a few tests
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4 changed files with 143 additions and 6 deletions
@ -89,6 +89,10 @@ mutual
%name ScopeTerm body
%name DScopeTerm body
public export %inline
Arr : Qty -> Term d n -> Term d n -> Term d n
Arr pi a b = Pi {qtm = pi, qty = zero, x = "_", arg = a, res = TUnused b}
||| same as `F` but as a term
public export %inline
FT : Name -> Term d n
@ -45,21 +45,36 @@ All ToInfo es => ToInfo (OneOf es) where
export %inline ToInfo () where toInfo () = []
export Show a => ToInfo (List (String, a)) where toInfo = map (map show)
data Test = One TestBase | Group String (List Test)
private %inline
success : ToInfo a => a -> IO Result
success = pure . Tried True . toInfo
private %inline
failure : ToInfo e => e -> IO Result
failure = pure . Tried False . toInfo
private %inline
lazyToIO : Lazy a -> IO a
lazyToIO val = primIO $ \w => MkIORes (force val) w
testIO : (All ToInfo es, ToInfo a) => String -> ErrorT es IO a -> Test
testIO label act = One $ MakeTest label $ do
case !(runErrorT act) of
Left err => pure $ Tried False $ toInfo err
Right val => pure $ Tried True $ toInfo val
Right val => success val
Left err => failure err
export %inline
test : (All ToInfo es, ToInfo a) => String -> Lazy (Error es a) -> Test
test label val =
testIO label $ MkErrorT $ primIO $ \w => MkIORes (runError val) w
testIO label $ MkErrorT $ lazyToIO $ runError val
export %inline
todoWith : String -> String -> Test
@ -77,11 +92,24 @@ export %inline
skip : String -> Test
skip label = skipWith label ""
testThrows : Show a => String -> Lazy (Error es a) -> Test
testThrows label act = One $ MakeTest label $ do
case runError !(lazyToIO act) of
Left err => success ()
Right val => failure [("success", val)]
infix 0 :-
export %inline
(:-) : String -> List Test -> Test
(:-) = Group
export %inline
bailOut : Test
bailOut = One $ MakeTest "bail out" $ do
putStrLn "Bail out!"
export %inline
@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
module Tests
import Tests.Equal
import TAP
export main : IO ()
main = run
[todo "write tests"]
import System
export main : IO Int
main = exitWith =<< run
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
module Tests.Equal
import Quox.Equal
import Quox.Pretty
import TAP
ToInfo Equal.Error where
toInfo (ClashT mode s t) =
[("clash", "term"),
("mode", show mode),
("left", prettyStr True s),
("right", prettyStr True t)]
toInfo (ClashU mode k l) =
[("clash", "universe"),
("mode", show mode),
("left", prettyStr True k),
("right", prettyStr True l)]
toInfo (ClashQ pi rh) =
[("clash", "quantity"),
("left", prettyStr True pi),
("right", prettyStr True rh)]
M = Error [Equal.Error]
testEq : String -> Lazy (M ()) -> Test
testEq = test
testNeq : String -> Lazy (M ()) -> Test
testNeq = testThrows
subT : {default 0 d, n : Nat} -> Term d n -> Term d n -> M ()
subT = Quox.Equal.subT
%hide Quox.Equal.subT
equalT : {default 0 d, n : Nat} -> Term d n -> Term d n -> M ()
equalT = Quox.Equal.equalT
%hide Quox.Equal.equalT
subE : {default 0 d, n : Nat} -> Elim d n -> Elim d n -> M ()
subE = Quox.Equal.subE
%hide Quox.Equal.subE
equalE : {default 0 d, n : Nat} -> Elim d n -> Elim d n -> M ()
equalE = Quox.Equal.equalE
%hide Quox.Equal.equalE
tests : Test
tests = "equality & subtyping" :- [
"universes" :- [
testEq "Type 0 == Type 0" $
equalT (TYPE (U 0)) (TYPE (U 0)),
testNeq "Type 0 =/= Type 1" $
equalT (TYPE (U 0)) (TYPE (U 1)),
testNeq "Type 1 =/= Type 0" $
equalT (TYPE (U 1)) (TYPE (U 0)),
testEq "Type 0 <: Type 0" $
subT (TYPE (U 0)) (TYPE (U 0)),
testEq "Type 0 <: Type 1" $
subT (TYPE (U 0)) (TYPE (U 1)),
testNeq "Type 1 </: Type 0" $
subT (TYPE (U 1)) (TYPE (U 0))
todo "pi",
todo "lambda",
todo "term closure",
todo "term d-closure",
"free var" :- [
testEq "A == A" $
equalE (F "A") (F "A"),
testNeq "A =/= B" $
equalE (F "A") (F "B"),
testEq "A <: A" $
subE (F "A") (F "A"),
testNeq "A </: B" $
subE (F "A") (F "B")
todo "bound var",
"application" :-
let a = F "a"; a' = E a
A = FT "A"
λxx = Lam "x" (TUsed (BVT 0))
A_A = Arr one A A
λxx' = λxx :# A_A
in [
testEq "(λx. x : A -> A) a == ((a : A) : A) (β)" $
equalE (λxx' :@ a') (E (a' :# A) :# A),
testEq "(λx. x : _) a == a (βυ)" $
equalE (λxx' :@ a') a
todo "annotation",
todo "elim closure",
todo "elim d-closure",
todo "clashes"
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