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module Glosses (glosses) where
import Lang
import LaantasImage
import Spans (abbrs)
import qualified Spans
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
import Text.Pandoc.Walk
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Data (toConstr)
glosses :: Vars => Block -> [Block]
glosses = \case
Div (i, cs, _) blocks | "glosses" `elem` cs ->
let tables = map glossTable blocks in
[RawBlock (Format "html") $ "<figure" <> id <> classes <> ">"] ++
catMaybes tables ++
[RawBlock (Format "html") "</figure>"]
id = if i == "" then "" else " id=\"" <> i <> "\""
classes = " class=\"" <> Text.unwords cs <> "\""
b -> [b]
pattern Gloss l g w t = BulletList [[Plain l], [Plain g], [Plain w], [Plain t]]
pattern PGloss l p g w t =
BulletList [[Plain l], [Plain p], [Plain g], [Plain w], [Plain t]]
pattern PNGloss l b n g w t =
BulletList [[Plain l], [Plain b], [Plain n], [Plain g], [Plain w], [Plain t]]
glossTable :: Vars => Block -> Maybe Block
glossTable = \case
Gloss l s g t -> Just $ make l Nothing Nothing s g t
PGloss l p s g t -> Just $ make l (Just p) Nothing s g t
PNGloss l b n s g t -> Just $ make l (Just b) (Just n) s g t
HorizontalRule -> Nothing
BulletList xs | let = length xs, < 4 || > 6 ->
fail $ "found list of length " ++ show ++
" in gloss section (missing `---`?)"
b -> fail $ "found unexpected " ++ show (toConstr b) ++ " in gloss section"
make l b n s g t =
let = length $ splitInlines s
colspecs = replicate (AlignDefault, ColWidthDefault)
l' = cell1 $ underlines $ noHash l
b' = cell1 <$> b; n' = cell1 <$> n
ss = cells s; gs = cells g; t' = cell1 t
img = case ?lang of
Just Lántas -> Just $ cell1 [makeItem $ splitItem' $ stripInlines l]
Nothing -> Nothing
Table ("", ["gloss"], []) (Caption Nothing []) colspecs
(TableHead mempty [])
[TableBody mempty (RowHeadColumns 0) [] $ concat
[[row ["gloss-scr", "scr"] [i] | Just i <- [img]],
[row ["gloss-lang", "lang"] [l']],
[row ["gloss-pron", "ipa"] [b] | Just b <- [b']],
[row ["gloss-pron", "ipa"] [n] | Just n <- [n']],
[row ["gloss-split", "lang"] ss],
[row ["gloss-gloss"] gs],
[row ["gloss-trans"] [t']]]]
(TableFoot mempty [])
cell is = Cell mempty AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [Plain is]
cell1 is = Cell mempty AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan ) [Plain is]
cells = map (cell . concatMap abbrs) . splitInlines
row c = Row ("", c, [])
stripInlines :: [Inline] -> Text
stripInlines = query \case
Str s -> s
Space -> " "
SoftBreak -> " "
LineBreak -> " "
_ -> ""
splitInlines :: [Inline] -> [Inlines]
splitInlines is = filter (not . null) $ go is where
go [] = []
go is =
let (is1, is') = break (== Space) is in
fromList is1 : splitInlines (dropWhile (== Space) is')
underlines :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
underlines = concatMap underlineStr . takeWhile (/= Str "|") where
underlineStr = \case
Str txt -> Spans.underlines txt
i -> [i]
noHash :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
noHash = walk \case
Str str -> Str $ Text.filter (/= '#') str
i -> i