replace Pretty.M with a MonadReader constraint
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 53 additions and 52 deletions
@ -109,26 +109,25 @@ record PrettyEnv where
||| surrounding precedence level
prec : PPrec
public export
0 M : Type -> Type
M = Reader PrettyEnv
public export %inline 0 HasEnv : (Type -> Type) -> Type
HasEnv = MonadReader PrettyEnv
ifUnicode : (uni, asc : Lazy a) -> M a
ifUnicode : HasEnv m => (uni, asc : Lazy a) -> m a
ifUnicode uni asc = if unicode !ask then [|uni|] else [|asc|]
parensIfM : PPrec -> Doc HL -> M (Doc HL)
parensIfM : HasEnv m => PPrec -> Doc HL -> m (Doc HL)
parensIfM d doc = pure $ parensIf (prec !ask > d) doc
withPrec : PPrec -> M a -> M a
withPrec : HasEnv m => PPrec -> m a -> m a
withPrec d = local {prec := d}
public export data BinderSort = T | D
under : BinderSort -> Name -> M a -> M a
under : HasEnv m => BinderSort -> Name -> m a -> m a
under s x = local $
{prec := Outer} .
(case s of T => {tnames $= (x ::)}; D => {dnames $= (x ::)})
@ -136,10 +135,10 @@ under s x = local $
public export
interface PrettyHL a where
prettyM : a -> M (Doc HL)
prettyM : HasEnv m => a -> m (Doc HL)
public export %inline
pretty0M : PrettyHL a => a -> M (Doc HL)
pretty0M : (PrettyHL a, HasEnv m) => a -> m (Doc HL)
pretty0M = local {prec := Outer} . prettyM
public export %inline
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ DSubst = Subst Dim
export %inline
prettyDSubst : DSubst from to -> Pretty.M (Doc HL)
prettyDSubst : Pretty.HasEnv m => DSubst from to -> m (Doc HL)
prettyDSubst th =
prettySubstM prettyM (dnames !ask) DVar
!(ifUnicode "⟨" "<") !(ifUnicode "⟩" ">") th
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ PrettyHL Qty where
Many => ifUnicode "𝛚" "*"
export %inline
prettyQtyBinds : List Qty -> M (Doc HL)
prettyQtyBinds : Pretty.HasEnv m => List Qty -> m (Doc HL)
prettyQtyBinds =
map (align . sep) .
traverse (\pi => [|pretty0M pi <++> pure (hl Delim "|")|])
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ compViaNatCorrect by (SS bz) =
||| * `unicode : Bool` is whether to use unicode characters in the output
||| * `prec : PPrec` is the surrounding precedence level
prettyShift : (bnd : HL) -> Shift from to -> Pretty.M (Doc HL)
prettyShift : Pretty.HasEnv m => (bnd : HL) -> Shift from to -> m (Doc HL)
prettyShift bnd by =
parensIfM Outer $ hsep $
[hl bnd !(ifUnicode "𝑖" "i"), hl Delim !(ifUnicode "≔" ":="),
@ -96,21 +96,21 @@ push th = fromVar VZ ::: (th . shift 1)
||| * `unicode : Bool` is whether to use unicode characters in the output
||| (also passed into `pr`)
prettySubstM : (pr : f to -> Pretty.M (Doc HL)) ->
(names : List Name) ->
(bnd : HL) -> (op, cl : Doc HL) ->
Subst f from to -> Pretty.M (Doc HL)
prettySubstM : Pretty.HasEnv m =>
(pr : f to -> m (Doc HL)) ->
(names : List Name) -> (bnd : HL) -> (op, cl : Doc HL) ->
Subst f from to -> m (Doc HL)
prettySubstM pr names bnd op cl th =
encloseSep (hl Delim op) (hl Delim cl) (hl Delim "; ") <$>
withPrec Outer (go 0 th)
go1 : Nat -> f to -> Pretty.M (Doc HL)
go1 : Nat -> f to -> m (Doc HL)
go1 i t = pure $ hang 2 $ sep
[hsep [!(prettyVar' bnd bnd names i),
hl Delim !(ifUnicode "≔" ":=")],
!(pr t)]
go : forall from. Nat -> Subst f from to -> Pretty.M (List (Doc HL))
go : forall from. Nat -> Subst f from to -> m (List (Doc HL))
go _ (Shift SZ) = pure []
go _ (Shift by) = [|pure (prettyShift bnd by)|]
go i (t ::: th) = [|go1 i t :: go (S i) th|]
@ -106,18 +106,19 @@ getArgs : Elim d n -> (Elim d n, List (Term d n))
getArgs e = getArgs' e []
parameters {auto _ : Pretty.HasEnv m}
private %inline arrowD : m (Doc HL)
arrowD = hlF Syntax $ ifUnicode "→" "->"
private %inline lamD : m (Doc HL)
lamD = hlF Syntax $ ifUnicode "λ" "fun"
private %inline annD : m (Doc HL)
annD = hlF Syntax $ ifUnicode "⦂" "::"
private %inline typeD : Doc HL
typeD = hl Syntax "Type"
private %inline arrowD : Pretty.M (Doc HL)
arrowD = hlF Syntax $ ifUnicode "→" "->"
private %inline lamD : Pretty.M (Doc HL)
lamD = hlF Syntax $ ifUnicode "λ" "fun"
private %inline annD : Pretty.M (Doc HL)
annD = hlF Syntax $ ifUnicode "⦂" "::"
private %inline colonD : Doc HL
colonD = hl Syntax ":"
@ -165,11 +166,11 @@ mutual
[|withPrec SApp (prettyM e) </> prettyDSubst th|]
export covering
prettyTSubst : TSubst d from to -> Pretty.M (Doc HL)
prettyTSubst : Pretty.HasEnv m => TSubst d from to -> m (Doc HL)
prettyTSubst s = prettySubstM prettyM (tnames !ask) TVar "[" "]" s
export covering
prettyBinder : List Qty -> Name -> Term d n -> Pretty.M (Doc HL)
prettyBinder : Pretty.HasEnv m => List Qty -> Name -> Term d n -> m (Doc HL)
prettyBinder pis x a =
pure $ parens $ hang 2 $
!(prettyQtyBinds pis) <//>
@ -30,31 +30,32 @@ export Ord (Var n) where compare i j = compare i.nat j.nat
export Show (Var n) where showPrec d i = showCon d "V" $ showArg i.nat
prettyIndex : Nat -> Pretty.M (Doc a)
prettyIndex i =
ifUnicode (pretty $ pack $ map sup $ unpack $ show i) (":" <+> pretty i)
sup : Char -> Char
sup c = case c of
'0' => '⁰'; '1' => '¹'; '2' => '²'; '3' => '³'; '4' => '⁴'
'5' => '⁵'; '6' => '⁶'; '7' => '⁷'; '8' => '⁸'; '9' => '⁹'; _ => c
parameters {auto _ : Pretty.HasEnv m}
prettyIndex : Nat -> m (Doc a)
prettyIndex i =
ifUnicode (pretty $ pack $ map sup $ unpack $ show i) (":" <+> pretty i)
sup : Char -> Char
sup c = case c of
'0' => '⁰'; '1' => '¹'; '2' => '²'; '3' => '³'; '4' => '⁴'
'5' => '⁵'; '6' => '⁶'; '7' => '⁷'; '8' => '⁸'; '9' => '⁹'; _ => c
||| `prettyVar hlok hlerr names i` pretty prints the de Bruijn index `i`.
||| If it is within the bounds of `names`, then it uses the name at that index,
||| highlighted as `hlok`. Otherwise it is just printed as a number highlighted
||| as `hlerr`.
prettyVar' : HL -> HL -> List Name -> Nat -> Pretty.M (Doc HL)
prettyVar' hlok hlerr names i =
case inBounds i names of
Yes _ => hlF' hlok [|prettyM (index i names) <+> prettyIndex i|]
No _ => pure $ hl hlerr $ pretty i
||| `prettyVar hlok hlerr names i` pretty prints the de Bruijn index `i`.
||| If it is within the bounds of `names`, then it uses the name at that index,
||| highlighted as `hlok`. Otherwise it is just printed as a number highlighted
||| as `hlerr`.
prettyVar' : HL -> HL -> List Name -> Nat -> m (Doc HL)
prettyVar' hlok hlerr names i =
case inBounds i names of
Yes _ => hlF' hlok [|prettyM (index i names) <+> prettyIndex i|]
No _ => pure $ hl hlerr $ pretty i
export %inline
prettyVar : HL -> HL -> List Name -> Var n -> Pretty.M (Doc HL)
prettyVar hlok hlerr names i = prettyVar' hlok hlerr names i.nat
export %inline
prettyVar : HL -> HL -> List Name -> Var n -> m (Doc HL)
prettyVar hlok hlerr names i = prettyVar' hlok hlerr names i.nat
public export
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