fix nat elim quantities
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4 changed files with 41 additions and 9 deletions
@ -10,9 +10,10 @@ import Data.DPair
public export
interface Eq q => IsQty q where
zero, one : q
(+), (*) : q -> q -> q
lub : q -> q -> Maybe q
zero, one, any : q
(+), (*) : q -> q -> q
lub : q -> q -> Maybe q
||| true if bindings of this quantity will be erased
||| and must not be runtime relevant
@ -20,6 +21,12 @@ interface Eq q => IsQty q where
isZero : Dec1 IsZero
zeroIsZero : IsZero zero
||| true if bindings of this quantity can be used any number of times.
||| this is needed for natural elimination
IsAny : Pred q
isAny : Dec1 IsAny
anyIsAny : IsAny any
||| ``p `Compat` q`` if it is ok for a binding of quantity `q` to be used
||| exactly `p` times. e.g. ``1 `Compat` 1``, ``1 `Compat` ω``.
||| if ``π `lub` ρ`` exists, then both `π` and `ρ` must be compatible with it
@ -38,7 +45,8 @@ interface Eq q => IsQty q where
||| quantity. so not exact usage counts, maybe.
IsGlobal : Pred q
isGlobal : Dec1 IsGlobal
zeroIsGlobal : forall pi. IsZero pi -> IsGlobal zero
zeroIsGlobal : forall pi. IsZero pi -> IsGlobal pi
anyIsGlobal : forall pi. IsAny pi -> IsGlobal pi
||| prints in a form that can be a suffix of "case"
prettySuffix : Pretty.HasEnv m => q -> m (Doc HL)
@ -74,6 +82,10 @@ public export %inline
gzero : IsQty q => GQty q
gzero = Element zero $ zeroIsGlobal zeroIsZero
public export %inline
gany : IsQty q => GQty q
gany = Element any $ anyIsGlobal anyIsAny
export %inline
globalToSubj : IsQty q => GQty q -> SQty q
globalToSubj q = if isYes $ isZero q.fst then szero else sone
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ public export
IsQty Three where
zero = Zero
one = One
any = Any
(+) = plus
(*) = times
@ -116,6 +117,10 @@ IsQty Three where
isZero = decEq Zero
zeroIsZero = Refl
IsAny = Equal Three.Any
isAny = decEq Any
anyIsAny = Refl
Compat = Compat3
compat = compat3
@ -128,6 +133,7 @@ IsQty Three where
IsGlobal = IsGlobal3
isGlobal = isGlobal3
zeroIsGlobal = \Refl => GZero
anyIsGlobal = \Refl => GAny
prettySuffix = pretty0M
@ -386,16 +386,13 @@ parameters {auto _ : IsQty q}
sucCtx = extendTyN [< (pisg, p, Nat), (pi', ih, ret.term)] ctx
sucType = substCaseSuccRet ret
sucout :< qp :< qih <- checkC sucCtx sg suc.term sucType
let Just armout = lubs ctx [zerout, sucout]
| _ => throw $ BadCaseQtys ctx $
[(zerout, Zero), (sucout, Succ $ FT $ unq p)]
expectCompatQ qih (pi' * sg.fst)
-- [fixme] better error here
expectCompatQ (qp + qih) pisg
-- then Ψ | Γ ⊢ case ⋯ ⇒ A[n] ⊳ πΣn + (Σz ∧ Σs)
-- then Ψ | Γ ⊢ case ⋯ ⇒ A[n] ⊳ πΣn + Σz + ωΣs
pure $ InfRes {
type = sub1 ret n,
qout = pi * nres.qout + armout
qout = pi * nres.qout + zerout + any * sucout
infer' ctx sg (CaseBox pi box ret body) = do
@ -401,6 +401,23 @@ tests = "typechecker" :- [
todo "nat elim"
"natural elim" :- [
note "1 · λ n ⇒ case1 n return ℕ of { zero ⇒ 0; succ n ⇒ n }",
note " ⇐ 1.ℕ → ℕ",
testTC "pred" $
check_ empty sone
([< "n"] :\\ E (CaseNat One Zero (BV 0) (SN Nat)
Zero (SY [< "n", Unused] $ BVT 1)))
(Arr One Nat Nat),
note "1 · λ m n ⇒ case1 m return ℕ of { zero ⇒ n; succ _, 1.p ⇒ succ p }",
note " ⇐ 1.ℕ → 1.ℕ → 1.ℕ",
testTC "plus" $
check_ empty sone
([< "m", "n"] :\\ E (CaseNat One One (BV 1) (SN Nat)
(BVT 0) (SY [< Unused, "p"] $ Succ $ BVT 0)))
(Arr One Nat $ Arr One Nat Nat)
"box types" :- [
testTC "0 · [0.ℕ] ⇐ ★₀" $
check_ empty szero (BOX Zero Nat) (TYPE 0),
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