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2023-08-24 12:42:26 -04:00
module Quox.Whnf.TypeCase
import Quox.Whnf.Interface
import Quox.Whnf.ComputeElimType
import Data.SnocVect
%default total
tycaseRhs : (k : TyConKind) -> TypeCaseArms d n ->
Maybe (ScopeTermN (arity k) d n)
tycaseRhs k arms = lookupPrecise k arms
tycaseRhsDef : Term d n -> (k : TyConKind) -> TypeCaseArms d n ->
ScopeTermN (arity k) d n
tycaseRhsDef def k arms = fromMaybe (SN def) $ tycaseRhs k arms
tycaseRhs0 : (k : TyConKind) -> TypeCaseArms d n ->
(0 eq : arity k = 0) => Maybe (Term d n)
2023-09-17 07:54:26 -04:00
tycaseRhs0 k arms = map (.term0) $ rewrite sym eq in tycaseRhs k arms
2023-08-24 12:42:26 -04:00
tycaseRhsDef0 : Term d n -> (k : TyConKind) -> TypeCaseArms d n ->
(0 eq : arity k = 0) => Term d n
tycaseRhsDef0 def k arms = fromMaybe def $ tycaseRhs0 k arms
parameters {auto _ : CanWhnf Term Interface.isRedexT}
{auto _ : CanWhnf Elim Interface.isRedexE}
2023-10-15 10:23:38 -04:00
(defs : Definitions) (ctx : WhnfContext d n)
2023-08-24 12:42:26 -04:00
||| for π.(x : A) → B, returns (A, B);
||| for an elim returns a pair of type-cases that will reduce to that;
||| for other intro forms error
export covering
tycasePi : (t : Term d n) -> (0 tnf : No (isRedexT defs ctx SZero t)) =>
2023-08-24 12:42:26 -04:00
Eff Whnf (Term d n, ScopeTerm d n)
tycasePi (Pi {arg, res, _}) = pure (arg, res)
tycasePi (E e) {tnf} = do
ty <- computeElimType defs ctx SZero e {ne = noOr2 tnf}
2023-08-24 12:42:26 -04:00
let loc = e.loc
2023-08-26 14:59:39 -04:00
narg = mnb "Arg" loc; nret = mnb "Ret" loc
2023-08-24 12:42:26 -04:00
arg = E $ typeCase1Y e ty KPi [< !narg, !nret] (BVT 1 loc) loc
res' = typeCase1Y e (Arr Zero arg ty loc) KPi [< !narg, !nret]
(BVT 0 loc) loc
res = ST [< !narg] $ E $ App (weakE 1 res') (BVT 0 loc) loc
pure (arg, res)
tycasePi t = throw $ ExpectedPi t.loc ctx.names t
||| for (x : A) × B, returns (A, B);
||| for an elim returns a pair of type-cases that will reduce to that;
||| for other intro forms error
export covering
tycaseSig : (t : Term d n) -> (0 tnf : No (isRedexT defs ctx SZero t)) =>
2023-08-24 12:42:26 -04:00
Eff Whnf (Term d n, ScopeTerm d n)
tycaseSig (Sig {fst, snd, _}) = pure (fst, snd)
tycaseSig (E e) {tnf} = do
ty <- computeElimType defs ctx SZero e {ne = noOr2 tnf}
2023-08-24 12:42:26 -04:00
let loc = e.loc
2023-08-26 14:59:39 -04:00
nfst = mnb "Fst" loc; nsnd = mnb "Snd" loc
2023-08-24 12:42:26 -04:00
fst = E $ typeCase1Y e ty KSig [< !nfst, !nsnd] (BVT 1 loc) loc
snd' = typeCase1Y e (Arr Zero fst ty loc) KSig [< !nfst, !nsnd]
(BVT 0 loc) loc
snd = ST [< !nfst] $ E $ App (weakE 1 snd') (BVT 0 loc) loc
pure (fst, snd)
tycaseSig t = throw $ ExpectedSig t.loc ctx.names t
||| for [π. A], returns A;
||| for an elim returns a type-case that will reduce to that;
||| for other intro forms error
export covering
tycaseBOX : (t : Term d n) -> (0 tnf : No (isRedexT defs ctx SZero t)) =>
2023-08-24 12:42:26 -04:00
Eff Whnf (Term d n)
tycaseBOX (BOX {ty, _}) = pure ty
tycaseBOX (E e) {tnf} = do
ty <- computeElimType defs ctx SZero e {ne = noOr2 tnf}
2023-08-26 14:59:39 -04:00
pure $ E $ typeCase1Y e ty KBOX [< !(mnb "Ty" e.loc)] (BVT 0 e.loc) e.loc
2023-08-24 12:42:26 -04:00
tycaseBOX t = throw $ ExpectedBOX t.loc ctx.names t
||| for Eq [i ⇒ A] l r, returns (A0/i, A1/i, A, l, r);
||| for an elim returns five type-cases that will reduce to that;
||| for other intro forms error
export covering
tycaseEq : (t : Term d n) -> (0 tnf : No (isRedexT defs ctx SZero t)) =>
2023-08-24 12:42:26 -04:00
Eff Whnf (Term d n, Term d n, DScopeTerm d n, Term d n, Term d n)
tycaseEq (Eq {ty, l, r, _}) = pure (ty.zero, ty.one, ty, l, r)
tycaseEq (E e) {tnf} = do
ty <- computeElimType defs ctx SZero e {ne = noOr2 tnf}
2023-08-24 12:42:26 -04:00
let loc = e.loc
2023-08-26 14:59:39 -04:00
names = traverse' (\x => mnb x loc) [< "A0", "A1", "A", "L", "R"]
2023-08-24 12:42:26 -04:00
a0 = E $ typeCase1Y e ty KEq !names (BVT 4 loc) loc
a1 = E $ typeCase1Y e ty KEq !names (BVT 3 loc) loc
a' = typeCase1Y e (Eq0 ty a0 a1 loc) KEq !names (BVT 2 loc) loc
2023-08-26 14:59:39 -04:00
a = DST [< !(mnb "i" loc)] $ E $ DApp (dweakE 1 a') (B VZ loc) loc
2023-08-24 12:42:26 -04:00
l = E $ typeCase1Y e a0 KEq !names (BVT 1 loc) loc
r = E $ typeCase1Y e a1 KEq !names (BVT 0 loc) loc
pure (a0, a1, a, l, r)
tycaseEq t = throw $ ExpectedEq t.loc ctx.names t
||| reduce a type-case applied to a type constructor
||| `reduceTypeCase A i Q arms def _` reduces an expression
||| `type-case A ∷ ★ᵢ return Q of { arms; _ ⇒ def }`
export covering
reduceTypeCase : (ty : Term d n) -> (u : Universe) -> (ret : Term d n) ->
(arms : TypeCaseArms d n) -> (def : Term d n) ->
(0 _ : So (isTyCon ty)) => Loc ->
Eff Whnf (Subset (Elim d n) (No . isRedexE defs ctx SZero))
2023-08-24 12:42:26 -04:00
reduceTypeCase ty u ret arms def loc = case ty of
-- (type-case ★ᵢ ∷ _ return Q of { ★ ⇒ s; ⋯ }) ⇝ s ∷ Q
TYPE {} =>
whnf defs ctx SZero $ Ann (tycaseRhsDef0 def KTYPE arms) ret loc
2023-08-24 12:42:26 -04:00
-- (type-case IOState ∷ _ return Q of { IOState ⇒ s; ⋯ }) ⇝ s ∷ Q
IOState {} =>
whnf defs ctx SZero $ Ann (tycaseRhsDef0 def KIOState arms) ret loc
2023-08-24 12:42:26 -04:00
-- (type-case π.(x : A) → B ∷ ★ᵢ return Q of { (a → b) ⇒ s; ⋯ }) ⇝
-- s[(A ∷ ★ᵢ)/a, ((λ x ⇒ B) ∷ 0.A → ★ᵢ)/b] ∷ Q
Pi {arg, res, loc = piLoc, _} =>
let arg' = Ann arg (TYPE u noLoc) arg.loc
res' = Ann (Lam res res.loc)
(Arr Zero arg (TYPE u noLoc) arg.loc) res.loc
whnf defs ctx SZero $
2023-08-24 12:42:26 -04:00
Ann (subN (tycaseRhsDef def KPi arms) [< arg', res']) ret loc
-- (type-case (x : A) × B ∷ ★ᵢ return Q of { (a × b) ⇒ s; ⋯ }) ⇝
-- s[(A ∷ ★ᵢ)/a, ((λ x ⇒ B) ∷ 0.A → ★ᵢ)/b] ∷ Q
Sig {fst, snd, loc = sigLoc, _} =>
let fst' = Ann fst (TYPE u noLoc) fst.loc
snd' = Ann (Lam snd snd.loc)
(Arr Zero fst (TYPE u noLoc) fst.loc) snd.loc
whnf defs ctx SZero $
2023-08-24 12:42:26 -04:00
Ann (subN (tycaseRhsDef def KSig arms) [< fst', snd']) ret loc
-- (type-case {⋯} ∷ _ return Q of { {} ⇒ s; ⋯ }) ⇝ s ∷ Q
Enum {} =>
whnf defs ctx SZero $ Ann (tycaseRhsDef0 def KEnum arms) ret loc
2023-08-24 12:42:26 -04:00
-- (type-case Eq [i ⇒ A] L R ∷ ★ᵢ return Q
-- of { Eq a₀ a₁ a l r ⇒ s; ⋯ }) ⇝
-- s[(A0/i ∷ ★ᵢ)/a₀, (A1/i ∷ ★ᵢ)/a₁,
-- ((δ i ⇒ A) ∷ Eq [★ᵢ] A0/i A1/i)/a,
-- (L ∷ A0/i)/l, (R ∷ A1/i)/r] ∷ Q
Eq {ty = a, l, r, loc = eqLoc, _} =>
let a0 = a.zero; a1 = a.one in
whnf defs ctx SZero $ Ann
2023-08-24 12:42:26 -04:00
(subN (tycaseRhsDef def KEq arms)
[< Ann a0 (TYPE u noLoc) a.loc, Ann a1 (TYPE u noLoc) a.loc,
Ann (DLam a a.loc) (Eq0 (TYPE u noLoc) a0 a1 a.loc) a.loc,
Ann l a0 l.loc, Ann r a1 r.loc])
ret loc
-- (type-case ∷ _ return Q of { ⇒ s; ⋯ }) ⇝ s ∷ Q
2023-11-02 13:14:22 -04:00
NAT {} =>
whnf defs ctx SZero $ Ann (tycaseRhsDef0 def KNat arms) ret loc
2023-08-24 12:42:26 -04:00
-- (type-case String ∷ _ return Q of { String ⇒ s; ⋯ }) ⇝ s ∷ Q
STRING {} =>
whnf defs ctx SZero $ Ann (tycaseRhsDef0 def KString arms) ret loc
2023-08-24 12:42:26 -04:00
-- (type-case [π.A] ∷ ★ᵢ return Q of { [a] ⇒ s; ⋯ }) ⇝ s[(A ∷ ★ᵢ)/a] ∷ Q
BOX {ty = a, loc = boxLoc, _} =>
whnf defs ctx SZero $ Ann
2023-08-24 12:42:26 -04:00
(sub1 (tycaseRhsDef def KBOX arms) (Ann a (TYPE u noLoc) a.loc))
ret loc