WIP: new improved lántas script #1

rhi wants to merge 13 commits from new-glyphs into main
Showing only changes of commit 8e2f92a8b6 - Show all commits

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@ -82,7 +82,8 @@ doGlyphs gs e = wrap $ run act e where
act = do
E {stroke, color} <- ask
let gattrs = [Stroke_ <<- color, Stroke_width_ <<- toPx stroke,
Stroke_linecap_ <<- "round", Fill_ <<- "none"]
Stroke_linecap_ <<- "round", Stroke_linejoin_ <<- "round",
Fill_ <<- "none"]
g_ gattrs . mconcat <$> traverse placeWord gs <* newline
wrap (content, T {width, height}) =
let sattrs = [Height_ <<- toPx height, Width_ <<- toPx width] in