grtt -> qtt

This commit is contained in:
rhiannon morris 2022-04-27 21:58:09 +02:00
parent 45825ebc17
commit 468c3a4c6a
7 changed files with 70 additions and 84 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
# ![](qtuwu.png) quantitative observational extensional(ish) type theory
hey what would happen if some idiot tried to weld qtt[^1] and xtt together?
hey what would happen if some idiot tried to weld qtt and xtt together?
let's find out together
[^1]: actually grtt but wtf is a grox

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@ -43,10 +43,8 @@ parameters {auto _ : MonadThrow Error m}
Sub => unless (k <= l) $ throw $ ClashU Sub k l
compareTN' mode s@(TYPE _) t _ _ = clashT mode s t
compareTN' mode (Pi qtm1 qty1 _ arg1 res1)
(Pi qtm2 qty2 _ arg2 res2) _ _ = do
-- [todo] these should probably always be ==, right..?
unless (qtm1 == qtm2) $ throw $ ClashQ qtm1 qtm2
compareTN' mode (Pi qty1 _ arg1 res1) (Pi qty2 _ arg2 res2) _ _ = do
-- [todo] this should probably always be ==, right..?
unless (qty1 == qty2) $ throw $ ClashQ qty1 qty2
compareT0 mode arg2 arg1 -- reversed for contravariant Sub
compareTS0 mode res1 res2

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@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ mutual
TYPE : (l : Universe) -> Term d n
||| function type
Pi : (qtm, qty : Qty) -> (x : Name) ->
Pi : (qty : Qty) -> (x : Name) ->
(arg : Term d n) -> (res : ScopeTerm d n) -> Term d n
||| function term
Lam : (x : Name) -> (body : ScopeTerm d n) -> Term d n
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ mutual
public export %inline
Arr : Qty -> Term d n -> Term d n -> Term d n
Arr pi a b = Pi {qtm = pi, qty = zero, x = "_", arg = a, res = TUnused b}
Arr pi a b = Pi {qty = pi, x = "_", arg = a, res = TUnused b}
||| same as `F` but as a term
public export %inline

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@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ mutual
PrettyHL (Term d n) where
prettyM (TYPE l) =
parensIfM App $ typeD <//> !(withPrec Arg $ prettyM l)
prettyM (Pi qtm qty x s t) =
prettyM (Pi qty x s t) =
parensIfM Outer $ hang 2 $
!(prettyBinder [qtm, qty] x s) <++> !arrowD
!(prettyBinder [qty] x s) <++> !arrowD
<//> !(under T x $ prettyM t)
prettyM (Lam x t) =
parensIfM Outer $

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@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ mutual
Term dfrom from -> NotCloTerm dto to
pushSubstsTWith th ph (TYPE l) =
ncloT $ TYPE l
pushSubstsTWith th ph (Pi qtm qty x a body) =
ncloT $ Pi qtm qty x (subs a th ph) (subs body th ph)
pushSubstsTWith th ph (Pi qty x a body) =
ncloT $ Pi qty x (subs a th ph) (subs body th ph)
pushSubstsTWith th ph (Lam x body) =
ncloT $ Lam x $ subs body th ph
pushSubstsTWith th ph (E e) =
@ -120,9 +120,9 @@ mutual
Tighten (Term d) where
tighten p (TYPE l) =
pure $ TYPE l
tighten p (Pi qtm qty x arg res) =
Pi qtm qty x <$> tighten p arg
<*> tighten p res
tighten p (Pi qty x arg res) =
Pi qty x <$> tighten p arg
<*> tighten p res
tighten p (Lam x body) =
Lam x <$> tighten p body
tighten p (E e) =
@ -160,4 +160,3 @@ weakT t = t //. shift 1
public export %inline
weakE : Elim d n -> Elim d (S n)
weakE t = t //. shift 1

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@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ expectTYPE s =
private covering %inline
expectPi : MonadThrow Typing.Error m => Term d n ->
m (Qty, Qty, Term d n, ScopeTerm d n)
m (Qty, Term d n, ScopeTerm d n)
expectPi ty =
case (whnfT ty).fst of
Pi qtm qty _ arg res => pure (qtm, qty, arg, res)
_ => throw $ ExpectedPi ty
Pi qty _ arg res => pure (qty, arg, res)
_ => throw $ ExpectedPi ty
private %inline
expectEqualQ : MonadThrow Equal.Error m =>
@ -40,14 +40,14 @@ tail = {tctx $= tail, qctx $= tail}
private %inline
weakI : InferResult d n -> InferResult d (S n)
weakI = {type $= weakT, tmout $= (:< zero), tyout $= (:< zero)}
weakI = {type $= weakT, qout $= (:< zero)}
lookupBound : {n : Nat} -> Var n -> TyContext d n -> InferResult d n
lookupBound VZ (MkTyContext {tctx = _ :< ty, qctx = _ :< tyout, _}) =
InfRes {type = weakT ty, tmout = zero :< one, tyout = tyout :< zero}
lookupBound (VS i) ctx =
weakI $ lookupBound i (tail ctx)
lookupBound : {n : Nat} -> Qty -> Var n -> TyContext d n -> InferResult d n
lookupBound pi VZ (MkTyContext {tctx = _ :< ty, _}) =
InfRes {type = weakT ty, qout = zero :< pi}
lookupBound pi (VS i) ctx =
weakI $ lookupBound pi i (tail ctx)
@ -55,88 +55,80 @@ mutual
-- to either push them or parametrise the whole typechecker over ambient
-- substitutions. both of them seem like the same amount of work for the
-- computer but pushing is less work for the me
-- [todo] probably need to check that pi is 1 or 0 like atkey said
export covering %inline
check : MonadThrows [Typing.Error, Equal.Error] m => {d, n : Nat} ->
(ctx : TyContext d n) -> (subj : Term d n) -> (ty : Term d n) ->
(ctx : TyContext d n) -> (pi : Qty) ->
(subj : Term d n) -> (ty : Term d n) ->
m (CheckResult n)
check ctx subj ty = check' ctx (pushSubstsT subj) ty
check ctx pi subj ty = check' ctx pi (pushSubstsT subj) ty
export covering %inline
infer : MonadThrows [Typing.Error, Equal.Error] m => {d, n : Nat} ->
(ctx : TyContext d n) -> (subj : Elim d n) ->
(ctx : TyContext d n) -> (pi : Qty) -> (subj : Elim d n) ->
m (InferResult d n)
infer ctx subj = infer' ctx (pushSubstsE subj)
infer ctx pi subj = infer' ctx pi (pushSubstsE subj)
export covering
check' : MonadThrows [Typing.Error, Equal.Error] m => {d, n : Nat} ->
(ctx : TyContext d n) ->
(ctx : TyContext d n) -> (pi : Qty) ->
(subj : NotCloTerm d n) -> (ty : Term d n) ->
m (CheckResult n)
check' ctx (Element (TYPE l) _) ty = do
check' ctx pi (Element (TYPE l) _) ty = do
l' <- expectTYPE ty
expectEqualQ zero pi
unless (l < l') $ throw $ BadUniverse l l'
pure $ ChkRes {tmout = zero, tyout = zero}
pure zero
-- [todo] factor this stuff out
check' ctx (Element (Pi qtm qty x arg (TUsed res)) _) ty = do
check' ctx pi (Element (Pi qty x arg res) _) ty = do
l <- expectTYPE ty
argty <- check ctx arg (TYPE l)
resty <- check (extendTy arg argty.tmout ctx) res (TYPE l)
res'tmout <- popQ qty resty.tmout
pure $ ChkRes {tmout = argty.tmout + res'tmout, tyout = zero}
check' ctx (Element (Pi qtm qty x arg (TUnused res)) _) ty = do
ignore $ expectTYPE ty
argty <- check ctx arg ty
resty <- check ctx res ty
expectEqualQ qty zero
pure $ ChkRes {tmout = argty.tmout + resty.tmout, tyout = zero}
expectEqualQ zero pi
ignore $ check ctx zero arg (TYPE l)
case res of
TUsed res => ignore $ check (extendTy arg zero ctx) zero res (TYPE l)
TUnused res => ignore $ check ctx zero res (TYPE l)
pure zero
check' ctx (Element (Lam x body) _) ty = do
(qtm, qty, arg, res) <- expectPi ty
check' ctx pi (Element (Lam x body) _) ty = do
(qty, arg, res) <- expectPi ty
-- [todo] do this properly?
let body = fromScopeTerm body; res = fromScopeTerm res
argres <- check ctx arg (TYPE UAny)
let ctx' = extendTy arg argres.tmout ctx
bodyres <- check ctx' body res
tmout <- popQ qtm bodyres.tmout
tyout <- popQ qty bodyres.tyout
pure $ ChkRes {tmout, tyout = argres.tmout + tyout}
qout <- check (extendTy arg (pi * qty) ctx) pi body res
popQ qty qout
check' ctx (Element (E e) _) ty = do
infres <- infer ctx e
tyres <- check ctx ty (TYPE UAny)
check' ctx pi (Element (E e) _) ty = do
infres <- infer ctx pi e
ignore $ check ctx zero ty (TYPE UAny)
infres.type `subT` ty
pure $ ChkRes {tmout = infres.tmout, tyout = tyres.tmout}
pure infres.qout
export covering
infer' : MonadThrows [Typing.Error, Equal.Error] m => {d, n : Nat} ->
(ctx : TyContext d n) -> (subj : NotCloElim d n) ->
(ctx : TyContext d n) -> (pi : Qty) -> (subj : NotCloElim d n) ->
m (InferResult d n)
infer' ctx (Element (F x) _) =
infer' ctx pi (Element (F x) _) =
-- [todo] check that global is erased ==> pi = zero
case lookup x ctx.globals of
Just g => pure $ InfRes {type = g.type, tmout = zero, tyout = zero}
Just g => pure $ InfRes {type = g.type, qout = zero}
Nothing => throw $ NotInScope x
infer' ctx (Element (B i) _) = pure $ lookupBound i ctx
infer' ctx pi (Element (B i) _) =
pure $ lookupBound pi i ctx
infer' ctx (Element (fun :@ arg) _) = do
funres <- infer ctx fun
(qtm, qty, argty, resty) <- expectPi funres.type
let resty = fromScopeTerm resty
argres <- check ctx arg argty
let ctx' = extendTy argty argres.tyout ctx
resres <- check ctx' resty (TYPE UAny)
res'tyout <- popQ qty resres.tmout
let type = resty //. (arg :# argty ::: id)
pure $ InfRes {type,
tmout = funres.tmout + qtm * argres.tmout,
tyout = res'tyout + qty * argres.tmout}
infer' ctx pi (Element (fun :@ arg) _) = do
funres <- infer ctx pi fun
(qty, argty, res) <- expectPi funres.type
argout <- check ctx (pi * qty) arg argty
pure $ InfRes {type = fromScopeTerm res //. ((arg :# argty) ::: id),
qout = funres.qout + argout}
infer' ctx (Element (tm :# ty) _) = do
ignore $ check ctx ty (TYPE UAny)
res <- check ctx tm ty
pure $ InfRes {type = ty, tmout = res.tmout, tyout = res.tyout}
infer' ctx pi (Element (tm :# ty) _) = do
ignore $ check ctx zero ty (TYPE UAny)
qout <- check ctx pi tm ty
pure $ InfRes {type = ty, qout}

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@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ TContext d = Context (Term d)
public export
QContext : Nat -> Type
QContext = Triangle' Qty
QContext = Context' Qty
public export
QOutput : Nat -> Type
QOutput = Context' Qty
QOutput = QContext
public export
@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ namespace TContext
namespace TyContext
extendTy : Term d n -> QOutput n -> TyContext d n -> TyContext d (S n)
extendTy s rhos = {tctx $= (:< s), qctx $= (:< rhos)}
extendTy : Term d n -> Qty -> TyContext d n -> TyContext d (S n)
extendTy s rho = {tctx $= (:< s), qctx $= (:< rho)}
extendDim : TyContext d n -> TyContext (S d) n
@ -87,15 +87,14 @@ namespace QOutput
public export
record CheckResult n where
constructor ChkRes
tmout, tyout : QOutput n
CheckResult : Nat -> Type
CheckResult = QOutput
public export
record InferResult d n where
constructor InfRes
type : Term d n
tmout, tyout : QOutput n
qout : QOutput n
public export