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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-signatures -Wno-name-shadowing #-}
module Glyphs
(Glyph (..), Diacritic, simpleDia, Segs (..), EGlyph, Word,
doGlyphs, doGlyphsNoDoctype,
charHeight', lineHeight', spaceWidth', gap',
charHeight, lineHeight, spaceWidth, gap,
initials, finals, vowels, medials, num, numbers, punctuation, wave)
import Prelude hiding (Word)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import GlyphsBase
initials :: Map Text Glyph
initials = Map.fromList $
tGlyphs <> kGlyphs <> ƶGlyphs <> sGlyphs <> šGlyphs <> lGlyphs <>
mGlyphs <> nGlyphs <> rGlyphs <> pGlyphs <> bGlyphs <>
čGlyphs <> hGlyphs <> fGlyphs <>
[("g", g), ("d", d), ("ǧ", ǧ), ("w", w), ("j", j)]
finals :: Map Text Glyph
finals = Map.fromList $
[("t",t0), ("ƶ", ƶ0), ("s",s0), ("š",š0), ("l",l0), ("m",m0),
("n", n0), ("r", r0), ("f", f0)]
medials :: Map Text [Diacritic]
medials = Map.fromList $
[("a", da), ("á", ), ("i", di), ("í", ), ("u", du), ("ú", ),
("ai", dai), ("au", dau), ("ia", dia), ("ua", dua), ("ḿ", dḿ),
("ń", ), ("ł", ), ("ŕ", )]
vowels :: Map Text Glyph
vowels = Map.fromList vGlyphs
tGlyphs = [("t",t), ("tt",tt), ("tk",tk), ("tg",tg), ("td",td), ("",),
("tp",tp), ("tb",tb), ("ts",ts), ("",), ("tl",tl), ("tm",tm),
("tn",tn), ("tr",tr), ("",), ("",), ("tw",tw), ("th",th),
("tf",tf), ("tj",tj)]
t = simpleG tPath 5.5
tt = simpleG ttPath 7
tk = simpleG tkPath 9
tg = simpleG tgPath 9
td = simpleG tdPath 9
= simpleG tƶPath 9
tp = simpleG tpPath 9.5
tb = simpleG tbPath 10
ts = simpleG tsPath 9
= simpleG tšPath 9
tl = simpleG tlPath 8.5
tm = simpleG tmPath 10
tn = simpleG tnPath 9
tr = simpleG trPath 7
= simpleG tčPath 9
= simpleG tǧPath 10
tw = simpleG twPath 10
th = simpleG thPath 12
tf = simpleG tfPath 10
tj = simpleG tjPath 4.75
t0 = simpleG t0Path 5
tPath = P [mA (0,0), lA (5.5,0)] <> shiftX 1.5 aPath <> shiftX 5.25 aPath
tNarrow = P [mA (0,0), lA (5,0)] <> shiftX 1.5 aPath <> shiftX 4.75 aPath
tPart = shiftX 1.5 aPath <> P [mA (0,0), lR (,0)]
ttPath = P [mA (0,0), lR (7,0)]
<> shiftX 0.75 aPath
<> shiftX 2.75 aPath
<> shiftX 4.75 aPath
<> shiftX 6.75 aPath
tkPath = tPart 5 <> shiftX 5 (aPath <> kBottomShort <> P [mA (4,-3), lR (0,8)])
tgPath = shiftX 5 gShortHat <> tkPath
tdPath = tPart 4 <> shiftX 4 dPath
tƶPath = shiftX 5 gShortHat <> tdPath
tpPath = P [mA (2,-3), lR (0,8), mA (0,-3), lR (6,0)] <> shiftX 4 pPath
tbPath = tPart 6 <> shiftX 4 bPath
tsPath = tPart 4 <> shiftX 4 sPath
tšPath = tPart 4 <> shiftX 4 šPath
tlPath = tPart 5 <> shiftX 3.5 lPath
tmPath = tPart 4.5 <> shiftX 4 mPath
tnPath = tPart 6 <> shiftX 4 nPath
trPath = tPart 7 <> shiftX 4 rShort
tčPath = tPart 3 <> shiftX 3 čFlat
tǧPath = tPart 4 <> shiftX 5 ǧPath
twPath = tPart 6 <> shiftX 4 wPath
thPath = tPart 4 <> shiftX 4 hPath
tfPath = tPart 4 <> shiftX 4 fPath
tjPath = tPart 3.5 <> shiftX (-0.5) jTall
t0Path = tPath <> P [mA (1.5,7), cR (1.8,-0.25) (3.1,0) (3.5,0.5)]
kGlyphs = [("k", k), ("kk", kk), ("ks", ks)]
k = simpleG kPath 5
kk = simpleG kkPath 8
ks = simpleG ksPath 9
kLeft = P [mA (0,0), cR (0.5,0.75) (0,3) (0,5)]
kBottomShort = P [cR (0,0) (2.6,0) (4,-0.5)]
kPath = kLeft <> kBottom <> shiftX 5 longAPath
kBottom = P [cR (0,0) (3,0) (5,-0.5)]
kShortPart = kLeft <> kBottomShort
kShort = kShortPart <> shiftX 4 longAPath
kkPath = kShortPart <> shiftX 4 kShort
ksPath = kShortPart <> shiftX 4 sPath
g = simpleG gPath 5
gPath = gHat <> kPath
gHat = P [mA (1.5,-2.75), qR (1.5,0.125) (3.5,-0.25)]
gShort = gShortHat <> kShort
gShortHat = P [mA (1.25,-2.75), qR (1.25,0.125) (2.75,-0.25)]
d = simpleG dPath 5
dPath = dPart <> shiftX 5 longAPath
dPart' = dBase <> dJoin'
dPart = dBase <> dJoin
dJoin = P [cR (2,0) (3,-0.75) (3,-1.5)]
dJoin' = P [cR (1.75,0) (2.5,-0.75) (2.85,-2.5)]
dBase = P [mA (0,0), lR (3.5,0), cR (0,1.5) (-3.5,3.5) (-3.5,5), lR (2,0)]
dFree = dBase <> P [mA (2,5), lR (1.5,0)]
dLong = dFree <> shiftX 1.5 dJoin
ƶGlyphs = [("ƶ",ƶ), ("ƶt",ƶt), ("ƶk",ƶk), ("ƶg",ƶg), ("ƶd",ƶd),
("ƶƶ",ƶƶ), ("ƶp",ƶp), ("ƶb",ƶb), ("ƶs",ƶs), ("ƶš",ƶš), ("ƶl",ƶl),
("ƶm",ƶm), ("ƶn",ƶn), ("ƶr",ƶr), ("ƶč",ƶč), ("ƶǧ",ƶǧ), ("ƶw",ƶw),
("ƶh",ƶh), ("ƶf",ƶf), ("ƶj",ƶj)]
ƶ = simpleG ƶPath 5
ƶt = simpleG ƶtPath 10.5
ƶk = simpleG ƶkPath 9
ƶg = simpleG ƶgPath 9
ƶd = simpleG ƶdPath 10
ƶƶ = simpleG ƶƶPath 10
ƶp = simpleG ƶpPath 10.5
ƶb = simpleG ƶbPath 11
ƶs = simpleG ƶsPath 10
ƶš = simpleG ƶšPath 10
ƶl = simpleG ƶlPath 10
ƶm = simpleG ƶmPath 11
ƶn = simpleG ƶnPath 9.75
ƶr = simpleG ƶrPath 8
ƶč = simpleG ƶčPath 10
ƶǧ = simpleG ƶǧPath 10
ƶw = simpleG ƶwPath 11
ƶh = simpleG ƶhPath 13
ƶf = simpleG ƶfPath 10
ƶj = simpleG ƶjPath 7.5
ƶ0 = simpleG ƶ0Path 3.5
ƶPath = gHat <> dPath
ƶtPath = dLong <> shiftX 5 tPath
ƶkPath = dPart <> shiftX 5 kShort
ƶgPath = dPart <> shiftX 5 gShort
ƶdPath = dFree <> shiftX 5 dPath
ƶƶPath = dFree <> shiftX 5 ƶPath
ƶpPath = dFree <> shiftX 5 pPath
ƶbPath = dPart' <> shiftX 5 bPath
ƶsPath = dPart <> shiftX 5 sPath
ƶšPath = dPart <> shiftX 5 šPath
ƶlPath = dPart <> shiftX 5 lPath
ƶmPath = dPart <> shiftX 5 mPath
ƶnPath = dPart' <> shiftX 4.75 nPath
ƶrPath = dPart <> P [qR (0,1.5) (1,1.5), qR (2,0) (2,-2), mR (0,-6), lR (0,8)]
ƶčPath = dFree <> shiftX 5 čPath
ƶǧPath = dFree <> shiftX 5 ǧPath
ƶwPath = dPart' <> shiftX 5 wPath
ƶhPath = dPart <> shiftX 5 hPath
ƶfPath = dFree <> shiftX 4 fPath
ƶjPath = dFree <> shiftX 4.5 jPathShort
ƶ0Path = dFree <> P [mA (1,7), cR (1.8,-0.25) (2.2,0) (2.5,0.5)]
pGlyphs = [("p", p), ("pp", pp), ("ps", ps), ("pj", pj)]
p = simpleG pPath 5.5
pp = simpleG ppPath 9
ps = simpleG psPath 10.5
pj = simpleG pjPath 10
pInit =
P [mA (0,-3), cR (-1,1) (-0.5,6) (-0.5,8)]
pPart =
shiftX 2 pInit <>
P [cR (-1,-3) (-2,-4) (0,-5), cR (1,-0.5) (2.5,-0.5) (4,0)]
pPath = pPart <> shiftX 5.25 aPath
ppPath =
shiftX 2 pInit <> shiftX 4.5 pInit <>
P [mA (1.5,5), cR (-1,-3) (-2,-4) (0,-5), cR (1,-0.5) (2.5,-0.5) (7.5,0)] <>
shiftX 8.75 aPath
psPath = pPart <> shiftX 5.5 sPath
pjPath =
shiftX 2 pInit <>
P [cR (-1,-3) (-2,-4) (0,-5), cR (1,-0.5) (4,-1) (4,1),
lR (0,4), mR (0,-4),
cR (0,-2) (3.5,-1) (4.5,-1)] <>
shiftX 9.75 aPath
bGlyphs = [("b", b), ("bj", bj)]
b = simpleG bPath 6
bj = simpleG bjPath 9
bPath = shiftX 1 gHat <> wPart <> shiftX 6 longAPath
bjPath =
bPath <>
P [mA (6,0.5), qR (1.5,0) (3,-0.5)] <>
shiftX 8.75 aPath
sGlyphs = [("s",s), ("st",st), ("sk",sk), ("sg",sg), ("sd",sd), ("",),
("sp",sp), ("sb",sb), ("ss",ss), ("",), ("sl",sl), ("sm",sm),
("sn",sn), ("sr",sr), ("",), ("",), ("sw",sw), ("sh",sh),
("sf",sf), ("sj",sj)]
s = simpleG sPath 5.125
st = simpleG stPath 8.5
sk = simpleG skPath 9
sg = simpleG sgPath 9
sd = simpleG sdPath 9
= simpleG sƶPath 9
sp = simpleG spPath 9.5
sb = simpleG sbPath 10.5
ss = simpleG ssPath 10
= simpleG sšPath 10
sl = simpleG slPath 9
sm = simpleG smPath 10.5
sn = simpleG snPath 9.5
sr = simpleG srPath 7
= simpleG sčPath 9
= simpleG sǧPath 10
sw = simpleG swPath 10
sh = simpleG shPath 13
sf = simpleG sfPath 10.25
sj = simpleG sjPath 5
s0 = simpleG s0Path 5
sPath = sPartLine <> shiftX 4.75 aPath
sPart' = P [mA (0, 0),
cR (0.15,0.5) (0,2.5) (0,3.5),
aR 1.5 1.5 0 Small CCW (3,0)]
sPart = sPart' <> P [qR (0,-3) (-0.5,-3.5)]
sPartIso = sPart' <> P [cR (0,-0.5) (-0.15,-2.5) (0,-3.5)]
sPartLine = sPart <> P [mA (2.5,0), qR (1,0.25) (2.5,0)]
stPath = sPart <> P [lR (1,0)] <> shiftX 3.5 tNarrow
skPath = sPartLine <> shiftX 5 kShort
sgPath = sPartLine <> shiftX 5 gShort
sdPath = sPart <> P [mA (2.5,0), lR (1.5,0)] <> shiftX 4 dPath
sƶPath = sPart <> P [mA (2.5,0), lR (1.5,0)] <> shiftX 4 ƶPath
spPath = sPartIso <> shiftX 4 pPath
sbPath = sPart' <>
P [cR (0,-2.5) (-0.25,-2.5) (0,-6.5), qR (2,0.5) (7.5,0), lR (0,8)] <>
shiftX 4.5 wPart <> P [mA (10.5,5)]
ssPath = sPartLine <> shiftX 5 sPath
sšPath = sPartLine <> shiftX 5 šPath
slPath = sPart <> P [mA (2.5,0), qR (1.25,0.5) (3.5,0)] <> shiftX 4.5 lPath
smPath = sPartLine <> shiftX 4.5 mPath
snPath = sPart <> P [mA (2.5,0), qR (1.5,0.5) (4.5,0)] <> shiftX 4.5 nPath
srPath = sPart <> P [mA (2.5,0), qR (2,0.75) (4.5,0.25)] <> shiftX 4 rShort
sčPath = sPart <> P [mA (2.5,0), lR (1.5,0)] <> shiftX 3 čFlat
sǧPath = sPartIso <> shiftX 4 ǧPath
swPath = sPart <> P [mA (2.5,0), lR (4,0)] <> shiftX 4 wPath
shPath = sPartIso <> shiftX 5 hPath
sfPath = sPartIso <> shiftX 4.25 fPath
sjPath = sPartLine <> jTall
s0Path = sPath <> P [mA (1.5,7), cR (1.8,-0.25) (2.6,0) (3,0.5)]
šGlyphs = [("š",š), ("št",št), ("šk",šk), ("šg",šg), ("šd",šd), ("šƶ",šƶ),
("šp",šp), ("šb",šb), ("šs",šs), ("šš",šš), ("šl",šl), ("šm",šm),
("šn",šn), ("šr",šr), ("šč",šč), ("šǧ",šǧ), ("šw",šw), ("šh",šh),
("šf",šf), ("šj",šj)]
š@(G {path = šPath}) = s2š s
šš = ss {path = ššPath}
šp = sp {path = špPath}
šb = sb {path = šbPath}
št = s2š st
šk = s2š sk
šg = s2š sg
šd = s2š sd
šƶ = s2š
šs = s2š ss
šl = s2š sl
šm = s2š sm
šn = s2š sn
šr = s2š sr
šč = s2š
šǧ = s2š
šw = s2š sw
šh = s2š sh
šf = s2š sf
šj = sj {path = P [mA (0.5, -1), cR (1,0.25) (2,-0.875) (1,-1.75)] <> path sj}
š0 = s2š s0
šLine = P [mA (0.5,-2.25), qR (1.5,-0.25) (2,0.25)]
ššPath = P [mA (0.5,-2), cR (2,-1) (5,1) (7,0)] <> ssPath
špPath = šLine <> spPath
šbPath = sPart <> šLine <> P [mA (3,0), lR (4,0)] <> shiftX 4 bPath
s2š g@(G {path}) = g {path = šLine <> path}
lGlyphs = [("l",l), ("ll", ll), ("lt",lt), ("lk",lk), ("lg",lg), ("ld",ld),
("",), ("lp",lp), ("lb",lb), ("ls",ls), ("",), ("lm",lm),
("ln",ln), ("lr",lr), ("",), ("",), ("lw",lw), ("lh",lh),
("lf",lf), ("lj",lj)]
l = simpleG lPath 4.625
ll = simpleG llPath 9
lt = simpleG ltPath 10
lk = simpleG lkPath 8.5
lg = simpleG lgPath 8.5
ld = simpleG ldPath 9.5
= simpleG lƶPath 9.5
lp = simpleG lpPath 10
lb = simpleG lbPath 10.5
ls = simpleG lsPath 9.5
= simpleG lšPath 9.5
lm = simpleG lmPath 10.5
ln = simpleG lnPath 9.25
lr = simpleG lrPath 7.5
= simpleG lčPath 9.5
= simpleG lǧPath 9.5
lw = simpleG lwPath 10.5
lh = simpleG lhPath 12.5
lf = simpleG lfPath 10.5
lj = simpleG ljPath 5
l0 = simpleG l0Path 3.75
lPath = lPart <> shiftX 4.5 aPath
lBase = P [mA (3,0.5), cR (0.25,-0.25) (0,-0.75) (-1.25,-0.5),
cR (-1.5,0.3) (-2,2.5) (0,2.5),
lR (0.75,0), mR (-1.25,0),
cR (-1.5,0.3) (-2,2.5) (0,2.5)]
lJoin = P [lR (0.25,0)] <> dJoin
lJoin' = P [lR (0.25,0)] <> dJoin'
lPart = lBase <> lJoin
lPart' = lBase <> lJoin'
lFree = lBase <> P [qR (2.25,0) (2.5,-0.5)]
lFree' = lBase <> P [qR (2,0) (2.25,-0.75)]
llPath = lPart <> shiftX 4.5 lPath
ltPath = lBase <> P [qR (4.5,0) (4.75,-3)] <> shiftX 4.5 tPath
lkPath = lPart <> shiftX 4.5 kShort
lgPath = lPart <> shiftX 4.5 gShort
ldPath = lFree' <> shiftX 4.5 dPath
lƶPath = lFree' <> shiftX 4.5 ƶPath
lpPath = lFree' <> shiftX 4.5 pPath
lbPath = lPart' <> shiftX 4.5 bPath
lsPath = lPart <> shiftX 4.5 sPath
lšPath = lPart <> shiftX 4.5 šPath
lmPath = lPart <> shiftX 4.5 mPath
lnPath = lPart' <> shiftX 4.25 nPath
lrPath = lPart <> P [qR (0,1.5) (1,1.5), qR (2,0) (2,-2), mR (0,-6), lR (0,8)]
lčPath = lFree' <> shiftX 4.5 čPath
lǧPath = lFree' <> shiftX 4.5 ǧPath
lwPath = lPart' <> shiftX 4.5 wPath
lhPath = lPart <> shiftX 4.5 hPath
lfPath = lFree' <> shiftX 4.5 fPath
ljPath = lFree' <> jTall
l0Path = lFree <> P [mA (1.25,7), cR (1.8,-0.25) (2.2,0) (2.5,0.5)]
mGlyphs = [("m",m), ("mt",mt), ("mk",mk), ("mg",mg), ("md",md), ("",),
("mp",mp), ("mb",mb), ("ms",ms), ("",), ("ml",ml), ("mm",mm),
("mn",mn), ("mr",mr), ("",), ("",), ("mw",mw), ("mh",mh),
("mf",mf), ("mj",mj)]
m = simpleG mPath 6.125
mt = simpleG mtPath 10
mk = simpleG mkPath 10
mg = simpleG mgPath 10
md = simpleG mdPath 12
= simpleG mƶPath 12
mp = simpleG mpPath 12.5
mb = simpleG mbPath 12
ms = simpleG msPath 11
= simpleG mšPath 11
ml = simpleG mlPath 11
mm = simpleG mmPath 12
mn = simpleG mnPath 11
mr = simpleG mrPath 9
= simpleG mčPath 12
= simpleG mǧPath 12
mw = simpleG mwPath 12
mh = simpleG mhPath 14
mf = simpleG mfPath 13
mj = simpleG mjPath 9
m0 = simpleG m0Path 6
mPath = mPart <> shiftX 6 longAPath
mInit = P [mA (0.5,0), cR (-0.25,0.2) (-0.5,2.25) (-0.5,3.5)]
mBumpI = P [cR (0,2) (2.5,2) (3,0)] <> mLine
mLine = P [qR (0.125,-1) (0.125,-2), mR (-0.125,2)]
mBumpF = P [cR (-0.5,2) (2.5,2) (3,0)]
mBumpM = mBumpF <> mLine
mBumpsN n = mconcat $ [mBumpI] <> replicate n mBumpM <> [mBumpF]
mBumps = mBumpsN 0
mPart = mInit <> mBumps
mFree = mPart <> P [cR (0.5,-2) (-0.75,-4) (-1.5,-3.5)]
mtPath = mPart <> shiftX 4.5 tPath
mkPath = mPart <> shiftX 6 kShort
mgPath = mPart <> shiftX 6 gShort
mdPath = mFree <> shiftX 7 dPath
mƶPath = mFree <> shiftX 7 ƶPath
mpPath = mFree <> shiftX 7 pPath
mbPath = mPart <> shiftX 6 bPath
msPath = mPart <> shiftX 6 sPath
mšPath = mPart <> shiftX 6 šPath
mlPath = mPart <> shiftX 6 lPath
mmPath = mInit <> mBumpsN 2 <> P [mR (0,-3.5), lR (0,5)]
mnPath = mPart <> shiftX 6 nPath
mrPath = mInit <> mBumpsN 1 <> P [mR (0,-6.5), lR (0,8)]
mčPath = mFree <> shiftX 7 čPath
mǧPath = mFree <> shiftX 7 ǧPath
mwPath = mPart <> shiftX 6 wPath
mhPath = mPart <> shiftX 6 hPath
mfPath = mFree <> shiftX 7 fPath
mjPath = mFree <> shiftX 4.5 jPath
m0Path = mFree <> P [mA (1.25,7), cR (3.55,-0.3) (3.8,0) (4,0.5)]
nGlyphs = [("n", n), ("nt", nt), ("nk", nk), ("ng", ng), ("nd", nd), ("", ),
("np", np), ("nb", nb), ("ns", ns), ("", ), ("nl", nl),
("nm", nm), ("nn", nn), ("nr", nr), ("", ), ("", ),
("nw", nw), ("nh", nh), ("nf", nf), ("nj", nj)]
n = simpleG nPath 5.125
nt = simpleG ntPath 10.5
nk = simpleG nkPath 9
ng = simpleG ngPath 9
nd = simpleG ndPath 10
= simpleG nƶPath 10
np = simpleG npPath 10.25
nb = simpleG nbPath 11
ns = simpleG nsPath 10
= simpleG nšPath 10
nl = simpleG nlPath 10
nm = simpleG nmPath 11
nn = simpleG nnPath 10
nr = simpleG nrPath 6.5
= simpleG nčPath 10
= simpleG nǧPath 9.75
nw = simpleG nwPath 11
nh = simpleG nhPath 13
nf = simpleG nfPath 10.75
nj = simpleG njPath 5.25
n0 = simpleG n0Path 3.5
nPath = nPart <> shiftX 5 aPath
nPart = nPart' <> P [cR (1.6,-0.25) (2.5,-1.75) (2.5,-2.5)]
nPart' = P [mA (3.5,1), cR (0.5,-1) (-0.5,-1.125) (-1,-1),
cR (-3.2,0.5) (-3.2,5.5) (0,5)]
nLong = nPart' <> P [cR (3.2,-0.5) (4,-1.5) (4,-2.5)]
nFlat = P [mA (5,0), lR (-2.5,0), aR 2.5 2.5 0 Large CCW (0,5),
cR (0.5,0) (1,-0.5) (1,-1.5)]
nFree = nPart' <> P [qR (0.8,-0.125) (1.5,-1)]
nFree' = nPart' <> P [qR (0.8,-0.125) (1,-1)]
ntPath = nLong <> shiftX 5 tPath
nkPath = nFlat <> shiftX 5 kShort
ngPath = nFlat <> shiftX 5 gShort
ndPath = nFlat <> shiftX 5 dPath
nƶPath = nFlat <> shiftX 5 ƶPath
npPath = nFree <> shiftX 4.75 pPath
nbPath = nFlat <> P [mA (5,0), lR (2,0)] <> shiftX 5 bPath
nsPath = nFlat <> shiftX 5 sPath
nšPath = nFlat <> shiftX 5 šPath
nlPath = nFlat <> P [mA (5,0), lR (1,0)] <> shiftX 5 lPath
nmPath = nFlat <> P [mA (5,0), lR (0.5,0)] <> shiftX 5 mPath
nnPath = nFlat <> P [mA (5,0), lR (2,0)] <> shiftX 5 nPath
nrPath = nFree' <> P [qR (0,1) (1,1), qR (2,0) (2,-2), mR (0,-6), lR (0,8)]
nčPath = nFlat <> shiftX 4 čFlat
nǧPath = nFree' <> shiftX 4.75 ǧPath
nwPath = nFlat <> P [mA (5,0), lR (2,0)] <> shiftX 5 wPath
nhPath = nFlat <> shiftX 5 hPath
nfPath = nFree' <> shiftX 4.75 fPath
njPath = nFree' <> jTall
n0Path = nFree <> P [mA (1,7), cR (1.8,-0.25) (2.2,0) (2.5,0.5)]
rGlyphs = [("r", r), ("rt", rt), ("rk", rk), ("rg", rg), ("rd", rd), ("", ),
("rp", rp), ("rb", rb), ("rs", rs), ("", ), ("rl", rl),
("rm", rm), ("rn", rn), ("rr", rr), ("", ), ("", ),
("rw", rw), ("rh", rh), ("rf", rf), ("rj", rj)]
r = simpleG rPath 5
rt = simpleG rtPath 7.5
rk = simpleG rkPath 7
rg = simpleG rgPath 7
rd = simpleG rdPath 9.5
= simpleG rƶPath 9.5
rp = simpleG rpPath 10
rb = simpleG rbPath 10.5
rs = simpleG rsPath 9.5
= simpleG ršPath 9.5
rl = simpleG rlPath 9.5
rm = simpleG rmPath 10.5
rr = simpleG rrPath 6
rn = simpleG rnPath 9
= simpleG rčPath 9.5
= simpleG rǧPath 9.5
rw = simpleG rwPath 10.5
rh = simpleG rhPath 12.5
rf = simpleG rfPath 10.5
rj = simpleG rjPath 7.5
r0 = simpleG r0Path 5
rPath = rPart <> shiftX 5 longAPath
rPart = P [mA (0,5), cR (3.5,0) (5,-1) (5,-2)]
rPartMid = P [mA (0,5), cR (1.25,0) (3.25,-1) (3.25,-2)]
rPartShort = P [mA (0,5), cR (1,0) (3,-1) (3,-2)]
rShort = rPartShort <> shiftX 3 longAPath
rtPath = rPartMid <> shiftX 2 tPath
rkPath = rPartShort <> shiftX 3 kShort
rgPath = rPartShort <> shiftX 3 gShort
rdPath = rMid <> shiftX 4.5 dPath
rƶPath = rMid <> shiftX 4.5 ƶPath
rpPath = rMid <> shiftX 4.5 pPath
rbPath = rMid <> shiftX 4.5 bPath
rsPath = rMid <> shiftX 4.5 sPath
ršPath = rMid <> shiftX 4.5 šPath
rlPath = rMid <> shiftX 4.5 lPath
rmPath = rMid <> shiftX 4.5 mPath
rnPath = rShort <> shiftX 4 nPath
rrPath = rShort <> shiftX 3 rShort
rčPath = rMid <> shiftX 4.5 čPath
rǧPath = rMid <> shiftX 4.5 ǧPath
rwPath = rMid <> shiftX 4.5 wPath
rhPath = rMid <> shiftX 4.5 hPath
rfPath = rMid <> shiftX 4.5 fPath
rjPath = rMid <> shiftX 4.5 jPathShort
rMid = rPartMid <> shiftX 3.25 longAPath
r0Path = ŕPath <> P [mA (1.25,7), cR (2.2,-0.25) (2.8,0) (3,0.5)]
čGlyphs = [("č", č), ("čs", čs), ("čč", čč)]
č = simpleG čPath 5
čs = simpleG čsPath 10
čč = simpleG ččPath 10
čPath = čPart <> čJoin <> P [mA (5,0), lR (0,5)]
čPart = P [mA (0,0.5), cR (2.25,-0.75) (2.55,-0.5) (2.75,-0.5)] <> čPart'
čPart' = P [aR 1.25 1.25 0 Small CW (0,2.5), lR (-2,0), mR (2,0),
aR 1.25 1.25 0 Small CW (0,2.5),
cR (-0.2,0.25) (-2.25,0) (-2.75,-0.5)]
čJoin = P [mA (2.5,5), cR (1.5,0) (2.5,-0.5) (2.5,-1)]
čPartFlat = P [mA (0,0), lR (3.5,0)] <> čPart'
čFlat = čPartFlat <> shiftX 1 čJoin <> P [mA (6,0), lR (0,5)]
čsPath = čPart <> shiftX 5 sPath
ččPath = čPart <> shiftX 5 čPath
ǧ = simpleG ǧPath 5
ǧPath = ǧPart <> čJoin <> P [mA (5,-3), lR (0,8)]
ǧPart = P [mA (0,-2), cR (2.25,-0.75) (2.55,-0.5) (2.75,-0.5),
aR 1.25 1.25 0 Small CW (0,2.5),
lR (-2,0), mR (2,0),
aR 1.25 1.25 0 Small CW (0,2.5),
lR (-2,0), mR (2,0),
aR 1.25 1.25 0 Small CW (0,2.5),
cR (-0.2,0.25) (-2.25,0) (-2.75,-0.5)]
w = simpleG wPath 6
wPath = wPart <> shiftX 6 aPath
wPart = uPath <> P [mA (2.5,0), lR (3.5,0)]
hGlyphs = [("h", h), ("hh", hh), ("hn", hn), ("hm", hm)]
h = simpleG hPath 8.5
hh = simpleG hhPath 16.5
hn = simpleG hnPath 15
hm = simpleG hmPath 16
hPath = hPart <> shiftX 3.5 gHat <> shiftX 8.5 longAPath
hPart' x = sPart <> P [mA (2.5,0), lR (1.5,0)] <> shiftX 4 x
hPart = hPart' sPartIso
hhPath = hPart' sPart <> P [mA (6.5,0), lR (1.5,0)] <> shiftX 8 hPart <>
shiftX 11.5 gHat <> P [mA (16.5,-3), lR (0,8)]
hnPath = hPath <> shiftX 10 nPath
hmPath = hPath <> shiftX 10 mPath
fGlyphs = [("f", f), ("fn", fn), ("fm", fm)]
f = simpleG fPath 6
fn = simpleG fnPath 12
fm = simpleG fmPath 12
f0 = simpleG f0Path 6
fPath = fPart <> P [lR (0,2.5)]
fPart = P [mA (4.25,2.5),
cR (0.5,-1) (-1.75,-1) (-1.75, 0),
cR (0,1) (1.75,0.75) (1.75,1.75),
cR (0,0.35) (-0.15,0.65) (-1.75,0.75),
cR (-3.2,0.5) (-3.2,-5) (1,-5.5),
cR (1.6,-0.25) (2.5,1) (2.5,3)
fnPath = fPath <> shiftX 7 nPath
fmPath = fPart <> P [lR (0,1)] <> mBumps <> P [mA (12,0), lR (0,5)]
f0Path = fPath <> P [mA (1.5,7), cR (2.8,-0.35) (3.1,0) (3.5,0.5)]
j = simpleG jPath 4
jPath = P [mA (0,0), qR (1.25,0.5) (4,0)] <> shiftX 3.75 aPath
jPathShort = P [mA (0,0), qR (1,0.25) (3,0)] <> shiftX 2.75 aPath
jTall = gHat <> shiftX 5 longAPath
vGlyphs = [("a", a), ("á", á), ("i", i), ("í", í), ("u", u), ("ú", ú),
("ai", ai), ("au", au), ("ia", ia), ("ua", ua), ("ḿ", ḿ),
("ń", ń), ("ł", ł), ("ŕ", ŕ)]
a = simpleG aPath 0.125
á = simpleG áPath 2.125
i = j
í = simpleG íPath 5
u = simpleG uPath 4.5
ú = simpleG úPath 4
ai = simpleG aiPath 5
au = simpleG auPath 4.5
ia = simpleG iaPath 5
ua = simpleG uaPath 4.5
ḿ = simpleG ḿPath 6
ń = simpleG ńPath 4
ł = simpleG łPath 3.75
ŕ = simpleG ŕPath 5
aPath = P [mA (0.25,0), cR (-0.25,1) (-0.25,2) (-0.25,5)]
longAPath = P [mA (0.25,-3), cR (-0.25,1) (-0.25,2) (-0.25,5), lR (0, 3)]
áPath = aPath <> shiftX 2 aPath
íPath = P [mA (0,0), lR (5,0)] <> shiftX 2.75 aPath <> shiftX 4.75 aPath
uPath = P [mA (2.25,0),
cR (-3.2,0.5) (-3.2,5.5) (0,5),
cR (3.2,-0.5) (3.2,-5.5) (0,-5)]
uNarrow = P [mA (1.5,0),
cR (-2.2,0.25) (-2.2,5.25) (0,5),
cR (2.2,-0.25) (2.2,-5.25) (0,-5)]
úPath = uPath <> P [mA (4.25,-3), cR (-1.5,3) (-3.2,8) (-2.8,12)]
aiPath = aPath <> P [mR (2,-5), lR (3,0)] <> shiftX 4.75 aPath
auPath = aPath <> shiftX 1.5 uNarrow
iaPath = P [mA (0,0), lR (3,0)] <> shiftX 2.75 aPath <> shiftX 5 aPath
uaPath = uNarrow <> shiftX 4.5 aPath
ḿPath = mFree
ńPath = nFree
łPath = lFree
ŕPath = rPart <> shiftX 5 aPath
adot = circR 0.2
withWidth f (SI {width}) = (f width, width)
sP = simpleDia . P
-- no @mA@ because letters like t have the join not quite at the edge
da = [sP [lR (0,5)]]
= da <> [withWidth \w -> P [mA (w/2-1,8), cR (0.75,-0.5) (1.25,0.5) (2,0)]]
di = da <> diLine
= da <> [sP [cR (1,0) (4,-3) (0,-3), qR (-3,0) (-4,1)]]
du = da <> duLine
= du <> [sP [mR (0.5, 3.5)]] <> duLine
duLine = [sP [qR (-1, -2.75) (-2, -3.5)]]
diLine = [sP [qR (1.5, -1.5) (1.5, -4)]]
dai = da <> [sP [mR (-4,-3), lR (2.5,0), qR (-0.5,1) (-0.5,3)]]
dau = da <> [sP [mR (-3,-3.5),
cR (-1.5,0.25) (-1.5,3.25) (0,3),
cR (1.5,-0.25) (1.5,-3.25) (0,-3),
cR (1,-0.25) (2,0.5) (3,0)]]
dia = di <> [sP $ adot (-4,0)]
dua = du <> [sP $ adot (-2,0)]
dḿ = da <> [sP [mR (-4,-3), cR (-0.375,1.125) (-0.25,1.275) (-0.25,1.375),
aR 0.625 0.625 0 Small CCW (1.5,0),
lR (0,-1), mR (0,1),
aR 0.625 0.625 0 Small CCW (1.5,0),
cR (0.125,-0.1) (0,-1.125) (-0.25,-1.375)]]
= da <> [sP [mR (-2,-2.5),
qR (0.25,-0.625) (-0.5,-0.5),
cR (-1.5,0.25) (-1.5,2.75) (0,2.5),
qR (0.375,-0.0625) (0.5,-0.3)]]
= da <>
[sP [mR (-2,-2.75),
cR (0.125,-0.125) (0,-0.375) (-0.625,-0.25),
cR (-0.75,0.15) (-1,1.25) (0,1.25),
lR (0.375,0), mR (-0.625,0),
cR (-0.75,0.15) (-1,1.25) (0,1.25),
qR (1,0) (1.125,-0.375)]]
= da <> [sP [mR (-3,0), cR (1,0) (3,-1) (3,-2)]]
punctuation :: Map Text Glyph
punctuation = Map.fromList
[(".", eos), ("?", eos), ("!", eos), (",", eop), (":", eop), (";", eop),
("", ellipsis)]
eos = simpleG eosPath 4
eosPath = P $ circA 1 (4,1) <> circA 1 (4,4)
eop = simpleG eopPath 2
eopPath = P $ circA 1 (3,2.5)
num = simpleG path 1
where path = P [mA (0,0), lR (0,5), mA (1,0), lR (0,5)]
numbers = Map.fromList $
zip [0..9::Int] [u, t, n2, simpleG dFree 3, n4, n5, ł, ḿ, ń, f]
n2 = simpleG n2Path 5
n2Path = P [mA (0,0), lR (0,5), sR (3,0) (5,-0.5), mA (5,0), lR (0,5)]
n4 = simpleG n4Path 5
n4Path = P [mA (1.5,0), lR (0,5), sR (-1.5,-3) (-1.5,-5), lR (5,0), lR (0,5)]
n5 = simpleG n5Path 4
n5Path = P [mA (0,5), lR (0,-3.5), aR 1.5 1.5 0 Small CW (1.5,-1.5),
lR (1,0), aR 1.5 1.5 0 Small CW (1.5,1.5), lR (0,3.5)]
wave :: Glyph
wave = simpleG wavePath 4
ellipsis :: Glyph
ellipsis = simpleG (shiftX 3.5 wavePath) 6
wavePath = P [mA (0,2.5), cR (1.5,-2) (2.5,2) (4,0)]