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import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.JSON
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
import Text.Pandoc.Walk
import Data.Char (isUpper, isDigit)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
main :: IO ()
main = toJSONFilter (filter :: Pandoc -> Pandoc) where
filter =
walk (concatMap makeFigures) .
walk spans .
walk (concatMap glosses)
spans :: Inline -> Inline
spans = \case
Code attrs txt
| Just ('\\', txt') <- Text.uncons txt -> Code attrs txt'
| Just _ <- enclosed '/' '/' txt -> ipaB txt
| Just _ <- enclosed '[' ']' txt -> ipaN txt
| Just txt' <- enclosed '{' '}' txt -> lang txt'
| Just txt' <- enclosed '!' '!' txt -> abbr txt'
i -> i
ipaB, ipaN, lang, abbr :: Text -> Inline
ipaB = Span (cls ["ipa", "ipa-broad"]) . text'
ipaN = Span (cls ["ipa", "ipa-narrow"]) . text'
lang = Span (cls ["lang"]) . lang'
abbr = Span (cls ["abbr"]) . text' . endash
text' :: Text -> [Inline]
text' = toList . text
lang' :: Text -> [Inline]
lang' txt = case Text.uncons txt of
Nothing -> []
Just ('{', txt') -> RawInline "html" "<u>" : lang' txt'
Just ('}', txt') -> RawInline "html" "</u>" : lang' txt'
_ -> Str a : lang' b
where (a, b) = Text.span (\c -> c /= '{' && c /= '}') txt
cls :: [Text] -> Attr
cls cs = ("", cs, [])
glosses :: Block -> [Block]
glosses = \case
Div (_, cs, _) blocks | "glosses" `elem` cs ->
[RawBlock (Format "html") "<figure class=glosses>"] ++
mapMaybe glossTable blocks ++
[RawBlock (Format "html") "</figure>"]
b -> [b]
pattern Gloss l g w t = BulletList [[Plain l], [Plain g], [Plain w], [Plain t]]
pattern PGloss l p g w t =
BulletList [[Plain l], [Plain p], [Plain g], [Plain w], [Plain t]]
glossTable :: Block -> Maybe Block
glossTable = \case
Gloss l s g t -> Just $ make l Nothing s g t
PGloss l p s g t -> Just $ make l (Just p) s g t
HorizontalRule -> Nothing
b -> error $ "found " ++ show b ++ " in gloss section"
make l p s g t =
let n = length $ splitInlines s
colspecs = replicate n (AlignDefault, ColWidthDefault)
l' = cell1 n l; p' = cell1 n <$> p
ss = cells s; gs = cells g; t' = cell1 n t
Table ("", ["gloss"], []) (Caption Nothing []) colspecs
(TableHead mempty [])
[TableBody mempty (RowHeadColumns 0) [] $ concat
[[row ["gloss-lang", "lang"] [l']],
maybe [] (pure . row ["gloss-pron", "ipa"] . pure) p',
[row ["gloss-split", "lang"] ss],
[row ["gloss-gloss"] gs],
[row ["gloss-trans"] [t']]]]
(TableFoot mempty [])
cell is = Cell mempty AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [Plain is]
cell1 n is = Cell mempty AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan n) [Plain is]
cells = map (cell . concatMap abbrs) . splitInlines
row c = Row ("", c, [])
endash :: Text -> Text
endash = \case '-' -> ''; '_' -> ' '; c -> c
abbrs :: Inline -> [Inline]
abbrs (Str txt) = go $ endash txt where
go "" = []
go txt
| (l, r) <- Text.span isAbbr txt,
not $ Text.null l
= abbr' l : go r
| (l, r) <- Text.break isAbbr txt
= Str l : go r
abbr' txt = if Text.length txt == 1 then Str txt else abbr txt
isAbbr c = isUpper c || isDigit c || c `elem` (",.;\\[]" :: String)
abbrs i = [i]
splitInlines :: [Inline] -> [Inlines]
splitInlines is = filter (not . null) $ go is where
go [] = []
go is =
let (is1, is') = break (== Space) is in
fromList is1 : splitInlines (dropWhile (== Space) is')
makeFigures :: Block -> [Block]
makeFigures (Div ("", ["figure"], []) blks) =
[html "<figure>"] ++ blks ++ [html "</figure>"]
where html = RawBlock (Format "html")
makeFigures b = [b]
enclosed :: Char -> Char -> Text -> Maybe Text
enclosed o c txt
| Text.length txt >= 2,
Text.head txt == o,
Text.last txt == c
= Just $ Text.init $ Text.tail txt
enclosed _ _ _ = Nothing