
123 lines
3.5 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env raku
#| resize images for uploading to gallery sites
unit sub MAIN(
#| number of concurrent jobs (default min{10, # cores})
Int :j(:$jobs) = min(10, $*KERNEL.cpu-cores),
#| formats to use for mastodon (png, webp, jpg, default, skip)
:m(:$mastodon) = 'default',
#| formats to use for itaku
:i(:$itaku) = 'default',
#| formats to use for furaffinity/weasyl
:f(:$furaffinity) = 'default',
#| formats to use for gallery.n.w
:g(:$gallery) = 'default',
#| webp/jpg quality setting (default 98)
Int :Q(:$quality) = 98,
#| only run conversions explicitly mentioned
Bool :O(:$only) = False,
Bool :n(:$dry-run) = False,
Bool :v(:$verbose) = False,
#| out dir, default ./out
IO(Str) :o(:$outdir) = 'out'.IO,
#| use a subdirectory for each site
Bool :d(:$subdirs) = False,
#| defaults to all *.png & *.jpg files in the current dir
sub cmd(*@args) {
say "> @args[]" if $dry-run || $verbose;
run @args unless $dry-run;
sub verbose(*@args) { say "> @args[]" if $verbose }
# fixup args
enum Format <png webp jpg>;
sub to-formats($_, *@default) {
when 'skip' { Empty }
when 'default' { $only ?? Empty !! @default }
when Format { $_ }
.lc.split(',').map: { Format::{$_} // die qq/unrecognised format "$_"/ }
die "furaffinity/weasyl don't know what webp are" if $furaffinity ~~ /:i webp/;
my @mastodon = to-formats $mastodon, webp;
my @itaku = to-formats $itaku, webp;
my @furaffinity = to-formats $furaffinity, png, jpg;
my @gallery = to-formats $gallery, webp;
unless @files.=map(*.IO) {
@files = $*CWD.dir: test => /:i \.[jpe?g|png]$/ && *.IO.f;
for @files { die "$_ is not a regular file" unless .f; }
# running imagemagick (and oxipng sometimes) 🪄
sub convert($in, $name, $size, $format) {
my $out = $subdirs
?? $outdir.child($name).child($in.basename).extension("$format")
!! $outdir.child($in.basename).extension("$name.$format");
cmd <mkdir -p>, $out.dirname;
cmd <convert>, $in, '-resize', $size, '-quality', $quality, $out;
cmd <oxipng -q>, $out if $format == png;
constant $SIZE = 2800;
constant $SQUARE = "{$SIZE}x{$SIZE}>";
constant $MASTO-SIZE = "{1280²}@";
constant $GALLERY-SIZE = 3000;
my @sites = [
{:name<mastodon>, :formats(@mastodon), :size($MASTO-SIZE)},
{:name<itaku>, :formats(@itaku), :size($SQUARE)},
{:name<furaffinity>, :formats(@furaffinity), :size($SQUARE)},
{:name<gallery>, :formats(@gallery), :size($GALLERY-SQUARE)},
# go go go
my @tasks;
sub task-serial(&body, :$if = True) { body if $if; }
sub task-parallel(&body, :$if = True) {
state $sem = Semaphore.new: $jobs;
return unless $if;
my $task = start { $sem.acquire; my $res = body; $sem.release; $res }
@tasks.push: $task;
constant &task = $dry-run ?? &task-serial !! &task-parallel;
my @todo = (@files X @sites).map: -> ($file, %rest) { hash :$file, %rest };
my $len = @todo.map(*.<formats>).sum;
my $index;
for @todo -> (:$file, :$name, :@formats, :$size) {
my @outputs = @formats.map: -> $format {
my $i = ++$index; my $base = $file.basename;
task {
say "[$i/$len] $name $base ($format)";
convert $file, $name, $size, $format;
task if => !$dry-run && @outputs > 1, {
my $keep = @outputs».=result.map({$_ => .s}).min(*.value).key;
verbose "# keeping $keep";
for @outputs { next when $keep; cmd "rm", $_ }