module Svg (module Svg, Text, pack, module Graphics.Svg, module Control.Monad.Reader, module Control.Monad.State) where import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.State import qualified Graphics.Svg as Base import Graphics.Svg hiding (mA, mR, lA, lR, cA, cR, sA, sR, aA, aR, qA, qR) import Data.Text (Text, pack) data Env = E {width, size, stroke :: !Double, color :: !Text} data St = S {x, y, textWidth, textHeight :: !Double, firstOnLine :: Bool} -- nb textHeight is one lineheight less than the actual height -- unless ending with a 'newline' type M = ReaderT Env (State St) type Point = (Double, Double) mA :: Point -> M Text mA (x', y') = ReaderT \E {size} -> gets \S {x, y} -> Base.mA (x + x' * size) (y + y' * size) mR :: Point -> M Text mR (x', y') = reader \E {size} -> Base.mR (x' * size) (y' * size) lA :: Point -> M Text lA (x', y') = ReaderT \E {size} -> gets \S {x, y} -> Base.lA (x + x' * size) (y + y' * size) lR :: Point -> M Text lR (x', y') = reader \E {size} -> Base.lR (x' * size) (y' * size) sA :: Point -> Point -> M Text sA (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = ReaderT \E {size} -> gets \S {x, y} -> Base.sA (x + x1 * size) (y + y1 * size) (x + x2 * size) (y + y2 * size) sR :: Point -> Point -> M Text sR (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = reader \E {size} -> Base.sR (x1 * size) (y1 * size) (x2 * size) (y2 * size) cA :: Point -> Point -> Point -> M Text cA (x1, y1) (x2, y2) (x3, y3) = ReaderT \E {size} -> gets \S {x, y} -> Base.cA (x + x1 * size) (y + y1 * size) (x + x2 * size) (y + y2 * size) (x + x3 * size) (y + y3 * size) <> " " -- lmao cR :: Point -> Point -> Point -> M Text cR (x1, y1) (x2, y2) (x3, y3) = reader \E {size} -> Base.cR (x1 * size) (y1 * size) (x2 * size) (y2 * size) (x3 * size) (y3 * size) <> " " -- lmao qA :: Point -> Point -> M Text qA (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = reader \E {size} -> Base.qA (x1 * size) (y1 * size) (x2 * size) (y2 * size) qR :: Point -> Point -> M Text qR (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = reader \E {size} -> Base.qR (x1 * size) (y1 * size) (x2 * size) (y2 * size) data Arc = Large | Small data Sweep = CW | CCW arcToFlag :: Num a => Arc -> a arcToFlag = \case Large -> 1; Small -> 0 sweepToFlag :: Num a => Sweep -> a sweepToFlag = \case CW -> 1; CCW -> 0 aA :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Arc -> Sweep -> Point -> M Text aA rx ry θ arc sweep (x', y') = ReaderT \E {size} -> gets \S {x, y} -> Base.aA (rx * size) (ry * size) θ (arcToFlag arc) (sweepToFlag sweep) (x + x' * size) (y + y' * size) aR :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Arc -> Sweep -> Point -> M Text aR rx ry θ arc sweep (x', y') = reader \E {size} -> Base.aR (rx * size) (ry * size) θ (arcToFlag arc) (sweepToFlag sweep) (x' * size) (y' * size) ellipseX :: (Point -> M Text) -> Double -> Double -> Point -> [M Text] ellipseX mX rx ry (x', y') = [mX (x' - rx, y'), aR rx ry 0 Large CW (0,0.0001), pure z] ellipseR, ellipseA :: Double -> Double -> Point -> [M Text] ellipseR = ellipseX mR ellipseA = ellipseX mA circR :: Double -> Point -> [M Text] circR r = ellipseR r r circA :: Double -> Point -> [M Text] circA r = ellipseA r r shiftX :: Double -> St -> St shiftX dx s@(S {x}) = s {x = x + dx} shiftY :: Double -> St -> St shiftY dy s@(S {y}) = s {y = y + dy} shift :: (Double, Double) -> St -> St shift (dx, dy) = shiftX dx . shiftY dy