more context stuff
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1 changed files with 76 additions and 15 deletions
@ -21,24 +21,41 @@ data Telescope : (tm : Nat -> Type) -> (from, to : Nat) -> Type where
(:<) : Telescope tm from to -> tm to -> Telescope tm from (S to)
%name Telescope tel
public export
Telescope' : Type -> (from, to : Nat) -> Type
Telescope' a = Telescope (\_ => a)
||| a global context is actually just a telescope over no existing bindings
public export
Context : (tm : Nat -> Type) -> (len : Nat) -> Type
Context tm len = Telescope tm 0 len
public export
Context' : Type -> (len : Nat) -> Type
Context' a = Context (\_ => a)
toSnocList : Telescope tm _ _ -> SnocList (Exists tm)
toSnocList [<] = [<]
toSnocList (tel :< t) = toSnocList tel :< Evidence _ t
toList' : Telescope tm _ _ -> List (Exists tm) -> List (Exists tm)
toList' [<] acc = acc
toList' (tel :< t) acc = toList' tel (Evidence _ t :: acc)
toListAcc : Telescope tm _ _ -> List (Exists tm) -> List (Exists tm)
toListAcc [<] acc = acc
toListAcc (tel :< t) acc = toListAcc tel (Evidence _ t :: acc)
export %inline
toList : Telescope tm _ _ -> List (Exists tm)
toList tel = toList' tel []
toList tel = toListAcc tel []
export %inline
toSnocList' : Telescope' a _ _ -> SnocList a
toSnocList' = map snd . toSnocList
export %inline
toList' : Telescope' a _ _ -> List a
toList' = map snd . toList
infixl 9 .
@ -65,6 +82,9 @@ public export
Triangle : (tm : Nat -> Type) -> (len : Nat) -> Type
Triangle = Context . Context
public export
Triangle' : Type -> (len : Nat) -> Type
Triangle' a = Context $ Context (\_ => a)
0 telescopeLTE : Telescope _ from to -> from `LTE` to
@ -79,10 +99,6 @@ export %hint
0 succGT : S n `GT` n
succGT = LTESucc $ reflexive {rel=LTE}
export %inline
absurd0 : (0 _ : Uninhabited a) => (0 _ : a) -> x
absurd0 x = void $ absurd x
parameters {auto _ : Applicative f}
@ -98,8 +114,8 @@ parameters {auto _ : Applicative f}
Telescope tm1 from to -> f (Telescope tm2 from to)
app [<] [<] = pure [<]
app (ftel :< f) (xtel :< x) = [|app ftel xtel :< f x|]
app [<] (xtel :< _) = absurd0 xtel
app (ftel :< _) [<] = absurd0 ftel
app [<] (xtel :< _) = void $ uninhabited xtel
app (ftel :< _) [<] = void $ uninhabited ftel
export %inline
sequence : Telescope (f . tm) from to -> f (Telescope tm from to)
@ -124,6 +140,7 @@ ftel <*> xtel = runIdentity $ (pure .) <$> ftel `app` xtel
-- ...but can't write pure without `from,to` being relevant,
-- so no idiom brackets ☹
export %inline
zipWith : (forall n. tm1 n -> tm2 n -> tm3 n) ->
Telescope tm1 from to -> Telescope tm2 from to ->
@ -138,6 +155,22 @@ zipWith3 : (forall n. tm1 n -> tm2 n -> tm3 n -> tm4 n) ->
Telescope tm4 from to
zipWith3 f tel1 tel2 tel3 = f <$> tel1 <*> tel2 <*> tel3
export %inline
zipWithLazy : forall tm1, tm2, tm3.
(forall n. tm1 n -> tm2 n -> tm3 n) ->
Telescope tm1 from to -> Telescope tm2 from to ->
Telescope (\n => Lazy (tm3 n)) from to
zipWithLazy f = zipWith $ delay .: f
export %inline
zipWith3Lazy : forall tm1, tm2, tm3, tm4.
(forall n. tm1 n -> tm2 n -> tm3 n -> tm4 n) ->
Telescope tm1 from to ->
Telescope tm2 from to ->
Telescope tm3 from to ->
Telescope (\n => Lazy (tm4 n)) from to
zipWith3Lazy f = zipWith3 (\x, y, z => delay $ f x y z)
lengthPrf : Telescope _ from to -> Subset Nat (\len => len + from = to)
@ -172,14 +205,42 @@ parameters {auto _ : Monoid a}
foldLazy = foldMap force
export %inline
and : Telescope' (Lazy Bool) from to -> Bool
and = force . fold @{All}
export %inline
all : (forall n. f n -> Bool) -> Telescope f from to -> Bool
all p = and . map (delay . p)
export %inline
all2 : (forall n. f n -> g n -> Bool) ->
Telescope f from to -> Telescope g from to -> Bool
all2 p = and .: zipWithLazy p
export %inline
or : Telescope' (Lazy Bool) from to -> Bool
or = force . fold @{Any}
export %inline
any : (forall n. f n -> Bool) -> Telescope f from to -> Bool
any p = or . map (delay . p)
export %inline
any2 : (forall n. f n -> g n -> Bool) ->
Telescope f from to -> Telescope g from to -> Bool
any2 p = or .: zipWithLazy p
export %inline
(forall n. Eq (tm n)) => Eq (Telescope tm from to) where
(==) = fold @{All} .: zipWith (==)
(==) = all2 (==)
export %inline
(forall n. Ord (tm n)) => Ord (Telescope tm from to) where
compare = foldLazy .: zipWith (delay .: compare)
compare = foldLazy .: zipWithLazy compare
export %inline
(forall n. PrettyHL (tm n)) => PrettyHL (Telescope tm from to) where
prettyM tel = separate (hl Delim ";") <$> traverse prettyM (toList tel)
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