPretty $ prettyError False err {opts = Opts 10_000} -- w/e
if str `isInfixOf` renderInfinite msg
then pure []
else throw $ WrongFail str err loc
export covering
loadProcessFile : Loc -> String -> Eff FromParserIO (List NDefinition)
@ -577,7 +577,6 @@ caseTerm fname = withLoc fname $ do
body <- mustWork $ caseBody fname
pure $ Case qty head ret body
-- export
-- term : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
term fname = lamTerm fname
<|> caseTerm fname
@ -586,20 +585,114 @@ term fname = lamTerm fname
pragma : Grammar True a -> Grammar True a
pragma p = resC "#[" *> p <* mustWork (resC "]")
attr : FileName -> Grammar True PAttr
attr fname = withLoc fname $ do
resC "#["
name <- baseName
args <- many $ termArg fname
mustWork $ resC "]"
pure $ PA name args
declMod : Grammar True PDeclMod
declMod = pragma $
exactName "fail" *> [|PFail $ optional strLit|]
<|> exactName "compile-scheme" *> [|PCompileScheme strLit|]
<|> exactName "main" $> PMain
<|> do other <- qname
fatalError "unknown declaration flag \{show other}" {c = False}
findDups : List PAttr -> List String
findDups attrs =
SortedSet.toList $ snd $ foldl check (empty, empty) attrs
Seen = SortedSet String; Dups = SortedSet String
check : (Seen, Dups) -> PAttr -> (Seen, Dups)
check (seen, dups) (PA a _ _) =
(insert a seen, if contains a seen then insert a dups else dups)
decl : FileName -> Grammar True PDecl
noDups : List PAttr -> Grammar False ()
noDups attrs = do
let dups = findDups attrs
when (not $ null dups) $
fatalError "duplicate attribute names: \{joinBy "," dups}"
attrList : FileName -> Grammar False (List PAttr)
attrList fname = do
res <- many $ attr fname
noDups res $> res
public export
data AttrMatch a = Matched a | NoMatch String | Malformed String String
Functor AttrMatch where
map f (Matched x) = Matched $ f x
map f (NoMatch s) = NoMatch s
map f (Malformed a e) = Malformed a e
(<|>) : AttrMatch a -> AttrMatch a -> AttrMatch a
Matched x <|> _ = Matched x
NoMatch _ <|> y = y
Malformed a e <|> _ = Malformed a e
isFail : PAttr -> AttrMatch PFail
isFail (PA "fail" [] _) = Matched PFailAny
isFail (PA "fail" [Str s _] _) = Matched $ PFailMatch s
isFail (PA "fail" _ _) = Malformed "fail" "be absent or a string literal"
isFail a = NoMatch
isMain : PAttr -> AttrMatch ()
isMain (PA "main" [] _) = Matched ()
isMain (PA "main" _ _) = Malformed "main" "have no arguments"
isMain a = NoMatch
isScheme : PAttr -> AttrMatch String
isScheme (PA "compile-scheme" [Str s _] _) = Matched s
isScheme (PA "compile-scheme" _ _) =
Malformed "compile-scheme" "be a string literal"
isScheme a = NoMatch
matchAttr : String -> AttrMatch a -> Either String a
matchAttr _ (Matched x) = Right x
matchAttr d (NoMatch a) = Left "unrecognised \{d} attribute \{a}"
matchAttr _ (Malformed a s) = Left $ unlines
["invalid \{a} attribute", "(should \{s})"]
mkPDef : List PAttr -> PQty -> PBaseName -> PBody ->
Either String (Loc -> PDefinition)
mkPDef attrs qty name body = do
let start = MkPDef qty name body PSucceed False Nothing noLoc
res <- foldlM addAttr start attrs
pure $ \l => {loc_ := l} (the PDefinition res)
data PDefAttr = DefFail PFail | DefMain | DefScheme String
isDefAttr : PAttr -> Either String PDefAttr
isDefAttr attr = matchAttr "definition" $
DefFail <$> isFail attr
<|> DefMain <$ isMain attr
<|> DefScheme <$> isScheme attr
addAttr : PDefinition -> PAttr -> Either String PDefinition
addAttr def attr =
case !(isDefAttr attr) of
DefFail f => pure $ {fail := f} def
DefMain => pure $ {main := True} def
DefScheme str => pure $ {scheme := Just str} def
mkPNamespace : List PAttr -> Mods -> List PDecl ->
Either String (Loc -> PNamespace)
mkPNamespace attrs name decls = do
let start = MkPNamespace name decls PSucceed noLoc
res <- foldlM addAttr start attrs
pure $ \l => {loc_ := l} (the PNamespace res)
isNsAttr = matchAttr "namespace" . isFail
addAttr : PNamespace -> PAttr -> Either String PNamespace
addAttr ns attr = pure $ {fail := !(isNsAttr attr)} ns
||| `def` alone means `defω`; same for `postulate`
@ -624,43 +717,55 @@ postulateIntro : FileName -> Grammar True PQty
postulateIntro = defIntro' "postulate" "postulate0" "postulateω"
postulate : FileName -> Grammar True PDefinition
postulate fname = withLoc fname $
postulate : FileName -> List PAttr -> Grammar True PDefinition
postulate fname attrs = withLoc fname $ do
qty <- postulateIntro fname
name <- baseName
type <- resC ":" *> mustWork (term fname)
pure $ MkPDef qty name $ PPostulate type
optRes ";"
either fatalError pure $ mkPDef attrs qty name $ PPostulate type
concrete : FileName -> Grammar True PDefinition
concrete fname = withLoc fname $ do
concrete : FileName -> List PAttr -> Grammar True PDefinition
concrete fname attrs = withLoc fname $ do
qty <- defIntro fname
name <- baseName
type <- optional $ resC ":" *> mustWork (term fname)
term <- needRes "=" *> mustWork (term fname)
optRes ";"
pure $ MkPDef qty name $ PConcrete type term
either fatalError pure $ mkPDef attrs qty name $ PConcrete type term
definition : FileName -> Grammar True PDefinition
definition fname = try (postulate fname) <|> concrete fname
definition : FileName -> List PAttr -> Grammar True PDefinition
definition fname attrs =
try (postulate fname attrs) <|> concrete fname attrs
namespace_ : FileName -> Grammar True PNamespace
namespace_ fname = withLoc fname $ do
ns <- resC "namespace" *> qname; needRes "{"
decls <- nsInner; optRes ";"
pure $ MkPNamespace (ns.mods :< ns.base) decls
nsname : Grammar True Mods
nsname = do ns <- qname; pure $ ns.mods :< ns.base
decl : FileName -> Grammar True PDecl
namespace_ : FileName -> List PAttr -> Grammar True PNamespace
namespace_ fname attrs = withLoc fname $ do
ns <- resC "namespace" *> nsname; needRes "{"
decls <- nsInner
either fatalError pure $ mkPNamespace attrs ns decls
nsInner : Grammar True (List PDecl)
nsInner = [] <$ resC "}"
<|> [|(assert_total decl fname <* commit) :: assert_total nsInner|]
declBody : FileName -> Grammar True PDeclBody
declBody fname = [|PDef $ definition fname|] <|> [|PNs $ namespace_ fname|]
declBody : FileName -> List PAttr -> Grammar True PDecl
declBody fname attrs =
[|PDef $ definition fname attrs|] <|> [|PNs $ namespace_ fname attrs|]
decl fname = withLoc fname [|MkPDecl (many declMod) (declBody fname)|]
-- decl : FileName -> Grammar True PDecl
decl fname = attrList fname >>= declBody fname
load : FileName -> Grammar True PTopLevel
@ -159,58 +159,51 @@ data PBody = PConcrete (Maybe PTerm) PTerm | PPostulate PTerm
%runElab derive "PBody" [Eq, Ord, Show, PrettyVal]
public export
data PFail =
| PFailAny
| PFailMatch String
%runElab derive "PFail" [Eq, Ord, Show, PrettyVal]
public export
record PDefinition where
constructor MkPDef
qty : PQty
name : PBaseName
body : PBody
loc_ : Loc
qty : PQty
name : PBaseName
body : PBody
fail : PFail
main : Bool
scheme : Maybe String
loc_ : Loc
%name PDefinition def
%runElab derive "PDefinition" [Eq, Ord, Show, PrettyVal]
export Located PDefinition where def.loc = def.loc_
public export
data PDeclMod =
PFail (Maybe String)
| PCompileScheme String
| PMain
%name PDeclMod mod
%runElab derive "PDeclMod" [Eq, Ord, Show, PrettyVal]
public export
record PNamespace where
constructor MkPNamespace
name : Mods
decls : List PDecl
fail : PFail
loc_ : Loc
%name PNamespace ns
public export
record PDecl where
constructor MkPDecl
mods : List PDeclMod
decl : PDeclBody
loc_ : Loc
public export
data PDeclBody =
PDef PDefinition
| PNs PNamespace
%name PDeclBody decl
%runElab deriveMutual ["PNamespace", "PDecl", "PDeclBody"]
[Eq, Ord, Show, PrettyVal]
data PDecl =
PDef PDefinition
| PNs PNamespace
%name PDecl decl
%runElab deriveMutual ["PNamespace", "PDecl"] [Eq, Ord, Show, PrettyVal]
export Located PNamespace where ns.loc = ns.loc_
export Located PDecl where decl.loc = decl.loc_
Located PDeclBody where
(PDef def).loc = def.loc
(PNs ns).loc = ns.loc
Located PDecl where
(PDef d).loc = d.loc
(PNs ns).loc = ns.loc
public export
data PTopLevel = PD PDecl | PLoad String Loc
@ -223,6 +216,18 @@ Located PTopLevel where
(PLoad _ loc).loc = loc
public export
record PAttr where
constructor PA
name : PBaseName
args : List PTerm
loc_ : Loc
%name PAttr attr
%runElab derive "PAttr" [Eq, Ord, Show, PrettyVal]
export Located PAttr where attr.loc = attr.loc_
public export
PFile : Type
PFile = List PTopLevel
@ -395,36 +395,37 @@ tests = "parser" :- [
parseFails term "caseω n return ℕ of { succ ⇒ 5 }"
"definitions" :- [
"definitions" :-
let definition = flip definition [] in [
parseMatch definition "defω x : {a} × {b} = ('a, 'b);"
`(MkPDef (PQ Any _) "x"
(Just (Sig (Unused _) (Enum ["a"] _) (Enum ["b"] _) _))
(Pair (Tag "a" _) (Tag "b" _) _)) _),
(Pair (Tag "a" _) (Tag "b" _) _)) _ _ _ _),
parseMatch definition "def# x : {a} ** {b} = ('a, 'b)"
`(MkPDef (PQ Any _) "x"
(Just (Sig (Unused _) (Enum ["a"] _) (Enum ["b"] _) _))
(Pair (Tag "a" _) (Tag "b" _) _)) _),
(Pair (Tag "a" _) (Tag "b" _) _)) _ _ _ _),
parseMatch definition "def ω.x : {a} × {b} = ('a, 'b)"
`(MkPDef (PQ Any _) "x"
(Just (Sig (Unused _) (Enum ["a"] _) (Enum ["b"] _) _))
(Pair (Tag "a" _) (Tag "b" _) _)) _),
(Pair (Tag "a" _) (Tag "b" _) _)) _ _ _ _),
parseMatch definition "def x : {a} × {b} = ('a, 'b)"
`(MkPDef (PQ Any _) "x"
(Just (Sig (Unused _) (Enum ["a"] _) (Enum ["b"] _) _))
(Pair (Tag "a" _) (Tag "b" _) _)) _),
(Pair (Tag "a" _) (Tag "b" _) _)) _ _ _ _),
parseMatch definition "def0 A : ★⁰ = {a, b, c}"
`(MkPDef (PQ Zero _) "A"
(PConcrete (Just $ TYPE 0 _) (Enum ["a", "b", "c"] _)) _),
(PConcrete (Just $ TYPE 0 _) (Enum ["a", "b", "c"] _)) _ _ _ _),
parseMatch definition "postulate yeah : ℕ"
`(MkPDef (PQ Any _) "yeah" (PPostulate (NAT _)) _),
`(MkPDef (PQ Any _) "yeah" (PPostulate (NAT _)) _ _ _ _),
parseMatch definition "postulateω yeah : ℕ"
`(MkPDef (PQ Any _) "yeah" (PPostulate (NAT _)) _),
`(MkPDef (PQ Any _) "yeah" (PPostulate (NAT _)) _ _ _ _),
parseMatch definition "postulate0 FileHandle : ★"
`(MkPDef (PQ Zero _) "FileHandle" (PPostulate (TYPE 0 _)) _),
`(MkPDef (PQ Zero _) "FileHandle" (PPostulate (TYPE 0 _)) _ _ _ _),
parseFails definition "postulate not-a-postulate : ℕ = 69",
parseFails definition "postulate not-a-postulate = 69",
parseFails definition "def not-a-def : ℕ"
@ -432,52 +433,44 @@ tests = "parser" :- [
"top level" :- [
parseMatch input "def0 A : ★⁰ = {}; def0 B : ★¹ = A;"
`([PD $ MkPDecl []
(PDef $ MkPDef (PQ Zero _) "A"
(PConcrete (Just $ TYPE 0 _) (Enum [] _)) _) _,
PD $ MkPDecl []
(PDef $ MkPDef (PQ Zero _) "B"
(PConcrete (Just $ TYPE 1 _) (V "A" {})) _) _]),
`([PD $ PDef $ MkPDef (PQ Zero _) "A"
(PConcrete (Just $ TYPE 0 _) (Enum [] _)) PSucceed False Nothing _,
PD $ PDef $ MkPDef (PQ Zero _) "B"
(PConcrete (Just $ TYPE 1 _) (V "A" {})) PSucceed False Nothing _]),
parseMatch input "def0 A : ★⁰ = {} def0 B : ★¹ = A" $
`([PD $ MkPDecl []
(PDef $ MkPDef (PQ Zero _) "A"
(PConcrete (Just $ TYPE 0 _) (Enum [] _)) _) _,
PD $ MkPDecl []
(PDef $ MkPDef (PQ Zero _) "B"
(PConcrete (Just $ TYPE 1 _) (V "A" {})) _) _]),
`([PD $ PDef $ MkPDef (PQ Zero _) "A"
(PConcrete (Just $ TYPE 0 _) (Enum [] _)) PSucceed False Nothing _,
PD $ PDef $ MkPDef (PQ Zero _) "B"
(PConcrete (Just $ TYPE 1 _) (V "A" {})) PSucceed False Nothing _]),
note "empty input",
parsesAs input "" [],
parseFails input ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;",
parseMatch input "namespace a {}"
`([PD $ MkPDecl [] (PNs $ MkPNamespace [< "a"] [] _) _]),
`([PD $ PNs $ MkPNamespace [< "a"] [] PSucceed _]),
parseMatch input "namespace a.b.c {}"
`([PD $ MkPDecl []
(PNs $ MkPNamespace [< "a", "b", "c"] [] _) _]),
`([PD $ PNs $ MkPNamespace [< "a", "b", "c"] [] PSucceed _]),
parseMatch input "namespace a {namespace b {}}"
`([PD (MkPDecl []
(PNs $ MkPNamespace [< "a"]
[MkPDecl [] (PNs $ MkPNamespace [< "b"] [] _) _] _) _)]),
`([PD (PNs $ MkPNamespace [< "a"]
[PNs $ MkPNamespace [< "b"] [] PSucceed _] PSucceed _)]),
parseMatch input "namespace a {def x = 't ∷ {t}}"
`([PD (MkPDecl []
(PNs $ MkPNamespace [< "a"]
[MkPDecl []
(PDef $ MkPDef (PQ Any _) "x"
(PConcrete Nothing
(Ann (Tag "t" _) (Enum ["t"] _) _)) _) _] _) _)]),
`([PD (PNs $ MkPNamespace [< "a"]
[PDef $ MkPDef (PQ Any _) "x"
(PConcrete Nothing (Ann (Tag "t" _) (Enum ["t"] _) _))
PSucceed False Nothing _]
PSucceed _)]),
parseMatch input "namespace a {def x : {t} = 't} def y = a.x"
`([PD (MkPDecl []
(PNs $ MkPNamespace [< "a"]
[MkPDecl []
(PDef $ MkPDef (PQ Any _) "x"
(PConcrete (Just (Enum ["t"] _))
(Tag "t" _)) _) _] _) _),
PD (MkPDecl []
(PDef $ MkPDef (PQ Any _) "y"
(PConcrete Nothing (V (MakePName [< "a"] "x") Nothing _)) _) _)]),
`([PD (PNs $ MkPNamespace [< "a"]
[PDef $ MkPDef (PQ Any _) "x"
(PConcrete (Just (Enum ["t"] _)) (Tag "t" _))
PSucceed False Nothing _]
PSucceed _),
PD (PDef $ MkPDef (PQ Any _) "y"
(PConcrete Nothing (V (MakePName [< "a"] "x") Nothing _))
PSucceed False Nothing _)]),
parseMatch input #" load "a.quox"; def b = a.b "#
`([PLoad "a.quox" _,
PD (MkPDecl []
(PDef $ MkPDef (PQ Any _) "b"
(PConcrete Nothing (V (MakePName [< "a"] "b") Nothing _)) _) _)])
PD (PDef $ MkPDef (PQ Any _) "b"
(PConcrete Nothing (V (MakePName [< "a"] "b") Nothing _))
PSucceed False Nothing _)])
Add table
Reference in a new issue