LoadFile does the parsing

This commit is contained in:
rhiannon morris 2023-10-20 05:23:56 +02:00
parent ef400d86b3
commit 10a90b1d6b
4 changed files with 26 additions and 20 deletions

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import System.File
import System.Path
import Data.IORef
%hide Typing.Error
%hide Lexer.Error
%hide Parser.Error
@ -63,9 +64,9 @@ fromParserIO : (MonadRec io, HasIO io) =>
IncludePath -> IORef SeenSet ->
IORef NameSuf -> IORef Definitions ->
Eff FromParserIO a -> io (Either Error a)
fromParserIO inc seen suf defs act = liftIO $ fromIOErr $ do
runEff act $ with Union.(::)
[handleLoadFileIOE LoadError seen inc,
fromParserIO inc seen suf defs act =
liftIO $ fromIOErr $ runEff act $ with Union.(::)
[handleLoadFileIOE LoadError WrapParseError seen inc,
handleExcept (\e => ioLeft e),
handleStateIORef defs,
handleStateIORef !(newIORef [<]),
@ -392,9 +393,7 @@ mutual
loadProcessFile : Loc -> String -> Eff FromParserIO (List NDefinition)
loadProcessFile loc file =
case !(loadFile loc file) of
Just inp => do
tl <- either (throw . WrapParseError file) pure $ lexParseInput file inp
concat <$> traverse fromPTopLevel tl
Just tl => concat <$> traverse fromPTopLevel tl
Nothing => pure []
||| populates the `defs` field of the state

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
module Quox.Parser.LoadFile
import public Quox.Parser.Syntax
import Quox.Parser.Parser
import Quox.Loc
import Quox.EffExtra
import Data.IORef
@ -20,7 +22,7 @@ data LoadFileL : (lbl : k) -> Type -> Type where
[search lbl]
Seen : FilePath -> LoadFileL lbl Bool
SetSeen : FilePath -> LoadFileL lbl ()
DoLoad : Loc -> FilePath -> LoadFileL lbl String
DoLoad : Loc -> FilePath -> LoadFileL lbl PFile
public export
LoadFile : Type -> Type
@ -47,11 +49,11 @@ setSeen = setSeenAt ()
doLoadAt : (0 lbl : k) -> Has (LoadFileL lbl) fs =>
Loc -> FilePath -> Eff fs String
Loc -> FilePath -> Eff fs PFile
doLoadAt lbl loc file = send $ DoLoad {lbl} loc file
export %inline
doLoad : Has LoadFile fs => Loc -> FilePath -> Eff fs String
doLoad : Has LoadFile fs => Loc -> FilePath -> Eff fs PFile
doLoad = doLoadAt ()
@ -63,10 +65,6 @@ public export
IncludePath : Type
IncludePath = List String
public export
ErrorWrapper : Type -> Type
ErrorWrapper e = Loc -> FilePath -> FileError -> e
export covering
readFileFrom : HasIO io => IncludePath -> FilePath ->
io (Either FileError String)
@ -76,23 +74,27 @@ readFileFrom inc f =
Nothing => pure $ Left $ FileNotFound
export covering
handleLoadFileIOE : ErrorWrapper e ->
handleLoadFileIOE : (Loc -> FilePath -> FileError -> e) ->
(FilePath -> Parser.Error -> e) ->
IORef SeenSet -> IncludePath ->
LoadFileL lbl a -> IOErr e a
handleLoadFileIOE inj seen inc = \case
handleLoadFileIOE injf injp seen inc = \case
Seen f => contains f <$> readIORef seen
SetSeen f => modifyIORef seen $ insert f
DoLoad l f => readFileFrom inc f >>= either (ioLeft . inj l f) pure
DoLoad l f =>
case !(readFileFrom inc f) of
Left err => ioLeft $ injf l f err
Right str => either (ioLeft . injp f) pure $ lexParseInput f str
loadFileAt : (0 lbl : k) -> Has (LoadFileL lbl) fs =>
Loc -> FilePath -> Eff fs (Maybe String)
Loc -> FilePath -> Eff fs (Maybe PFile)
loadFileAt lbl loc file =
if !(seenAt lbl file)
then pure Nothing
else Just <$> doLoadAt lbl loc file <* setSeenAt lbl file
loadFile : Has LoadFile fs => Loc -> FilePath -> Eff fs (Maybe String)
loadFile : Has LoadFile fs => Loc -> FilePath -> Eff fs (Maybe PFile)
loadFile = loadFileAt ()

View File

@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ topLevel : FileName -> Grammar True PTopLevel
topLevel fname = load fname <|> [|PD $ decl fname|]
input : FileName -> Grammar False (List PTopLevel)
input : FileName -> Grammar False PFile
input fname = [] <$ eof
<|> [|(topLevel fname <* commit) :: assert_total input fname|]
@ -650,5 +650,5 @@ lexParseTerm : FileName -> String -> Either Error PTerm
lexParseTerm = lexParseWith . term
lexParseInput : FileName -> String -> Either Error (List PTopLevel)
lexParseInput : FileName -> String -> Either Error PFile
lexParseInput = lexParseWith . input

View File

@ -208,3 +208,8 @@ public export
fromNat : Nat -> Loc -> PTerm
fromNat 0 loc = Zero loc
fromNat (S k) loc = Succ (fromNat k loc) loc
public export
PFile : Type
PFile = List PTopLevel