This commit is contained in:
rhiannon morris 2023-10-22 19:17:29 +02:00
parent 0987b91596
commit 3dc516e5b4
8 changed files with 114 additions and 63 deletions

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@ -18,8 +18,13 @@ def if2 : 0.(A B : ★) → (b : Bool) → ω.A → ω.B → if¹ ★ b A B =
def0 T : Bool → ★ = λ b ⇒ if¹ ★ b True False;
def boolω : Bool → [ω.Bool] =
λ b ⇒ if [ω.Bool] b ['true] ['false];
def dup! : (b : Bool) → [ω. Sing Bool b] =
λ b ⇒ if-dep (λ b ⇒ [ω. Sing Bool b]) b
[('true, [δ _ ⇒ 'true])]
[('false, [δ _ ⇒ 'false])];
def dup : Bool → [ω. Bool] =
λ b ⇒ appω (Sing Bool b) Bool (sing.val Bool b) (dup! b);
def true-not-false : Not ('true ≡ 'false : Bool) =
λ eq ⇒ coe (𝑖 ⇒ T (eq @𝑖)) 'true;

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@ -146,11 +146,11 @@ private
liftFromParser : Eff FromParserIO a -> Eff CompileStop a
liftFromParser act =
runEff act $ with Union.(::)
[\g => send g,
handleExcept (\err => throw $ FromParserError err),
[handleExcept (\err => throw $ FromParserError err),
handleStateIORef !(asksAt STATE defs),
handleStateIORef !(asksAt STATE ns),
handleStateIORef !(asksAt STATE suf)]
handleStateIORef !(asksAt STATE suf),
\g => send g]
liftErase : Q.Definitions -> Eff Erase a -> Eff CompileStop a

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@ -114,4 +114,4 @@ prettyDef name (MkDef qty type _ _) = withPrec Outer $ do
name <- prettyFree name
colon <- colonD
type <- prettyTerm [<] [<] type
pure $ sep [hsep [hcat [qty, dot, name], colon], type]
hangDSingle (hsep [hcat [qty, dot, name], colon]) type

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@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ FromParserPure = [Except Error, DefsState, StateL NS Mods, NameGen]
public export
FromParserIO : List (Type -> Type)
FromParserIO = LoadFile :: FromParserPure
FromParserIO = FromParserPure ++ [LoadFile]
@ -66,11 +66,11 @@ fromParserIO : (MonadRec io, HasIO io) =>
Eff FromParserIO a -> io (Either Error a)
fromParserIO inc seen suf defs act =
liftIO $ fromIOErr $ runEff act $ with Union.(::)
[handleLoadFileIOE LoadError WrapParseError seen inc,
handleExcept (\e => ioLeft e),
[handleExcept (\e => ioLeft e),
handleStateIORef defs,
handleStateIORef !(newIORef [<]),
handleStateIORef suf]
handleStateIORef suf,
handleLoadFileIOE LoadError WrapParseError seen inc]
parameters {auto _ : Functor m} (b : Var n -> m a) (f : PName -> m a)

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@ -191,6 +191,14 @@ parameters {opts : LayoutOpts} {auto _ : Foldable t}
separateTight : Doc opts -> t (Doc opts) -> Doc opts
separateTight d = sep . exceptLast (<+> d) . toList
hseparateTight : Doc opts -> t (Doc opts) -> Doc opts
hseparateTight d = hsep . exceptLast (<+> d) . toList
vseparateTight : Doc opts -> t (Doc opts) -> Doc opts
vseparateTight d = vsep . exceptLast (<+> d) . toList
fillSeparateTight : Doc opts -> t (Doc opts) -> Doc opts
fillSeparateTight d = fillSep . exceptLast (<+> d) . toList

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@ -251,12 +251,11 @@ parameters {opts : LayoutOpts} (dnames : BContext d) (tnames : BContext n)
body <- withPrec Outer $ assert_total
prettyTerm (dnames . dbinds) (tnames . tbinds) body
header <- (pat <++>) <$> darrowD
pure $ hsep [header, body] <|> vsep [header, !(indentD body)]
pure $ ifMultiline (header <++> body) (vsep [header, !(indentD body)])
prettyCaseBody : List (CaseArm opts d n) -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
prettyCaseBody xs =
braces . separateTight !semiD =<< traverse prettyCaseArm xs
prettyCaseBody : List (CaseArm opts d n) -> Eff Pretty (List (Doc opts))
prettyCaseBody xs = traverse prettyCaseArm xs
prettyCompPat : {opts : _} -> DimConst -> BindName -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
@ -278,9 +277,7 @@ layoutComp typq val r arms = do
pure $ ifMultiline
(hsep $ concat {t = List} [[comp], typq, [val, r, lb], arms, [rb]]) $
(comp <++>
vsep [sep typq, val, r <++> lb, indent ind $ vsep arms, rb]) <|>
(vsep $ (comp ::) $ map (indent ind) $ concat {t = List}
[typq, [val, r <++> lb], map (indent ind) arms, [rb]])
vsep [sep typq, val, r <++> lb, indent ind $ vsep arms, rb])
@ -299,7 +296,7 @@ prettyCaseRet dnames tnames body = withPrec Outer $ case body of
S [< x] (Y tm) => do
header <- [|prettyTBind x <++> darrowD|]
body <- assert_total prettyTerm dnames (tnames :< x) tm
pure $ hsep [header, body] <|> vsep [header, !(indentD body)]
hangDSingle header body
prettyCase_ : {opts : _} ->
@ -307,10 +304,16 @@ prettyCase_ : {opts : _} ->
Doc opts -> Elim d n -> ScopeTerm d n -> List (CaseArm opts d n) ->
Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
prettyCase_ dnames tnames intro head ret body = do
head <- assert_total prettyElim dnames tnames head
ret <- prettyCaseRet dnames tnames ret
body <- prettyCaseBody dnames tnames body
parensIfM Outer $ sep [intro <++> head, !returnD <++> ret, !ofD <++> body]
head <- assert_total prettyElim dnames tnames head
ret <- prettyCaseRet dnames tnames ret
bodys <- prettyCaseBody dnames tnames body
return <- returnD; of_ <- ofD
lb <- hl Delim "{"; rb <- hl Delim "}"; semi <- semiD
ind <- askAt INDENT
parensIfM Outer $ ifMultiline
(hsep [intro, head, return, ret, of_, lb, hseparateTight semi bodys, rb])
(vsep [intro <++> head, return <++> ret, of_ <++> lb,
indent ind $ vseparateTight semi bodys, rb])
prettyCase : {opts : _} ->

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@ -144,18 +144,20 @@ eraseTerm ctx _ s@(TYPE {}) =
eraseTerm ctx _ s@(Pi {}) =
throw $ CompileTimeOnly ctx s
-- x : A | π.x ⊢ s ⤋ s' ⇐ B
-- x : A | 0.x ⊢ s ⤋ s' ⇐ B
-- -------------------------------------
-- (λ x ⇒ s) ⤋ s'[⌷/x] ⇐ 0.(x : A) → B
-- x : A | π.x ⊢ s ⤋ s' ⇐ B π ≠ 0
-- ----------------------------------------
-- (λ x ⇒ s) ⤋ (λ x ⇒ s') ⇐ π.(x : A) → B
-- becomes a lambda even when π = 0,
-- to preserve expected evaluation order
eraseTerm ctx ty (Lam body loc) = do
let x =
(qty, arg, res) <- wrapExpect `(expectPi) ctx loc ty
let x = case isErased qty of Kept =>
Erased => BN Unused
body <- eraseTerm (extendTy qty x arg ctx) res.term body.term
pure $ U.Lam x body loc
body <- eraseTerm (extendTy qty x arg ctx) res.term body.term
pure $ case isErased qty of
Kept => U.Lam x body loc
Erased => sub1 (Erased loc) body
eraseTerm ctx _ s@(Sig {}) =
throw $ CompileTimeOnly ctx s
@ -251,13 +253,13 @@ eraseElim ctx e@(B i loc) = do
-- f ⤋ f' ⇒ 0.(x : A) → B
-- -------------------------
-- f s ⤋ f' ⇒ B[s/x]
-- f s ⤋ f' ⇒ B[s/x]
eraseElim ctx (App fun arg loc) = do
efun <- eraseElim ctx fun
(qty, targ, tres) <- wrapExpect `(expectPi) ctx loc efun.type
let ty = sub1 tres (Ann arg targ arg.loc)
case isErased qty of
Erased => pure $ EraRes ty $ App efun.term (Erased arg.loc) loc
Erased => pure $ EraRes ty efun.term
Kept => do arg <- eraseTerm ctx targ arg
pure $ EraRes ty $ App efun.term arg loc
@ -322,24 +324,33 @@ eraseElim ctx e@(CaseEnum qty tag ret arms loc) =
pure (t, rhs')
pure $ EraRes ty $ CaseEnum etag.term arms loc
-- n ⤋ n' ⇒ z ⤋ z' ⇐ R[zero∷/z]
-- n ⤋ n' ⇒ z ⤋ z' ⇐ R[zero∷/z] ς ≠ 0
-- m : , ih : R[m/z] | ρ.m, ς.ih ⊢ s ⤋ s' ⇐ R[(succ m)∷ℕ/z]
-- -----------------------------------------------------------
-- caseρ n return z ⇒ R of {0 ⇒ z; succ m, ς.ih ⇒ s}
-- ⤋
-- case n' of {0 ⇒ z'; succ m, ih ⇒ s'}
-- ⇒ R[n/z]
-- case n' of {0 ⇒ z'; succ m, ih ⇒ s'} ⇒ R[n/z]
-- n ⤋ n' ⇒ z ⤋ z' ⇐ R[zero∷/z]
-- m : , ih : R[m/z] | ρ.m, 0.ih ⊢ s ⤋ s' ⇐ R[(succ m)∷ℕ/z]
-- -----------------------------------------------------------
-- caseρ n return z ⇒ R of {0 ⇒ z; succ m, 0.ih ⇒ s}
-- ⤋
-- case n' of {0 ⇒ z'; succ m ⇒ s'[⌷/ih]} ⇒ R[n/z]
eraseElim ctx (CaseNat qty qtyIH nat ret zero succ loc) = do
let ty = sub1 ret nat
enat <- eraseElim ctx nat
zero <- eraseTerm ctx (sub1 ret (Ann (Zero loc) (Nat loc) loc)) zero
let [< p, ih] = succ.names
succ <- eraseTerm
succ' <- eraseTerm
(extendTyN [< (qty, p, Nat loc),
(qtyIH, ih, sub1 (ret // shift 1) (BV 0 loc))] ctx)
(sub1 (ret // shift 2) (Ann (Succ (BVT 1 loc) loc) (Nat loc) loc))
pure $ EraRes ty $ CaseNat enat.term zero p ih succ loc
let succ = case isErased qtyIH of
Kept => NSRec p ih succ'
Erased => NSNonrec p (sub1 (Erased loc) succ')
pure $ EraRes ty $ CaseNat enat.term zero succ loc
-- b ⤋ b' ⇒ [π.A] π ≠ 0
-- x : A | πρ.x ⊢ s ⤋ s' ⇐ R[[x]∷[π.A]/z]

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@ -18,7 +18,12 @@ import Derive.Prelude
public export
data Term : Nat -> Type where
data Term : Nat -> Type
public export
data CaseNatSuc : Nat -> Type
data Term where
F : (x : Name) -> Loc -> Term n
B : (i : Var n) -> Loc -> Term n
@ -38,31 +43,38 @@ data Term : Nat -> Type where
Succ : (nat : Term n) -> Loc -> Term n
CaseNat : (nat : Term n) ->
(zer : Term n) ->
(x, ih : BindName) -> (suc : Term (2 + n)) ->
(suc : CaseNatSuc n) ->
Loc ->
Term n
Erased : Loc -> Term n
%name Term s, t, u
%runElab deriveIndexed "Term" [Eq, Ord, Show]
data CaseNatSuc where
NSRec : (x, ih : BindName) -> Term (2 + n) -> CaseNatSuc n
NSNonrec : (x : BindName) -> Term (S n) -> CaseNatSuc n
%name CaseNatSuc suc
%runElab deriveParam $
map (\ty => PI ty allIndices [Eq, Ord, Show]) ["Term", "CaseNatSuc"]
Located (Term n) where
(F x loc).loc = loc
(B i loc).loc = loc
(Lam x body loc).loc = loc
(App fun arg loc).loc = loc
(Pair fst snd loc).loc = loc
(Fst pair loc).loc = loc
(Snd pair loc).loc = loc
(Tag tag loc).loc = loc
(CaseEnum tag cases loc).loc = loc
(Absurd loc).loc = loc
(Zero loc).loc = loc
(Succ nat loc).loc = loc
(CaseNat nat zer x ih suc loc).loc = loc
(Erased loc).loc = loc
(F x loc).loc = loc
(B i loc).loc = loc
(Lam x body loc).loc = loc
(App fun arg loc).loc = loc
(Pair fst snd loc).loc = loc
(Fst pair loc).loc = loc
(Snd pair loc).loc = loc
(Tag tag loc).loc = loc
(CaseEnum tag cases loc).loc = loc
(Absurd loc).loc = loc
(Zero loc).loc = loc
(Succ nat loc).loc = loc
(CaseNat nat zer suc loc).loc = loc
(Erased loc).loc = loc
public export
@ -120,6 +132,18 @@ prettyCase xs f head arms =
(hsep [header, lb, separateTight sc cases, rb])
(vsep [hsep [header, lb], indent d $ vsep (map (<+> sc) cases), rb])
sucPat : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> BindName -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
sucPat x = pure $ !succD <++> !(prettyTBind x)
sucCaseArm : {opts : LayoutOpts} ->
CaseNatSuc n -> Eff Pretty (PrettyCaseArm (Doc opts) n)
sucCaseArm (NSRec x ih s) = pure $
MkPrettyCaseArm (!(sucPat x) <+> !commaD <++> !(prettyTBind ih)) [x, ih] s
sucCaseArm (NSNonrec x s) = pure $
MkPrettyCaseArm !(sucPat x) [x] s
prettyTerm _ (F x _) = prettyFree x
prettyTerm xs (B i _) = prettyTBind $ xs !!! i
prettyTerm xs (Lam x body _) =
@ -141,14 +165,9 @@ prettyTerm xs (CaseEnum tag cases _) =
prettyTerm xs (Absurd _) = hl Syntax "absurd"
prettyTerm xs (Zero _) = zeroD
prettyTerm xs (Succ nat _) = prettyApp' xs !succD nat
prettyTerm xs (CaseNat nat zer x ih suc _) =
prettyTerm xs (CaseNat nat zer suc _) =
prettyCase xs pure nat
[MkPrettyCaseArm !zeroD [] zer,
MkPrettyCaseArm !sucPat [x, ih] suc]
sucPat = pure $
hsep [!succD, !(prettyTBind x) <+> !commaD, !(prettyTBind ih)]
prettyCase xs pure nat [MkPrettyCaseArm !zeroD [] zer, !(sucCaseArm suc)]
prettyTerm _ (Erased _) =
hl Syntax =<< ifUnicode "" "[]"
@ -198,11 +217,16 @@ CanSubstSelf Term where
Zero loc
Succ nat loc =>
Succ (nat // th) loc
CaseNat nat zer x ih suc loc =>
CaseNat nat zer suc loc =>
CaseNat (nat // th) (zer // th)
x ih (assert_total $ suc // pushN 2 th) loc
(assert_total substSuc suc th) loc
Erased loc =>
Erased loc
substSuc : forall from, to.
CaseNatSuc from -> USubst from to -> CaseNatSuc to
substSuc (NSRec x ih t) th = NSRec x ih $ t // pushN 2 th
substSuc (NSNonrec x t) th = NSNonrec x $ t // push th
public export
subN : SnocVect s (Term n) -> Term (s + n) -> Term n