pretty printer refactoring
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 56 additions and 54 deletions
@ -32,61 +32,66 @@ ofD = hl Syntax "of"
returnD = hl Syntax "return"
export covering
prettyBindType : PrettyHL a => PrettyHL b => PrettyHL q =>
Pretty.HasEnv m =>
List q -> BaseName -> a -> Doc HL -> b -> m (Doc HL)
prettyBindType qtys x s arr t =
parensIfM Outer $ hang 2 $
parens (hang 2 $ !(prettyQtyBinds qtys (TV x)) <++> colonD
<//> !(prettyM s)) <++> arr
<//> !(under T x $ prettyM t)
prettyBindType qtys x s arr t = do
var <- prettyQtyBinds qtys $ TV x
s <- withPrec Outer $ prettyM s
t <- withPrec Outer $ under T x $ prettyM t
let bind = parens (var <++> colonD <//> hang 2 s)
parensIfM Outer $ hang 2 $ bind <//> t
export covering
prettyArm : PrettyHL a => Pretty.HasEnv m =>
BinderSort -> List BaseName -> Doc HL -> a -> m (Doc HL)
prettyArm sort xs pat body = do
body <- withPrec Outer $ unders sort xs $ prettyM body
pure $ hang 2 $ sep [pat <+> dotD, body]
prettyLams : PrettyHL a => Pretty.HasEnv m =>
BinderSort -> List BaseName -> a -> m (Doc HL)
prettyLams sort names body = do
lam <- case sort of T => lamD; D => dlamD
header <- sequence $ [hl TVar <$> prettyM x | x <- names]
body <- unders sort names $ prettyM body
parensIfM Outer $ (sep (lam :: header) <+> dotD) <//> body
Maybe (Doc HL) -> BinderSort -> List BaseName -> a -> m (Doc HL)
prettyLams lam sort names body = do
let var = case sort of T => TVar; D => DVar
header <- sequence $ [hlF var $ prettyM x | x <- names]
let header = sep $ maybe header (:: header) lam
parensIfM Outer =<< prettyArm sort names header body
export covering
prettyApps : PrettyHL f => PrettyHL a => Pretty.HasEnv m =>
Maybe (Doc HL) -> f -> List a -> m (Doc HL)
prettyApps pfx fun args =
parensIfM App =<< withPrec Arg
[|prettyM fun <//> (align . sep <$> traverse prettyArg args)|]
prettyApps pfx fun args = do
fun <- withPrec Arg $ prettyM fun
args <- traverse (withPrec Arg . prettyArg) args
parensIfM App $ hang 2 $ sep $ fun :: args
prettyArg : a -> m (Doc HL)
prettyArg x = maybe id (\p => map (hl Delim p <+>)) pfx $ prettyM x
prettyArg = case pfx of
Nothing => prettyM
Just pfx => \x => pure $ hl Delim pfx <+> !(prettyM x)
export covering
prettyTuple : PrettyHL a => Pretty.HasEnv m => List a -> m (Doc HL)
prettyTuple = map (parens . align . separate commaD) . traverse prettyM
export covering
prettyArm : PrettyHL a => Pretty.HasEnv m =>
(List BaseName, Doc HL, a) -> m (Doc HL)
prettyArm (xs, pat, body) =
pure $ hang 2 $ sep
[pat <+> dotD, !(withPrec Outer $ unders T xs $ prettyM body)]
export covering
prettyArms : PrettyHL a => Pretty.HasEnv m =>
List (List BaseName, Doc HL, a) -> m (Doc HL)
prettyArms = map (braces . align . sep) . traverse prettyArm
prettyArms =
map (braces . asep) . traverse (\(xs, l, r) => prettyArm T xs l r)
export covering
prettyCase : PrettyHL a => PrettyHL b => PrettyHL c => PrettyHL q =>
Pretty.HasEnv m =>
q -> a -> BaseName -> b -> List (List BaseName, Doc HL, c) ->
m (Doc HL)
prettyCase pi elim r ret arms =
pure $ align $ sep $
[hsep [caseD, !(prettyQtyBinds [pi] elim)],
hsep [returnD, !(prettyM r) <+> dotD, !(under T r $ prettyM ret)],
hsep [ofD, !(prettyArms arms)]]
prettyCase pi elim r ret arms = do
elim <- prettyQtyBinds [pi] elim
ret <- prettyLams Nothing T [r] ret
arms <- prettyArms arms
pure $ asep [caseD <++> elim, returnD <++> ret, ofD <++> arms]
-- [fixme] put delimiters around tags that aren't simple names
@ -105,7 +110,7 @@ parameters (showSubsts : Bool)
prettyBindType [qty] x s !arrowD t.term
prettyM (Lam (S x t)) =
let GotLams {names, body, _} = getLams' x t.term Refl in
prettyLams T (toList names) body
prettyLams (Just !lamD) T (toList names) body
prettyM (Sig s (S [x] t)) =
prettyBindType {q} [] x s !timesD t.term
prettyM (Pair s t) =
@ -116,21 +121,19 @@ parameters (showSubsts : Bool)
Prelude.toList tags
prettyM (Tag t) =
pure $ prettyTag t
prettyM (Eq (S _ (N ty)) l r) =
parensIfM Eq !(withPrec InEq $ pure $
sep [!(prettyM l) <++> !eqndD,
!(prettyM r) <++> colonD, !(prettyM ty)])
prettyM (Eq (S [i] (Y ty)) l r) =
parensIfM App $
eqD <++>
sep [bracks !(withPrec Outer $ pure $ hang 2 $
sep [hl DVar !(prettyM i) <+> dotD,
!(under D i $ prettyM ty)]),
!(withPrec Arg $ prettyM l),
!(withPrec Arg $ prettyM r)]
prettyM (Eq (S _ (N ty)) l r) = do
l <- withPrec InEq $ prettyM l
r <- withPrec InEq $ prettyM r
ty <- withPrec InEq $ prettyM ty
parensIfM Eq $ asep [l <++> !eqndD, r <++> colonD, ty]
prettyM (Eq (S [i] (Y ty)) l r) = do
ty <- bracks <$> withPrec Outer (prettyLams Nothing D [i] ty)
l <- withPrec Arg $ prettyM l
r <- withPrec Arg $ prettyM r
parensIfM App $ eqD <++> asep [ty, l, r]
prettyM (DLam (S i t)) =
let GotDLams {names, body, _} = getDLams' i t.term Refl in
prettyLams D (toList names) body
prettyLams (Just !dlamD) D (toList names) body
prettyM (E e) = bracks <$> prettyM e
prettyM (CloT s th) =
if showSubsts then
@ -156,8 +159,7 @@ parameters (showSubsts : Bool)
let GotArgs {fun, args, _} = getArgs' e [s] in
prettyApps Nothing fun args
prettyM (CasePair pi p (S [r] ret) (S [x, y] body)) = do
pat <- (parens . separate commaD . map (hl TVar)) <$>
traverse prettyM [x, y]
pat <- parens . separate commaD <$> traverse (hlF TVar . prettyM) [x, y]
prettyCase pi p r ret.term [([x, y], pat, body.term)]
prettyM (CaseEnum pi t (S [r] ret) arms) =
prettyCase pi t r ret.term
@ -165,10 +167,10 @@ parameters (showSubsts : Bool)
prettyM (e :% d) =
let GotDArgs {fun, args, _} = getDArgs' e [d] in
prettyApps (Just "@") fun args
prettyM (s :# a) =
parensIfM Ann $ hang 2 $
!(withPrec AnnL $ prettyM s) <++> !annD
<//> !(withPrec Ann $ prettyM a)
prettyM (s :# a) = do
s <- withPrec AnnL $ prettyM s
a <- withPrec Ann $ prettyM a
parensIfM Ann $ hang 2 $ s <++> !annD <//> a
prettyM (CloE e th) =
if showSubsts then
parensIfM SApp . hang 2 =<<
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