refactor Main a whole lot
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 214 additions and 92 deletions
@ -1,22 +1,21 @@
module Main
import Quox.Syntax as Q
import Quox.Parser
import Quox.Definition as Q
import Quox.Pretty
import Quox.Untyped.Syntax as U
import Quox.Parser
import Quox.Untyped.Erase
import Quox.Untyped.Scheme
import Quox.Pretty
import Options
import Data.IORef
import Data.SortedSet
import Text.Show.PrettyVal
import Text.Show.Pretty
import System
import System.File
import Data.IORef
import Control.Eff
%default total
%hide Doc.(>>=)
%hide Core.(>>=)
@ -36,13 +35,9 @@ hlFor Term _ = highlightSGR
hlFor Html _ = highlightHtml
runPretty : Options -> Eff Pretty a -> a
runPretty opts act =
runPrettyWith Outer opts.flavor (hlFor opts.hlType opts.outFile) 2 act
putErrLn : HasIO io => String -> io ()
putErrLn = ignore . fPutStrLn stderr
runPretty : Options -> OutFile -> Eff Pretty a -> a
runPretty opts file act =
runPrettyWith Outer opts.flavor (hlFor opts.hlType file) 2 act
record State where
@ -92,6 +87,13 @@ prettyError (MultipleMains xs) =
prettyError (WriteError file e) = pure $
hangSingle 2 (text "couldn't write file \{file}:") (pshow e)
dieError : Options -> Error -> IO a
dieError opts e =
die (Opts opts.width) $
runPretty ({outFile := Console} opts) Console $
prettyError e
data CompileTag = OPTS | STATE
@ -102,7 +104,7 @@ Compile =
ReaderL STATE State, ReaderL OPTS Options,
LoadFile, IO]
private covering
runCompile : Options -> State -> Eff Compile a -> IO (Either Error a)
runCompile opts state act =
fromIOErr $ runEff act $ with Union.(::)
@ -130,38 +132,57 @@ stopHere = failAt STOP
FlexDoc : Type
FlexDoc = {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Doc opts
data ConsoleChannel = COut | CErr
outputStr : Lazy String -> Eff Compile ()
outputStr str =
case !(asksAt OPTS outFile) of
NoOut => pure ()
Console => putStr str
File f => do
res <- withFile f WriteTruncate pure $ \h => fPutStr h str
rethrow $ mapFst (WriteError f) res
data OpenFile = OConsole ConsoleChannel | OFile String File | ONone
outputDocs : (opts : Options) ->
({opts : LayoutOpts} -> List (Doc opts)) -> Eff Compile ()
outputDocs opts doc =
outputStr $ concat $ map (render (Opts opts.width)) doc
rethrowFile : String -> Either FileError a -> Eff Compile a
rethrowFile f = rethrow . mapFst (WriteError f)
outputDocStopIf : Phase ->
({opts : LayoutOpts} -> Eff Pretty (List (Doc opts))) ->
Eff CompileStop ()
outputDocStopIf p docs = do
toOutFile : OpenFile -> OutFile
toOutFile (OConsole _) = Console
toOutFile (OFile f _) = File f
toOutFile ONone = NoOut
withFileC : String -> (OpenFile -> Eff Compile a) -> Eff Compile a
withFileC f act =
withFile f WriteTruncate pure ( Right . act . OFile f) >>=
rethrowFile f
withOutFile : ConsoleChannel -> OutFile ->
(OpenFile -> Eff Compile a) -> Eff Compile a
withOutFile _ (File f) act = withFileC f act
withOutFile ch Console act = act $ OConsole ch
withOutFile _ NoOut act = act ONone
outputStr : OpenFile -> Lazy String -> Eff Compile ()
outputStr ONone _ = pure ()
outputStr (OConsole COut) str = putStr str
outputStr (OConsole CErr) str = fPutStr stderr str >>= rethrowFile "<stderr>"
outputStr (OFile f h) str = fPutStr h str >>= rethrowFile f
outputDocs : OpenFile ->
({opts : LayoutOpts} -> Eff Pretty (List (Doc opts))) ->
Eff Compile ()
outputDocs file docs = do
opts <- askAt OPTS
when (opts.until == Just p) $
lift $ outputDocs !(askAt OPTS) (runPretty opts docs)
for_ (runPretty opts (toOutFile file) docs) $ \x =>
outputStr file $ render (Opts opts.width) x
liftFromParser : Eff FromParserIO a -> Eff CompileStop a
outputDoc : OpenFile ->
({opts : LayoutOpts} -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)) -> Eff Compile ()
outputDoc file doc = outputDocs file $ singleton <$> doc
liftFromParser : Eff FromParserIO a -> Eff Compile a
liftFromParser act =
runEff act $ with Union.(::)
[handleExcept $ \err => throw $ FromParserError err,
@ -171,14 +192,14 @@ liftFromParser act =
\g => send g]
liftErase : Q.Definitions -> Eff Erase a -> Eff CompileStop a
liftErase : Q.Definitions -> Eff Erase a -> Eff Compile a
liftErase defs act =
runEff act
[handleExcept $ \err => throw $ EraseError err,
handleStateIORef !(asksAt STATE suf)]
liftScheme : Eff Scheme a -> Eff CompileStop (a, List Id)
liftScheme : Eff Scheme a -> Eff Compile (a, List Id)
liftScheme act = do
runEff [|MkPair act (getAt MAIN)|]
[handleStateIORef !(newIORef empty),
@ -186,49 +207,110 @@ liftScheme act = do
oneMain : Has (Except Error) fs => List Id -> Eff fs Id
oneMain [] = throw NoMain
oneMain [x] = pure x
oneMain mains = throw $ MultipleMains mains
Step : Type -> Type -> Type
Step i o = OpenFile -> i -> Eff Compile o
-- private
-- processFile : String -> Eff Compile ()
-- processFile file = withEarlyStop $ do
-- Just ast <- loadFile noLoc file
-- | Nothing => pure ()
-- -- putErrLn "checking \{file}"
-- when (!(asksAt OPTS until) == Just Parse) $ do
-- lift $ outputStr $ show ast
-- stopHere
-- defList <- liftFromParser $ concat <$> traverse fromPTopLevel ast
-- outputDocStopIf Check $
-- traverse (uncurry Q.prettyDef) defList
-- let defs = SortedMap.fromList defList
-- erased <- liftErase defs $
-- traverse (\(x, d) => (x,) <$> eraseDef defs x d) defList
-- outputDocStopIf Erase $
-- traverse (uncurry U.prettyDef) erased
-- (scheme, mains) <- liftScheme $ map catMaybes $
-- traverse (uncurry defToScheme) erased
-- outputDocStopIf Scheme $
-- intersperse empty <$> traverse prettySexp scheme
processFile : String -> Eff Compile ()
processFile file = withEarlyStop $ do
Just ast <- loadFile noLoc file
| Nothing => pure ()
-- putErrLn "checking \{file}"
when (!(asksAt OPTS until) == Just Parse) $ do
lift $ outputStr $ show ast
defList <- liftFromParser $ concat <$> traverse fromPTopLevel ast
outputDocStopIf Check $
traverse (uncurry Q.prettyDef) defList
let defs = SortedMap.fromList defList
erased <- liftErase defs $
traverse (\(x, d) => (x,) <$> eraseDef defs x d) defList
outputDocStopIf Erase $
traverse (uncurry U.prettyDef) erased
(scheme, mains) <- liftScheme $ map catMaybes $
traverse (uncurry defToScheme) erased
outputDocStopIf Scheme $
intersperse empty <$> traverse prettySexp scheme
step : {default CErr console : ConsoleChannel} ->
Phase -> OutFile -> Step i o -> i -> Eff CompileStop o
step phase file act x = do
opts <- askAt OPTS
main <- oneMain mains
lift $ outputDocs opts $ intersperse empty $ runPretty opts $ do
res <- traverse prettySexp scheme
res <- lift $ withOutFile console file $ \h => act h x
when (opts.until == Just phase) stopHere
pure res
private covering
parse : Step String PFile
parse h file = do
Just ast <- loadFile noLoc file
| Nothing => pure []
outputStr h $ show ast
pure ast
private covering
check : Step PFile (List Q.NDefinition)
check h decls =
map concat $ for decls $ \decl => do
defs <- liftFromParser $ fromPTopLevel decl
outputDocs h $ traverse (\(x, d) => prettyDef x d) defs
pure defs
private covering
erase : Step (List Q.NDefinition) (List U.NDefinition)
erase h defList =
for defList $ \(x, def) => do
def <- liftErase defs $ eraseDef defs x def
outputDoc h $ U.prettyDef x def
pure (x, def)
where defs = SortedMap.fromList defList
private covering
scheme : Step (List U.NDefinition) (List Sexp, Id)
scheme h defs = do
sexps' <- for defs $ \(x, d) => do
(msexp, mains) <- liftScheme $ defToScheme x d
outputDoc h $ maybe (sayErased x) prettySexp msexp
pure (msexp, mains)
bitraverse (pure . catMaybes) (oneMain . concat) $ unzip sexps'
sayErased : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Name -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
sayErased x = pure $ hsep [";;", prettyName x, "erased"]
oneMain : List Id -> Eff Compile Id
oneMain [m] = pure m
oneMain [] = throw NoMain
oneMain ms = throw $ MultipleMains ms
private covering
output : Step (List Sexp, Id) ()
output h (sexps, main) =
lift $ outputDocs h $ do
res <- traverse prettySexp sexps
runner <- makeRunMain main
pure $ text Scheme.prelude :: res ++ [runner]
private covering
processFile : String -> Eff Compile ()
processFile file = withEarlyStop $ pipeline !(askAt OPTS) file where
pipeline : Options -> String -> Eff CompileStop ()
pipeline opts =
step Parse opts.dump.parse Main.parse >=>
step Check opts.dump.check Main.check >=>
step Erase opts.dump.erase Main.erase >=>
step Scheme opts.dump.scheme Main.scheme >=>
step End opts.outFile Main.output {console = COut}
export covering
main : IO ()
main = do
(_, opts, files) <- options
case !(runCompile opts !newState $ traverse_ processFile files) of
Right () => pure ()
Left e => die (Opts opts.width) $
runPretty ({outFile := Console} opts) $
prettyError e
Left e => dieError opts e
@ -244,6 +326,13 @@ text _ =
#" /_/"#,
-- ["",
-- #" __ _ _ _ _____ __"#,
-- #"/ _` | || / _ \ \ /"#,
-- #"\__, |\_,_\___/_\_\"#,
-- #" |_|"#,
-- ""]
qtuwu : PrettyOpts -> List String
qtuwu opts =
@ -16,27 +16,35 @@ data OutFile = File String | Console | NoOut
%runElab derive "OutFile" [Eq, Ord, Show]
public export
data Phase = Parse | Check | Erase | Scheme
data Phase = Parse | Check | Erase | Scheme | End
%name Phase p
%runElab derive "Phase" [Eq, Ord, Show]
||| a list of all `Phase`s
||| a list of all intermediate `Phase`s (excluding `End`)
public export %inline
allPhases : List Phase
allPhases = %runElab do
-- as a script so it stays up to date
cs <- getCons $ fst !(lookupName "Phase")
traverse (check . var) cs
traverse (check . var) $ fromMaybe [] $ init' cs
||| "guess" is Term for a terminal and NoHL for a file
||| `Guess` is `Term` for a terminal and `NoHL` for a file
public export
data HLType = Guess | NoHL | Term | Html
%runElab derive "HLType" [Eq, Ord, Show]
public export
record Dump where
constructor MkDump
parse, check, erase, scheme : OutFile
%name Dump dump
%runElab derive "Dump" [Show]
public export
record Options where
constructor MkOpts
hlType : HLType
dump : Dump
outFile : OutFile
until : Maybe Phase
flavor : Pretty.Flavor
@ -55,6 +63,7 @@ export
defaultOpts : IO Options
defaultOpts = pure $ MkOpts {
hlType = Guess,
dump = MkDump NoOut NoOut NoOut NoOut,
outFile = Console,
until = Nothing,
flavor = Unicode,
@ -70,19 +79,31 @@ data OptAction = ShowHelp HelpType | Err String | Ok (Options -> Options)
%name OptAction act
toOutFile : String -> OptAction
toOutFile "" = Ok {outFile := NoOut}
toOutFile "-" = Ok {outFile := Console}
toOutFile f = Ok {outFile := File f}
toOutFile : String -> OutFile
toOutFile "" = NoOut
toOutFile "-" = Console
toOutFile f = File f
toPhase : String -> OptAction
toPhase str =
let lstr = toLower str in
case find (\p => toLower (show p) == lstr) allPhases of
Just p => Ok {until := Just p}
Just p => Ok $ setPhase p
Nothing => Err "unknown phase name \{show str}\nphases: \{phaseNames}"
where phaseNames = joinBy ", " $ map (toLower . show) allPhases
phaseNames = joinBy ", " $ map (toLower . show) allPhases
defConsole : OutFile -> OutFile
defConsole NoOut = Console
defConsole f = f
setPhase : Phase -> Options -> Options
setPhase Parse = {until := Just Parse, dump.parse $= defConsole}
setPhase Check = {until := Just Check, dump.check $= defConsole}
setPhase Erase = {until := Just Erase, dump.erase $= defConsole}
setPhase Scheme = {until := Just Scheme, dump.scheme $= defConsole}
setPhase End = id
toWidth : String -> OptAction
@ -96,17 +117,24 @@ toHLType str = case toLower str of
"none" => Ok {hlType := NoHL}
"term" => Ok {hlType := Term}
"html" => Ok {hlType := Html}
_ => Err "unknown highlighting type \{str}\ntypes: term, html, none"
_ => Err "unknown highlighting type \{show str}\ntypes: term, html, none"
||| like ghc, -i '' clears the search path; -i a:b:c adds a,b,c to the end
dirListFlag : String -> List String -> List String
dirListFlag arg val =
if null arg then [] else val ++ toList (split (== ':') arg)
commonOptDescrs' : List (OptDescr OptAction)
commonOptDescrs' = [
MkOpt ['i'] ["include"] (ReqArg (\i => Ok {include $= (i ::)}) "<dir>")
"add a directory to look for source files",
MkOpt ['o'] ["output"] (ReqArg toOutFile "<file>")
MkOpt ['i'] ["include"]
(ReqArg (\is => Ok {include $= dirListFlag is}) "<dir>:<dir>...")
"add directories to look for source files",
MkOpt ['o'] ["output"] (ReqArg (\s => Ok {outFile := toOutFile s}) "<file>")
"output file (\"-\" for stdout, \"\" for no output)",
MkOpt ['P'] ["phase"] (ReqArg toPhase "<phase>")
"phase to stop at (by default go as far as exists)"
"stop after the given phase"
@ -119,7 +147,16 @@ extraOptDescrs = [
MkOpt [] ["width"] (ReqArg toWidth "<width>")
"max output width (defaults to terminal width)",
MkOpt [] ["color", "colour"] (ReqArg toHLType "<type>")
"select highlighting type"
"select highlighting type",
MkOpt [] ["dparse"] (ReqArg (\s => Ok {dump.parse := toOutFile s}) "<file>")
"dump AST",
MkOpt [] ["dcheck"] (ReqArg (\s => Ok {dump.check := toOutFile s}) "<file>")
"dump typechecker output",
MkOpt [] ["derase"] (ReqArg (\s => Ok {dump.erase := toOutFile s}) "<file>")
"dump erasure output",
MkOpt [] ["dscheme"] (ReqArg (\s => Ok {dump.scheme := toOutFile s}) "<file>")
"dump scheme output (without prelude)"
@ -152,10 +189,6 @@ applyAction opts (ShowHelp All) = usage allOptDescrs
applyAction opts (Err err) = die err
applyAction opts (Ok f) = pure $ f opts
finalise : Options -> Options
finalise = {include $= reverse}
options : IO (String, Options, List String)
options = do
@ -167,4 +200,4 @@ options = do
unless (null res.unrecognized) $
die "unrecognised options: \{joinBy ", " res.unrecognized}"
opts <- foldlM applyAction !defaultOpts res.options
pure (app, finalise opts, res.nonOptions)
pure (app, opts, res.nonOptions)
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ public export
data Id = I String Nat
%runElab derive "Id" [Eq, Ord]
prettyId' : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Id -> Doc opts
prettyId' (I str 0) = text $ escId str
prettyId' (I str k) = text $ escId "\{str}:\{show k}"
Add table
Reference in a new issue