WIP: new improved lántas script #1
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@ -3,13 +3,23 @@ module GlyphsBase (module GlyphsBase, module Svg) where
import Svg hiding (shiftX, shiftY, shift, width, size)
import Svg hiding (shiftX, shiftY, shift, width, size)
import qualified Svg
import qualified Svg
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Prelude hiding (Word)
import Data.Semigroup (sconcat)
import Data.Foldable
import Numeric
import Numeric
import Prelude hiding (Word)
import Prelude hiding (Word)
data Glyph = G {path :: Segs, width :: Double}
data Glyph = G {path :: Segs, size :: SizeInfo}
data SizeInfo = SI {
width :: Double, -- ^ total width
right :: Double, -- ^ attachment point for e.g. a
center :: Double -- ^ attachment point for e.g. á
simpleG :: Segs -> Double -> Glyph
simpleG path width =
G {path, size = SI {width, right = width, center = width/2}}
-- | base amounts
-- | base amounts
charHeight', lineHeight', spaceWidth', gap' :: Double
charHeight', lineHeight', spaceWidth', gap' :: Double
@ -74,23 +84,39 @@ run m e@(E {size}) =
textWidth = 0, textHeight = 0, firstOnLine = True}
textWidth = 0, textHeight = 0, firstOnLine = True}
type EGlyph = (Glyph, [Segs])
type Word = [EGlyph]
type Word = [EGlyph]
type EGlyph = (Glyph, [Diacritic])
type Diacritic' a = SizeInfo -> (Segs, a)
type Diacritic = Diacritic' Double
simpleDia :: Segs -> Diacritic
simpleDia ss (SI {width}) = (ss, width)
doGlyphs :: [Word] -> Env -> Element
doGlyphs :: [Word] -> Env -> Element
doGlyphs gs e = wrap $ run act e where
doGlyphs gs e = wrap $ run act e where
act = do
act = do
E {stroke, color} <- ask
E {stroke, color} <- ask
let gattrs = [Stroke_ <<- color, Stroke_width_ <<- toPx stroke,
let gattrs = [Stroke_ <<- color, Stroke_width_ <<- toPx stroke,
Stroke_linecap_ <<- "round", Fill_ <<- "none"]
Stroke_linecap_ <<- "round", Stroke_linejoin_ <<- "round",
Fill_ <<- "none"]
g_ gattrs . mconcat <$> traverse placeWord gs <* newline
g_ gattrs . mconcat <$> traverse placeWord gs <* newline
wrap (content, T {width, height}) =
wrap (content, T {width, height}) =
let sattrs = [Height_ <<- toPx height, Width_ <<- toPx width] in
let sattrs = [Height_ <<- toPx height, Width_ <<- toPx width] in
doctype <> svg11_ content `with` sattrs
doctype <> svg11_ content `with` sattrs
liftDia :: Diacritic -> Diacritic' SizeInfo
liftDia f sz = let (x, w) = f sz in (x, sz {width = w} :: SizeInfo)
glyphWidth :: EGlyph -> M Double
glyphWidth :: EGlyph -> M Double
glyphWidth (G {width}, _) = (+) <$> withSize (* width) <*> gap
glyphWidth (G {size}, ss) =
let SI {width} = foldl (\x f -> snd $ liftDia f x) size ss in
(+) <$> withSize (* width) <*> gap
totalWidth :: Double -> M Double
totalWidth width = (+) <$> withSize (* width) <*> gap
wordWidth :: Word -> M Double
wordWidth :: Word -> M Double
wordWidth = fmap sum . traverse glyphWidth
wordWidth = fmap sum . traverse glyphWidth
@ -110,11 +136,17 @@ placeWord w = do
pure e
pure e
placeGlyph :: EGlyph -> M Element
placeGlyph :: EGlyph -> M Element
placeGlyph g@(G {path = path1}, segss) = do
placeGlyph (G {path = path1, size}, dias) = do
gwidth <- glyphWidth g
let (segs', width') = placeDias size dias
path' <- joinSegs $ sconcat (path1 :| segss)
path <- joinSegs $ path1 <> segs'
modify \s@(S {x}) -> s {x = x + gwidth}
width <- totalWidth width'
pure $ path_ [D_ <<- path']
modify \s@(S {x}) -> s {x = x + width}
pure $ path_ [D_ <<- path]
placeDias :: SizeInfo -> [Diacritic] -> (Segs, Double)
placeDias sz =
unlift . flip runState sz . fmap fold . traverse (state . liftDia)
where unlift (x, SI {width}) = (x, width)
newline :: M ()
newline :: M ()
newline = do
newline = do
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ maxFrom name i = longestWith name \x -> Map.lookup x i
initial :: P Glyph
initial :: P Glyph
initial = maxFrom "initial" initials
initial = maxFrom "initial" initials
medial :: P Segs
medial :: P [Diacritic]
medial = P [] <$ chunk "\\" <|> maxFrom "medial" medials
medial = [] <$ chunk "\\" <|> maxFrom "medial" medials
final :: P Glyph
final :: P Glyph
final = maxFrom "final" finals
final = maxFrom "final" finals
@ -38,29 +38,29 @@ final = maxFrom "final" finals
ivowel :: P Glyph
ivowel :: P Glyph
ivowel = maxFrom "vowel" vowels
ivowel = maxFrom "vowel" vowels
word :: P [Piece]
word :: P [EGlyph]
word = [is <> f <> concat p | is <- some initMed, f <- fin, p <- many punct]
word = [is <> f <> concat p | is <- some initMed, f <- fin, p <- many punct]
initMed = try $
initMed = try $
[(i, [m]) | i <- initial, m <- medial] <|>
(,) <$> initial <*> medial <|>
[(v, []) | v <- ivowel] <|>
[(v, []) | v <- ivowel] <|>
fin = maybe [] (\x -> [(x, [])]) <$> optional final
fin = maybe [] (\x -> [(x, [])]) <$> optional final
number :: P [Piece]
number :: P [EGlyph]
number = some (digit <|> hash) where
number = some (digit <|> hash) where
hash = (num, []) <$ chunk "#"
hash = (num, []) <$ chunk "#"
digit = [(numbers ! Char.digitToInt i, []) | i <- digitChar]
digit = [(numbers ! Char.digitToInt i, []) | i <- digitChar]
punct :: P [Piece]
punct :: P [EGlyph]
punct = [[(p, [])] | p <- maxFrom "punctuation" punctuation] <* space
punct = [[(p, [])] | p <- maxFrom "punctuation" punctuation] <* space
dash :: P Piece
dash :: P EGlyph
dash = (wave, []) <$ chunk "–"
dash = (wave, []) <$ chunk "–"
text :: P [[Piece]]
text :: P [[EGlyph]]
text = space *> many (segment <* space) <* eof where
text = space *> many (segment <* space) <* eof where
segment = punct <|> number <|> word
segment = punct <|> number <|> word
split :: Text -> [[Piece]]
split :: Text -> [[EGlyph]]
split = either (error . errorBundlePretty) id . parse text ""
split = either (error . errorBundlePretty) id . parse text ""
@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ where
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Graphics.Svg as Base
import qualified Graphics.Svg as Base
import Graphics.Svg hiding (mA, mR, lA, lR, cA, cR, sA, sR, aA, aR)
import Graphics.Svg
hiding (mA, mR, lA, lR, cA, cR, sA, sR, aA, aR, qA, qR, tA, tR)
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
@ -66,6 +67,28 @@ cR (x1, y1) (x2, y2) (x3, y3) =
(x3 * size) (y3 * size)
(x3 * size) (y3 * size)
<> " " -- lmao
<> " " -- lmao
qA :: Point -> Point -> M Text
qA (x1, y1) (x2, y2) =
reader \E {size} ->
Base.qA (x1 * size) (y1 * size)
(x2 * size) (y2 * size)
qR :: Point -> Point -> M Text
qR (x1, y1) (x2, y2) =
reader \E {size} ->
Base.qR (x1 * size) (y1 * size)
(x2 * size) (y2 * size)
tA :: Point -> M Text
tA (x1, y1) =
reader \E {size} ->
Base.tA (x1 * size) (y1 * size)
tR :: Point -> M Text
tR (x1, y1) =
reader \E {size} ->
Base.tR (x1 * size) (y1 * size)
data Arc = Large | Small
data Arc = Large | Small
data Sweep = CW | CCW
data Sweep = CW | CCW
@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ executable laantas-script
base ^>=,
base ^>=,
containers ^>=,
containers ^>=,
@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ In other cases, vowels are attached to the letter for the previous consonant.
The basic consonant shapes are:
The basic consonant shapes are:
`{!t\}` `{!k\}` `{!g\}` `{!d\}` `{!ƶ\}` `{!p\}` `{!b\}`
`{!ta}` `{!ka}` `{!ga}` `{!da}` `{!ƶa}` `{!pa}` `{!ba}`
`{!s\}` `{!š\}` `{!l\}` `{!m\}` `{!n\}` `{!č\}` `{!ǧ\}`
`{!sa}` `{!ša}` `{!la}` `{!ma}` `{!na}` `{!ča}` `{!ǧa}`
`{!w\}` `{!h\}` `{!f\}` `{!j\}` `{!r\}`
`{!wa}` `{!ha}` `{!fa}` `{!ja}` `{!ra}`
Clusters are written with a single glyph called a 'conjunct'. These aren't
Clusters are written with a single glyph called a 'conjunct'. These aren't
@ -61,54 +61,54 @@ surprising.
::: {.letter-list #conj-t}
::: {.letter-list #conj-t}
`{!tt\}` `{!tk\}` `{!tg\}` `{!td\}` `{!tƶ\}` `{!tp\}` `{!tb\}` `{!ts\}`
`{!tta}` `{!tka}` `{!tga}` `{!tda}` `{!tƶa}` `{!tpa}` `{!tba}` `{!tsa}`
`{!tš\}` `{!tl\}` `{!tm\}` `{!tn\}` `{!tr\}` `{!tč\}` `{!tǧ\}` `{!tw\}`
`{!tla}` `{!tma}` `{!tna}` `{!tra}` `{!tča}` `{!tǧa}` `{!twa}` `{!tha}`
`{!th\}` `{!tf\}` `{!tj\}`
`{!tfa}` `{!tja}`
::: {.letter-list #conj-ƶ}
::: {.letter-list #conj-ƶ}
`{!ƶt\}` `{!ƶk\}` `{!ƶg\}` `{!ƶd\}` `{!ƶƶ\}` `{!ƶp\}` `{!ƶb\}` `{!ƶs\}`
`{!ƶta}` `{!ƶka}` `{!ƶga}` `{!ƶda}` `{!ƶƶa}` `{!ƶpa}` `{!ƶba}` `{!ƶsa}`
`{!ƶš\}` `{!ƶl\}` `{!ƶm\}` `{!ƶn\}` `{!ƶr\}` `{!ƶč\}` `{!ƶǧ\}` `{!ƶw\}`
`{!ƶla}` `{!ƶma}` `{!ƶna}` `{!ƶra}` `{!ƶča}` `{!ƶǧa}` `{!ƶwa}` `{!ƶha}`
`{!ƶh\}` `{!ƶf\}` `{!ƶj\}`
`{!ƶfa}` `{!ƶja}`
::: {.letter-list #conj-s}
::: {.letter-list #conj-s}
`{!st\}` `{!sk\}` `{!sg\}` `{!sd\}` `{!sƶ\}` `{!sp\}` `{!sb\}` `{!ss\}`
`{!sta}` `{!ska}` `{!sga}` `{!sda}` `{!sƶa}` `{!spa}` `{!sba}` `{!ssa}`
`{!sš\}` `{!sl\}` `{!sm\}` `{!sn\}` `{!sr\}` `{!sč\}` `{!sǧ\}` `{!sw\}`
`{!sla}` `{!sma}` `{!sna}` `{!sra}` `{!sča}` `{!sǧa}` `{!swa}` `{!sha}`
`{!sh\}` `{!sf\}` `{!sj\}` `{!šš\}`
`{!sfa}` `{!sja}` `{!šša}`
Conjuncts with `{!š\}` are the same as with `{!s\}`, but with the line above. In
Conjuncts with `{!ša}` are the same as with `{!sa}`, but with the line above. In
the case of `{!šš\}` the lines join up.
the case of `{!šša}` the lines join up.
::: {.letter-list #conj-l}
::: {.letter-list #conj-l}
`{!lt\}` `{!lk\}` `{!lg\}` `{!ld\}` `{!lƶ\}` `{!lp\}` `{!lb\}` `{!ls\}`
`{!lta}` `{!lka}` `{!lga}` `{!lda}` `{!lƶa}` `{!lpa}` `{!lba}` `{!lsa}`
`{!lš\}` `{!ll\}` `{!lm\}` `{!ln\}` `{!lr\}` `{!lč\}` `{!lǧ\}` `{!lw\}`
`{!lla}` `{!lma}` `{!lna}` `{!lra}` `{!lča}` `{!lǧa}` `{!lwa}` `{!lha}`
`{!lh\}` `{!lf\}` `{!lj\}`
`{!lfa}` `{!lja}`
::: {.letter-list #conj-m}
::: {.letter-list #conj-m}
`{!mt\}` `{!mk\}` `{!mg\}` `{!md\}` `{!mƶ\}` `{!mp\}` `{!mb\}` `{!ms\}`
`{!mta}` `{!mka}` `{!mga}` `{!mda}` `{!mƶa}` `{!mpa}` `{!mba}` `{!msa}`
`{!mš\}` `{!ml\}` `{!mm\}` `{!mn\}` `{!mr\}` `{!mč\}` `{!mǧ\}` `{!mw\}`
`{!mla}` `{!mma}` `{!mna}` `{!mra}` `{!mča}` `{!mǧa}` `{!mwa}` `{!mha}`
`{!mh\}` `{!mf\}` `{!mj\}`
`{!mfa}` `{!mja}`
::: {.letter-list #conj-n}
::: {.letter-list #conj-n}
`{!nt\}` `{!nk\}` `{!ng\}` `{!nd\}` `{!nƶ\}` `{!np\}` `{!nb\}` `{!ns\}`
`{!nta}` `{!nka}` `{!nga}` `{!nda}` `{!nƶa}` `{!npa}` `{!nba}` `{!nsa}`
`{!nš\}` `{!nl\}` `{!nm\}` `{!nn\}` `{!nr\}` `{!nč\}` `{!nǧ\}` `{!nw\}`
`{!nla}` `{!nma}` `{!nna}` `{!nra}` `{!nča}` `{!nǧa}` `{!nwa}` `{!nha}`
`{!nh\}` `{!nf\}` `{!nj\}`
`{!nfa}` `{!nja}`
::: {.letter-list #conj-r}
::: {.letter-list #conj-r}
`{!rt\}` `{!rk\}` `{!rg\}` `{!rd\}` `{!rƶ\}` `{!rp\}` `{!rb\}` `{!rs\}`
`{!rta}` `{!rka}` `{!rga}` `{!rda}` `{!rƶa}` `{!rpa}` `{!rba}` `{!rsa}`
`{!rš\}` `{!rl\}` `{!rm\}` `{!rn\}` `{!rr\}` `{!rč\}` `{!rǧ\}` `{!rw\}`
`{!rla}` `{!rma}` `{!rna}` `{!rra}` `{!rča}` `{!rǧa}` `{!rwa}` `{!rha}`
`{!rh\}` `{!rf\}` `{!rj\}`
`{!rfa}` `{!rja}`
::: {.letter-list #conj-o}
::: {.letter-list #conj-o}
`{!kk\}` `{!ks\}` `{!pp\}` `{!ps\}` `{!pj\}`
`{!kka}` `{!ksa}` `{!ppa}` `{!psa}` `{!pja}`
`{!bj\}` `{!čs\}` `{!čč\}` `{!hh\}`
`{!bja}` `{!čsa}` `{!čča}` `{!hha}`
`{!hn\}` `{!hm\}` `{!fn\}` `{!fm\}`
`{!hna}` `{!hma}` `{!fna}` `{!fma}`
If a word ends in a consnant, a horizontal line is drawn under it to specify
If a word ends in a consnant, a horizontal line is drawn under it to specify
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