--- title: back on my bullshit ...
What happens if Ancient Greek, Latin, and Welsh are mashed together by someone who doesn't know any of them? A big mess is what.
# Phonology ## Vowels
| | Front | Mid | Back | |-----:|:-------------:|:-------------:|:-------------:| | High | #(i) #/i, iː/ | | #(u) #/u, uː/ | | Mid | #(e) #/ɛ, eː/ | #(ə) #/ə, ɘː/ | #(o) #/ɔ, oː/ | | Low | #(a) #/aː/ | #(a) #/ä/ | |
* The allowed diphthongs #/ai̯ au̯ ei̯ eu̯ oi̯ ou̯ ui̯/. They are written as their two component vowels. * Length and stress are indicated [using diacritics]{#dia}: * stressed short vowels with an acute accent (#(á)); * unstressed long vowels with a macron (#(ā)); * stressed long vowels with a circumflex (#(â)). Diphthongs have the diacritic on the first letter. Stress isn't indicated on monosyllabic words, unless inflections are added which cause the word to become multisyllabic. ### Umlaut At certain times, either the last vowel, or all vowels in some words, will undergo *i*-umlaut, where they will move closer to #[i]. This process is reflected in the spelling of affected forms. Vowels move one step along the following graphs:
* \#(e → i) * \#(o, ə, a → e) * \#(u → y)
* \#(ei → i) * \#(eu, oi, ai → ei) * \#(ou → eu) * \#(au → ai)
Forms which cause umlaut of the last vowel are marked with a †; forms causing umlaut of the whole words are marked ‡. Only some words are affected by umlaut; those which do are also marked with †. ### Stress Stress is unpredictable and is indicated with diacritics (see [above](#dia)). Monosyllabic words are unmarked for stress, but when inflections are added which give them more than one syllable, those forms of the word *are* marked. Most affixes don't affect the stress; those which do are pointed out. Compound words have the primary stress on the last root. ## Consonants | | Labial | Coronal | Dorsal | |----------:|:-------------:|:-------------:|:-------------:| | Plosive | #(p b) #/p b/ | #(t d) #/t d/ | #(k g) #/k ɡ/ | | Fricative | #(f) #/f/ | #(s) #/s/ | #(h) #/χ/ | | Nasal | #(m) #/m/ | #(n) #/n/ | | | Lateral | | #(l) #/l/ | | | Flap | | #(r) #/ɾ/ | | | Semivowel | #(w) #/w/ | | #(y) #/j/ | ### Allophones
* \#(s → ʃ / \_{C,#}) * \#(s → z / {b, g}\_,  \_{b, g, d}) * \#(ɾ → ʃ / t\_) * \#(ɾ → ʒ / d\_) * \#(χ → ç / \_{i, iː, ɛ, eː}) * \#(l → ɬ / #\_, \_#) * \#(ɾ → ɾ̥ / #\_, \_#) * \#(N → m / \_p, etc) * \#({b, d, g} → {p, t, k} / \_#) * \#({p, t, k} → {pʰ, tʰ, kʰ} / #\_V, V\_V) * \#(· → ɦ / V_V)
## Syllable structure ```ebnf word = {syll}+. syll = [onset], nucleus, [coda]. onset = consonant | ['s'], (plosive | fricative | 'm'), ['ɾ' | 'l'] | ('p' | 'k'), 's' | ('t' | 'd' | 'k' | 'ɡ'), 'm' | ('p' | 'b' | 'k' | 'ɡ'), 'n'. medial = ([glide], vowel) - ('yi' | 'wu'). coda = consonant | 'm', ('p' | 'b') | 'n', ('t' | 'd' | 'k' | 'ɡ') | ('s' | 'l' | 'r'), plosive | plosive, 's'. ``` # Morphology ## Nouns * cases: #!NOM!; #!ACC!; #!LOC!; #!ALL!; #!ABL!; #!VOC! * numbers: * \#!SG!: numbers ending in 1 other than 11; 0 * \#!DU!: numbers ending in 2 other than 12 * \#!PL!: otherwise * genders: animate #!(ANI)!, inanimate #!(INA)!, and mixed #!(MIX)! - \#!MIX! words inflect themselves like #!ANI! - \#!MIX! agreement: like #!ANI! in #!NOM!, #!ACC!, #!VOC!, otherwise like #!INA! * adjectives & def art agree with head noun
- «nyā» cat #!ANI! - «éwe»† child #!ANI! - «hwêha» road #!INA! - «kyeséi» kobold #!ANI! - «búses»† sky #!MIX!
# Declension I Words ending in a short «e», «ə», or «a», indicated as «V» in the following table. - The illicit sequence «-əi-» becomes «-ei-», and «-ii-» becomes «-i-». - If the penultimate syllable of the stem is short and stressed, and the ending begins with a long vowel, then the stress is moved to that long vowel.
| | #!ANI.SG! | #!ANI.DU! | #!ANI.PL! | #!INA.SG! | #!INA.DU! | #!INA.PL! | |-------:|:---------:|:---------:|:---------:|:---------:|:---------:|:---------:| | #!NOM! | #(--V) | #(--V̄g) | #(--Vn)‡ | #(--V) | #(--V̄g) | #(--V̄)‡ | | #!ACC! | #(--o) | #(--of) | #(--ī)‡ | #(--V̄) | #(--V̄f) | #(--ī)‡ | | #!LOC! | #(--Vd) | #(--Vds) | #(--Vid)‡ | #(--Vd) | #(--Vid) | #(--Vid)‡ | | #!ALL! | #(--Vls) | #(--Vlg) | #(--Vks)‡ | #(--Vl) | #(--V̄ks) | #(--V̄ks)‡ | | #!ABL! | #(--V̄st) | #(--V̄sk) | #(--V̄d)‡ | #(--V̄st) | #(--V̄d) | #(--V̄d)‡ | | #!VOC! | #(--Vi) | #(--Vig) | #(--Vin)‡ | #(--V) | #(--V̄g) | #(--V̄)‡ |
| | #!SG! | #!DU! | #!PL! | |-------:|:---------:|:---------:|:----------:| | #!NOM! | #(éw·e) | #(ew·êg) | #(í·win)‡ | | #!ACC! | #(éw·o) | #(éw·of) | #(i·wî)‡ | | #!LOC! | #(éw·ed) | #(éw·eds) | #(í·wid)‡ | | #!ALL! | #(éw·els) | #(éw·elg) | #(í·wīks)‡ | | #!ABL! | #(ew·êst) | #(ew·êsk) | #(i·wîd)‡ | | #!VOC! | #(éw·ei) | #(ew·êig) | #(í·win)‡ | | | #!SG! | #!DU! | #!PL! | |-------:|:-----------:|:-----------:|:-----------:| | #!NOM! | #(hwêh·a) | #(hwêh·āg) | #(hwêh·ā) | | #!ACC! | #(hwêh·ā) | #(hwêh·āf) | #(hwêh·ī) | | #!LOC! | #(hwêh·ad) | #(hwêh·aid) | #(hwêh·aid) | | #!ALL! | #(hwêh·als) | #(hwêh·āks) | #(hwêh·āks) | | #!ABL! | #(hwêh·āst) | #(hwêh·ād) | #(hwêh·ād) | | #!VOC! | #(hwêh·a) | #(hwêh·āg) | #(hwêh·ā) |
# Declension II Words ending in a long vowel or diphthong. - Endings are the same for animate and inanimate. - Second declension nouns never experience umlaut. - If the stem ends in a front vowel «ē ī» or a diphthong ending in «i», then «ᴇ» denotes «e»; otherwise, «ə».
| | #!SG! | #!DU! | #!PL! | |-------:|:------:|:-------:|:-------:| | #!NOM! | #(--) | #(--k) | #(--n) | | #!ACC! | #(--) | #(--k) | #(--n) | | #!LOC! | #(--t) | #(--yᴇ) | #(--d) | | #!ALL! | #(--s) | #(--rᴇ) | #(--yᴇ) | | #!ABL! | #(--s) | #(--h) | #(--d) | | #!VOC! | #(--) | #(--k) | #(--n) |
| | #!SG! | #!DU! | #!PL! | |-------:|:-----------:|:------------:|:------------:| | #!NOM! | #(kyeséi) | #(kyeséi·k) | #(kyeséi·n) | | #!ACC! | #(kyeséi) | #(kyeséi·k) | #(kyeséi·n) | | #!LOC! | #(kyeséi·t) | #(kyeséi·ye) | #(kyeséi·d) | | #!ALL! | #(kyeséi·s) | #(kyeséi·re) | #(kyeséi·ye) | | #!ABL! | #(kyeséi·s) | #(kyeséi·h) | #(kyeséi·d) | | #!VOC! | #(kyeséi) | #(kyeséi·k) | #(kyeséi·n) | | | #!SG! | #!DU! | #!PL! | |-------:|:--------:|:---------:|:---------:| | #!NOM! | #(nyā) | #(nyā·k) | #(nyā·n) | | #!ACC! | #(nyā) | #(nyā·k) | #(nyā·n) | | #!LOC! | #(nyā·t) | #(nyâ·yə) | #(nyā·d) | | #!ALL! | #(nyā·s) | #(nyâ·rə) | #(nyâ·yə) | | #!ABL! | #(nyā·s) | #(nyā·h) | #(nyā·d) | | #!VOC! | #(nyā) | #(nyā·k) | #(nyā·n) |
# Declension III Words ending in a short vowel followed by «s». - The illicit sequence «-əi» becomes «-ei», and «-ii» becomes «-i». - For these words the dual is the same as the plural. - Unlike in the first declension, the stress doesn't move.
| | #!SG! | #!DU!/#!PL! | |-------:|:--------:|:-----------:| | #!NOM! | #(--Vs) | #(--V̄) | | #!ACC! | #(--Vi)† | #(--V̄s) | | #!LOC! | #(--Vnt) | #(--Vnī)‡ | | #!ALL! | #(--Vns) | #(--Vsi)† | | #!ABL! | #(--Vks) | #(--Vgos) | | #!VOC! | #(--V) | #(--V̄) |
| | #!SG! | #!DU!/#!PL! | |-------:|:---------:|:-----------:| | #!NOM! | #(búses) | #(búsē) | | #!ACC! | #(búsi)† | #(búsēs) | | #!LOC! | #(búsent) | #(bísinī) | | #!ALL! | #(búsens) | #(búsisi) | | #!ABL! | #(búseks) | #(búsegos) | | #!VOC! | #(búse) | #(búsē) |